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Reply The Master Realm
Shavi and Zeren {1x1: Dark & Krowe} Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Toothsome Werewolf

14,175 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Way Too Many Pies 300
  • Lavish Tipper 200
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:48 pm
These are the previous PM's before we moved it to the thread.

The black feline looked up at the sky as she walked. Her booted feet kicked up dust from the cracked sidewalk, but she paid it no mind. Instead, her thoughts were on the sky. More precisely, the multi-color bands in the sky. It was night time, which was only slightly darker than "daytime", and the pitch black sky was slashed with lightning shaped colors. Reds and pale blues and greens and yellows blazed against the darkness. Many said that these were the marks leftover from when the gods scorned the earth and clawed their nails across the sky. She always scoffed and shook her head when she heard that. Gods? More like chemicals and nuclear fallout. The gods haven't cared about the people in hundreds of years. The last war of the celestiaries was only a few centuries ago, and some claimed it still went on. Those same wackos who said gods broke the sky.

She lowered her gaze to the walkway and gathered her coat around her. The wind blew, but it wasn't cold. Just wet. She hated wet. Her ears flattened in her hair and her emerald eyes squinted against the bright lights of the building in front of her.

Torches glowed and people hollered. There was a party of sorts going on, or at least it seemed that way. The building was always busy because of its goods. It was mostly men that toted off with chained beings. But other females, much harder than herself, could also be seen entering and exiting. It was the slavery where she intended to find a partner. To do what with, she wasn't sure yet. Right now, she just needed the company and she happened to have the coin for it.

Alistair Krowe
The ascended cubus looked down. He always stared down. His handlers knew that the being was moody. Ascended like him were emotionally symbiotic, and while angelic in nature, are violently protective of their owners. His owner, however, was killed not even two weeks ago. As to what or how was relevant to the men who found the demon dragging a bloodied human corpse in the outskirts of the city while the creature was sobbing was null. All they saw were the dollar signs. Ascended were rare, especially cubi. Gender-neutral creatures of shapeshifting. Very expensive. Also, this one's will was oddly broken. He didn't put up a fight. He did what he was told. He sat down, clapped himself in slave chains and never uttering a word without being addressed. No running. As if he lacked will of his own.

One of the humans was somewhat more sympathetic to the creature, who was obviously still in mourning. He heard the starting bell that the bidding was about to begin and waved at the demon sitting on the floor next to him. The backstage was cramped, and his cage was even tighter, so the human felt the need to let him out for a bit before he was sold.

"Zeren. Stand up."

The demon got up swiftly, heavy chains that were a requirement for any demons in the building clinking loudly. His eyes still upon the floor, globes of bright purple that always seem to change color when the human wasn't looking.

"How're ya feelin'?" The human asked.

"Fine." The demon returned the question curtly. Heavily regimented psychological reprogramming and indoctrination compelled the demon to do what he was told. But the sorrow of the loss of his other half betrayed the barely masked malice in his voice, causing the human to back up slightly by habit. The demon looked up, eyes soften as if he regretted his own reaction. The human knew he had to assert authority, despite him not blaming the creature for the slight lash out.

"Apologize." He said firmly.

"I am sorry. I will not happen again." He replied quickly, ears flattened upon his head in a non-threatening manner. He eyed the man apologetically and return his gaze upon the floor. The man crossed his arms and then looked away. They imprint easily, and the demon was already looking at him as his new master. As appealing as it sounded, stiffing his friends out of money just so he could have a new playmate would not end well for either of them. He pointed to a nearby open cage.

"Get in."

Zeren did as he was told, clambering into his cage as the human closed the door shut and locked it. Not to prevent a runner, but to prevent theft. The man gave the creature one last look before leaving the backstage. The demon shot the man an agonized look before curling up on the cage floor. He hated being alone.

The black cat was led into a large room where others were seated. She silently bowed her head in thanks to the usher and followed the lines to her seat. She was in the second row and not many were around her. These events were notorious for misbehaved merchandise. Spitting of various bodily fluids, hitting with various body parts, and magic would come into contact with anyone in the first four or five rows. She took inventory all around her and she was, along with one other, a German Shepherd by the looks of it, the only one in the first three rows. The dog was behind her and to her left. She'd have to watch out for him. Those with lots of money sat in the front. She just wanted a good seat to see the slaves.

A few torches were dimmed in the back, but enough were left to see the buyers and all torches were left on on the stage. She imagined the heat was unbearable even to those without fur. She shed her heavy, damp coat and put it in the empty chair behind her. She heard the crowd simmer down as the show began. The German Shepherd was close enough that she could hear him sigh and put his boots up on a chair in front of him. She turned her attention back to the fancily dressed bird on stage. A peacock, of course.

"Ladies and gentlemen, humans and furs, featheries and scalies, welcome! We have for you tonight a presentation of flesh and power. Of strength and gentleness..." She drowned out his spiel as she pawed the metal in her pocket. Coins of various shapes and conditions. Metal kept better than paper. Finally, the showy bird was done and the first line up came on. Females, mostly young in age. Little girls. They had rags that were supposed to be dresses. Their feet were chained and their necks were shackled. She paid no attention to these poor souls, though the crowd roared behind her as bids were being made. Numbers were drawn on their foreheads in paint, to distinguish the different girls. If she knew it would be heard, she would have said a prayer for them. Instead, she closed her eyes until the crowd died down again.

More lines were brought up. Boys, teens, elderly. The ones less likely to sell, due to their frailty. The youngin's would have been sold as sex slaves in the old days, but now sex had to come with strength. Otherwise, in this environment, they'd die. Finally, the lines dwindled down to single people. A female was brought up and prodded to dance. The crowd howled again and she was purchased. The cat didn't need a girl. Vaginas scared her anyway. She had begun to give up and settle into her seat for a nap when the peacock came back on stage. Was that it?

