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The Castle In The Sky [ Tanqela and Yummybiscuits ]

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:09 am
The Castle in the Sky
Magical RP

In a land of magic and Gods, The Great Empire's stand strong. Four kingdoms, led by the progeny of the God's themselves. Demigods, they are called, and they lead the people through good and bad times alike. Their strength gives the people power.

We look to The Land of the Sky, who's leaders are those of the Chief God's blood. The Great Mikado commands the skies, but he finds trouble at home. Within his Castle, his son is to be wed to the Earth Land's princess. The Mikado in training must be married to this princess, in order to avoid a war unseen since the God's themselves warred.

The young Mikado finds himself at odds. He is dearly in love with another woman. She has even born him a son. When he tries to sway his father's choice, his father speaks ill of the woman. Vile things spill from his mouth. When the young Mikado goes to talk with his love, he finds that she has run away. Resigning himself to his father's choice, the young Mikado soon becomes the Mikado himself.

This story takes place sixteen years later.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:10 am
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ค๔๏ภเร รยгєภ
• єเﻮђtђ є๓קєг๏г •

Adonis slowly walked down the hallway. The soft clack clack of his taloned feet along the wood floor was the only sound as the Mikado walked down his castle's hallway. For an Emperor, this one appeared most odd. His hair transitioned from a off-white to a steel blue, while each strand looked to be a bundle of feathers. The Mikado's face was angular, almost avian. His eyes were too-large for his face, with long eyelashes, and painted lids. The purplish hue of his entire eyeball, much like a prehistoric bird creature, was contrasted by the reddish brown color of the paint around his orbital socket. The final weird portion of the Mikado was the pair of wings folded gently against his back. The red and white wings were tied to his back by a thin string, with hanging bells. It was normal of the royal family to wear this string, holding their wings against them. Their bodies were strong and able, capable of tearing a human being apart. This simple string served to show that the men of the royal family were not combat able. It was simple.

Adonis walked, the click clack of his hidden birds feet still the only sound. Adonis much preferred to walk alone. When a man was constantly watched by body guards and various chamberlains, The Mikado couldn't help but desire some alone time. His too-large eyes were half lidded with a blissful expression. Being alone meant that another person wouldn't tell him when to enjoy the sky-fish meals the royal's were inclined to always eat. When to lay down in the bed of the dragon-hawk down. And definitely when to sit in the lightning-gold throne of the Mikado. Eight men had sat in that seat before him, and at times, the pressure to be better than each of the Mikado before him was crushing. Adonis couldn't help but desire a lack of people.

Adonis's ears perked. The avian qualities of the royal line gave their members enhanced senses. The huge eyes were evidence enough of that. The Mikado's hearing picked up the slow steps of someone walking down the turn of the hallway. That was odd, and the Mikado's eyebrow cocked up. These weren't the royal apartments, by any means, but very few humans lived in the Castle itself. It floated in the sky, supported by the float-gylphs the First Mikado had created, and each Mikado after him maintained. The Castle floated above the Kingdom of the Sky. It's rulers were of the Sky God's bloodline, as were most of the lower aristocratic families that called the massive castle home. By the feet slapping against the floor, Adonis could tell this person was a hume.

Adonis slowed his steps, stopping near the end of the hallway. Around the corner turned a teenager. A normal human teenager. For the avian teenager, they were defined by how little feathers covered their skin. A hume teenager was defined by how large they were. This one was leaning on the larger side, meaning he was very near manhood, and most of the way through the human puberty. " Who are you, child? " Adonis said aloud, causing the hume to look up. His undeveloped ears hadn't heard Adonis walking along, and the surprise was apparent on his face. " My mom works here. I just went for a walk. " The hume said, his voice breaking slightly. Puberty definitely wasn't treating him kindly. " Your mother? You still shouldn't be on this level. " The kid looked incredulously towards the avian man. The bird-man's clothes made him an aristocrat, but as this didn't mean he was in high standing. The kid could throw on some 'tude.

" I said I was just walking around. I don't know what anything is, jesus. " The Mikado raised his eyebrow. Very few would talk to him like that. He resented it. Underneath the string tie, his wings shifted unceremoniously, and the bird-like feet clawed into the floor. " You'll take me to her. " The child knew that any order from an aristocrat was binding, like law. He would have to, no matter what. "... fine. " The Hume seethed, before turning.

The Mikado followed. He felt the feather's on the back of his neck and back ruffle in annoyance. The attitude this child had. His mother would find out, and he would be punished. When he would tell the child he was the Mikado, the kid would freak out. Ask for forgiveness. Beg, almost. You could say Adonis was cruel. That was more than true.





PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:11 am
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☆ Ꮴ Ꮩ Ꮖ Ꮩ ☩ Ꮎ Ꮁ Ꮖ Ꮎ Ꮑ ☆

"Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?

Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time"


A woman, in her early thirties, sat in the middle of a brightly colored room, with hues of white and blue surrounding her. A plethora of fine clothes and tediously designed garments littered the area around her; their vibrant colors made the room even more pleasing to the eye; it was a beautifully created canvas by a skillful artist, and the lady who found herself between these variety of colors was the masterpiece of his art. She made the wonderful garments look dull in comparison to her. It was a fact. With hair that shined like the stars in the night sky, the woman was considered a gem.

Her angelic face was complemented by blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds. Her light porcelain complexion made the woman look fragile as can be, and only made paler as her off-white blonde colored hair cascaded delicately past her cinched waist. Her well proportioned figure was accentuated by her petite frame. She was the embodiment of what men called the goddess of Love. Vaia, the woman was called, was one of the most sought after women on the ground below the castle in the sky. Her number of suitors, varied in power, wealth and age, increased daily. But, she gladly gave up the prospects of marriage long ago, when she left her heart with a past love.

While she was a sight to behold, Vaia cursed her beauty, cursed her vain parents, and cursed herself. Never did she want something so materialistic, so incredibly selfish. It sickened her; however, due to this curse, she was able to attract her love, accidental as it was, she did and found herself irrevocably in love with the man who loved her. Months passed by, under the blanket of the night. Whispers and silent laughter shared between the two, she was happy. No one found out about their relationship, none but the gentle moon, who let them meet under the soothing light she offered. Soon enough, she found herself with child. The couple overjoyed with the news, planned to elope. Ignorance is bliss, they say; they were right. Vaia, never questioned her lover's part in the hierarchy of the Demi-Gods that inhabited the castle. Never did she try to find out. Always, she believed that his father was also a worker of the castle, like hers was. Assumptions, assumptions. Little did she know the father of her child, was the son of the Mikado himself, the grand ruler of the kingdom high above the clouds.

The girl found out about her lover's position, found out that he was engaged, found out that she was in no way, shape or form, allowed to be with someone so magnificent. It was not right. Vaia could not let herself stay in the presence of such an influential man. It was not right. She ran away. Child and all, she left in a hurry.

Now, she found herself back to the place which she left so quickly sixteen years ago. Now, she found herself face to face with the castle. Now, she found memories. Now, she had her son. As a request from the current queen of the kingdom, she was summoned due to her tasteful weaving and creative hand. Curse her handiwork. Curse it. With reluctance, she accepted the job fearing her life if she rejected it, and fearing for her son's welfare without a stable job. She was a mother, afterall. Vaia asked for one request from the queen in her permanently living in the castle, and that was for nobility to never directly interact with her. The queen took it as a sign of modesty, and of the woman's nature, and gladly accepted.

Three knocks on the door.

It was her son. Her little Nikolae.

"You know that's always open, dear." Vaia's eyes didn't leave her current project, a sash with a multitude of painstakingly designed patterns. Her son didn't need to knock. It was odd.

The door creaked open, the woman lifted her head expecting to see her son, but only saw a heavily feathered man. Almost immediately, her heart beat raced, and she stopped breathing. Vaia was now face to face with the man who she willingly left years ago. The man whose avian qualities changed his overall allure from before. He was more regal, than the feral Adonis she fell for. He was still as beautiful as the day her eyes met his.

"Ow." Vaia sucked in a breath as she found blood escaping from the fresh p***k on her finger. She never stopped weaving. Clumsy her.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:12 am
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ค๔๏ภเร รยгєภ
• єเﻮђtђ є๓קєг๏г •

Adonis had followed the teenager Hume down the hallway. He walked with a sort of slow anti-movement. He walked, but slowly. As if he knew something was up, maybe he wasn't allowed, or that there was a secret. Adonis watched the back of the child's head with an odd deliberateness. It would be easy to pry apart the teenager's mind, and find out. It wouldn't be worth the effort.

The child took Adonis to a door. In gold embellishment across the front, there was a needle with a thread poked through the eye. It was the sign of a weaver of fabrics, a person who made clothing. Adonis had no idea that within the castle they had a weaver. A quaint Hume story about an Emperor who ordered magnificent clothes, only for the cunning weavers to give him nothing, and convince the Emperor that he wore the finest silks. Only one Hume child had the confidence to tell the Emperor that he wore nothing. Such a cute little ditty. The door opened, and what greeted the man surprised the Mikado.

