'Atonement' (I wait)

Here, I lay
As darkness engulfs me.
For the sins committed
I pray for salvation

Desperately, I seek
For what? For that
For which I have no answer
For which I hold my breath

Guilt is laid aside
For this is not as simple.
I wish, I seek, I pray
I look, I want, I need

Words fail me
As I watch, I wait
As my soul is destroyed
Broken, frozen I lie

Atonement… is that..
That which I desperately seek?
For that again I have no answer
Out of…?

Reach, I reach out for…
There's nothing here, no one..
Is this right? Am I allowed?
To ask, to doubt if I deserve this?
Again.. No answer

Everything's gone
Everything's broken
Pieces fall, they leave..
Where is it? Where?
The light. There is no light.

Can I hope?
Forgiveness, atonement, redemption
Words that hold no meaning..
If only…

No! there is nothing
Nothing left
I cant see
Cant breathe

When? Where…?
My moment, my hope?!
My life, my soul…
My… when

Where… I wish
I struggle, I try
Is it here, yet..?
As I hold my breath
…I wait.