"Hope you're all still with us~" Oh gods. What was the crazy bird up to? "We have a special treat for you all tonight! The gods have graced us with one of their own~" He held out a wing and walked backwards to show off a cubus. That got her attention. The crowd was silent as they watched him, wondering what it was he would do.

Alistair Krowe
The cubus snapped backwards as his cage was revealed, hissing sharply. He hated loneliness. But he also hated crowds. He hated them a lot. Almost as much as he hated the bird thing who wouldn't shut his ******** gob.

The initial shock wore off as memories begun to dictate to what was going on. They were going to fight over for him using some sort of precious metals. This once more. The last time it happen was a joyous occasional as a mortal with deep pockets graced him with a firm but loving grip over the demon's life. Now was not the time, as his master's lifeless eyes still haunted him every time he closed his own.

He curled up into a fetal position once more, facing away from the audience.

'Face forward!" Someone hissed at him from behind the curtains. He did once more as he was told, swiveling around and staring into the crowd with derision. His snake-like tail lashed in agitation, but he remained quiet as he waited for this godsforsaken practice to end.

The crowd continued to stay silent in awe. The black feline up front was the first to raise her hand. Everyone stayed silent as she stood. Her raised hand was the gesture to walk on stage. Only the cocky ones ever asked to walk on stage. The ones who were confident they were going to win the slave being presented. The peacock, mouth agape, stood back and let her examine the cubus. She probably didn't have enough to outbid most of the people present, but this ballsy move would help her chances.

She walked around the cubus and looked it up and down. She couldn't tell what gender, though she assumed male due to the lack of curves. She could be wrong, but it was her best guess. His white skin reflected gold in the torchlight. His horns curved up ward and his purple eyes seemed to shine indignantly. Her tail twitched as she studied him and nodded. She'd buy him, but now it was up to him. This particular practice was like a dance. He could continue to stand and reject her or he could kneel and accept her. She hoped he understood what was happening. A paw turned sweaty against the coins in her coat pocket. Now, she was nervous. Perhaps this wasn't the greatest idea. Then again, cats weren't known for brilliance, just arrogance.

Alistair Krowe
He watch her with wary eyes. Some sort of feline person. Female. She was doing what his old master did with him, he could see it in her eyes before looking back down. Seeing if he would submit to her. She had an air of grace about her, a rare trait even amongst the wealthy these days. And confidence. It could just be confidence. Or arrogance. The two were often difficult to tell apart. Nevertheless, he didn't care. All that matter that he was desired for.

As his training dictated, he yielded to his possible new mistress by falling upon his knees and kneeling low, his beak brushing the ground humbly. He closed his eyes and waited for the next step.


The crowd roared to life as the feline stepped back with her hands out to her sides, showing that she did not prompt his response or force him. He simply accepted her, and she got him without paying a coin. She couldn't have been happier! She had metal in her pocket and a new slave, together. She touched the cubus's shoulder gently, a sign for him to stand again. His pearly skin was surprisingly warm to the touch, as he appeared to be a scalie, which were normally cold-blooded. Her emerald gaze hardened and fell to the peacock to make the announcement.

The old bird gathered his wits about him and called out to the crowd, "And the cubus is taken!" The crowd disagreed heartily, but they couldn't do anything. Inside anyway, she'd have to figure out a way to escape without getting herself or her new charge injured or killed. She walked back to get her coat and the Shepherd stared at her angrily. She'd especially have to watch out for that one, as he was as hopeful as her to get something special.

The feline walked back on stage and took the cubus by the hand, it was time to get things finalized. She led him to the back where an office door stood open and a loud voice could be heard from quite a ways away. "I'm Shavi," she said quietly. She didn't talk much, wasn't her thing. She just liked to think and take action. But her voice rang out softly, like a muffled bell. Wasn't soothing, but it wasn't harsh either.

They entered the room where another dog sat, a Labrador, with his new purchase. The small bird child sat on the floor with tear stains on her blue cheeks. A rare find, just like her own purchase. The tiger that sat on the business side of the desk wore an elaborate coat that would have been ruined outside in the rain. His coat was white with blonde stripes and his blue eyes shone bright. He waved off the previous pair to make room for the new clients. "The cubus? Nice work, girlie," she already didn't like him for the business he was in, but his condescending tone made it worse. "The crowd tells me you went on stage for it? Some balls for a female."

Alistair Krowe
The crowd roared. The annoying bird man declared he was taken. All he needed to know that he had been claimed. He felt her touch his shoulder and took upon himself to rise and follow. He eyed the German Shepard cautiously, wondering if he was foolish enough to try anything funny. The thought was dismissed as she took his hand and lead him towards the back.

Shavi? A pretty name. He would've told her his, but she didn't ask for it. Not that he didn't blame her much upon seeing the sickening sight before them as she dealt business with the man that radiated a cruel aura. He stood back, watching a lab take a small child as he left. The demonic side of him always seemed to tug at him, but it was a mere itch compared to the angelic urges to punish the wicked. His eye twitched as he suppressed himself the insanely powerful drive to remove the lab's head and slowly eviscerate the tiger from stem to stern for the evils that took place here. Knowing the devastation that would've ensued, the demonic side egged the urge on.

It subsided as his strict indoctrination won the metaphorical tug-of-war. The gods of light will punish them severely. They always will, for only the immortal escape their eventual judgement of their souls. With that justification in mind he sat on the floor, waiting for his new mistress to finish her business.

