Guild Rules

plz no bad comments dissing on the guild, its new and we still need to jump start it, u can help by starting ur own forums
i'm pretty leaniant on cussing but don't get out of hand and any dissing on people above u in class WILL mean being kicked out
if u want to start a rpg make sure it is not mimicking sum1 elses idea, repeats r LAME
its chill to invite friends but don't go promising them special offers, EVERY ONE must contribute the same ammount
plz donate to the guild b'cuz i can't improve the guild if i don't get support with the funds
try to follow gang sign dress code which includes heartbreader jacket (any color) and torque pants (any color) ur not aloud to have a doberman!!!!! it is a symbol of my power, plz do not equip one to ur avi, if u need help affording it plz contact me.......

i will update rules as the need progresses
remember, wen i don't give u many rulez i'm not giving u a chance to test my patience, i'm giving u a chance to prove u can deal with freedom DON'T ABUSE THE PRIVLAGE!!!!!!!!!
plz enjoy