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Devilish Sorrow

Demonic Hellraiser

11,225 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:40 pm
This is where you will place the character for an upcoming rp we are working on . In this for state the following

Name of your character:
Bio (give some background story for him/her):
Description (eye color , race , hair , height, weight , and ect....):
Sexual orientation :
Nature of your character (good, evil ,neutral, ect..)
Other (info not listed above):

I would really like to get the rp started as soon as possible. So I would like the help of all the guild members.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:26 pm
Name of your character: Avalice

Bio (give some background story for him/her): A succubus rescued by a group of rebel demons in their journey to bring stability and relative peace to demons who were against the ancient ways, including mindless indulgence and slaughtering of innocent demons (whatever the reasons for the dubocchery may be). Avalice, along with 50 others, were rescued from enslavement by the rebellion's leaders. She was trained by them in the ways of magic, arcana, and taught to put her mind, body, and talents to survive. Years had passed (centuries for the human race), and she had become ready and able to defend herself and her fellow resistance members. On the day before the rebel leaders went in to battle, she was charged with the task of watching over the child of the resistance leaders. She helped a few other demons manifest the child into the human world in his infantile stage, and for 24 years she watched over him. She watched him grow, develop, suffer, turn insane, and kill. Over the course of that time, Avalice had fallen madly in love with him as she masqueraded as his "guardian angel" and fed him the whispers of power and corruption. When the boy (named Korlath) was thrown into an insane asylum, she possessed a nurse and enacted a plan with a few other demons to return Korlath and herself to Hell so they can lead the resistance against Lucifer and what's left of his legions. To say that there was quite a power struggle in Hell within those 24 years would be an understatement.

Description (eye color , race , hair , height, weight , and ect....):
Hair color - Black
Eye color - Red
Race: Succubus
Height: 5ft 11 inches
Weight: Never ask her about her weight. EVER!!!
Body color: Tan skin.

Sexual orientation: Straight. She's settled for Korlath and no one else.

Likes - Fruit and vegetables, meat, being covered in blood (it brings out the sadistic dominatrix out of her), the taste of blood, bathing in blood, flying, sexually teasing or outright having her way with Korlath, reading, writing, practicing her magic and spells, torturing the wicked souls that end up in Hell (especially the murderers), and spending her time with her lover.

Dislikes - Demons who treat other demons like cattle or currency, anyone who comes in between her and Korlath, raw meat, cooked vegetables and fruit, being short on money to buy things, not having time to at least read a book, candy, being too far away from or not being with Korlath. Yes, she is clearly obsessed with him.

Nature of your character (good, evil ,neutral, ect..) : Chaotic Neutral.

Other (info not listed above) : No additional information at this time. More will come!  


Benevolent Exhibitionist

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Devilish Sorrow

Demonic Hellraiser

11,225 Points
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  • Hellraiser 500
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:37 pm
Name - Wrath

How old are you? -
have long forgot my age but am still considered to be a young adult .

Many that have seen me have perished on the battlefield but the lucky few that have escaped my wrath call me the angel of death because if i am seen on the battlefield it well soon be raining blood of their fallen comrades. But in the under world i am know as one of the princes of hell (Wrath)

What role do you play? -
One of the five demons

May you please describe yourself ?
I am 6' and weigh 180lbs my eye color in my human form are white with red pupils but in my demon form they are as dark as the deepest part in hell with bright red pupils. My wings are pitch black but i can also hide them to hide my true self. i have long black hair but at times i like to just cut it and have short hair .

human- http://s239.photobucket.com/user/HellWard3-WellsideGossip/media/Dark Angels/AnimeDemon.jpg.html
half- http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/jadensadventures/images/4/44/Fallenangel_lucifer_by_fallenangel_lucifer-d39gdj6.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130326230720
full- http://img09.deviantart.net/fc81/i/2013/364/e/5/demon_lord_by_chevsy-d6zzv3x.jpg

As a prince I Was raised on how to one day rule hell. Went through vigorous training with the most elite and skilled swordsmen and fighters hell has to offer. As a child i witnesses may wars first just as an observer over my father and elder brothers until i was old enough to join them in the fight. My brothers and i always tried to one up each other to show father which one of us truly deserve the throne. Which leads me to my journey on Earth to cause famine , pestilence, war and death just as the the four horsemen of Legend did. But there was one catch for me to come to this land and start my journey. my father stripped me of most of my magic abilities and all my weapons but one of my katanas. He then scattered them through out the land and turned them in to fearsome beast each with different abilities resembling the power of the sword. And my most fierce weapon he kept in hell saying to reclaim it I had to reclaim my weapons and magic and retake my scythe. With my abilities as they are now i will not be able to defeat the beast. This is the most difficult challenge i have yet to face. I know it can be done i will prove to my father that i am worth of the throne and surpass my brothers and become the rightful heir of hell.