Shavi ignored the tiger's insult to her dominance and held out her hand for papers. "Not a talker, eh? Too bad, I rather enjoy talking," the tiger said. And she could tell he did indeed. The blondie shuffled some papers together and entwined his big paws. "Now, he have a bit of a problem. This cubus has no papers. We just kinda picked him up off the streets. You can ask him his name and all that, but we just got him a day or two ago. So, there's not much we can do for you here. However, we did not expect you to win him over so easily. You see, he's rather priceless..."

The cat knew where this was going, or at least she had an idea. She discreetly moved her paw from the metals in her pocket to the vial on her hip. She made it look like she was trying to get comfortable by rolling her shoulders. She cocked an eyebrow in question to provoke him onward. "I understand you paid the cover charge by the door," he folded his big hands into a steeple, "as is customary. And that's all well and good. But we were hoping to make a profit on this creature, as you might expect." His cool demeanor was changing as he spoke, his brows furrowed together and his blue eyes got darker. "So you can imagine the trouble we have when you, a small feline woman, take this cubus right out from under our noses. We didn't expect that at all. So, we're left with a conundrum."

She held the glass vial tightly, ready to uncap it and toss it in the tiger's baby blues. She quirked the other brow to question him again, so he continued. "Well, we can't very well let you go without paying something! After all, this is quite a find!" The black cat looked down at her "purchase" and agreed mentally at what a find the cubus was indeed.

Alistair Krowe
He looked back up at her for a moment, once more looking back down to the floor a few moments later. He could feel her tense up, her hand subtly sliding to her side to grab something. A weapon, most likely. He did not like the tiger's tone as well. Within the volumes of chains and leather contained a cleverly-hidden, large-caliber derringer. The people who picked him up didn't bother to search him. Not one as servile as he was. Not that he needed it to kill. He had angelic and demon powers, although they were watered down. The light and darkness always try to cancel each other out, making their reliability sporadic at best. Sporadic, but wildly potent and volatile.

He made no moves for his concealed weapon, but merely remained on the floor, waiting for a cue. Whether from her or should the tiger force his hand to protect his mistress.

The feline's eyes stayed on the cubus before looking back to the tiger. She tentatively shook her head. She wanted to keep her coins, but she wanted the cubus as well. She was best for it, she knew. Much better than the dog in the crowd who had hard eyes. The tiger sighed and shook his head back. "There's no way around it. Pay up or we take him back, with or without your permission." The cat raised a lip, a contrasting flash of her fangs against her pitch black fur.

The acid in the vial had the ability to melt organic material. All she had to do was throw it in his eyes or mouth and he would be down and out for a good long time. But she wanted to leave the building with her slave and herself unharmed. So, she had to concede. Shavi's lip lowered back into her usual blank expression and threw a fistful of coins on the desk. She stood and touched the cubus again for him to stand. She wanted to leave before the tiger counted the metals and asked for more. She didn't want to relinquish any more.

Alistair Krowe
The demon heard the clink of metals hitting the table, his mistress touching him once more to stand. He stood up quickly, also sharing her eagerness to leave. He felt relief to get out and away from this terrible place. Whether it was to a home more or less merciful was still in question.

His eyes darted from the tiger to Shavi and then back to the floor. His tail flicked nervously.

The tiger gave a gruff purr upon exhale as he gathered the coins to himself. He waved a hand to dismiss them, but Shavi was already far down the hall. As she quickly padded towards the exit of the building, she let down her wavy mass of black hair. It bounced on her shoulders as she swiftly walked to the doors, hoping the cubus was close behind her. Her coat bumped against her heels and her mostly leather clothes squeaked in protest at her speed walking. Lips pursed in determination and eyes set on the door, she didn't hear the dog to her left until he cleared his throat.

She whirled around to face him and hissed. The crowd was still preoccupied in the main room by the sale that continued to go on, despite it's major prize being taken. However, the dog was no longer interested in that. He just wanted what she had, and the cat could tell. The Shepherd was leaning casually against the wall, smoking a prized cancerstick. For them to be so deadly, a lot of people craved them still and gave up priceless possessions to inhale just once.

The dog was dressed in mostly brown, probably matched his fur, and his eyes were covered by his hat. "Lucky lady, you are," he drawled. Regular cowboy, he was. She cocked a hip and continued to stare emerald daggers at him. "Such a prize. Your fur certainly doesn't do you wrong," he jabbed at her black color, it was a superstition in the old days, days only her great-great grandfather would remember if he were still alive.

Her silence clearly unnerved the German Shepherd as he rolled his shoulders and kept fidgeting. "What say I give you all my metal for it, huh?" She shook her head and he growled.

Alistair Krowe
Superstitious nonsense.

He did not like that dog. Which was odd given how most German Shepherds are usually cute. Off course, given his vile aura, even the finest bodies are sullied by horrible personalities. This case was no different. Once more, he felt a familiar flame of defiance as he looked up and shot the canine a dark glare. The man's growling did nothing but provoke the demon, but remained quiet. So far, the man seemed merely persistent. No real sense of aggression... Yet.

At the dog's growl, Shavi stood between her cubus and him. She dramatically swept her coat aside to reveal rows and rows of vials on her person. She grinned maniacally and the Shepherd may as well have tucked his tail between his legs for the fear that emanated from his body. He finally raised his head so she could see his golden eyes and her grin grew broader. His eyes were wide and his whites were showing clear as the old "day".

"Run along, little doggy," she cooed, but he didn't back down. Instead, his fear turned to anger at being defied. What was it with dominants and big egos? She surely didn't have one that big. The canine opened his own coat to reveal a scabbard. It looked to contain a sword, but it could just be the hilt glued onto an empty scabbard. She decided to risk it.

She took a step forward and the dog did the same, his hand going for the hilt.

