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It's an RPG off of the series Warriors By Erin Hunter 

Tags: Warriors, Cats, Roleplaying, Great 

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:58 am

0—5 moons = kit.

6—11 or 13 moons (depending on how long their training is needed) = apprentice.

12—80 moons= warriors/leaders/deputies/etc. (leaders tend to live a lot longer than regular cats, aging very slowly, due to their nine lives).

81—119 moons = Regular cats sort of old but not yet elders, seinor warriors. (tend to be a lead warrior that aids the deputy in many things, sometimes even advises the leader in rough/hard situations/decisions. A lead warrior will often take the role of deputy if the leader is absent, dead, or if the deputy is absent or dead.)

120—160+ = elders.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:59 am

Alder Bark: Best used for toothaches.

Borage Leaves To be chewed and eaten. The plant can be distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. Great for nursing queens as it helps increase their supply of milk. Also, it brings down fever.

Burdock Root A tall-stemmed, sharp smelling thistle with dark leaves. A medicine cat must dig up the roots, wash off the dirt, and chew them into a pulp, which can be applied to rat bats. Cures infection.

Burnet leaves A thick-based stemmed, jagged-leaved plant. It is used as a traveling herb.

Camomile It is a sweetly smelling plant with branched stems, and finely divided leaves with daisy looking flowers. Used for indigestion, diarrhea, cramps, coughs, colds, and muscle pains. Also relieves stress and anxiety; is a traveling herb.

Catmint(also known as catnip) A delicious-smelling , leafy plant that's hard to find in the wild; often found growing in Twoleg gardens. The best rememdy for greencough.

Celadine Butter-cup yellow flowers with tuber roots, and waxy green leaves. Used to treat eye ailments and soften calluses and corns.

Chervil A sweet-smelling plant with large, spreading, fernlike leaves and small white flowers. The juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots help with bellyache.

Chickweed A small, white flower plant with soft oval leaves. It relieves pain in addition to stimulating healing as soon as it's applied. It can be used for both internal and external healing and to stop bleeding in the stomach and bowels. It decreases pain, helps to reduce swelling with torn ligaments.

Cobweb Spiderwebs can be found all over the forest; be careful not to bring along the spider when you take the web! Medicine cats wrap it around and injury to soak up the blood and keep the wound clean. Stops bleeding.

Coltsfoot A flowering plant, a bit like a dandelion, with yellow or white flowers. The leaves can be chewed into a pulp, which is eaten to help shortness of breath.

Comfrey Identifiable by its large leaves and small bell-shaped flowers, which can be pink, white, or purple. The fat black roots of this plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.

Daisy Leaves A sunlike flower appearance with white petals surrounding a golden center of tiny disk flowers, and smooth to fuzzy leaves and stems. It is used in poultice to treat aching joints and stiffness; is a traveling herb.

Dandelion Leaves A yellow-orange flower with a tube-like, fuzzy stem. Used to calm a cat.

Dock Leaves A plant similar to sorrel. The leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches.

Dried Oak Leaf Collected in the autumn and stored in a dry place. Stops infections.

Feverfew A small bush with flowers like daisies. The leaves can be eaten to cool down body temperature, particularly for cats with ferver or chills.

Goldenrod A tall plant with bright yellow flowers. A poultice of this is terrific for healing wounds.

Honey A sweet, golden liquid created by bees. Difficult to collect without getting stung, but great for soothing infections or the throats of cats who have breathed smoke.

Horsetail A tall plant with bristly stems that grows in marshy areas. The leaves can be used to treat infected wounds. Usually chewed up and applied as a poultice.

Juniper Berries A bush with spikey dark green leaves and purple berries. The berries soothe bellyaches and help cats who are having trouble breathing.

Lavender A small purple flowering plant. Cures fever.

Marigold A bright orange or yellow flower that grows low to the ground. The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp and applied as a poultice to wounds. Stops infections.

Mouse Bile A bad-smelling liquid that is the only remedy for ticks. Dab a little moss soaked in bile on a tick and it'll fall right off. Wash paws thoroughly in running water afterward.

Poppy Seeds Small black seeds shaken from a dried poppy flower, these are fed to cats to help them sleep. Soothes cats suffering from shock and distress. Not recommended for nursing queens.

Ragwort Appears as an un-blooming yellow flower with tube-like stems, and fuzzy leaves.. Is used along side juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints.

