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"Sometimes I wish I didn't care what would happen if anyone knew the truth about me. But I do care. I have to keep this - super strength, flying - a secret. No one can know - not my parents, not my friends... It's just that it's getting harder to hide it."

Superpowers are awesome - unless you actually have them, like Avery does. There's only so much he can pass off as "adrenaline" before people start to get suspicious. Probably it's best to lie low, so guys in white lab coats don't come to carry him away, to find out what makes his freakish body tick. Who wants to be vivisected? But flying under the radar becomes a whole lot harder when you can actually fly. It's dangerous to be different, so for now he'll pretend to be normal, unremarkable Avery - a dull boy - anything to keep his secret safe.

What he doesn't expect is the horrifying truth about where his powers came from, who else might have them, and the madness of one villain's plan to turn this superpowered dull boy into something even more powerful and amazing.

Hi! My name is Spirrow, and DULL BOY is my sister's first book.
It came out on May 14th!

I want to spread the word as much as possible, because her writing is awesome, and anyone who likes superheroes will love this book!

Win a Copy of DULL BOY!

There are currently some awesome contests going on to WIN a copy of the book! Here's a link to the first one!


You can win one of three copies, and it's totally simple to do it! The contest runs through May 24th, I think, so hurry and submit!

Here's the second contest!

Win a signed copy of DULL BOY!

The contest is simple: You need to look at this comic panel and fill in what you think Wolverine had to say to Cyclops to deserve a crack in the chops!

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Think silly, be original. This is my entry, so good luck beating it.


I'll also get her to come and talk to other authors about writing, getting published, etc. if I get enough interested people in here! Thanks for dropping by!