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Harry Potter - Maurader's Era (Roxy and Rangu) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:58 am
This has been deemed a literate Harry Potter rp based in the Marauder’s Era. The story begins with four characters boarding the Hogwarts Express at Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

The Characters that are used in the roleplay will be shown here according to appearance. I have also colorcoded the chart to show when you see the color, what it means. And hopefully, after we get far enough, a synopsis. This rp is between Roxy and Rangu, which by no means may you take this rp and call it your own.

Rangu's Characters:
Sirius Black (Indigo)
James Potter (Brown)
Remus Lupin (Olive)
Two or More: Cyan

Roxy's Characters:
Claire Ramesy (OC) (Orchid)
Lily Evans (Orange)
Stephine (OC) (Indigo)
Two or More: SkyBlue

There are currently Three Chapters.

Chapter One Synopsis:

Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Claire Ramesy, and Lily Evans all boarded the Hogwarts train with many other students. They said their goodbyes to their loved ones for the last time, since it is their seventh year, and some noticed that they still had unresolved problems from the previous year. Seventh. Their final year. On the train, they had few conversations while different thoughts plagued their minds. Claire's unrequited love for Sirius, Lily and James' inability to communicate their feelings correctly without screwing up somehow, and Remus who was still not quite over Claire since they broke it off. Now, they all have questions of the future condemning their thoughts.

Disclaimer: We do not in any way shape or form, own Harry Potter. (Original Characters (OC) are ours though.)

Chapter One: Train for the Unrequited
PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:42 am
Claire made her way through the barrier into Platform 9 3/4 with her parents right behind her. Her mother was already tearing up.

"Now I want you to have a wonderful final year at Hogwarts.. I love you sweety" She cried. Claire smiled sweetly at her but inwardly rolled her eyes. Her mother was like this every year, and even though this was the seventh year, it was still no exception. She gave her mother one final hug, then turned to her father. He had a very different expression on his face.

"Now Claire, I don't want you going all boy crazy on us like last year. I don't want you distracted from your exams." He said sternly. "Daddy, ill be fine this year." She spoke as she gave him a hug.

Claire turned away and made it onto the train. She waved sweetly at those people she recognized from either her house or classes. This made her very excited to meet up with her friends on the train, and egar to start their final year together. She dragged her luggage down the crowded corridor and made it to an empty car. She pushed her trunk under the seat and sat down against the window. She bagan playing with the long strands of hair that dangled infron of her face. She looked up as a red headed girl hussled into the car. "Lily!" She squeeled with excitement.

"Claire!" She said as she ran in to give her friend a hug. "Oh, its been so long. How was your summer?" She said with entusiasm. She sat down next to her and began to listen to her story about her summer. They began trading stories as they waited for others to join them in thier car of the Hogwarts express.



PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:41 am
“Finally!” Sirius Black said, running through the wall that led to Platform One and three-quarters. He was a seventeen year old boy wearing muggle attire as to blend into the muggle world. Even though he tried hard, he still got weird looks from passengers boarding their own trains. He walked forward, stopping to turn to face the wall. Mere seconds after Sirius had walked through, James Potter, another seventeen year old and Sirius’ best friend emerged from the gate. He was even worse than Sirius; he had dressed like a Halloween costume. Sirius had burst out laughing as soon as he saw him. He led his cart with James over to the train. He smiled automatically at some giggling girls and looked at the windows, trying to decide which car to enter.

James was doing the same. He suddenly pointed at a window. “There, it’s Lily and Claire.” Sirius had accidentally looked too quickly at the window at the mention of Claire’s name. He tried to pass it off by sneezing, but James wasn’t even looking at Sirius anymore. He could only watch the two girls talking. He waved, but before he got to see if she waved back, was distracted.

James’ parents were, as always, kind hearted. They were there to see both James and Sirius off at the platform. “Do you have everything?” James’ father said, “If you have, now is the time to say so. I can still go there and get back here.” James smiled at his father, Sirius did as well.

