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The Hearts of Men (1x1 with Eternal Chronicler) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 121 122 123 124 [>] [>>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:46 am

Come forth warrior...
A peaceful land of sun and light, Cyatrin is a world of men, elves, dwarves, fae, Serpiente, and loup garou. It has thrived, all races in harmony, under the king of Tiertian, Elisgar the third, a mortal man.

Deep in the south an evil is stirring, biding its time for the time of man to fall, and for temptation to overtake the throne. This evil has a name, one that was lost long ago to time and dust, ash and stone. It awaits in the deepest cave of the mountains, its power growing.

How long will it be before man notices the danger that lurks so near to their fragile hearts? Will they see it before it is too late? King Elisgar is growing in age, his strength of Sun will soon begin to fade. Is the fate of man destined to fall?

They must be helped.

Someone must journey to the caves and destroy the evil at its roots. Should they fall, like the many before them, the age of men will end and darkness shall spread over the land.

Save this realm from damnation
PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:52 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

Age: 703
Race: Serpiente
Biography: (Feel free to add as much or as little) A'isha is a Serpiente scryer. She dances with fate and sees it how it is. She was the first to see the darkness, and the first to be laughed at for the ridiculousness of her beliefs. She now searches for the one that is to destroy the darkness.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:18 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

Age: 227
Race: Half-Elf (Human/Moon Elf)
Biography: Tessa had always been a skeptic of the arts of war, having been raised by a warrior and battlemage - her Human father and Moon Elven mother, respectively - and never once able to avoid hearing of one exploit after the next, though she soon grew so tired of hearing of it that she took off on her own. As a direct result, she discovered firsthand the necessity of knowing a defensive practice, and for the first time she was thankful that her parents had taught her a sliver of what they knew. When she returned home, however her parents were nowhere to be seen. To this day, 110 years later she remains in little hope for her mother, knowing full well her father to have long-since passed.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:22 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

A'isha stretched her back and sat out from her sunning perch, the highest in the nest and closest to the sun. It was nice out, a fair breeze wafting in from the nest entrance, and the Serpiente smiled, her gray eyes slitting into a more snake-like form before her pupils dilated again. Nimbly she picked her way down to the ground level.

She looked over at the center raised dias, and saw no one was using it. She took a step towards it before she looked towards where her name was being called. Scales flickered across her hand and across the hand of the one she gripped forearms with in greeting.

"Still no word from the king?" A'isha asked and the redhead in front of her shook her head, her python markings flashing briefly across her skin. A'isha sighed and indicated the girl to walk with her. "They say the hearts of men are strong, but I only see foolishness. Have the scouts reported anything more regarding a newcomer?" The redhead began to shake her head before she stopped herself.

"More murders, an elf," She said and A'isha nodded, dismissing the girl. The white viper ran a hand through her hair and took a seat near one of the fires.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:36 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

Tessa shifted uncomfortably in her lean against a nearby wall, having overheard the conversation quite accidentally, and worrying over the possibilities. The surroundings even brought the likelihood of any sensible Elf being nearby to a minimum, and for all she had tracked her mother, the odds of her hopes holding true were deteriorating quickly. She watched A'isha for a long moment, carefully noting her seeming urgency. Evidently if any information were to be obtained, it would have to start somewhere.
She picked herself off the wall and took a few steps toward the Serpiente, giving a low bow.
"My apologies, but I could not help but overhear the exchange between yourself an this other. Has something happened?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:48 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

A'isha looked up from her seat, the ivory cloth on her wrist jingling quietly as she moved it from her knee to the ground, the small medallions chiming together.

"There is darkness in the south, and the men will not hear from us, yes, there is something indeed troubling," She said standing slowly. Her eyes quickly and efficiently looked over the newcomer. "You are elven, yes? But only partly. Your essence is tainted with man," Her pupils slitted as she felt around the essences of those nearby. Familiarity struck her senses from all but the person standing before her.

"What is it that brings you to the dancer's nest?" She said, her eyes returning to normal. "I doubt it is for you to find your fate, or is it?" A'isha paced slowly around the half elf. "A shroud of mystery clouds you. Doubt, fear, but also a dim glimmer of hope," She returned to her spot in front of the newcomer.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:54 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

Tessa frowned, no stranger to cryptic manner but no friend of it either. Still news of the darkness stirred more than a little worry for the Half-Elf, and she shook her head slowly.
"I come to learn of my mother. I have spent several years tracking her, and my results are few and far between, though I have several leads to this place, and was hoping perhaps something might be known."
Her indifferent manner nearly insulted her on its own though, the outright neglect of acknowledging her Human blood as a taint. Still she simply shrugged, refusing to allow her irritation show beyond her own thoughts.
"And yet news of the murder of an Elf I fear may be a direct detriment on my cause, as to this same hope you claim to see in me. Do you know anything?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:09 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

A'isha nodded and beckoned the Half Elf towards the center dias and she sat on the edge of it. "Many elves have died recently, most near here. Unless your mother was a merchant, I doubt she would have been traveling here. To know for certain though, I would need to consult the High Elf Queen herself,"

She looked down at her hand and knew if she spun a Sinchi, she would know the answer, but that would take far too long she feared. Then again, it may prove worthwhile. The white viper took another look at the Half Elf and internally smiled. Mysteries could be discovered, the shroud lifted. Yes, she would spin one.

