If you find Zombie fan art, please post it in this forum.

If you post fan art, please give us the link and who made it. If you find it on photobucket, give us a link to the picture, and you may post it here. If the picture stretches the page, just post a link to it.

You may not stretch the page with huge images. It may take longer for other people's web browser to load. It may freeze their page up. You never know.


When using photobucket, please post a link to the picture, and if you wish post the picture here. Give credit, if you do not, it will be counted as art theft, and you will get a warning.

If the picture looks to pig, and will stretch the post, do not post the picture, post the link to the picture. If you post the picture, you will get a warning. No exceptions.

+Deviant Art+

You may not post a picture on this forum, unless you have PERMISSION from the artist. If you do not have permission, the picture will be removed, and you will be given a warning.

If permission is granted, you may post a link to it, and the picture.