The face of beauty incarnate. No Demi-goddess could boast this same beauty, even the low aristocratic family of the Love Goddess. Around her, a mixture of work surrounded her, dull compared to the shine of her beauty. Her hair hadn't dimmed in the years past, just as age hadn't yet marred the ceramic skin. She was as beautiful as the last day he had seen her, glowing with the energy of pregnancy. Adonis' eyes widened in surprise. This was... this was... this was impossible.

She had disappeared when he had been ready to run away from his own kingdom with her. He had been willing to throw away the idea of being the Mikado, and give it to his younger brother, when all of a sudden, she had disappeared with his child. A single spell on the unborn child was her last request, and a kiss was his last reward. A kiss was the last thing Vaia gave the Mikado in training.

How he had missed her, all these years. Yearned to hold her, and he put on a fake smile, holding his arranged-wife. He loved her then, and he loved her now. She had his heart, and had run away with it still in her grasp. The heart of a Demi-God, of a Royal. It wasn't his fault he was born of royal blood, yet he had been. A deep rooted nostalgia had been rooted in Adonis' soul from that day on.

He saw her now. Adonis wanted to break down, and run to her, hold her against him, and break the string around his wings to wrap them around her as well. Hold her, love her, and bring the child into the grasp. Feel the love.

But he couldn't.

He was the Mikado. That demanded a certain regality, a certain amount of poise, a certain amount of righteousness. He had to remain composed. There was only a few things he could say. A few actions he could take. The Mikado cleared his throat, and flexed the wings within their string prison. " Good afternoon, madame. " Adonis said, keeping his voice level and even. It was hard to do it, keeping himself steady. His toes drug into the wooden floor with an odd tenaciousness. Nervousness even. " Your child was walking through the castle. He had reached the Aristocratic levels while I was on my walk. that sort of thing is frowned upon, but somewhat allowed." The Mikado looked over to the boy. He didn't smile, his eyes were cold. It was his child. The being he had created from the power of his loins, and the union of their love. It was so nostalgic. " But that isn't the problem. He replied to me with an attitude not befitting his rank. " The Mikado straightened his back. " I'm the Mikado, and I expect better treatment. " Before even watching for the child's reaction, the mother's reaction, or his own, Adonis turned, and walked through the open door.

He was having trouble handling it. He had to get out of ther, and go eat something. Maybe drink something. He couldn't do it at all. The Mikado turned around a corner, and disappeared. Disappeared just like Vaia had before.





PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:12 am
The Castle In The Sky : Time Skip One

It has been two months since the meeting of lost loves. Two long months, which both felt as an eternity. Adonis and Vaia looked to the sky each night, feeling the gentle waves of moonlight, much like they did as teenagers. Their love still burned strong.

Upon meeting his long departed love, The Mikado was surprised. Hurt, surprised, destitute. He found himself unable to concentrate on anything. The son beget by he and the wife he hated becomes saddened by his father's lack of attention. The Chamberlain to the Emperor detects something, but knows his place. The Wife of the Earth Kingdom sits about oblivious.
Adonis begins stalking the object of his affection. Like a bird of prey, he followed her about her business, and used magic in which to watch her. " May my eyes see as the beating heart within. " He would intone at her door daily, and he would see her at work. He couldn't help himself.

Vaia found her feelings stirred around, much like they were in the early days of love. The look the Mikado gave her, when he saw her, was cold. Detached. As if he were someone else now. But there was something within. Something only a Human could detect, with their innate ability to feel empathy.
Even if she had been the one to leave so long ago, she still felt the pain as if it had been only hours ago. The pain of leaving, of knowing she was insignificant compared to the grandeur of the Mikado-to-be.
There was a new feeling though. Vaia felt as if she were being watched.

One day, Adonis had stepped to her door, and prepared the spell. " My my eyes see the - " He began before being interrupted by the door itself opening. Vaia stood there, her eyes knit with pain. " Stop. Just... Stop, Adonis. " She said, before slamming the door.

What would happen next?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:13 am
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☆ Ꮴ Ꮩ Ꮖ Ꮩ ☩ Ꮎ Ꮁ Ꮖ Ꮎ Ꮑ ☆

"Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?

Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time"


They say love affects age. They were right, whoever they were. Vaia found herself thrust into the days where she first fell for the mikado's son. Oh how she aimed to speak to him. Oh how she fantasized nights warmed by his strong arms. Oh how she wanted to belong to him. Oh how she wanted him to belong to her. She believed for the longest time that her love was unrequited love, but obviously, the foolish, young girl thought wrong. As much as she yearned for him, he yearned for her. They were experiencing puppy love. It only took one spoken word between the two to break the silence, break the wall that separated them. They were one of the lucky ones.

