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_________PERSONAL INFO._________________________________________

Username: Tsubame Hiro

Character name: Zyame

Aliase/Nickname: Shadow Blade

Birth Place ????

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Weight: 78lbs

Gender: Female

Markings/ Tattoos:
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(on right hand)
Direct and blunt, Ayame wastes no time beating around the bush. She has had a rough past and as such does not care for personal questions. However she is loyal and will leap into a fight even if she knows she will lose if is means saving a guild mate.
Occupation: Shadow Mage

Aura Color: Black

Likes: Cherries, Rain, Nighttime, Cool Weather

Dislikes: Hot Weather, Beer, Pizza

Theme Song:


Bio/ History:
A born assassin Ayame grew up killing for a living. Her first memory was taking the life of a governor, a corrupt one but still a human line. She lived this life for a while until one day she ran into a man with a Fairy Tail tattoo. The man convinced her that she did not have to kill anymore and that she could do more with her life. Taken in she joined the fairy tail guild but still found herself distant, though accepted by its members.
__________GUILD & RANK INFO.________________________________________

Current Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark:
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Current Mage Rank: B

Team": None yet

__________WEAPON & MAGIC INFO.________________________________________

Weapon Name & Appearance: Stars of Destiny:
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A set of 108 throwing knives. They return to the thrower after a time.

Soul Eater Rune:
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A powerful and possibly evil rune that Ayame uses to channel her shadow magic making it more powerful. It will also devour the souls of those Zyame kills or that were close to Zyame if they die near her. Because of that Zyame limits herself from killing.

Weapon Description: (see weapons)

Primary Type Of Magic: Shadow