Alistair Krowe

It was the first time in a very long time that he spoke out that loud, defying his training as his otherworldly nature overwhelmed his obedience training. He stepped up behind her, far away enough to not inhibit her actions for being too close. He felt the deep conflict of his two natures in his spirit before the source he called upon won out. He begun mumbling seemingly incoherent Angelspeak, not of his own will, but as a compulsion as the source he called upon dominated his mind and soul. A swirl of golden gas that formed a round band several inches from his horns began to form as he further lost control.

Then, a nigh-invisible wall shot up between his mistress and the shepherd. A barrier that betrayed it's presence with the vague twinkling of light. A phenomena straight from the Ether, itself. It's conduit's body shaking as his hands were held out, holding the anomaly in place with his will.

"You will not have him, cur. You will not harm her. You will leave, or face judgement. Eternal damnation is not worth your silly pride, sub-creature." The demon suddenly snarled, the words he spoke not his own. He felt his legs giving as his energy was expended.

Shavi's eyes widened and she hissed in surprise. The golden column surged up right as she was about to make her attack and it completely threw her off. She was lucky the Shepherd was dazed too because that would have been a perfect opportunity to strike her down. The dog whimpered and fell back onto his rump. The cat whirled around and gave wide emerald eyes to her cubus.

Her anger subsided as she saw it begin to fall. The golden wall held, but the cubus's energy was apparently depleted. It was only inches from her, so she was able to reach her hands out in time. The large, warm, white body hit hers almost full force. She was close to tumbling herself, but her legs held strong. She was careful that its body didn't break any of the harmful vials concealed on her.

One last look at the Shepherd assured he wasn't going to follow them as he cowered behind the wall of aura, and she dragged the cubus out the door.

She pulled him outside and to the side of the building to prop him up against the wall. She was worried about him, despite all the looks she was getting from other customers. She raised a lip in a snarl and they backed off. She turned her attention back to her slave and furrowed her brows. Was he sleeping? Was he passed out? He was breathing, but his eyes were closed. She assumed it was a he due to the masculine voice that he spoke in earlier, though he talked in third person, which was weird as hell. Did she have a cubus with the mentality of a five year old? Just her luck.

With that thought, she grumbled and sat down beside him, hoping he'd recover soon. The sky began to lighten, which signified it would be "day" soon. Still dark enough to need torches, but it was lighter than the night. The slashes of colors in the sky seemed to mock her. She glared at them and placed a vial in each hand, just in case they would be attacked again.

Alistair Krowe
The demon's eyes snapped open. For a moment, his mind had blanked on his actions. He lost control again. It was impossible to control the source once he had called upon it. The dog was luckily it was the source of angels, the arbiters of justice and protectors of the innocent. Or at least as innocent as they come nowadays. Had the demons seized control, he wouldn't have been able to stop until the man was as dead as the demon could muster.

He scooted away from here, fearing punishment.

"I'm sorry! I... I couldn't stop it! I won't do it again, I swear!" He balled up, his limbs burning with fatigue from the exertion.

At first, the cat's expression was one of confusion as the cubus came to and essentially flipped his s**t. She stashed the vials, and put her hands up to sort of say "calm the ******** down." Yes, he did act out of term, but he also probably saved her, so she had to give him credit for that. She would like if that had more of a system for any fights that might stir up, which they did frequently, but for now she was grateful.

She put a hand to her heart and smiled, "Thank you." Her other hand she held out, palm up, to try and get him to move closer. Thankfully, he was no longer talking in third person, but he voice seemed softer. At least, less boomier. Still slightly masculine though. Her eyes softened and she folded her ears back to appear less menacing. As if a poofy kitty could be menacing. She made it work though, but now he needed the kitty.

"I would like, however, if you could leave my fights to me, until I need your help." She chuckled. She did like her brawls. Gave her poisons and concoctions a good test run. Plus, if she fought enough, people would hear her reputation of being a hard a** without her needing to prove it anymore.

Alistair Krowe
He looked up, fear subsiding. She wasn't even going to hit him? He felt incredibly relieved, his tension subsiding as he relaxed.

"You're welcome, mistress. Yes, mistress. Never again unless asked." He replied while nodding sharply, looking her in the eyes and then back at the ground.

She awkwardly pat him on the head and nodded. Good. Now that that was out of the way, he probably needed food. The cat knew she needed it. She wasn't sure about his clothes though. The chains needed to go. All he needed was a collar for his status, not full blown shackles. But she wasn't sure if he wanted to relinquish his clothes. What little she knew of his kind was that they liked skin. Speaking of...

"Um, we're not doing 'it', okay?"

Alistair Krowe
He closed his eyes happily at the patting. Her following a statement perplexed him, however. "What's 'it'?" He asked, cocking his head. The gears in his head turned for a few moments before his eyes widened. "Ooooh! Yes, mistress! No 'it'! ... But why would you bring it up now, if I may ask?"


She exhaled heavily in relief. Then his question made her blush, but it wasn't visible beneath her dark fur. Only her eyes could be seen widening. "Well... Your uh... Clothing state," she struggled with the words. He wasn't naked, exactly, but he wasn't dressed as she was either. Lots pearly white skin was showing, as opposed to her dark fur being covered by lots of equally dark clothing.

She didn't mind, honestly. The view could be called quite nice, but it wasn't practical. And if he wanted to carry a weapon, well she couldn't see any place that he could currently. "Cubi are normally sexual, right?" She was always told to stay away, or else they would rape her and steal or soul, or some s**t. She doubted the rape and soul-stealing, but their deviant reputation couldn't be false, right?

