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[RP]The Defenders - Closed Until Further Notice Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:07 pm

Welcome to The Defenders, a romantic/comedic magical schoolgirl RP.
NOTICE: Due to the lack of activity in both the guild and the thread, the thread is, sadly, cancelled until further notice. The threat may be revived at it's current state, restarted, or scrapped entirely, but that all depends on several factors.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:28 pm
Our story begins a little like this...

A long, long time ago, at the dawn of human civilization, when the first megalithic structures of mankind were first being erected to display the might of human determination, there fell upon the world a terrible darkness.

This darkness was named Lorgoth, the One-Eyed. A being born of the anger of men marching off to war, and suckled by dark secrets that one fears even to whisper in the dead of night, and raised in the terrors or netherrealms and the red abyss. Lorgoth was a demonic God-king, ruling over a vast army of malevolent ghosts, shadow-people, devils, wraiths, and lesser demons. But his empire within the realms of death and evil were not enough. Lorgoth, ever coveting power, sought to expand his realm into the mortal world, turning it into a barren wastland of lifeless black; as ghost-world.

And so it was Lorgoth released his armies upon the world, burning great cities to the ground, and harvesting the energy of human's souls to further stengthen himself and his armies.

But the benevolent Guardian spirits who watched over all life were determined to prevent this. Seeing the darkness in the hearts of men as the source of this scourge, they thus turned to the females of the human species.

Searching the world, they found the greatest warrior women and granted power unto them, turning them into Defenders. They turned the army of spirits away back to the spirit-realm, and, defeated the demon God-king in an epic clash that reshaped the very face of the planet. But Lorgoth had grown too powerful for them to destroy utterly, and he ould inevitably return to kill again if left alone. Thus, in a final act of selflessness, the women sacrificed themselves, using their own souls to bind him within the netherrealm.

Thus the remaining loyal minions of the God-king scattered among the negative-energy planes, hiding in darkness in fear of the armies of light and good. But the armies of Lorgoth were not utterly destroyed. They have waited in secret, slowly travelling the world and stealing the souls of humans to re-vitalize their god-king, as well as their own numbers. As time goes by, they have become more bold, more grand in their plots to rob humans of their lives, and have been feeding off of the very atrocities man performs upon his own kind. And they have been revitalizing their master slowly...

But the Guardians have not been idle this whole time. Throughout the millennia they have continued to scout for those girls who posess the talents, the strenghts, and the hearts to be Defenders, recruiting them to fight against the demons and wraiths of Lorgoth!


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:51 pm
Now, there are a few rules... And there is onw I will tell you now. I require that people read all of the rules. And for that, I have hidden in the rules a word that must be in the title of your PM in order for me to consider it.

Happy readin'...

1. Keep it FAIR- No God-moding, auto hitting, twinked characters, mary-sues, etc. Seriously, yo, that s**t ruins the game for us all. In fact, there WILL be a number-based system to keep things fair, based on stats and dice-rolls.

2. Maturity- Please be mature. This RP may include excessive amounts of ******** obscenities, and also mention of (though no visial images) nudity and sexual acts (though no actual details, so that the guild doesn't get shut down).

3. Civility - Please be open-minded , kind, and respectful of others. However, in this small little guild, I do not think that that will be much of a problem. However, id a problem does persist, please, do not fly off the bat, but doscuss ti with me (or the offending party), and we can discuss it like gentlemen... or ladies... or lady and gentleman... whatever the heck your gender is.

4. Dedication and Determination - Since this RP will have a very, very small number of players, it is important that everyone stay on the ball, and please try to post at least once a week. As a college student with a part-time job, and with plenty of family to take care of, I can understand if you an emergency, and you have to be away for a few weeks. If that happens, we can wait, or, if you want, someone else take over your character temporarily for the duration of your absence (depending on how long you'll be gone. Just please notify us beforehand, either via PM to me or post in the OOC page. Include the word 'Manowar' in your PM title. Please don't go MIA. Please note that I may loosen this rule a bit, or decide to enforce it like a tyrant as I see fit.

5. Get to know the Locals... - Get to know your fellow RPers. Laugh with them, conspire with 'em, get creative with them. Speak with them OOC! For this, there will be an OOC thread here in the guild for such conversations. Please keep OOC limited there, please.