Snake Root Small, pink-purple flowered plant with thin stems. Used to counter poison and snakebites.

Sorrel Small, white petaled flower with a yellow center, and clover-shaped green leaves. Used as a traveling herb.

Stinging Nettle The spiny green seeds can be administered to a cat who's swallowed poison, while the leaves can be applied to a wound to bring down swelling.

Tansy A strong-smelling plant with round yellow flowers. Good for curing coughs, but must be eaten in small doses.

Thyme This herb can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.

Watermint A leafy green plant found in streams or damp earth. usually chewed into a pulp and then fed to a cat suffering bellyache.

Wild Garlic Rolling in a patch of wild garlic can help prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat bites.

Yarrow A flowering plant whose leaves can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds or scratches to expel poison.

Warning: Don't eat.

Yew: Of no medicinal value; bright scarlet berries that can kill animals if they are not expelled quickly enough; use yarrow if ingested.
Nightshade: Of no medicinal value; is poisonous so don't eat it.
Holly berries: It is of no medicinal value; poisonous like deathberries so use yarrow quickly to get it out of you!
Wild onions (any kind of onion): It is of no medical value, can cause stomach pain, vomiting, and sometimes death.
Rhubarb: Toxic, may cause Illness or death.
Macadamia and walnuts: Toxic, may cause illness or death in enough amounts.
Mushrooms: Some species are toxic and may cause death, so do 't ever eat it.

Did I leave any out? If so, please PM me, and I shall add anything I might've messed up.  


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:00 am
Traditional Clan Greetings:

This is said at the beginning of all ceremonies or announcements. The leader will place him/herself on the Highrock/Highledge to start the meeting.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the _________ for a Clan meeting."

Deputy Ceremony

"The time has come to appoint a new deputy. I say these words before StarClan, that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve my choice. __________ will be the new deputy."

Warrior Ceremony:

Leader: "I, _____star, leader of ____Clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. S/he has trained hard to under stand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him/her to you as a warrior in his/her turn. _____paw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Apprentice: "I do."

Leader: "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name: _____paw, from this moment on you will be known as _________. StarClan honors your _____ and your _____ and we welcome you as a full warrior of ____Clan."

Virtues of becoming a warrior:

When become a warrior the leader says "StarClan honors your ______ and your ______ and...." These are what fill in the blanks.

And whatever else your cat's like.

Apprentice Ceremony:

"From this day forward, until he/she has earned his/her warrior name, this apprentice will be called _____paw.
______, _________________________________. May you pass down all you know to this your apprentice."


Leader: "From this day until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as ____paw."

Everyone: ___paw! ____paw!

Leader: "I ask StarClan to watch over you and guide you until you find in your paws the strength and courage of a warrior".
"____________, you will be the mentor to ____paw. I hope you will pass on the skills and knowledge that __________ had taught you."

Dying apprentice ceremony:

"I ask my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He/She has learned the warrior code and has given up his/her life in service of his/her Clan. Let StarClan recieve him/her as a warrior. His/Her name will be __________, because _________. Let StarClan recieve him/her by the name of __________.

Elder ceremony:

Leader: "___________, is it your wish to give up the name of warrior and go join the elders?"

Retiring warrior: "It is."

Leader: "Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given us. I call upon StarClan to give you many seasons of rest."

Medicine cat ceremony:

Medicine Cat: "_______________, is it your wish to enter into the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

Apprentice: "It is."

Medicine cat: "Then come forward. Warriors of StarClan, I present to you this apprentice. She has chosen the life of medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance to your will."

Medicine cat naming ceremony:

Medicine Cat: I, [insert medicine cat's name here], medicine cat of [insert Clan here], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He/She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he/she will serve his/her Clan for many moons. [insert medicine-cat-to-be's name here], do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan an to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?

Medicine-Cat-To-Be: I do.

Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. [insert medicine-cat-to-be's name here], from this moment you will be known as [insert medicine-cat-to-be's new name here]. StarClan honors your [insert virtue #1 here] and your [insert virtue #2 here], and we welcome you as a full medicine cat.

The medicine cat rests his/her muzzle on the top of the new medicine cat's head and the new medicine cat licks his/her shoulder in respect. The other medicine cats chant the new medicine cat's new name.

Name-changing ceremony:

Leader: "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he/she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on, he/she will be known as _______. We honor his/her ______ and ______."

Leader Ceremony:

Cats of StarClan: Welcome, _______. Are you ready to receive your nine lives?

