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Kaivi Silverwing

Star-Crossed Muse

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:29 am
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:21 pm
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Kaivi Silverwing

Star-Crossed Muse

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Kaivi Silverwing

Star-Crossed Muse

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:25 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:28 pm
Warriors of Byakko

Prince of Byakko
Real Name - Tsubasa Shou Seihuuno
Group - Byakko
Age - 18
Birthday - October 13th
Appearance - Tsubasa stands at around 5'10" and weighs around 130 pounds. He has blue eyes and dark, reddish tinted hair that has lighter highlights. Many people see him as extremely good looking and sometimes even pretty, but he honestly doesn't see it.
Location of Mark - Neck - main body on the left side, stance appearing as mid-pounce. Front legs stretch out and down to touch his left collar bone, close to the center of his neck. The back end hits the back of his neck, just below the base of his skull, and the tail wraps aroun the side and curls to an end just opposite of the front claws.
Blood Type - O-
Birth Place - Sairou
Family -
Father; Masahiro Seihuuno, Emporer of Sairou. Tsubasa has a good relationship with his father, though they haven't been able to spend much time together since he was little.
Mother; Maiya Seihuuno, Empress of Sairou. Tsubasa was always very close to Maiya when he was younger, but she has grown somewhat distant from him since his younger brothers and sister were born.
Siblings; Takara Seihuuno (little sister - 13), Keitaro Seihuuno (younger brother, 15), and Ryo Rai Seihuuno (youngest brother, age 10). Tsubasa is fiercly protective of his siblings, and loves them all very much. They can annoy him sometimes, but he never gets mad at them.
Tsubasa is first in line to become Emporer, as well as being the Prince of Byakko.
Hobbies - Tsubasa loves going horse back riding in the country side. He has always been fascinated with the forest and other wild places of the world and has dabbled a bit in herb lore and knows alot about being a woodsman, though he was only rarely allowed to stay out for more than a few hours without a guard, and then only when he snuck out. He loves to read, write poetry, and sing as well as being a fair dancer. He also loves to do archery, though he doesn't particularly excell at it.
Abilities - Tsu is extremely fast in pretty much all aspects, making him an excellent athlete and fighter. He dual wields bullwhips to devastating effect with excellent accuracy and almost suprsiing style. Much to the annoyance of his guards, he has the ability to phase through physical objects up to a certain thickness, making it easy for him to get away and go off on his own. This ability also allows him to avoid an attack by having it phase right through him, should he have enough warning. It also manifests itself if he gets startled or frightened, though he has no control over that. In addition, he can phase other things or people with him up to about 3 people should he need to. He can also talk to animals, which is something he has never told anyone about. This ability makes it very easy for him to calm down a frightened horse or talk down an angry predator. However, as a result, he is only very rarely able to eat meat.
Personality - Tsubasa is a very gentle young man most of the time. He has a great love of nature and the world around him as well as a love for his people. He is very humble, though he has a few of the trained mindsets of being a prince that he struggles with on occaision. He treats most people as his equals whenever possible, and appreciates it when people don't call him "Your Majesty" or anything like that, for he hates the use of titles in a casual setting.
Easy going, he is very friendly and has a big heart. He enjoys things that have to do with romance, even when they don't apply to him in the slightest. He loves watching people fall in love and even will try and help them along if he feels the need. He hopes to eventually find love for himself, for he refuses to ever marry for anything else.
He hates to fight, at least when it isn't in play, but he will if he has to. He is fiercely protective of those he cares about as well as anyone who cannot defend themselves.
Mini Biography - Tsubasa was born at the palace in Sairou to two very excited and happy parents. His phasing ability was discovered when he was five. He had been leaning against a large vase that was sitting on the floor, watching his father talk to one of his many advisors, when a guard ran in. This effectively scared the wits out of him and the next thing he knew, he was sprawled against the inside of the vase, which was so tall that he couldn't climb out. In a panic, he rammed his little shoulder against the side in an attempt to knock it over so he could crawl out... Instead, he went right through and landed on his side on the floor with the wind knocked out of him.
After that his mother, father, and everyone else in the palace watched him like hawks to ensure that he didn't get himself into any trouble with his power... By the time he was 14 they had given up, having realized that once he had learned how to do it by choice... There was no way they were gonna be able to watch him constantly.
He had discovered his ability to speak with animals long before this, having carried on fun conversations with the many small animals that ran around the palace grounds and, whenever he could get away with it, the horses in the stable.
Throughout all of this, Tsu led a happy life with his family, learning all of the skills he would need to get by in the world and then some. He would often run away for a few nights in order to learn the ways of the wild, for he longed for a free life out in the world... He often felt that the life of a prince and eventually an emporer was too much of a gilded cage for him, but he was also certain that when he took the throne he would be able to change all that.