6. Respect the GM - And thats me. I am the God-Emperor of this thread, so if I make an ammendment to the rules, or say something important, youd better pay attention and heed my word, or suffer my wrath. But since Im a nice guy, I doubt I'll pull that card.

We all good? Everything kosher? Got questions, comments or concerns, please notify me via PM.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:54 pm

Everybody has four stats that they can distribute 15 points among. They can go as low as -1 in any one stat to gain an extra point in any one other stat. Keep in mind that the a score for an average person is 0

The stats are...
Strenght - great for melee attacks and other checks related to physical strenght. Determined chance to hit and bonus to damage with melee attacks.

Vitality - determines a person's health and other checks related to endurance and general health

Dexterity - enhances a person's HP and used for checks related a a person's flexibility and speed, as well as determines chance to hit and damage done with ranged attacks.

Willpower - does not necissarily indicate intelligence. Rather, it determines their strengh of will, their mental strengh and endurance, though those of higher intelligence typically have higher willpowers. Increases MP, and chance to hit and bonus damage done with magical powers.

There are four base character classes to choose from. While each one will alow for quite a bit of character customization (to be cleared by me, of course, before I allow it), but there are a few rules that will be universal.
The four classes are...

Warrior - They are the up-close and personal melee combat members of the group, and can conjur into their hands a close-quarters weapon of any kind they so desire. They cannot, however, form weapons meant to be thrown or dropped or in other ways meant to be used at a distance. Swords, long spears, axes, pole-arms, clubs, and other sorts of weapons are their forte, and they can use each one expertly (though there always will be one, varrying from person to person, they will prefere above others). They can even create double-headed or dual weapons, and a very rare few even prefere to use no weapon at all, using martial arts they previously knew and somehow have improved in as thanks to their awakening.

Mage - Powerful Defenders brimming with willpower and magic, they specialize in using a variety of magic attacks and other abilities. They also can summon some form of small, simple weapon, such as a dagger, wand, or staff. However, this weapon is not very useful to attack with physically. Instead, it is used as a foci, with which they are able to gather and manipulate negative energies, the same kinds used by demons and the minions of Lorgoth. They can form it into pure distructive bolts of energy, or into energy of some other type, with which they can rain down destruction on a mass scale. However, they usually tend to be the weakest of the group physically, and since it takes time and concentration to use their powers, they tend to be in the back of the group.

Rogue- A balance between up-close and ranged combatant, They are able to fill both melee and ranged combat roles, though not to the effectiveness warriors or mages. However, their versatility alone makes them valued members of the group. Tey can conjur long-range weapons such as bows, javelins, pistols, rifles, shuriken, and can form small, light close-quarters weapons like daggers, short-swords, rapiers, and kamas. They also tend to be more clever and sneaky, and are able to talk their way out of bad situations.

Healer- The doctor of the group, and the lifeline that keeps the group from bleeding to death, they are able to summon only blunt melee weapons, as they tend to be tougher than mages and rogues. They also gain an the ability to channel positive energy into white magic capable of healing injuries or protecting/enhancing their own comrades with their own willpower.


You can then use this little chart below to figure out the full character sheet of your character.

HP- 10+vit
MP- 3+will
AC- 10+dex

HP- 6+vit
MP- 5+will
AC- 10+dex

HP- 4+vit
MP- 8+will
AC- 10+dex

HP- 8+vit
MP- 7+will
AC- 10+dex


[Appearance] (Can be physical description or picture, your preference)
Played By:
Character Name: [Surname first, since RP will take place in Japan, unles you are from a western nation]
Nickname: [Optional]
Age: (14-19)
Additional Skills: (not related to your Defender powers)
Biography: [2 Paragraphs min]
Personality: [1 Paragraph min]
Other: [Optional]
Theme Song: [Optional. Can also pick character's favorite song is unable to find a fitting theme]
HP -
Favored weapon(s):
Attacks/Powers: (THIS PART IS DEPENDENT ON YOU! Send me some suggestions for powers you would like to have, and I will approve them, offer editing suggusteons, and determine dice rolls for each attack/power. Because of this, this may mean it will be some time for your profile to be posted, but doesn't necissarily mean you are not accepted. On the contrary, if we are discussing this, then you are 99% guaranteed in the RP.)
Defender costume appearance: (can be picture of physical description. If same as appearance listed above, disregard this section.)