Alistair Krowe
"I'm only sexual when you want me to." He replied simply. It was the furthest thing to a proposition, but an honest answer, hence his nonchalance. He stared down as his apparel. "... My old master didn't like me to dress much. He wanted easy access." He finished, wondering if what he was wearing was inappropriate for public. Not that he really cared much for the opinions of strange mortals and their obsession for always clothing themselves. Still, when in Rome...

Shavi waved a hand at the "easy access". There wouldn't need to be any of that now. She put a paw in her pocket and could still feel quite a bit of coins. "How does dinner and shopping sound? If want want a change of clothes that is; totally your call."

She looked up to the sky again. The greens were gone, which meant it was full day. Reds and oranges still laced the sky, but they always did. Hey, since her new charge was of that whole lineage, right? Gods and demons and all that? Maybe she could ask him if it was the gods who made the marks, or if it was chemicals, as she thought.

For now, though, they just needed to get to know each other. She needed to know what he could do, and he needed to know his new purpose. Some background might be dabbled in there, who knew.

Alistair Krowe
"Food?" His ears pricked up at the mention of dinner. And shopping? "And clothes? I... I wouldn't know what to pick. I've never been shopping, before." Nevertheless, he felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of new clothes. They may be a sometimes frivolous invention of mortals afraid of nudity, but there were many cold nights he would've liked a coat. He rose to his feet unsteadily, the fatigue in his limbs slowly dissipating as he braced himself against the wall. Not many propose to him such kindness without wanting something in return. But her suggestion sounded sincere. That was all he needed to get his hopes up.

The female reached her hands out to catch him as he stood so suddenly. He seemed to lean against the wall so dependently, but soon he was on his own two feet. She guessed his strength was returning to him. Good. They needed all the strength possible to make it to dinner AND shopping. It wasn't like there were mobs after her, but if someone said something wrong to her, she couldn't help but stand up to the challenge. Then the mobs came after she kicked some a**.

Shopping would be good, she was sure. After all, cubi had the reputation of being something along the lines of sex gods. She didn't need mobs of horny people. She dealt with lustful cats enough to know that even more species would be bad news. Toms always liked the challenge of a female who could kick their a**. Unfortunately for them, she was really good at it.

So, dinner. Well, with it being morning it was more like breakfast, but she had yet to sleep. So, she called it dinner. Rebel; that's what she was. She looked about her and put a paw up to her brow to search the horizon. The bulk of the city was behind her, where she came from, but she'd already been there. So it was time to move on. She looked past the slave shop and spotted more lights. Perfect. "Come on then... Uh.... What should I call you?"

Alistair Krowe
"I'm Zeren." He replied with an appreciative nod as she moved to help him up, following her as she gestured to him. He noticed her seeming worried. Her aura was hard to read, but the obvious fluctuations was relatively not very difficult. And the ability to pin an aural reaction to the situation at hand made his kind seem like telepaths when in truth, they were merely just perceptive when they want to. Zeren wasn't particularly good at it. Things flew over his head. A mixture of naivety and obliviousness. The ways of mortals were still a mystery to him. But still, her worried aura and the fact that people seem to want him wasn't too hard to put together.

"Are we in danger?" He asked, cocking his head slightly.

She looked back at him and raised a brow. Trouble? From the Shepherd? She shook her head and looked back to the line of lights of the new city ahead. She raised a hand and flexed two fingers to tell him to follow. She started on her way with a hand in her pocket. As she walked, she counted the coins in her pocket. She had enough for meals for two, plus some for the road, and lots of shopping. She might pick up some new vials and ingredients if they were on the market.

She also needed something for long range. The potions worked in hand to hand, but if the Shepherd's sword was real, she'd have been cut before he'd have been blinded. She'd get the upper hand, but she didn't like to get hurt. She also needed a weapon for the cubus. Zeren, he said his name is. Z. Zee. Zer. Lots of nickname possibilities. Calling him "slave" wouldn't work. Left a bad taste in her mouth. Even left a rancid smear on her thoughts.

She stayed silent as she took mental inventory of the things they would need.

Alistair Krowe
The demon followed dutifully, maintaining the proper distance between them. A few steps back. Close enough to deter a pet snatching but far enough not to bump into her if she was to stop suddenly. He thought about asking about the vials she kept on her person. He figured enough about them not to pry, however. She brandished them like weapons, thus that's what they had to be. Perhaps something acidic or very alkaline.

Zeren had never traveled to this part of town, before. Like anywhere else, the vestiges of post-apocalyptic society shown itself, it's very best and worst. A world slowly healing, and a world constantly damning itself into a lifeless rock. Ivy engulfed the side of a building they past, and various tough flora dotted the sidewalk and roads through the cracks. On the other side of the spectrum, they walked past a vast hole on the road. How it got there was beyond him. Some kind of bomb going off years ago, perhaps. Inside, the people dumped their noxious waste. Not what went inside toilets or down sinks. Chemicals too harsh for their already fragile internal plumbing or too dangerous for the sewage system. Nobody wanted to go down the sewage tunnels for obvious reasons, and it wasn't just for the smell.

He winced his eyes at the odor and stuck close to his mistress as they went by.

The surroundings didn't bother Shavi anymore. She'd been traveling for years now. She'd seen better and she'd seen worse. Towering forests that seem untouched by the poisons or graced by the gods. Cities that once had no match for height, now reduced to dust and slime. Her nose merely wrinkled at the offending stench, but her eyes stayed on the horizon.

She wasn't sure she liked Zeren behind her. She couldn't see him, so her reaction might be slow if he was taken or attacked. She slowed her pace so she was beside him. She shot him a look of "stay there" as she walked. Her tail swayed and her ears swiveled as she took in any sound she could. Screams and yells were common. It was only when it was close that they should worry. But for now, all sounds were far enough away that she let her hands fall to her sides after she counted her coins. No need to stay on alert for now.

