Name:Sasha Brenshôv


Eyes:green/piercing, sometimes sad

Hair: blonde. Short even shaved above the neck&temples but with wil,shortd bangs


Weight:124 lbs


entrance music: Cossack folk-song(virgin earth),with pictures of Cossacks shown on the megatron

Style of wrestling: learned some good greeco-roman wrestling/mat/roughneck..MMA(mixed martial arts or shoot fighting) is a fitting word

Apperance:A boyish young girl. Burly and sportive , with strong arms and broad shoulders, a bit flat on the chest. Pale, freckled skin, green eyes and yellow/blonde hair. Stubby nose, thin lips and always without any make-up. Two nasty scars: one across her chest and one across her face hardly fitting with her childish features.

Personality:a loner and tough little girl Sasha is a classic example for a hard-shell soft core nature. Doesn't care about trends but about honor and fame . She's ambitious to prove that she's able and tough, but still much a child (-soldier) in her head.

Likes:girls, weapons, motor-bikes, fighting, milkshakes, cookin(dark secret wink ),comics

Dislikes:girly-girls, bullies, losing ,her self

Past biggrin aughter of a tough mercenary-leader from Moscow, her mother died during birth, something he still blames to Sasha. Her father, the Major, never wished to have a daughter so he treated Sasha often like a boy, or just giving her the feeling of being weak and worthless. This left a deep inferiority-complex in her mind and some stain on her soul. Now she splits time between wrestling and school hoping to find her place in life once and to proof her Dad that she's tough and strong...a winner.
Like many girls rejected by their father she compensates this with acting "male" offen, adding to her tomboy attitude.

Attire: black combat-boots, jeans-shorts, a short tank top with "macho-girl" print, fighting-gloves and her mother's dog-tags

shattered dreams: Pushing, pulling or irish-wipping her foe into a corner she places her a** on the middle turnbuckle, legs spread to the left and right on the ropes. What follows are three shattering heel-kicks to the groin. Ended with a vertical wedgie suplex and a face sit/schoolgirl- pin.

hammer-sickle over the knee back-breaker followed by and elbow to the solar-plexus

signatures: haymaker, german suplex, mounted punches, atomic drop, vertical suplex(pulling any bottom atire up into a camel-toe ripping wedgie if possible), headbutt, drop-kick,knee to groin

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Matches Good at: Hardcore, first blood

Matches Bad at: iron man ahhh girl, bad at strenght test/lock ups

Entrance: heavy metal booming, mixed with the sound of horses and sabers, no big pyro show. Will enter the ring by jumping over the top rope. Army salute to ref and crowd. Taunts opponent with a "***** you" middle finger and a grab to her crotch, grinning.