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:18 pm

A young man in his twenties, quite tall and fat, with a beard in desperate need of a shave and dirty glasses. He always wears a white and blue hawaiian shirt and blue jeans, and is clearly an American. Something seems odd about him, though... (to be continued...)
Played By: Jerohan
Character Name: Samuel Stroud
Nickname: Sam
Age: 24
Additional Skills: History major, good at video games, speaks English as a native language. Also speaks German and Japanese.
Biography: Born the middle of three sons, and then, in his teenage years, with two more little sisters, Sam led a relatively normal life for an American boy. His family was poor when they were young, but got wealthier as time passed. Got pretty good grades in school. Parents got divorced and father remarried. However, only a two years ago, a horrible accident occured at an amusement park the whole family (including his mother) had gone on as a huge family. The event left hundreds dead, with Sam being only one of the few survivors. No one else in his family lived.
Guilt-and-depression ridden, Sam couldn't bear to end his own life, but couldn't stand to be anywhere near home. So, in an act that he has scorned himself for calling cowardly, he ran from home, as far away as he could. That led him to come to Tokyo, where he somehow, by sheer luck, managed to get into a Japanese history program at Tokyo University.
He has lived his life attempting to run from his past in every way he can, from working constantly to drinking heavily, all while hiding it behind a smile and eccentricity. Anything to keep the memories of his family at bay.
However, everything all changed, suddenly, when his life took a turn for the weird... (to be continued).
Personality: Generally eccentric and odd, with a bit of roughness and straightforward bluntness. Sam normally doesn't beat around the bush on any subject, and with a natural-born talent to be a wise-a**. However, ever since the mass death of his family, he has become quiet, and a loner, despite trying to be active as much as possible. He also generally tends to show pride in his ancestry, both as an American, a descendent of Polish immigrants to America, and as a, qoute, "good ol' southern gentleman".
Other: Sam has, until this point, been an unknowing repeat victim of the minions of Lorgoth. One demon, named Sil'koth, has travelled around the world, much like the Guardians, in search of those who posess the gift to be Defenders. However, Sil'koth has been hunting them before they are even born, and using evil magics to ensure they are born as males, thus preventing them from being turned into Defenders. Sam was one of these, original intended to be born as a girl, but born as a boy.
The second time was the tragic death of his entire family. The workings of another demon, it was looking to harvest the soul energy from the deaths of hundreds of people at once in a single tragedy. Sam and his family were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olzz82oRCMI
Class: Warrior
Str- 6
Vit- 4
Dex- 4
Wil- 1
HP- 14
MP- 4
AC- 14
Favored weapons(s): 2-handed sword.
Standard attack- No MP cost. d6+str.
"Exorcism"- 4MP cost. d12+str.
Defender costume appearance: (to be revealed later...)

[Appearance]User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Played By: Tao of Mag
Character Name: Oita Akane
Nickname: Kaki (Or Sukeban)
Age: 15
Additional Skills: Speaks Japanese and English, and freerun pretty well.
Biography: Akane was born to two owners of a martial arts studio, and was never encouraged t be too girly. She too eventually moved up the ranks in her father's Dojo, spending every moment practicing and training in the hopes of one day going to the championship. Being their first and only child, she has spent her entire life trying to make them as proud as they would be if she were male.

This of course, was until she started developing. It was a source of humiliation for her; she was no longer as good as she had been because of this new humiliation. Soon, despite all her hard work and her desire to please her parents, she'd stopped her progress and quit altogether. For so long, she desired to explore what made her happy and what she wanted. So despite many fights with her family, she started to hang out with a somewhat unsavory bunch, getting into many fights to protect the group. Proving to be a rather proficient and ferocious fighter within the group, she was soon accepted as one of their own and has been with them ever since.