Vaia couldn't even keep her head straight into her work, and her craft suffered for it. There were no wonderful patterns sewed in an elaborate manner on the current gown she designed. There were no feelings involved in its creation. Nothing went into it but thoughts of her young love, no, her only love. He had her heart, and never did he return it to her, nor did he have the chance to. It was her fault she was a coward. Her fault that he married another. Wait, what was she thinking? The woman was being selfish. Stupid, vain woman you are Vaia. The seamstress chastised herself.

But, how could she not think these thoughts when he found himself following her wherever she went... Or his eyes following her. Vaia could feel his presence. The warmth of his love pasted on the back of her. Adonis made it harder to forget old feelings, if anything, they only rekindled the ever brightening flame of passion she felt for the man. He was too grand to forget. She loved him, it was an undeniable fact. She loved him. She loved him. Maybe he heard her thoughts and was summoned by her to spy? It was possible. Adonis, as Mikado, holds the power of his whole race in his palm. He was the strongest of the strong, the boldest of the bold. He could use magic to pry on her. The holder of her heart was too much for her. No matter what, the woman couldn't get him out of her mind.

"I can be greedy for once, right?" Vaia stopped her sewing and placed it upon her lap. She turned to look at her sleeping, teenage son, carelessly sprawled out on the a makeshift bed of chairs at the corner of the room. The queen wouldn't mind if she was behind on her sewing, no, she wouldn't even notice. It was weird.

What would have happened if she never left? If she stayed, had her child, and eloped? What would have happened if he tried to find her? How romantic would that be? Adonis would swoop down at the tiny cottage, which she inhabited with the infant Nikolae, and take her to the world of dreams where they would be happy forever. That would be grand. It was a fantasy scenario in her head.

The woman couldn't sit still, she had to legitimately clear her thoughts. Vaia walked over to the window that let the sunshine pour in through the clear glass. Without hesitation, she opened the window and breathed in the cool outside air. The lush green grass of the kingdom grounds, and the roaming nobles with their fancy outfits. She wanted to be one too.

"Sun, if I tell you a secret, will you keep it with you forever?" Vaia whispered to the all seeing sun of day; it shined brighter as if responding to her question, letting its rays sit upon the window sill for her to bask in. "I want to meet with him. Just to settle my emotions." The woman reasoned.

Vaia tried to reassure herself that their relationship was done, maybe it was just the pollen of love dusting her eyes and making her feel what she believes she feels.






PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:14 am
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ค๔๏ภเร รยгєภ
• єเﻮђtђ є๓קєг๏г •

Gods, why had he been so foolish! To let himself get caught was an incredible embarrassment. Not only to his pride as a Demi-god, but to his love as well. With his growth into a Mikado, the exemplar of his species, he had formed a deep rooted pride. To have his magic, which was meant to be the most potent of all, had been discovered by a Hume! The object of his affection, the woman who still had his heart. His prying magic had been found by her, and truly, he was embarrassed. That did nothing to stop him from pursuing the magic, pursuing the watch. The Mikado couldn't help but watch her, like a bird of prey scouting it's next victim.

Adonis walked the hallways again, this time with secrecy. It was so odd, having to sneak around his own castle. Watching to make sure Nikolae, as the child had been named, wasn't walking around again, and discover Adonis snooping. In his own castle for gods sake!

The soft clack clack of his taloned bird's feet were hidden well enough with his soft, airy steps. The impression of someone looking at the Mikado would find him aristocratic, with fluid grace. A normal Royal, Human by the old standards, had this innate gracefulness, a sense of not only completeness, but also of an easy simplicity. The grace was magnified in the half-human, the bird portion creating a sense of purity in each step. Simply purity, beautiful balance of hook-toed claws. Such was the nicety of regality.

Adonis stepped before Vaia's door, the gold emblazonment making it stand out among the other worker's quarters. Her chosen profession, needlework, made her a useful worker. It truly made her special. When looking at the color, and skill used to weave his own clothing, Adonis realized that it was she who had sewn it. Why hadn't he noticed it before? The skill was one that only she could have. Such a special Hume.

" May my heart see as the beating heart within. " Adonis intoned. He felt the magic collect around him. Naturally, the magical energy flowed like the water in a sea. Magic users had various degrees of being able to harness the energy. It was rare for one to even see the magic flowing around, without enhancement of some sort. That is what separated the Demi-god's from Hume's. the ability to see. As the Magic collected, Adonis bent it to his will, and forced it to let him see. Suddenly, the inner room was seen, as if Adonis was standing within. As if he were listening to the conversations within.