Gaian Name - ForgottnRose
Star Name - Tokaki
Real Name - Shiga Katsuya
Group - Byakko
Age - 18
Birthday - November 11
Appearance - She has long silver/blond hair which she ties up in a messy bun and gray eyes to match. She usualy wears long baggy pants and a traditional Chinese shrot-sleeved shirt. She also has a belt that ties tightly around her waist.
Location of Mark - On her left cheek
Blood Type - B
Birth Place - Sairou
Family - Her grandfather who raised her since she was an infant
Hobbies - Martrial Arts and sometimes flirting.
Abilities - Teleportation, martial arts, earring weapons
Personality - Shiga is not one to be out spoken unless you anger her. She has a slight short temper, but over all she is a very friendly person. She is loyal to her firends and country, and of course the Priestess of Byakko.
Mini Biography - Shiga's parents died when she was very young. Her mother in child birth, and her father was mysteriously murdered. Her grandfather took her in from the start and taught her everything she knows from.

Gaian Name - Alius. Saberdrake.
Star Name - Tatara
Real Name - Shin-Kai-toh
Group - Byakko
Age - 19
Birthday - april 25th
Appearance - Shin Kai Toh is 6'1 and weighs 225lbs
Location of Mark - Palm of his right hand
Blood Type - B+
Birth Place - Shishenkai village, Sairou
Family - Little sister: Yinko Younger brother: Shisen
Hobbies - Cooking, Sewing, Music, Sketching, and Herblore
Abilities - Mikyojutsu (Spiritual Alchemy if you need an explination just ask *nods*) Qui-Gong and has masterd 34 forms of martial arts from the southern crane and black fox schools of kung fu.
Personality - Quiet, shy (what a shock lol), believes he is unworthy of honor
Mini Biography - Born in a large but humble village he was raised with a family that had both Taoist and Confuscist beliefs. When he was about 14 his father was captured and killed by the Tong and his mother forced to work as a concubine who was then killed for refusing herself to the "Oyabun" so Shin was forced to raise his siblings.

Gaian Name - Michiyo_Saruwatari
Star Name - Kokie
Real Name - Fang-Yin
Group - Byakko
Age - 17
Birthday - July 21
Appearance - Fang-Yin has light brown hair and gold eyes.
Location of Mark - Stomach (naturally)
Blood Type - B-
Birth Place - Sairou
Family - Mother, younger brother
Hobbies - Archery, cooking
Abilities - She is very fast, and has amazing aim with the bow. She can stop time.
Personality - Energetic and outgoing, she always has a smile on her face. She's not afraid to say what's on her mind.
Mini Biography - Fang-Yin has known about her destiny ever since she was a child. Who could miss a glowing symbol on her stomach. She grew up a tomboy, picking on the boys more often than they picked on her. Her mother had to be hard on the wild child, who has always been a rebel. Her father told her wonderful stories and, being a traveling merchant, always brought her souvenirs whenever he returned home. When she was fifteen years old, he was killed and robbed on a journey back home. This devastated Fang-Yin, and because of it, she refused to leave her room for several days. When she came out, she seemed like her normal self, but deep down she was still sad, and remains so.

Gaian Name - Jet Valentine
Star Name - Subaru
Real Name - Tetsuhiko Seihuuno
Group - Byakko
Age - 19
Birthday - December 12
Appearance -
Standing at a rather tall 6'0, Subaru is what one would expect from a Warrior of Byakko. He is sleek, and he doesn't exactally look like he has much muscle tone. He is built more for speed than for power, though he most certainly is not a weakling. His dark colored hair is kept shorter than most males of the time period.