Personality: Kaki is tough, loudmouthed, opinionated. However, she has a surprising amount of patience and resilience. She has a foul mouth and a problem with authority that stems from her parents being so tough on her. Upon first meeting someone, she is standoffish and aloof, though sometimes she will gradually get to know someone if they're persistent. Her friends are her first priority and she will put anyone in the hospital who decides to mess with them.
Other: [Optional]
Theme Song: [Optional. Can also pick character's favorite song is unable to find a fitting theme]
Class: Mage
Str- 3
Vit- 4
Dex- 3
Wil- 5
HP - 8
MP- 13
AC- 13
Favored weapon(s): Staff
Melee strike- No Mp cost. d4+str
Protective Barrier- 3MP cost. Adds +2 to target (self or other) AC. Lasts 4 rounds.
Fireball- 1MP cost. Generic ranged magic attack. d6+wil
Inferno- 3MP cost. d12+wil
Defender costume appearance: User Image She is...very unhappy about this.

Hanako is 170 cm tall, but less than 50 kg - making her as tall as most of the boys her age, yet lighter than most of the girls. It's not hard to see why from looking at her - her limbs, while long, are like twigs, and you can almost see her ribs - she is clearly not eating as much as she should. Despite that, her complexion is healthy, and although she is very slim, she is not gaunt. It's clear from her figure that if she were to eat properly, she would fill in and round out nicely, having a natural tendency to fullness. Her eyes are large and soft, sparkling blue, and she has a small mouth with full lips, high cheekbones and dimples, and almost always has a gentle smile on her face. She keeps her chestnut hair long and straight, falling loosely around her shoulders and framing her face.
One of Hana's many quirks is her attire. Despite always fawning over beautiful clothes and declaring her love for dressing up, Hana never wears anything flashy, pretty or revealing. In fact, she is almost always in her signature way-oversized beige windbreaker - so big that she has to use hair ties around the biceps to stop the weight of the arms from pulling it off her small shoulders - even indoors, and even in summer. Other than that, the only things she ever wears are long-sleeved blouses with ties, and slacks, or skirts or shorts with opaque tights. Even in summer she wears her knee-high winter boots, but unzipped and dangling about her calves. The net effect of these oversized, floppy clothes and her thinness is that she looks almost childlike and clumsy at a glance - but only at a glance, for despite her odd attire she always moves with fluid and controlled grace.
Played By: Aenakume
Character Name: Ariyama Hanako (有山 花子)
Age: 17
Additional Skills: Hanako is a very talented author and poet, although she has never published anything she has written, or even shown it to anyone else. She can play violin, and the flute and piano to a lesser degree, and indulges in nagaire-style ikebana (Japanese floral arrangement). She is also surprisingly adept with computers and the Internet, even to the point of being able to assemble and wire computers, write software, and crack basic websites.
Biography: Despite being quite well known, Hana is a mystery to everyone. Her mother died when she was five, and while there were rumours of suicide, Hana was too young at the time to understand. Since then, she has lived alone with her father, apart from being left with her uncle when he was on one of his frequent business trips - although since she turned thirteen she has simply stayed home alone when he is away. She has become a common sight shopping at market for fruits and vegetables for cooking, and essentially manages the house herself - even cooking and cleaning for her father when he is in Japan - and has endeared herself to both the vendors and the housewives of her area. Everyone thinks of her as dear, sweet Hana-chan, a darling, happy and charming young girl... just a little bit strange.
Over the years various school officials have looked into Hana's case curiously, wondering about the strange girl who apparently lives mostly alone and rarely comes to school. Her uncle, a doctor, provides her with a blanket exemption from attendance for "reasons of poor health", although anyone who sees her, while agreeing that she appears to be scrawny from under-eating, finds her seeming quite healthy and vigorous. But despite finding her personality... a bit odd... no school counsellors have found any reason for concern, for despite being... a little peculiar... Hana has a very clear, sharp, and even somewhat crafty grasp of the world, often outwitting her counsellors. Besides, the work she hands in is startlingly good - so good that she has been tested several times to make sure that someone else is not doing it for her - and with such high marks and such good standing in the community, school officials are loathe to intervene in something that appears to be working quite well.