“No, I think that we have everything, Dad.” James replied, glancing at his mother. She was calm compared to the many crying mothers. Most of the mothers were of children making their way to Hogwarts for the first time. “Thank you for letting me spend summer over at your house again, Mr. And Mrs. Potter.” Sirius said, genuinely grinning. “Nevermind that.” Mrs. Potter said. “I’m going to miss you and James. I don’t what I’ll do without something to look forward to. I already miss our tea times.” Sirius laughed, typical Mrs. Potter.

They clambered onto the train, carrying their trunks with magic. They entered the car, Sirius first, then James. Lupin wasn’t going to be seen for quite a while. He was head boy and had to sit with the other houses’. Peter normally sat in his own car, leaving Sirius and James unburdened. Sirius and James quickly placed their trunks underneath their seats. James took his position next to Lily, Sirius next to Claire.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:52 pm
"Guess who I saw just outside." Lily said in a teasing way. She knew that Claire would be very happy once she told who it was. Although, she was pretty sure that Claire would be able to guess. She then tried to scan the crowd again for someone else. She smiled to herself once she saw the person next to Sirius. She turned her head as Claire kept pleading Lily to tell. "Sirius Black." She said with a smile.

Claire may as well just melt to the floor. She couldn't wait to see him after such a long summer. James, too. This was there final year at Hogwarts and she wanted them to have their best year together. Sirius was her best friend. In some ways, she liked him more than Lily. The only thing was that she wasn't the only one that liked Sirius. She always had to stand by and watch him date other girls. Alot of girls.

As Lily saw Sirius sit next to Claire, she couldn't help but giggle and roll her eyes. She knew how Claire felt about Sirius, but nothing ever changed. Since their second year, Claire would always crush on Sirius, but whould be to stubbern or nervous to admit it. Lily refused to get involved though. Besides, she had her own love life to worry about, or lack of. She smiled sweetly at James. It was obvious that he liked her but she didn't really know what to think about him. He was one of her best friends now, and thats what mattered to her now. "James, its so good to see you! How was your summer?" She asked sweetly.

Claire was extremely excited when Sirius walked in. "Sirius!" She said with joy. As soon as he sat down next to her, she gave him a short hug. However, when she detatched herself from him, she punched him in the arm. "Why haven't you written back? I wrote to you like four times?" She said with a stern look on her face. She wasn't too surprised though, this always happened. Except for some reason she was actually dissapointed that he didn't at least try to keep in touch. Claire then sighed. "Oh well, I quess that means that you just don't care about our friendship enough. So, for that, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this car." She said with sarcasm. She giggled after, knowing that Sirius could take the joke.



PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:16 am
Sirius glanced at Lily for a second before getting his arm punched by Claire. "What was that for!?" He said, rubbing his arm gently. Even though she didn't know it, she packed quite a punch. Sirius was still suspicious of Lily's giggles, but ignored it for now, turning his full attention onto Claire. He and Claire had been friends for ages. She was like his best friend, after James, of course. "Didn't I tell you last year?" He asked, trying to remember. "I've been staying at James' house for the last couple summers. I figured that if I hadn't, then Lily would have told you." He glanced over to her. Lily wasn't looking at him anymore. Both James and she were in a conversation. James had been looking at her ever since they came into the car. "I haven't been receiving any mail, Claire. Isn't that right James?" James was suddenly away that Sirius was there. He broke his stare to talk. "Yeah, he hasn't received anything for a while. Sorry, Claire." Sirius faced Claire again, laughing at her sarcasm. James turned back to Lily.

When James entered, he sat next to Lily. His gaze never faltered. He smiled at her, unconsciously running his hand through his jet black hair. "My summer was great. Sirius and I were doing a lot of things." He said, reminiscently. "I'm going to miss mum and dad when I have to leave." He mentioned, frowning slightly. "But, its not like I'm forbidden to go and see them, is it?" He said, smiling sweetly at her. "How about you? How was your summer, I remember you telling me some things in your mail." James and Lily had been corresponding with each other for a few summers now.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:32 pm
Lily was very interested in all that James had to say. She looked around the car and smiled. It was like the whole gang was back together, except for Remus of course, but he would probably not be seen very much. "My summer was amazing. I was with Claire for a bit of time. I took a train to go stay with her and her family for about a week, then she came to visit me. That wasn't as eventfull though. We did alot of shopping." She said with a smile. She tucked her strawberry-blonde hair behind her hair, and faced the group again.

