Vol. 1 Chapter -66
Reaper’s Past
When we were kids, our parents were murdered by a society that calls them “Clow”. I took my little brother, Corrupt, and ran. Later on, he and I had to learn to live by ourselves. We learned how to fight, steal, kill, anything to survive…even if that means being a criminal. Although my brother and I had gotten stronger, Corrupt remains weaker (but still strong), and since he’s not strong he got kidnapped by a band of criminals. Of course like all criminals they left a ransom note. It said “If you want your brother back come to the Waterfall next to the village. I went to the water fall like they said and it seems that they wanted to kill me for assassinating there friend (I wasn’t surprised). They tried to ambush me but I defeated them easily. But then more people came, and this 1 big dude came out and said” Is this little guy the one who causing all the trouble?” And then I said I don’t want any trouble but he replied you already got it. So we began to fight. He wasn’t like the normal criminals I fought, he was pretty strong. After 10 minutes we were both tired. His allies were surprised at how strong I was. I was actually a comparison for their leader. Then he said you’re not too bad, kid. What’s your name? Reaper I told him. Reaper, huh? Well Reaper how would you like to join my group. We could use a guy like you to fight against the Clow. As soon as I heard that they we enemies of the Clow, I joined them as quickly as possible. I found out their clan was called Ghost. They were a group of outlaws that were abandoned by society. And there main enemy was the Clow. There leader took me and my brother in as part of their group and I got the title of Second in command because I was a match up for the leader (who was named Lex by the way). A couple months later I took the title of leader of the group because Lex was on a mission to find Clow but he died. So I took responsibility and became a leader. And this is when it all begins.
“You ok Reaper?” asked Dai who was my second strongest in Ghost (I was the 1st and Corrupt was 3rd).
“Yeah,” I replied, “I’m just tired from last night’s mission. I still can’t find Clow’s hideout”
“Well,” Dai began,” You shouldn’t work so hard. After all you are our leader.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t trouble myself so much. After all it’s just in time before they come to u-”
“Reaper!!!” yelled Corrupt. Who came rushing into my office.
“What is it Corrupt?”
“The Clow…The Clow, they found us! They’re attacking us right now!”
“The Clow?!?! How did they? Oh never mind. We need to hurry. Come on Dai and Corrupt”. We arrive to the skirmish and we saw the Ghost engaging battle with the people of the Clow.
”Basterds, how dare they attack us in our own village. I shall show no mercy” said Corrupt as he charged into the fight.
“I’m with ya!” replied Dai as he followed along with Corrupt.
“Hey Dai, Corrupt, Wait! Aw dammit, they’re always causing trouble for me, but I guess I can’t help it.” I said. Then I charged into battle. A few hours later we defeated them. Although a lot of my people we injured. I looked around to see if there were any survivors of the Clow. Suddenly, Corrupt said they found one. We went to the room where he was being held captive. I walked in and he was scared out of his mind.
“Please let me go! I had no choice I’m sorry!” he said.
Dai (who was the one who found him) said “He bares the mark of the fallen”
“The mark of the fallen? What’s that?” asked Corrupt.
“It’s a mark the represents the Clow Curse. The Clow Curse makes the person who is marked by the will no free will. It makes the person forced to listen to whoever the person who put the curse on him. It’s usually placed on prisoners or even one who disobeys their forces. It could even turn your best friend against you.” I told him.
“Wow, sounds harsh.” said Corrupt.
“It is,” I replied. I walked up to the prisoner and said “Who sent you! How did you find this place!?” I yelled.
“L-listen,” said the guy,” I just wanna go back, please, I’m sorry that we attacked you, we had no choice See!” He showed me the mark of the fallen on his left hand (which resembles a bat).
“Alright,” I said I’ll spare you. But you have to tell me where your hideout is.”. “Ok. Just let me live! The hideout I was sent from is in the Cave 56 miles from here, west! Please just let me go!”
“A cave 56 miles west, huh? It’ll take like a day or 2 to get there. Plus we have to do it on foot.”
“But Reaper, why should we trust this guy? For all we know it might be another ambush. I say we should set out a squad of our finest spies to check if it’s safe.” said Dai.
“That’s a good idea but I don’t think a squad of men is enough. We need a strong leader to go with them.” I said.
“Reaper! You’re not thinking of leading the squad there are you?!” asked Dai, “It’s too dangerous!”
“I know, Dai, but there’s no other person that I could send……….besides, I still need to pay them back for what they did with my parents.”
“Reaper……..you still haven’t let go of what happened about 3 years ago?! I don’t mind you getting your revenge or not, I just think going there with only a few men is a bad idea!”
“Then who else should I send!?” There was a moment of silence. Suddenly Corrupt spoke up and said “I’ll go.”
“No! I will definitely not send you out there of all people.”
“But Reaper, I can do this! Besides, I’m not going to battle, we are just going to scout around a bit right?” Corrupt said.
“You know Reaper that might not be a bad idea. I mean Corrupt is the fastest of me and you. Plus he has gotten a lot stronger since the last time you’ve seen him fight.” explained Dai.
“See! I can lead the squad to the cave. Please just give me a chance Reaper.” begged Corrupt.
“Arg! Fine, as much as I hate it, I have to admit you have gotten stronger. Alright you and the spy squad will head out tonight.” I said.
“Ummm excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt but aren’t you going to let me go? I told you where the hide out is now untie me!” said the hostage.
