An eerie silence
Echoing through an empty room
Ringing in my ears
Like a thousand whispers

Running, running away
Running from the silence
That follows me
Like a hooded figure

Searching for a sound
Something to break through
Music to my ears
Something to bring me back

Bring me back to life
To unfurl me
Like a spring bud
Reaching for the sun

But nothing comes
I see a tiny light
But shy away
Cowering in the heavy silence

Bearing down on me
Crushing pressure
Like the deep sea
But I never give in

I stay strong
Holding on
Dreaming endlessly
Of a better day

A better life
No more silence
No more darkness
Only music

Music swirling
Twirling around me
Lifting me up
Helping me soar

Becoming my wings
Gliding softly on the breeze
Through the cool clouds

Lightning cracks
Sparking the sky to life
Thunder rumbles
Roaring its distain

Sending me back
To the whispers
The silence
That encloses me

Back to the darkness
The never ending whispers
The little flicker of light
Grasping my dreams