"It would take time, but there is another way to know," A'isha said.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:17 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

Tessa reluctantly seated herself a small ways across from A'isha, drawing her legs out to the side by each other, her dress falling about her as she listened to the ever-worsening news. Options, she knew were a necessity to maintain hope, but by now she had learned that a presentation of such could easily be made only to instill hope; an altogether daunting case. She nodded slightly however at the notion of another way.
"Do tell; I would rather have something to do about it than sit here questioning forever." She paused for a moment, "Ah, forgive me. My name is Tessa."

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:22 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

"And I am A'isha," The White Viper said, standing. "For you I could spin a Sinchi. That way, I would be able to see fates linked to yours," She said, scales flashing across her arms. "You could either stay to watch, or come back in two hours, and enjoy the rest of the capital," She said.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:27 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

"I would stay, if you don't mind," Tessa said after a long moment, "I am unfamiliar with this place as it is, let alone its people."
She got to her feet, looking behind her for a moment at the dry landscape with a frown. Without a doubt, much could be worse but far more could be better.
"I do apologize if I am a bother; perhaps there may be some way I could repay you?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:42 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

"You will in your own way, in time you'll see," A'isha said taking her place on stage. Another python, a male this time, was already sitting at a pair of drums. A'isha rolled up onto the balls of her feet and lifted her arms to the sky, as if in prayer. The drums began suddenly, but A'isha remained motionless.

There she remained, motionless for a long while, scales flowing like quicksilver over her skin, creating an exotic look for the Serpiente. It was then, after the last scale appeared, that she moved, slowly, like water bursting from a clay jar and tumbling into a pool. Shadows began to dance around her, ribbons of scarlet danced above them, before fading away. The drums seemed to fade away, and there was just the shadows, and A'isha, dancing gracefully in the center. The very light in the room dimmed, and many of the Serpiente turned to look.

In the mind of the White Viper, she began to feel the call of the Sinchi in her bones. Her eyes were open, but she saw nothing but the shadows, taking forms. In one great leap, she burst through the bonds of the world and became Fate.

In the world however, her body became as still as stone, pausing in its movements, and looking with blank eyes at the Half Elf. It did not open its mouth, but words seemed to come from the walls, the ground, the very air itself, a low, gliding hiss that showed a nature of power, of nonexistence, of existence itself.

You seek your mother Tessa Orinae of the Elves and of Man, but what you will find is much more than that. What you are is what will save the hearts of men. Shadows shall consume you, and you shall be a light in the bleak darkness that swells beyond the gates of Man." A raspy breath followed. "Doom and damnation await those you give not mercy to, and salvation for those you deem worthy. A candle in the night you are, be not afraid when it is snuffed out,"

The voice died away, and A'isha's body crumpled to the dias floor. A python hovered just beyond the dias nervously as the shadows continued to dance, taking on vague forms, violently lashing at the air in their dance, before they swelled and entered A'isha, who abruptly opened her eyes on the ground.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:52 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

The spectacle in and of itself instilled a rigid fear in the Half-Elf, though her reassurance was minimal. Several times she glanced down at her blade to her side, at the pulsing blue flowing over it. Still she could not keep her eyes from the sight before her for long at all, though as slowly as it had started, it had finished. She slowly stepped up to A'isha, lowering to a knee and offering her a hand to assist her.
"Are you alright?" She asked, quite breathtaken.
Even as she asked, however her face showed nothing more than thought, and in that several layers of contemplation. Worry, fear and curiosity all mounted on her simultaneously, and despite her best efforts there was no hiding it in her expression.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:57 am
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○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Queztikial

I dance, and I see things.
This goes hand and hand.
Come, walk in my nest and see your future.

"You...you have a great destiny about you," A'isha said, standing up without the offered aid. Her scales had all but disappeared, but her skin was still as pale as they were. Shadows were drawn on her face and her hands were slightly shaky. "You will be the one to save the foolish hearts of man," Power still flowed from the Sinchi into A'isha, and she nodded to the python, who also was attempting to give her assistance.

"You must go, go to the south. Go into the mountains and find the evil. Strike it at its heart, and do not fear for yourself," She said, her face grave. Her eyes flickered over Tessa's face, studying her.

[OutrageousObliviousCats: ---]


Kares-Eternal Chronicler

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:06 am
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--<._.-'--.__Tessa Orinae__.--'-._.>--

So cold...
When the world cannot even see,
it's doom, our doom.
Here I stand,
Here I see...
The hope for mankind, falling.
Slowly falling...

Tessa looked to the mountains in the distance and sighed, feeling yet again the weight of postponing her age-old journey for the sake of another. Looking down to her weapon, she nodded to A'isha as she stood once again and turned away, taking a couple steps before regarding her once again.
"I suppose I will be on my way then. Thank you... at least for trying."
She ran then, closing her fist and willing a measure of fluid into herself to relieve her outright parched condition. As she ran she could hardly help but think of a select few others she had travelled with in the past, and despite the dire circumstances, she had to smile in reminiscence.
"This is for you then, Cassandra," she whispered, "I owed it anyway."


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