1 - Follow the Gaia TOS. I don't want to get this guild destroyed because of someone doing something stupid here.

2 - NO GOD MODING! I don't know how to stress this enough. It is exceptionally annoying, and it is a major turnoff for players. Just don't do it.

3 - No Player Killing, unless you have their permission! Believe me, I will check this out. If you do, you will be put on the blacklist.

4 - No Cybering. This site is PG-13, let's keep it that way. If you honestly want to do something like that, take it off this site!

5 - Try to be Literate. I'm not asking for a novel per post, but make sure to give enough for the next person to respond to. I don't care if you misspell things, everyone does it occasionally. Just don't do things like this:

"mira walked over 2 teh guy and jumped on him boo she giggled in his ear what are you doing"

Or this:

"*walked over to the guy, jumped on him* boo *giggles* what are you doing"

It's a pain in the arse to read, and is just annoying. This is a semi literate RP.

6 - I don't mind OOC comments. In fact, there are times I really enjoy them. Just, try not to make it a habit. For OOC comments, make sure that you can tell they are OOC. Use (( )) or [ ] or < > or even something like .:~* *~:. So long as you can tell it is meant to be an OOC comment.

7 - YOU CANNOT BE DIRECTALLY RELATED TO ONE OF THE CANNON CHARACTERS! Also, if you want to be related to another character, clear it with the person first! I don't want characters that go running around and screaming "OMG lyke im your long lost sister/brother lolz!!!!!11 eleventy 2." No. Just no. I will check up to see if you did, in fact, get permission for this.

8 - You are allowed to have 3 characters each. HOWEVER, only two can be from the same group. Think along the lines of 2 Suzuaku and 1 Seiryuu, or vice verse.

9 - Make sure to include everyone. I really shouldn't have to put this, but I don't want someone to start complaining because they got ignored. I know what it is like to be a ghost, and it's not fun. So, please, don't do it.

10 - Once you have been accepted for a particular position, POST REGULARLY. Afterall, we don't want to be stuck in one place for weeks on end because someone hasn't posted. The best way to remedy this is by telling me if you are going to be gone. That way, we can move the character along as an NPC.

11 - When making a thread, look at the previously created threads to see what to do. For example, an RP thread should look something like this:
Subject - Name of City
First Post - Description of City
Second Post - Your Entrance

It's neat, it works, and I LIKE IT. Though, I don't mind this:
Subject - Name of City
First Post - Description of City and Entrance

12 - I reserve the right to change, bend and break any rule on any of the lists for any reason as I deem fit.

13 - This is less a rule and more a request. Don't PM Shin Jin Tenchi Sho. I hardly ever am on that account unless I am giving him junk or doing guild PMs, so the likelihood of me seeing your PM is very slim. You can post your question in the Questions Sticky, or PM Kaivi Silverwing directly. I don't bite, honest. Also, please remember to friend Shin Jin Tenchi Sho when you join. It makes trying to send out the guild PMs a whole lot easier on me.

This is a constant work in progress, so, if I find something that I feel warrents a rule, I will add it. The Secret Word is Shoryuden.