And so Hana lives alone, almost never attending school, but is somewhat of a minor celebrity when she does show up to hand in work. Most everyone knows her, either by seeing her name at or near the top of every honour roll, or as the lanky, beautiful brunette who occasionally shows up to school dressed out of uniform in a way-too-big coat, tights and boots even in summer... or by reputation as "the queer girl". Some of the girls have approached her for friendships and have been politely and warmly entertained but declined; some of the boys have approached her out of curiosity or attraction and have been charmingly indulged but always sweetly turned away; all who try to speak to her walk away charmed, but thoroughly confused, and always talking about how bizarre the experience was. Even the adults she frequently meets - the vendors and housewives during her daily shopping trips - are treated with polite warmth and charm but no more; Hana always begs off invitations to dinner or any other such attempts to get closer. To the whole world, she is nothing more than Hanako: that strange, sweet girl who lives alone, and walks through town every day in the same oversized coat with a distant, mysterious gaze and gentle, fanciful smile.
Personality: To sum up Hanako in a word: odd. Certainly Hana is very polite - charming and sweet - and any conversation with her lasting more than a minute reveals that she is quite clever, too, but other than that it is very hard to get a handle on Hana. She is sneaky and manipulative enough to trick you into steering the conversation away from talk about her... but at the same time clever enough to do it without you noticing until much later. And then there are strangely mixed messages. Everything about her speech, her expressions and her posture scream innocence and vulnerability... but no-one who makes that false assumption about her labours under it for long; in the space between two flutters of her lashes Hana can turn from childlike innocence and vulnerability to calm and assured wisdom, confidence and keen awareness of the world around her - even to the point of devilishly clever and insightful assessments of her surroundigns. Yet at the same time, despite clearly being quite world-wise, she often seems lost in a happy, wistful dream - detached from the world and seeing it through rose-tinted lenses - and speaks and acts as though she were skipping through a fantasy.
If asked to state something bad about Hana, most people would be hard-pressed to do so, but if they manage to, they invariably mention her vanity. Hana is quite vain, and quite self-obsessed and self-indulgent, but it doesn't manifest in gaudy or expensive clothing or accessories (Hana actually dresses extremely conservatively, and plainly), but rather more subtly. She can often be caught admiring her reflection, and generally assumes that a nice smile, a soft blush and a flutter of her eyelashes will get her anything she wants (and, especially when dealing with shopkeepers, that is usually true). But a small number of people know about a darker flaw in Hanako's character, and that is her aloofness. Very few people realize it because she is so adept at being charming and polite even when brushing someone off, but Hana is utterly standoffish and detached from any and everyone. Even when she smiles and says sweet and charming things to you, she is not your friend and never will be; she will smile and charm you, but she will brush you off and walk away. Of course, Hana is so sanguine and cheerful that most people are never even aware of how far away she is from them emotionally; you'll never get anything more from her than sweet smiles and polite banter, and never closer than a safe arm's distance.
Other: [Optional]
Theme Song: 大谷 幸 - free bird~真昼の月へと~ (with lyrics)
Class: Rogue
Str- 3
Vit- 3
Dex- 7
Wil- 2
HP - 9
MP- 7
AC- 17
Favored weapon(s): Guns, guns and more guns. Exactly which type of gun she manifests depends on her mood and the situation, but it always tends toward overkill. For example, she commonly manifest things like a pair of 14" Desert Eagle .50 calibre handguns, a Benelli M4 semi-automatic shotgun, a FN F2000 assault rifle, a M82 sniper rifle, a SMAW bazooka or even a stand-mounted M61 Vulcan gatling cannon. Given the right circumstances, she may even manifest a howitzer, or even a tank. Even for up-close melee combat, she prefers guns, like a pair of COP 357 Derringers.
Standard melee attack - No MP cost. d4+str
Standard ranged attack - No MP cost. d4+dex
意外なキッス {igaina kissu / "surprise kiss"} (melee sneak attack) - 2MP cost. 2d4+str
キューピッドの矢 {kyuupiddo no ya / "Cupid's arrow"} (ranged sneak attack) - 2MP cost. 2d4+dex
でれでれ瞳の霧 {deredere hitomo no kiri / "the fog of a lovestruck eye"} (smoke bomb) - 3MP cost. User disappears in a cloud of smoke that fills approximatly 30 cubic feet. User can then attempt to sneak out of enemy's sight.
あたしの心臓はあなたのための千倍のドキドキします {atashi no shinzou wa anata no tame no senbai no doki-doki shimasu / "my heart quickly beats a thousand times for you"} (bullet storm) - 6MP cost. d12+dex
Defender costume appearance: Hanako's battle dress is a shocking pink leotard with an open navel, sides and lower back, and thigh-high heeled boots. On one arm she wears a full opera glove - on the other (her preferred trigger hand), just a regular, fingerless glove. Over the leotard, she wears a flowing silk lace wrap around her waist, and a silk lace faux top with high collar around her torso. To tie her hair back, she uses a huge bow. Around her waist attached to the same strap holding the lace wrap are several hanging purses and other objects - the tools of her trade - and sometimes when she manifests handguns, she will manifest matching holsters.