New Leader: Yes, I’m ready.

Cat #1: With this life I give you courage. Use it well in the defense of your Clan.

*Bolt of pain with new life; feeling of hunts and battles*

Cat #2: With this life I give you justice. Use it well as you judge the actions of others.

*Bolt of pain with new life*

Cat #3: With this life I give you loyalty to what you know to be right. Use it well to guide your Clan in times of trouble.

*Bolt of pain with new life; less than before*

Cat #4: With this life I give you tireless energy. Use it well to carry out the duties of a leader.

*Bolt of pain with new life; feeling of speed*

Cat #5: With this life I give you protection. Use it well to care for you Clan as a mother cares for her kits.

*Bolt of pain with new life; feeling of ferocity*

Cat #6: With this life I give you mentoring. Use it well to train the young cats of your Clan.

*Bolt of pain with new life*

Cat #7: With this life I give you compassion. Use it well for the elders of you Clan, and the sick, and all those weaker than yourself.

*Bolt of pain with new life*

Cat #8: With this life I give you love. Use it well for all the cats in your care—especially _______.

*Bolt of pain with new life; not very painful at all; pure love*

Cat #9: With this life I give you nobility and certainty and faith. Use it well as you lead your Clan in the ways of StarClan and the warrior code.

*Bolt of pain with new life; very painful; given by old leader*

*Old leader signals new leader to rise; new leader obliges*

Old Leader: I hail you by your new name, _________star. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of ThunderClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity

*StarClan cats chant new leader’s name*  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:02 am

Leaf-bare: the season of winter
Newleaf: the season of spring
Greenleaf: the season of summer
Leaf-fall: the season of autumn
Quarter-moon: a week
Moon: a 28-day period (one full moon to another), a month
Moon-high: 12 o'clock a.m. (midnight)
Sun-high: 12 o'clock p.m. (noon)


Mouse-length: roughly an inch
Kitten-step: less than an inch
Rabbit-length/Tail-length: roughly a foot
Fox-length: roughly a yard


Leader: the cat who leads a Clan (There can only be one)
Deputy: the cat who is second-in-command to the Clan leader (Can only be one)
Medicine cat: a cat who is trained specifically in the ways of healing (Only can be one)
Warrior: a cat trained in the ways of combat; warriors defend, hunt for, and fight for their Clan.
Apprentice: a cat who is in training to become a warrior or medicine cat
Queen: a she-cat expecting or nursing kits.
Kit: a kitten.
Elder: a retired warrior or medicine cat.
Kitty-pet: a house cat; the term can also be used as an insult.
Loner: a cat who is neither owned by humans or part of a Clan.
Rogue: another term for loner; some cats find it offensive.
Two-leg: a human.

Other Terms

Fresh-kill: freshly caught prey.
Crow-food: rotting, dead prey.
Gathering: a meeting that the Clans hold in peace when the moon is at its fullest.
Moonpool: a place where medicine cats and leaders meet and share dreams with StarClan.
Silverpelt: the large swath of stars in the sky; StarClan is represented by Silverpelt.
Thunderpath: a road, more specifically, a highway.
Monster: a human vehicle (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc).
Half-bridge: a dock.
Twoleg nest: a human house.
Twolegplace: a human town.
Greenleaf Twolegplace: a place where humans visit only in the summer (a resort, etc).
Horseplace: a horse ranch or stables.  


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:03 am

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.

7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires or is exiled.

9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

10. A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.

13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.

14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.


1. Cats on their way to the Moonstone are allowed to cross other Clans' territories to get to their destination.

2. Cats may travel on other Clan territories if they have something to report or ask for help.

Additional Rules

The following rules are not specifically stated in the warrior code, but are expected to be followed:

1. Medicine cats may not have a mate or kits.

2. Kits must stay in camp until they are apprenticed, and are not allowed to hunt.

3. The safety of the Clan is more important than the safety of one cat.

4. Clans must not unite together to drive out another Clan.

5. Clans must not force another Clan to share territory.

6. Enemy patrols must not attack cats if they are returning from a mission all four Clans agree on.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:50 pm
Sites To Help

http://warriors.wikia.com/wiki/Tail_Signals Cats Signals for everything a cat does

http://warriors.wikia.com/wiki/Fighting_Techniques Fighting Techniques for Cats

http://warriors.wikia.com/wiki/Clan_Terminology Terminology For cats



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