Thunder and lightening awoke Phobos from his sleep. He sat bolt upright and looked around, then sighed with relief. "Ah...the first day of the Fall semester has finally arrived..." He smiled to himself and shuffled to his dresser, pulling on his boxer-briefs and tattered blue jeans, as well as a tight purple T-shirt. He fastened a studded belt around his waist, then reached around to pull his tail through his pants. "Whew, I guess I'm almost ready." He grabbed some Pop-Tarts and his messenger bag, then headed out the door to class.

"Dammit, I forgot my umbrella!" The rain poured down on Phobos as he rushed to class, trying to get out of the torrential downpour. The weather was worse than he had first thought. He dove inside the building and sank against the wall, panting. "Ugh...sometimes I hate the weather..." Phobos shook his mane, tossing little droplets of water around the hallway. He shivered and wrung out his tail, then began to walk to his classroom.