User Image

Played By: Skittles
Character Name: Yoshida, Sunny
Nickname: N/A
Age: Eighteen
Additional Skills: '
☆ Cooking.
☆ Running exceptionally long distances.
☆ Organization.
☆ Public speaking.

Biography: The Yoshida family began when Sunny's mother and father met on a business endeavor between their two firms. Henna was an American Investor looking to make her big break in Japan, where she met Hiyao and the two fell instantly in love. After only a year together Hiyao proposed and the two were married a few weeks later. Immediately after that they brought Sunny into a loving and protective world they had created with their two hands.

Despite having to travel all over the world, the Yoshida's made it a point to always be loving when they could get home to their patiently awaiting daughter. For most children Sunny's age, being left alone was a chance to exhibit fantasies they dared to dream of. However, Sunny was not that kind of girl, and found an outlook for the absence of her parents; running. Not only fast, but resilient the youngest Yoshida revolved her life around running. It kept her mind from wandering to the fact her parents spent most of her life over seas.

It wasn't until Sunny was thirteen that Henna Yoshida had fallen ill. At first it was mild, yellowing of the skin, the exhaustion and long hours of slumber. In six months time the gradual sickness kept her in bed most of her time while alive. At fifteen, Henna passed away from Cancer, leaving her husband and daughter alone to fend for themselves. Sunny cleaned, cooked and kept her father going. He no longer traveled over seas and spent his time drinking and locking himself in the bathroom. Meals became unbearable until they no longer ate together. Or did anything for that matter. All that mattered in her life was her running career, by this time she had won several championships for speed and stamina and was headed straight for nationals; until that too was won.

Personality: Sunny is not shy, but prefers to keep her home life to herself. Most of the neighbors in her building already talk about her father and his drunken episodes, so she prefers to keep her identity as close to a secret as possible. Despite talking so little, friends and strangers usually stop to listen, and when giving advice it is usually followed. Sunny runs in a small circle of people who know of her life and understand her need to run and push herself beyond her own limits. No one is insulted when she doesn't call or keep in contact for long periods of time.

For the most part, Yoshida is just a girl trying to get through this life the best way she can. She was taught from a young age to be respectful and tries to do right by those first lessons. Though she misses her mother terribly, she does not let the sorrow of loss overcome her and holds her head high. Sunny is a strong companion for those who want to take the time to understand her lucid nature.
Other: [Optional]
Theme Song: The Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi
Class: Healer
Str- 2
Vit- 2
Dex- 4
Wil- 7

HP - 10
MP- 14
AC- 14

Favored weapon: The Celestial Staff
Melee strike - Nop MP cost. d4+str
Celestial Rain: A healing spell that effects the entire group. It is important that Sunny focuses on all those she wishes to heal, which cannot exceed more than three people at a time. If even for a second one falls out of focus, she will not be able to help them and the spell will only help those that remained in her hindsight. MP cost 4. Up to three targets. Heals d4 per person.
Ether: A healing spell that effect one person. Such as for Celestial Rain, Sunny must focus on that person long enough to be of help to them. 7MP cost. d6+wil
Meta Barrier: A protective barrier that subdues damage of long ranged and magical attacks only and transfers the damage into a small amount of healing. Usually equivilant to 5% of the CURRENT health of the individual being protected (DMs discretion). MP cost. Effects 1 target.
Sabotage: A spell that inflicts an enemy target with temporal displacement. Their mind is clouded with loud thoughts and noises and a bout of dizziness.
Defender costume appearance: Sunny  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:46 pm


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:52 pm
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:56 pm


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:00 pm
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:05 pm


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:06 pm
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:13 pm


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:18 pm
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:22 pm


Blessed Knight


Blessed Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:25 pm
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