Vaia, in all of her beauty, was at the window. Adonis registered his sleeping son. He didn't matter, compared to Vaia, in the picky heart of the Mikado. " I want to meet with him. Just to settle my emotions. " She said. Her voice was like the calm waters of a lake. Serene, beautiful.

Adonis didn't know what to do. He couldn't barge in, and reveal himself. It would ruin the graceful appearance he had, letting tears flow. Letting his emotions show. Showing weakness of any sort wasn't correct for a Mikado, or any Demi-god for that matter. Adonis couldn't help but slump against the door, his heart aching, as he closed his eyes. Love was a harsh mistress, one that was rarely feasible to entangle oneself in.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:16 am
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☆ Ꮴ Ꮩ Ꮖ Ꮩ ☩ Ꮎ Ꮁ Ꮖ Ꮎ Ꮑ ☆

"Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?

Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time"


A sigh escaped her pink rose petal colored lips, as Vaia stepped away from the window that allowed her to gaze down at the scene below. My god how she wanted to be enveloped in his grasp for one last time. To ignite the feelings from before, but obviously, that would go against her virtues as a woman; to steal another woman's spouse was frowned upon in the female community. It was undeniable that she couldn't try to obtain the Queen's husband, no matter how strong her own feelings towards him may be. And, she couldn't break another, since she already broke the most sacred virtue: marriage before intercourse, to make matters worse, she bore the son from the ordeal. What was she thinking? How could she even compare herself to the grandeur of the queen?

"What am I doing?" Vaia said with another sigh. If the man stirred her feelings so much with only a few sentences, why did she believe she was immune to his avian charm? Obviously, just a glance at the man would drive her wild, so why did she even want a meeting with him? She wasn't thinking clearly. Her mind was fogged up with thoughts of Adonis and Adonis alone.

The sixteen years they spent apart changed nothing about Vaia's emotions towards the man who she loved so dearly. It made her want to cry, the fact that she was so smitten, so enamored, so taken by the man who she so willingly left behind. She wasn't worthy of him. She wasn't worthy of his time. She wasn't worthy of his love. She is a mere Human, powerless and hopeless in this world filled with magic and fantasy. He, who so clearly belonged, was the king of his kingdom. He was wonderful, and she was ordinary, despite her looks. There were more beautiful people in the castle, whom she could not even dare try to have herself compared with. Why did she even bother to return? Was it because she was in contempt with herself? Did she want to be chastised for her past actions?

"Mother, please stop pacing around the room. It's bothering me." Her Nikolae hissed at his mother, his bright colored eyes heavy lidded and half asleep. Vaia didn't even realize she was pacing, nor did she realize she was pacing loudly. My dear, what was happening? Where was her composure? The proper etiquette women should care to learn from infancy to adulthood. My dear, what was happening?

"I apologize..." She whispered, and watched as her son lulled himself to sleep.

"Look at what I have done to myself." Vaia started, wrapping her arms around herself. She was mad with confusion. With indecision. With who knows what. She couldn't concentrate on her work, she couldn't please her son, she couldn't calm herself. Adonis stirred emotions in her that she believed she disposed of long ago, or tried to but failed with no chance of ever successfully throwing away her feelings.

But, oddly enough, she felt a pull at her chest, tugging her to the door. As if she were drawn to some unknown force. To her door she walked, stepping carelessly over scattered materials of many varying material and colors, and worried herself not on how they would look afterwards. Vaia could always ask for more, but this tugging at her heart had to be answered as soon as possible. This would happen only a few times, right?

The woman reluctantly placed her hand on the golden knob. "I must not leave my room," Vaia cursed herself for being so curious to see what she would find behind the wooden door. She couldn't open it. She shouldn't. No, but she must. It was the only way. It was the only way. She needed to speak to the Mikado, get things over with. Denounce their past relationship, even though it will hurt her more than it could possibly ever hurt him.

Vaia could feel her heartbeat racing. Badump badump babump, the sounds it made filled her ears and echoed the song of its people.

"Adonis?" Vaia looked at the avian man, her eyes dilating in his bird-like perfection. He was watching her again. It was the same tugging feeling as before, as if her heart was crying out to her from it's owner's grasp. "Oh, Adonis..." She could feel herself swooning from his presence itself. "Adonis..." The woman repeated loving the euphony his name created on her tongue. She couldn't help but reach out a hand to touch the burdened man. She did. Oh how it sent electricity through her body.

No, she can't. Vaia's thoughts returned to her once more. What was she doing? She couldn't. The Devil brought him to her. He really did and she weakened her resolve in response. She should be reprimanded. She touched royalty.

A lynching should be in order. Her death. My god. Vaia was going insane.




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