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The Silence of Solemn Requiem

My name is
[[Suyomi J. Mizuchi]]
I was born a
I might look young, but I'm
I stand at
[6'1 ]]
And weigh
[[175 Lbs.]]
My eyes are
[[ Silver]]
My hair is
[[ Blue ]]
Things you may not know about me
[[ Suyomi was born to a relatively poor family in the mountains. Up there, it would rain for days on end, never letting up. When it would, it would always leave a heavy mist behind, thus obstructing the sky. For seven years, Suyomi never saw the sun. Then on the eve of his eighth birthday, a single figure entered the mist. The man at first glance, looked like a relatively harmless old man. But as he got closer, Suyomi could see that he radiated power. The old man had said he was looking for a student to pass on his teaching to a young student. For days, the old man searched throughout the village, looking for someone with magical talent. Then, on the night he was leaving, he passed by Suyomi's house and felt a strong magical pull from inside. That single moment, would give birth to what would become a legend.

Fast forwarding eleven years, Suyomi stood at the grave of his master. He had passed away shortly after Suyomi's eighteenth birthday, leaving him alone to wander and find a purpose. Eventually, on his nineteenth birthday, Suyomi came across a group of bandits. As he fought them off with relative ease, he grew confident that he would win. Sadly this would be the cause of his greatest injury.

As he finished off the last bandit, he made the mistake of letting his guard drop. the very moment it was down, a mage from a dark guild, attacked. Before Suyomi could move, a burning hot sword was pierced into his throat! The dark guild member was a fire caster user, which he usually channeled into his sword. When the sword pierced his throat, it burned all his vocal cords to a crisp! unable to let out a cry of pain or shock, Suyomi fell to the ground, his body entering shock as the dark guild member got away. Several hours later, a member of Solemn Requiem found his body. He would be taken to their guild, and several days later, he would join.]]

I am best known for....
Suyomi is best known for his combination of water magic and sound nullification abilities. With them, he is able to partake in espionage, theft, and other missions requiring stealth. Suyomi also has a habit of startling people because they are unable to hear him walk up to him. Top that off with the fact that he never says anything, and you get one character who you REALLY don’t want on your bad side. Sadly, due to the fact that he is antisocial, he doesn’t really have any friends, inside, or outside the guild.

Your type of magic (And tell us a bit about your abilities)
Water magic as main
Sound nullification magic as secondary

After years of training, Suyomi is capable of listening in for the slightest of sounds to lock on to an enemy. Be it a whisper, a breath, or even a heartbeat, he will lock in on you. He combines this with his ability to nullify sounds to sneak up on an enemy and attacks them with his water blade.

Water body-this attack allows the user to completely transform their entire body into water at any given time.
mist stream-gathering water from the air, Suyomi covers the entire field in an extreamly thick blanket of mist.
Dragons strike- transforming his hand into that of a dragon, Suyomi will punch forward, sending a large dragon made of water at the enemy.
water lock ( w/ burst)-for a regular water lock, this traps the enemy in a large sphere of water, drowning them unless they are able to get free. For water lock burst, Suyomi will force the water sphere to burst in a large aqua explosion, causing massive damage to the enemy.
water blade- transforms the users arm into a sharp blade of water.
burning mist stream- punching forward, Suyomi sends what looks’ like a dark mist at the enemy. But this mist is at a boiling temperature. Should the mist touch, it will cause severe burns to the enemy.
Tsunami strike- turning his entire body into a tsunami, Suyomi will launch himself at the enemy.

Sound null- this type of magic is has the ability to soften all sound escaping Suyomi.
Voice null- anything Suyomi touches is unable to make a single sound.