Claire was a bit sorry that the punched him. She remembered him telling her about his family, and him going to live with James. "Right, sorry I forgot. I feel bad for my owl now, sending him on all those long trips." She giggled. She quickly glanced at Sirius and gave him one of her 'let me know if you need to talk' looks, then she too looked at the group now. She now directed this statement at everyone. "I'm so glad that it's our final year, but it's really sad in a way. I mean this is our final ride on the Hogwarts Express." She talked about this alot with Lily and it made both girls tear up whenever it was mentioned. "But I don't want this to be sad, I want this to be as fun and amazing as possible." She smiled at Lily, who was dabbing her eyes. Suddenly the train began to move, causing both girls to cry. They always got like this so it was to be expected.



PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:23 am
James was very interested in everything that Lily said as well. He watched her as she talked, he smiled and nodded in all the right places. He found himself stairing at her and was embarressed. He kept, unintentionally, looking away. James only hoped that she wouldn't think of this as, "He doesn't even like to look at me." That would be catistrofic. "Well, it sounds better than what Sirius and I went through." He said, laughing aloud. He turned to face both Claire and Sirius.

Sirius laughed his dog-like laugh. "Yeah, you should hear what we did in the village." James gave Sirius warning looks, Sirius didn't elaborate. He turned back to Claire, returning back to the owl comment. "You didn't put anything too... personal in your letters to me... did you?" Obviously he was talking about the very embarressing moment last year. sirius looked over the look, but subtly returned her look with one of his own. "Thanks, but I'm good."

At the sound of Claire's statement, Lily began to tear up. James placed his arm around Lily as the train began to move. "We should definately hang out more this year. We have to get Remus to do it more with us. He's always so busy with his assignments." Sirius said, excitedly. James grinned at Sirius, nodding his head in agreement. "I'm sure that we'll keep in touch, after the end of school, I mean." James said, patting Lily on the back. He really sucked at consoling women.

James and Sirius looked up with a knock on the cabin door. Sirius stood, while James still had his arm wrapped over Lily's sholder. It was the cart with candy and with the very kind woman that pushed it along the train's hall. "Oh good." Sirius said, "I'm starving."
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:35 pm
((Sorry sorry sorry for the delay!!!))

As soon as Claire and Lily collected themselves, they immediately looked at each other. They were both silently checking over the other's appearance to make sure nothing got messed up when they started crying. Lily notioned for Claire to redo her eye make-up, then they both returned to the group.

Lily felt a bit awkward underneith James' arm. It wasn't that she didn't want it there, it's just that he was so bad at it. I mean patting her back did nothing for her, but she merely let it pass once she decided that it was the thought that counted. She smiled at James and Sirius' statements to try and cheer the girls up, and they kinda worked. She decided to just give into it and began to relax herself against him, showing that she didn't really mind his arm. "This isn't an everyday thing," She warned him as began to enjoy herself.

Claire could tell that Lily was a tiny bit uncomfortable,and it made her giggle to herself as she looked in her small mirror to check her make-up. There was a part of her that wished that Sirius comforted her as well, but she knew that she would feel the exact same as Lily did. She refused to answer Sirius' question about her letters for a reason. She didn't want to say what she admitted to him in her letters because she deeply regretted saying them. She was actally releaved when she found out he never recieved them.

Once the trolly came by, Lily lifted herself up from her near perfect position to order herself some sweets. "May I please take 2 licorice wands, please." She called out to the lady in her sweet voice. As the lady went into her cart to pull out Lily's candys. Lily gave Sirius her sickels to give to the lady so that Lily didn't have to stand up entirely. Once she handed Sirius her money, she looked back at James and gave a slight smile.