Alistair Krowe
He shrinked back a little bit at the look, a knee-jerk reaction to being hit in the past. But maintained his speed alongside her when it seemed to be all there was to it. Her presence was relaxed a bit. If any trouble was expected, she seemed to either fallen to complacency or is sure that they're not in any present danger. Leave it to his demonic source to always nag him into distrust. Given Shavi's battle-hardened demeanor, he was quite sure his mistress was sure of what she was doing. Still, he was curious as to where they were going, and given her relaxed ownership of him, he felt it was okay to speak out of turn, provided he didn't do it too much.

"Where are we going?"

Shavi resisted the urge to soothe him again. She wasn't that harsh; maybe he'd get used to it? She turned her attention forward once again and began counting her vials by touching them. There were lots of empty spots; spots she needed to fill. Only 17 left? Not nearly enough. She'd be lucky if that many got them to dinner. Her ears perked at his question and she turned to him.

"To that city ahead, obviously? We were gonna eat and then shop?" Did he forget that already? Here she goes, worrying that she picked up a five year old again. Soon, he'd be asking "are we there yet?" She stifled the shudder.

Alistair Krowe
"My apologies, but I meant like... Er. You know. The town's name up ahead. Or if we're going to any places you know about or... I'll just shut up." He said, rubbing the back of his head. He gave a nervous chuckle, the first time he showed much of anything overtly besides fear and mopiness in nearly a month.

He looked down. The stockings he used were thick, thus worked fairly well as they padded his feet on the ground. But they were wearing thin quickly against the sidewalk and asphalt. And running. He hated when the things started running. Once more, he felt excited about the prospect of shoes. He liked shoes. Especially army boots.

Shavi's ears lowered just a bit. She didn't know the name of the city. Or any of the places around the area. She never felt the need to find out since she never stayed long."No," she said simply. She wasn't sure what he'd do if she told him they wouldn't have a true home. She traveled and that was it. Any surface became her bed, whether it was a bed or not. The coins in her pocket were the most she'd ever had in her life. She might be able to rent a room without killing someone or sneaking in.

She should probably let the cubus know what he was in for, but that could come later. Perhaps in the room she'd rent. Or over dinner. She didn't know how it all worked, the common conversation. Seeing as how she spent most of her time alone. And when there were people around, she was on high alert. But, she did have time to observe others. That was how she knew about slavery and the companionship. And the ritual that got her a free slave.

The cat stopped and turned to her companion. "We'll talk later," she promised. Hopefully that would keep him sated.

Alistair Krowe
An odd response. But he simply nodded his head and remained quiet. He stared up at the sky as they walked, once again noting to himself of it's strangeness. Re recalled a time where it wasn't like this. It was just blue. On a cloudless day, it was pretty. Of course, that was before...

He almost tripped over a gaping pothole as he gazed, hoping over it as they neared the town. He lost his train of thought and instead, refocused his attention on an oddly-shaped bush they were passing by.

A breeze blew and lifted Shavi's hair from her shoulders. With it came rain. The cat grumbled and raised the hood on her coat to cover her head. With a look to the cubus, who was staring at a bush, she grabbed his hand and picked up the pace. She didn't like the rain. And she didn't know, with Zeren's furlessness, if he would get sick.

Finally, they reached cover. It was a building from the old days that was said to scrape the sky. Maybe these buildings made the colors, she briefly thought. This scraper had fallen over in the middle and landed on another across the way. So, they had plenty of cover from the rain.

The cat looked about. She saw many people. Some humans and many dogs. Most cats were sensible and stayed inside when they sensed rain. She saw many clothing booths set up, but they were going to eat first. "What are you hungry for," she said, rather loudly so he could hear her over the rain and the murmur of people.

Alistair Krowe
"Seeds or fruits, mistress. As long as it's one of those, I'm not picky about it." He replied, brushing the rainwater out of his hair. His diet may be limited, but he rarely had to eat. Perhaps once a week at the minimum. He once went nearly three months without a good meal. We was almost nothing but skin and bones back then.

The crowds of dogs and humans was a typical sight. The scraper that leaned on another above them was not. The people that once lived in these sprawling metropolises sure do know how to make their buildings last, even after the apocalypse. Perhaps they'll outlast sentient life here, a crumbling monument that aliens visiting this dead world will debate and speculate on it's purpose.

Such thoughts depressed him. Best not to think about them. Instead, he focused on the thought of sunflower seeds. Hard to find and not very high in caloric value, but practically a delicacy to him.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:58 pm
Shavi simply stared at the cubus. Was he a bird or something in disguise? "Seeds or fruits," she repeated, making sure she heard him right. Her brow furrowed and she twisted her mouth in disbelief. There would be times where feeding him wouldn't be an issue. And most often, he wouldn't find anything of the sort to eat. "Also, I don't know how I feel about that Mistress stuff. I am your superior, but it's not like that. For now, try Miss and we'll see how I feel about that." She closed her eyes and rubbed the space between them. Damn rain. Always gave her headaches.

She looked around again and spotted an open market dotted with tables. Good enough. She waved her arm to the cubus to follow her again. She pulled the hood tighter around her head to keep the rain off her delicate ears. She hated that twitchy thing they did when they were wet. Not like she could help it.

She walked up to the vendor and looked at his products. Lots of dried meats and some actual fruits. She saw no trees around, let alone fruiting trees. She was suspicious of their origins. She looked to Zeren and motioned her head for him to come over.  


Toothsome Werewolf

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:18 pm
{{ Ugh. Look at all the typos I made in those PMs. Unprofessional of me. }}

All he responded in kind was nodding back. Most owners he'd had insisted upon master or mistress labels. The fact that this one didn't was new territory, but he merely adapted. The feeling of the perchance that he was testing her patience with his presence begun to snake up on him, and simply remained quiet as she motioned him over.