“Oh yeah I almost forgot.” I said as I took a gun from the table. “Here’s your reward” I said as I shot him in the head. “Fool. I don’t make deals with ******** Clow people.”
“You’re still as heartless as ever” said Dai.
“Shut up,” I said, “And Corrupt stop wasting time; you got a mission you need to get ready for.”
“Yes Sir!” said Corrupt smiling. It made me proud that he’s finally growing up….but I wish I could have stayed with him a little while longer.
2 Weeks Later

Corrupt still hasn’t returned from his mission yet and Clow’s forces are driving us out of our village. Almost half my men are gone. I was standing on my porch looking to the place where I saw Corrupt head for the cave. Dai found me and came over “What’s up.” He said.
“Nothing much, just waiting for Corrupt to come home.” I replied.
“I see. Well you know………it takes 2 days to get to the cave and another 2 days to get back right.”
“Right,” I said.
“And it’s been 14 days.” He said. After he said that I felt as if a knife was pursed into my chest.
“What the ******** you trying to tell me, Dai”
“I’m trying to tell you that-”Suddenly we heard someone scream “The Clow’s are coming!!!” Dai and I ran to the battle and began to fight. This time there were more than usually. “There’s too many of them!” said Dai “We need to fall back!” “Wait I see something….over there!” a man pointed. I squinted to see who is was and found out it was another clan. They came and destroyed the Clow. The leader stepped out and walked to me. “My name is Shin. There was a message to me that this village was getting attacked by Clow a lot lately and it seems that is has.”. “Your right it has. Thank you for helping us”. I replied.
“Umm Sir, I suggest that you are the leader of this group. Well, the Clow now know where your hideout is shouldn’t you move? You can stay at my village if you want; we have much more protection there.”
“I appreciate the offer but I need to remain here. There’s someone that we need to wait for to come back.”
“I see. Well in that case I’ll just leave the-“
“WAIT!!!” said one of my men. “I-I would like to go to your village. I’m tired of fighting I don’t wanna die. Take me with you!” Suddenly everyone started to leave me.
Dai turned to me and said “Reaper…I think we should go.”
“You go on ahead. Corrupt and I will catch up.”
“DAMMIT REAPER! How long are you going to believe he’s still alive!?! I’ve been trying to give you the message for the past 3 days but you just don’t seem to get it!”
“…Shut up and go,” I said “leave, now!”
“…Fine. I hope you survive on your own Reaper. Good luck.” Dai said as he left with the others. ……I’m all alone now…………………all alone.

…….So cold…so tired. I laid in bed as I tried to fall asleep. I’m alone now…I have no one…..no one…I fell asleep and began to dream of when Corrupt and I were happy. It’s been so long that I even forgot my real name. I missed him. I missed him so much. I won’t believe Dai. I can’t, if you’re gone, who else will I have? Dai left me. Everyone left me……..will I die? I know for sure I won’t survive the next attack…….hurry up and come home Corrupt
*Pant pant pant* “I need to get away” Whispered the young boy………*gasp* Wham! I punch the assassin who was sent out to kill me. “Get up;” I said “I ain’t done with you yet.” I stomped his legs and broke them as he screamed in pain. “******** Clow trying to kill me in my sleep.” He crawled up and sat leaning on a wall. I pointed the gun at him. “Please…don’t shoot….don’t shoot”. BAM “******** you”. I sighed. This assassin’s are getting younger every time. I looked at his hand. The mark of the fallen, I knew it. Suddenly I heard him mutter his last breathe “I’m sorry …” “Sorry? For what?” I took of his mask and couldn’t believe my eye. It was my brother. “No….Corrupt…..” I started to cry. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO CORRUPT!!! WHY?!?!!?!!?” I sobbed as I held my brother in my arms. “I curse you Clow…..” I began “I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL GET MY REVEGE! I’LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!” Suddenly I heard a voice say “So you are a person who has been victimized by the Clow as well”. I turned to see who it was and saw a guy in his early 20’s.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Me? My name is Sol. I’ve came to you to ask if you could join me in my battle against Clow.” <******** off, my brother just died. Besides, what makes you think I would join you?”. “You hate Clow don’t you? Well if you join me you won’t be needing to go to them because they will come to us if they have this”. He showed me a picture of a cabinet.
“What’s so special about that?!” I asked.
“Oh, it’s not about what it is, it’s about what IN it. I’ve been guarding this thing by myself for quite some time now. And I had to fight off a number of Clow. I’m sure a few of them I’ve killed had worked for the one who had your brother cursed.” I hesitated.
“So you’re saying if I protect this then the Clows will come to me?”
“That’s right.” Sol said.
“Then I’ll join” I said.
“I knew you would.” He replied.
“Just lemme finish some unfinished business here.” And I went to go bury my brother. I was standing at his grave and I was making an oath to myself the no matter what I would avenge his death. Then I went back to my house got all my stuff and burnt the village down. I met Sol at the front of the village. “You done with everything, Reaper?” “Yeah. Let’s go.” And so from then on I learned how to do magic and fight better Sol explained to me that he was a Follower of God and how he wanted to destroy Clow just as much as I did. As for me, I just want to find the man who put that mark on my little brother. But deep down inside me, deep deep down, there’s a part of me that thinks that he died because I allowed him to go on the mission. And I pray that when I see him again in heaven, will he ever forgive me……..?