This was Claire's favorite part about the train ride. She loved getting a buch of everything so that even if she didn't eat them all now she could save some for later. "May I please get 2 Pumpkin Pasties, a licorice wand, a chocolate frog, 2 packs of Bertie Botts and a Cauldron Cake." She spoke clearly, she was about to get out her money, when she quickly popped her head back up from her bag. "On second thought, may I get one more cauldron cake please!" She said quickly. It wasn't abnormal for her to order this much. One year she ordered enough sweets on the cart that lasted her till Christmas. She got out her many sickles to give to Sirius so he could hand it to the lady. "Thank you , Sirius." She said as she extended her money out towards him, much like Lily did.

((Lol. I know its kinda long, but I just wanted to make up for such a long wait. I am still very much into this role-play, its just that this past week I have been quite busy and everytime I would try and post I would have to stop in the middle, then eventually re-write what I had written probably 5 times.lol. Well, here ya go! biggrin ))



PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:49 am
The trolley had finally arrived; James had to shift around slightly. He had to decide on the spot to not use the arm that was around Lily to gather money through his pocket. James had a reason to place his arm over her, and now that he had it there, he wanted to keep it there. And Lily didn’t seem to mind much. After a minute of pulling out things, he had the money in his hand. “Thanks a bunch, Sirius. Could you get me a couple chocolate frogs?” He handed Sirius the money, and so did everyone else in the car. James watched Lily after Sirius turned from them. He wanted to say something sweet, or cool. He didn't quite know.

Sirius gathered all the money from everyone; he had to put it in both of his cupped hands. He turned all his attention on the woman and kindly told her what everyone wanted. He said his last, trying to sound kind. “Can I please get: three licorice wands, two packs of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, ten cauldron cakes, and twenty chocolate frogs, please.” Sirius counted off in his head. He quickly passed the lady the money. She had to give them to him one at a time; it seemed that her rheumatism was getting the better of her. He didn't show that he minded, and passed them out. When he moved to go back to his seat, he closed the door behind him, the lady already continuing on her way down the hall.

Sirius sat down and placed the frogs next to him. He laughed when he didn’t have everyone's orders to remember. “Clare, you'll never cease to amaze me. You’ll have to eat all of those before Christmas, you know. Remember last time?” He asked, opening a frog. “They were all stale; you’d think that magic would keep them fresh. Oh, well.” He cast a silent stunning spell at the frog before it jumped away. He stretched out a bit, thinking about home. “I wonder if Dad’s okay… he didn’t write me at all this summer.” He thought.

James placed his frogs in his lap, finally having to remove his arm from around Lily’s shoulders. He did so grudgingly.

After Sirius and James opened all of their frogs, they moved closer together to compare cards. They laughed when they started doing this. No matter how old they got, they never got bored of doing this. Sirius politely asked Claire to sit over with Lily.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:05 pm
As Claire recieved her food, she cursed herself for not getting more. She heard Sirius' critique and realized it was best that she didn't end up getting anything else. She took out a pumpkin pastie, tore it into fourths, and began to eat it. She put the rest carefulling an a bag, then placed all of her goodies into her purse. "How come you don't weigh 500 pounds? You get all that, eat the lot within a few days, and never gain a pound." She said to Sirius as she giggled. She watch him eat anything in his sight and he still had such a perfect physique.

Lily smiled at how much effor James was making to keep his arm around her. She was a bit releived when he finally removed his arm, not a whole lot though. She re adjusted herself as she began to chew on her licorice wand. SHe was a bit unsrttled to realize that he left her side for a chocolate frog. She folded her arms and huffed out loud.

Claire couldn't beleive that Sirius was asking her to move to talk to James about chocolate frog cards. She jokingly rolled her eyes and laughed it off, but was actually pretty irritated. They did this every year, but she just assumed that there may be something that would possible gain his attention. She and James switched places, then she sat next to Lily. She leaned over and whispered into Lily's ear, "Why haven't they stopped being 4 years old?" THey both began to giggle loudly.

Lily and Claire kept laughingat their boys and how redicculous they were. they began to exchange more stories about their summers when they weren't with each other. They contiued with this for a while..

Lily they took a moment to look out the window of their car. The noticed the same mountains that they passed by every year. "Hey, when do you think we'll be arriving at Hogwarts?" Lily asked out loud.




PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:54 am
Sirius looked down at himself; he never really noticed it before. He carefully lifted his shirt to expose a six-pack. He thought for a second. “I think the muggles call it, working out.” He said simply, deciding not to elaborate on the subject. He dropped his shirt and began to eat another chocolate frog, putting the cards on top of each other. Sirius never really talked about himself much. Only his close friends ever knew anything about him. He wasn’t the type to open up to people, it was difficult for him. Sirius slowly went through all of his cards after he finished with the frogs.

James had scooted over to Sirius and began to talk and trade with him. “If I ever have a son, my first present would be a couple of cards.” James said, putting the cards away finally. Sirius grinned at him, they exchanged words silently. Sirius knew exactly whom he would like to have a child with, not that James would think that far ahead. Sirius subtly looked over to Lily, to see if she had heard.

They both looked out of the window at the sound of Lily’s voice. “I don’t know…” They said together, both sounding absentminded. Sirius barely ever looked outside to enjoy the scenery. He always preferred to talk to others; however he did remember his first year when he was alone and didn’t have anything better to do. He was stuck with his stupid brother, Regulous. James, however, was always talking and noticing Lily to notice anything else.

“I’d say that it’d be around thirty minutes.” Said a weak sounding voice behind them. They all looked around to see Remus Lupin entering the car. “Hey Remus!” Sirius said. “I thought that you were busy with prefect duties or something.” Remus looked at him sternly. “That sounded a bit hopeful.” They laughed. “Hello Lily, Claire.” He nodded his head towards them in turn.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:09 pm
Lily giggled at the sight of Sirius' six pack then sarcastically fanned herself, as if overcome by a hot flash. She knew that it really didn't affect her that much, but she could tell that Claire was trying very hard to hold herself together. She continued giggling. It wasn't until she felt a sharp pain in her right arm, that she realized that she needed to stop. She looked over to see Claire descretely mouthing the words 'stop'. She meerly rolled her eyes with a smile then continued to to look out the window.

Claire then quickly returned to looking out the window as she heard the car door open. She turned around as a familier voice spoke her name. SHe turned to see Remus standing there in the doorway. "Hello Remus!" She smiled sweetly at him when he looked at her, but then dropped it slightly when he looked away. She tried to be civil about the whole thing but she really didn't know how to act around him. She sight quietely as he was making conversation with the rest of the people in car.

Lily smiled as Remus walked into the room. "Thanks for the update, good to see you." She said sweetly. Lily then looked over at Claire, who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. SHe wanted to visit with her other friends some more, but her best friend was the one most important to her. She stood up and gently grabbed Claire by the wrist, guiding her up as well. "Excuse us boys, but if we are that close to hogwarts then we need to change into our robes." She said to the three guys in front of them. She led Claire then left then car with their bags of robes.

As Claire passed by Remus, she genuinly spoke. "It really is good to see you." SHe said softly, giving an appologetic half-smile.

Claire and Lily both made their way to the girl's bathroom. Once they entered, they changed in the crowded bathroom. They then went over to the mirrors to fix their hair. Lily tried to bring up Rumus, "So... what happened?" Lily asked trying to sound consoling, but still wanting to know the dirt. Claire sighed. "Well, like the final moments we talked face to face, I told him that I still had small feelings for Sirius. We exchaged alot of letters the next few days durring the summer, until we both ended it. I was really excited to see him before I actually did, but now it's like I don't know what to do around him." She spoke, a bit softly. She was full of remorse. They then fixed themselves up in silence, then made it back to the car quietly.

((lol wow, i guess i wrote alot. I really didn't notice as I was writing. I hope you like the drama that I added. I can change it if you don't want it though.))



PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:43 pm
Remus had turned away, trying to avoid any chance to talk to Claire. After all, he didn't plan to do more than say hello to her. According to him, she was the one that broke it off. Not that he minded a great deal. He was a dangerous creature after all; and what girl wouldn't prefer the handsome Sirius Black? Remus smiled kindly at the two girls, but was soon dragged into a conversation with Sirius and James. He was rather blunt with Sirius, but he wasn't as bad as if he had actually blamed him. "This is tiring; prefect duty is much more difficult than it seemed to be." He sighed, taking a seat near to the guys. However, Claire and Lily walked by him before he did. "It really is good to see you." She said softly. "Yeah, same you too." He replied.