He eyed the spread on the vendor's table before them. A few pieces of fruit sent off alarm bells in his head that they weren't edible. Not so much the freshness as in where some may've been grown. Some smelled fine, but the undeniable scent of toxic impurities wafted by his sensitive nostrils. It seemed unintentional, given it was only a few pieces, nevertheless he sorted out what was bad from the good.

"The apples are good. The pears are not." He said to her, keeping his tone down despite the noise to avoid offending the vendor.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:42 pm
{Shush. XD I wanna change some of my stuff too. X"P}

She picked five apples, tossed one to Zeren, and lots of strips of meat. She didn't ask where it came from. In this day, it was best not to know, otherwise you could become an accomplice to a crime you had no idea was committed. She put a piece in her mouth and paid the human. He offered her a pear, but she shook her head. He shrugged and replied, "Your loss." Of a new limb perhaps.

Shavi took a seat at one of the tables under the scraper and took inventory of all the food. An apple a day? "How often do you eat? Should I have gotten more?" She could ration the meat to last a good long time. She didn't know where the next city was and didn't care enough to ask. It was best to assume it would take a month or so. If there was a weapons shop, it would last even longer.  


Toothsome Werewolf

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:06 pm
"Five will last about two weeks, usually. Most of my caloric energy derives from the Sources." He replied. It took him a couple of moments to realize that what he had just said makes little sense to most mortals. He stared down at his apple before ravenously taking a V-shaped bite from it. He thought about growing a snout or a muzzle to facilitate chewing, but instead opted out for swallowing the pieces in his beak whole. "... It's... Well... I don't need to eat often, simply put." He took another bite. "I haven't really heard much about you, Miss. Where do you hail from?"  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:16 pm
Shavi blinked. That was quite a time for only five apples. She needed food at least once a day. And what was this about "Sources"? The ******** did that mean? She shook her head to clear the daze and chewed the meat thoughtfully. Here they go into stories. "Well.. I dunno, honestly. The house is probably long destroyed by ill weather or ill creatures. I don't remember any parents, only my older brother. He was killed when I was old enough to kill his attackers." She shrugged. It was a loooong time ago, and she'd cried all the tears she could. "Then, I left."

"What about you?" She didn't wanna spill her guts at the first question. Perhaps he'd miss some and she could keep a few things to herself. He was to be her companion, but she still liked her privacy.

The rain let up finally and more creatures began to come out. Featheries of all colors. Cats of all kinds. More humans and dogs. And soon, the city was bustling.  


Toothsome Werewolf

14,175 Points
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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:05 pm
"I'm... I'm sorry." He said. Tragedy was a mainstay of post-apocaylpia, but that didn't mean he didn't mean it. That was the angelic part of him. Hard to deaden yourself to suffering and death when it was always nagging at you.

She didn't seem all that upset about it and appeared to not want to go much further than that, so he dropped it.

"The Sources... They're what I call them. Forces from the Beyond. Not of this plane of existence. Some of them are righteous, others driven by hate. I share a sort of symbiotic relationship with those spirits." He paused to finish what's left of the apple, then dropped the core on the ground. "I was created for a range of roles. Warrior. Scholar. Lover... None of them I'm really all that skilled with at the time, so I was scratched as a loss, sold to the highest bidder and... Well. Let's just say it's been a while since I felt much of a sense of free will until I met you. I was told what to do, what to say, what to think. I just... Did." He finished, watching the crowds grow thicker.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:18 pm
She ignored his apology. She'd heard it all the time whenever she got drunk enough and talked to the bartender. Seemed like an involuntary response, so it didn't phase her any. Since it seemed to be a back and forth game, she was going to give a little more about herself when she noticed something about the crowd. Many females, and even males, were eying her partner. She scowled and that deterred some of them, but the others just smiled and continued to stare. "You attract too many." He needed more clothes and quickly. They could finish this later, maybe in a less public area.

She shoved the rest of the piece of jerky in her mouth and stood. She looked around until she saw a brightly lit sign for a clothing shop. It was rare to see people inhabit some of the old structures, taboo and all that, but clothes stores needed someplace to go and the old structures happened to be best. Thankfully, it wasn't located in the one that was half knocked over.

She packed the other pieces of dried meats and the apples into various pockets of her coat and led Zeren by his hand to the store. Eyes followed them and whispers began. ******** A, people. Get a life.  


Toothsome Werewolf

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:03 am
"I noticed." He replied. He knew the dangers of too many lustful mortals eying at him like some sort of prize. Of course, his master had an armed escort. Guns and machetes used to be more than enough of a deterrent to keep people away. So he put up no resistance as she guided him into the building, given that it was a good idea now to not dress provocatively since he was no longer a sex slave. They had been inside for only a few seconds, and already he saw a multitude of things he wanted to ask to buy.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:14 am
Shavi plopped herself on a seat by the front and waved a paw at the wares of the store. It was pretty general stuff. Nothing fancy, just sensical clothes for everyday wearing. Only the rich could afford anything not durable. Only the rich had any use for anything not durable. Silks and cottons and what-have-you. If all they did was sit on their a** on all their coins, they wouldn't need boots that could last for years without a single blister.

She eyed some of the shelves and spotted a hat she couldn't leave without. And a good sturdy bag. And a few other things that just whispered sweet nothings to her. She waved the cubus off again. He could have at.  


Toothsome Werewolf

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:18 pm
She waved him off, usually that meant he could roam a bit. And so he did, slowly eying the selection. He still wasn't too sure of what to get, but tried to his damnedest to find a sensible outfit. He always wanted something more rugged...

