DISCLAIMER: I feel that I've got to say this before any of you go any further, seeing as I'm a guild moderator and a mature(ish) older teen. I don't condone underage drinking, so if you're underage, don't attempt to do this, and if you do, please use a non-alcoholic beverage, like water or coke (it can still be fun, just to see how much liquid you end up consuming). Whether you're using alcohol or not, do this responsibly and know your limits (because you can get poisoning from water as well as alcohol). To sum up, don't be a dumbass and use common sense. If you do, you'll probably be okay.

Some rules I came up with, in case anyone thinks this is a good idea (another thing: I'd recommend, during the game, that you abide by only one or two rules, otherwise you might not be able to put the bottle down. I'm also going by the manga when making these rules, so the times when you drink might be different if you're watching the anime). Try post some rules of your own, I'm sure you can think of plenty more than I've put here:

1) Take a drink every time Miaka needs to be rescued. Take two drinks if Tamahome is her saviour. Take three drinks if the peril could easily have been avoided, and four if she willingly walked into the danger without any protection (because she doesn't want to put anyone else in danger, or whatever), only to start crying for Tamahome the second s**t gets real. Down the bottle if the threat is attempted rape (you could get drunk just from this rule alone, it happens so often).

2) Take a drink every time they do the whole dramatic, say-my-name thing. You know..."TAMAHOME!" "MIAKA!"

3) Take a drink every time a character gets to do a dramatic rescue that doesn't coincide with the Rule 1.

4) Take a drink every time Miaka cries.

5) Take a drink every time Hotohori makes a love confession to Miaka that goes something along the lines of "I know I shouldn't be in love with you because it's unfair to you/Tamahome/whoever, but I can't hold back my feelings for you!" (this happens surprisingly often, guys)

6) Take a drink every time something unexpected happens, only for Nakago to say something like "I was expecting/planning for this". Take two when the event has actually taken him by surprise.

7) Take a drink every time they call out their attacks (you'd probably get plastered from this one, even THE DOCTOR gets in on this in the anime)

cool Take a drink every time someone is Brainwashed and Crazy (you'll know this one when you see it, people)

9) Take a drink every time you detect some good old homosexual tension. Take two if the guys are enemies.

10) Take a drink every time one of the guys gets to cry Manly Tears of Manliness.

Have fun, and be sensible. xp