Sirius watched them leave, but didn't look as long as James did. James waited till her beautiful long hair followed her out of the car and around the corner. "I suppose that we'd better change while they're out." Sirius said, sounding a little bored. He made his way to the door, a couple girls walked by him, giggling as they walked to the bathrooms. When he turned around he said, "Those girls were in a good mood... do you think that they're gossiping?" James nodded and Remus replied unsmiling, "I wouldn't doubt it, of course, it could be about you." Sirius smiled conceitedly.

It took them a few minutes to get into their robes. It was difficult to rummage through all of their things and discover their clothes. "Damn, we sure have a lot of stuff!" James exclaimed, pushing things aside in his search. He soon found them, putting things back neatly. Remus didn't say anything; he was too busy trying to hide the contents of his suitcase from the others. James was looking over their shoulders; he noticed a letter near to the suitcases. He reached out to take a look at it. "What’s this?" He asked, Remus snatched at it and dropped it. Sirius tried to do him a favor and pick it up, but he was too slow. It was a letter that Claire had written him over the summer. "It’s personal." Remus said, taking it from James whom had picked it up.

Sirius and James watched him for a moment. Sirius felt this strange feeling in his stomach. It almost seemed like jealously, but he couldn't be sure. He changed quickly into his clothes and just pushed the rest of his luggage back into the suitcase. He took a chance and glanced at Lupin, which was the wrong thing to do. He was looking at him; the letter was safely put away. Sirius had recognized the handwriting on the letter, it was Claire's. It wasn't a surprise that they had gone out, Remus had always liked her.

James was thinking about something to say, to try and loosen the tension in the room. However, an answer in the form of Claire and Lily came. "Welcome back ladies." James said, playfully taking Lily's hand and kissing it. Sirius took this as a chance to free himself from Lupin's stare. "You both took your time." He said, putting his suitcase under the cushioned seats. He and James took their previous seats with the girls, Lupin sat beside Lily. James felt more comfortable and placed his arm on the head of the seat; Sirius was sitting a little closer to Claire and couldn't help but look at her on his way to the window. Lupin was looking anywhere but at Sirius and Claire.

(Hey! This is just my way of thanking you for a great roleplay so far. I know its a lot, but it is easier with three people to work with XD. Anyway... thank you!)  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:52 am
As Lily entered the car, she was greeted by James lips to her hand. She couldn't help but start laughing at how rediculously out there he was. It was a good enterence into an extremely awkward car. She then took back her seat next to James, looking at how wierd the scene in front of her was. Claire was acting like she was messing with her fingernails, even though she was just avoiding to look up, while Sirius was deffinately looking at her even though he was trying not to. It wouldn't have been that bad until she looked to her side to see Remus bluntly staring at them both. Lily subtlely pinched James' side to get him to notice.

Claire contiunuously picked off her orchid coloured fingernail polish. SHe didn't want to look up, cause she could feel the tension. There was a few moments of complete silence, which made Claire shift uneasily in her seat. This made her accidentally brush up against Sirius' shoulder. "Sorry," SHe immidiately said, looking up at him now. She then turned her head around to look at Remus. She took a deep breath.

Lily's eyes widened cause she knew what was about to happen. She was chrewing on her licorice wand, and she nearly choked on it trying to get it down her throught in time. She grabbed James' hand and stood up. "OH, I just remembered that I need to talk with Tabitha about... something. You need to come too, Sirius." SHe spoke as she grabbed his wrist and led them out the door.

Claire ran her fingers through her hair. She was gratefull that she didn't have to speak infront of anyone else. "I think we need to talk about what happened.." She said softly. "Please don't blame Sirius about what happened between us.. I never should have started anything with you. Well, I don't know. I mean I really did enjoy the time we spent together, but..." She looked towards the door.

Lily dragged the boys to the end of the hallway and into a non-crowded car. She smiled at the 1st year in the car, then quicklty turned her head over to James and Sirius with a stern expression. "Don't go back in their and don't either of you bring this up. Understood?" She spoke assertively.


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