He prefers to wear dark clothing, so that it doesn't get soiled by his work, though he does like wearing an occasional light outfit. His favorite attire is a long tunic style shirt in a navy blue. The sleeves are shorter than on most normal tunics, as his do not go past his shoulders. It is fastened around his waist with a black belt, which is also the color of his pants underneath. He doesn't wear exactally the same footwear as his companions, as his is more... rugged, is the best word for it. Due to his profession before he came into his powers, he needed heavier footwear.
Location of Mark - Right Bicep
Blood Type - A+
Birth Place - Sairou
Family - Father: Tetsujin
Hobbies - Playing with metal, working, meditating
Abilities - Metal manipulation, Metal Creation, Swordmanship, Minor Martial Arts
Personality - Hard working and loyal, Subaru is rather warm hearted. Even though he doesn't always appear that way, he does love having people pop in on him while he is working. There are times that he seems more like a younger boy than one of just over eighteen years. Even though he is generally very open and outgoing, he has a tendency to get a bit single sighted, particularly when it comes to something dealing with his work. It takes a while to get him out of that mood, or the easier way is just to bop him upside the head with something hard.
Mini Biography - Subaru was born Tetsuhiko Seihuuno, though from his birth his parents knew of his destiny. His kanji mark appeared on his right bicep as he was being pushed out of the womb, his mother's energy giving him life. Sadly, she died due to hemmoraging shortly after. His father was the local blacksmith, and it seemed only natural that his son would follow in his footsteps. As soon as the boy was old enough to pick up a hammer, he was helping his father. He started off chopping wood for the fire, but the older Subaru grew, the more in depth the training became. By the time Subaru was eleven, his father decided that his training should improve a bit more. During the day, he would teach his son how to create weapons. After work, but before they went to bed, he would teach Subaru how to use them. When his powers finally bloomed, a little bit after Subaru's father increased his training, the young lad had three things he needed to learn how to wield. It has taken him five years since that point. He is still considered only an apprentice in his father's forge, which is why when the Priestess is to arrive, he will be able to follow her wherever she may choose to go.

Gaian Name -[.modus operandi.]
Star Name - Amefuri
Real Name - Fu Ning
Group - Byakko
Age - 22
Birthday - 3rd December
Appearance - Standing at 6'2" and weighing 220 lbs, Ning has long black hair kept braided and grey eyes. He tends to wear blue and green.
Location of Mark - Neck
Blood Type - B
Birth Place - Sairou
Family - Father: Ming Qiu, Mother: Suzu Mano[Deceased], Younger Sisters: Lan Ling and Mei Wen
Hobbies - Meditating, reading and training
Abilities - A martial artist, he is also capable of creating barriers for short periods of time. Any other abilities are unknown at the moment.
Personality - Clam and composed, Ning is kurt when speaking. He doesn't really speak often either. Relatively stoic, he is philosophic and intelligent...if a little confusing at times. Even so, Ning often finds himself in awkward situations at social events or anything of the sort. He needs better communication skills, really. Surprisingly, he has quite a soft spot for young kids.
Mini Biography - Oldest child to a government official, his mother died after giving birth to the youngest sister, Mei Wen. Since his father was always busy to work, it was left to him to take care of the family. Now however, he has left home to furthur his expertise in martial arts, and now trusts both of his younger sisters can take care of themselves.

Gaian Name -Tionne Dawnstar
Star Name -Toroki
Real Name -Cho Li
Group -Byakko
Age - 23
Birthday -March 15
Appearance - Li is quite a lovely young woman, with long purple hair and purple eyes. She is 5'6, 120 pounds, and is the wife of a lesser noble, so she wears garments fitting her station. She always wears purple to match her eyes. She's also rather well endowed, something she inherited from her mother's side of the family.
Location of Mark - Left breast, over her heart
Blood Type -O
Birth Place -Sairou
Family - Li is married to the lord of her area, and has quite a nice life. He know of her mark, and is fine with it, having fallen in love with her because of her strength. She has no children, and both her parents are dead, having died of an illness.
Hobbies - Li is a clothes hound, and since she is well off, her hobby is buying things.
Abilities - Li is very fast and strong.
Personality -Li is a very strong, determined woman, as one would expect from a people who must survive in a desert climate. She is kind, and helps anyone in need of it. She is very attentive to her husband and loves him alot, and hopes to bare him a child soon.
Mini Biography - Li was born into a well off merchant family, and is well versed in other cultures. They moved around alot because of their buisness, and the young woman has lived all over Kutou, Hokkan and Konan. She fell in love with a lord in Sairou and decided to stay with him instead of move around with her parents. Her parents died a year ago from an unknown illness they picked up in the north.

Gaian Name - AtrimAngelos
Star Name - Kagasuki
Real Name - Nai
Group - Byakko
Age - 21
Birthday - Year of the Ox
Appearance - He has long black hair with in made into a tail. He wears a simple purple outfit when not working on the forge and a tarnished brown one when working.
Location of Mark - Right Shoulder blade.
Blood Type - O
Birth Place - Sairou
Family - Moto Clan
Hobbies - Blacksmithing, Poetry.
Abilities - Martial Arts, Blade Works, Metal Manipulation and Earth Manipulation.
Personality - He mostly keeps to himself, he very rarly interacts with others unless it involves business.
Mini Biography - Moto Nai is the only memeber of his family to become a blacksmith, he doesn't interact with his family since he left his home. He doesn't like interacting with other unless money, or a form of payment is involved. Not much is really known abotu his life and he lieks to keep it tha way.

Kaivi Silverwing

Star-Crossed Muse

22,025 Points
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Kaivi Silverwing

Star-Crossed Muse

22,025 Points
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  • Married 100
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:34 pm
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