It wasn't even a few minutes until he had an armful of clothing and darted eagerly into an old, makeshift dressing booth. He emerged a few minutes later, satisfied that his choices fit. A pair of brown boots, black pants outfitted with sewn-in kneepads, a brown shirt and a pair of fingerless gloves, all in his arms as he returned to Shavi.

"Is this suitable?" He asked.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:24 pm
Shavi jumped at his question. She was snarling at herself in the mirror, trying to see if the hat was fierce enough. She righted the hat and cleared her throat, trying to show she wasn't rattled, and walked towards him. The pants almost matched her, except for the sewn-in patch on her butt and all the small pockets for vials she put in herself. She didn't have gloves, but understood that they would come in handy. The boots looked good and the shirt was durable but light. "Coat? Hat? What weapon will you have? Will you need a belt?"  


Toothsome Werewolf

14,175 Points
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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:17 pm
"Hats, belts, or coats? I might need a hat and the pants come with a belt. A jacket, not so much. I could just switch over to a mammalian biology and grow a fur coat... Well... It's probably better to be over-prepared than under." He said, second-guessing himself. He eyed a duster coat on a nearby coat-hanger, covered in utility straps with a matching cowboy hat hanging nearby. Surprised that he missed it, he was smitten with the combo, pulling it off and trying it on. It was a little large, but the tails didn't drag on the floor. He folded it up and added it to his pile, while placing the hat between his horns. As for a weapon, his derringer would do... Although something more practical would be much better than his piece."I didn't see any weapon vendors aroun-" He said to Shavi before what he was searching for caught his eye.

Beyond a few hat racks, sat a table neatly arranged with weapons. Bartered spare weapons from people who wanted clothes but didn't have the precious metals to do so. It was a common practice, he was told. Most stores sold off weapons. A good way to make a quick and hefty buck quick. He suddenly found himself wandering over to the table, the dog behind it eying him.

"The ******** are you supposed to be?"

"Is that a .454 Casull? That Redhawk over there." Zeren asked, ignoring the insult.

The dog looked slightly impressed, raising and eyebrow. "Good eye. Two hundred and fifty grains of death-dealin', most assuredly. You know guns?"

"I know enough." He said, pulling out his derringer and placing it on the table.

The dog picked it up and eyed it. "... Floydline Arms. Quite rare. And very expensive. Tell you what... For this, take the Redhawk and... Hmm. Okay, three others on here. Don't care what. How's that for a deal?"

"Sounds good by me. I'll take that Vector SMG, then. Oh, and those two forty cals, too." He said, pointing past the SMG to a pair of semi-automatic pistols.

"Whatever, cowboy." The man said nonchalantly, staring down the barrel of the loaded derringer. He didn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, so Zeren took his guns and rejoined Shavi.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:46 pm
Shavi went back to ogling herself in the hat she so desperately wanted, but at the less than friendly snarl from the weapons vendor at her slave, the cat bristled and whirled around. Her eyes held green fire as her anger boiled, but the cubus seemed to shrug it off. The rage subsided into confusion. She couldn't wrap her mind around his nonchalance, so she turned back to the mirror. She'd let the boys play with their guns. She'd take a gander afterwards for a bow or crossbow, if they had enough coins afterwards.

She was about to turn and call for Zeren, but he was already by her side. She stared at him for a bit more, still perplexed by his actions, or lack of action against the offending dog, before moving towards a counter.

Behind it stood a calico female who'd rather pay attention to Shavi's companion than her own work. She fluttered her pretty little lashes and toyed with the severe V-neck of her blouse. Shavi's own flat chest couldn't compare to the other cat's ample breasts, but at least the black feline had hips of a goddess. Didn't matter though, because several things didn't get charged, but she wasn't going to say anything. If it saved her some metal, why ring any alarms? She tossed down less than half of what she expected to pay for all their stuff and gathered it all together in her new bag.

She let Zeren hold whatever he wanted and she shot a raised lip at the frisky feline behind the counter. She headed back over to the counter where the mutt stood and checked his wares. A crossbow that was in very poor shape and a pretty nice shortbow. It would probably be a waste to check anywhere else, this might be the best she could get in this city. So, she picked out the shortbow, 20 arrows, and a quiver.

She shouldered the bow, packed away the arrows into the quiver, and shouldered that too. Now, they had two options. "Alright, Zeren. We can either find a place to rest for the day, and you stay there while I shop. Or we both go shopping and rest just before noon." It was the afternoon that no one wanted to be caught outside. Too hot. Hot enough to melt flesh, some days.  


Toothsome Werewolf

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:54 am
Zeren paid no mind to the flirtations of the feline behind the counter. Or at least tried to appear that he didn't notice. She was certainly cute, but she also wasn't his superior, so he automatically assumed she was off limits. While Shavi finished the purchase, the demon slipped on his new clothes over his leathers. While he got cold easily, heat was not an issue while in scalie form. It was a little welcomed, actually.

He unclipped some of the varying the utility straps off the coat. He retrofitted some of them to support his holsters on his torso, while taking a long strap to form a sling for the SMG. Soon, all his weapons were secured as he wrapped the last piece around his neck as a collar. He was fond of his status, as he always was.

He eyed Shavi's bag with interest as he patted himself down to make sure everything was in secure order before tying the jacket around his waist. He felt a great deal more modest in appearance, which hopefully would stop some of the ogling.

"I'd like to tag along if you don't mind, Miss." He replied. He noticed Shavi staring at him before, her aura reflecting something akin to mild confusion. Perhaps she was offended at the dog's comment? She must've not been too upset by him, seeing that she bought a nice-looking bow from him.  
The Master Realm

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