Eldest http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/206/7/1/lucifer_by_kurosaki_sasori_chan-d7ajzkz.jpg
middle http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/054/1/a/FULL_LUCIFER_DG_by_NotebaDG.jpg

Castle which i grew up in.

Dark past:
When i was a child my father would always have the lords of hell visit the castle . But one day one of the lords brought their youngest daughter Livas to the castle. We were told to go play in the the courtyard because they had important business to discuss. While playing in the courtyard our fathers came out and told use that we were to be married when we turn of age. After that she visited the castle often and soon we came to love each other. When we were about to turn of age our fathers set a day for the wedding. When the day finally came for the wedding the castle was packed with nobility from all over hell. But one of the lords named Efomon had a different goals then the wedding. As the ceremony started the castle was attacked. All the guards rushed to the gates to defend the castle but the outside attack was only the start. The second attack was by Efomon guards that wanted to overthrow my father. Some of the outside forces manged to make their way in the castle. Back then when i did not have control over my full power and would go berserk if I used to much of it. We fought and fought. With each kill I released more and more power and soon went berserk. While i was berserk i dropped my guard and attacking everything in site. while i was attacking the guards of Efomon he manage to make his way behind me and threw a sacred weapon said to only be used once at me. Right before the spear was about to pierce me, Livas jumped in the way. She was pierced threw the heart and at that moment i turned to see her being hit. I instantly regained consciousness and turned back to my original form and ran to catch her. As i held her Efomon told his men to fall back. She was dying in my arms. i could do nothing for her but hold her. I told her this was all my fault and it should have been me. She soon stopped me and said everything would be okay as tears filled her eyes and reached up to kiss me one last time. before she could reach my lips she died. I let out a huge cry as the woman i loved died in my arms. my brothers and father rushed to me as well as Livas father. He took her from me. i felt like i couldn't move. My brothers picked me up and carried me to my chambers. When we got to my room my father soon followed and told everyone to leave but me. As i sat there he held out a scythe and told me that it was rumored to be deaths. He also mentioned that it held a mysterous power but no one knew exactly what that power was. I stood up and grabbed it from him. I told him that I will kill Efomon if its the last thing i do.



I have an arsenal of different weapon you'll never catch me off guard with out my katanas each with enchantments and when i transform i have a scythe that was given to me by my father that is rumored to be deaths last scythe before him and the other horsemen vanished.(All put the top sword)

Sexual orientation? -

Characters friends/allies
my fellow demons that serve under me and my family.
my closes friends . you may know them as the deadly sins

Enemies -
celestial beings
angels and god himself
main enemy Efomon

Characters goals-
To be the next heir to the throne and surpass my brothers and even my father
Reclaim my powers that were stripped from me
To find the one that will sit beside me when i am on the throne
To bring Livas back to life

Quick regeneration
- katanas (5)each with different abilities
1. Flame sword that was forged in the depths of hell. 2. Ice so cold that it is said that it can freeze over hell 3. Nullification of abilities 4. The ability to heal my allies 5. My strongest of the 5 is said to be able to summon an ancient terrifying demon.
The abilities of my scythe are still a mystery
Unknown at the moment but the ability to summon his familiar Mictian the Aztec god of death http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/687/687142-bigthumbnail.jpg

To win ,dark magic, fights, war, death

To lose, celestial beings, happiness

Nature of your character (good, evil ,neutral, ect..) : Chaotic Neutral.

human : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25iM7eRiIQ
Demon : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=actZumishxQ  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:14 pm
Name: Sonoshi
Nickname- Shi
Eye color: Red
Hair: white hair

height: 5'0

weight: 120




Bio: not much is known, Sonoshi was found at the rough age of 4 abandoned in the middle of a field, a summoning circle under her.The girl had strange abilities and looks so she was taken in and tested on by humans who wished to use her as a weapon. The girl over time used not only her power, but the power that was forced upon her by the humans to finally destroy the place and escape. Saya now wonders around in the shadows avoiding those who wish to use her as a weapon. To those who have attempted to capture her and lived call her "The Thorn Queen", based off of one of her abilities, when a tattoo like mark located in between her collar bones spreads it resembles a vine of thorns across her body, silently and quickly shadowy vines appear that are deadly sharp and will easily disembody her attackers. It has been said, this is just the first stage of her abilities, but no one can say for sure. Even today, she still has scars from the prodding of needles and tests, shackles adorn her wrists like bracelets with holy writing on them, which are served to keep her powers locked away..most of them that is..

magic caster
can control and manipulate her vines of thorns
skillful with hand to hand combat and using assassins blades.

Likes: Sweets, music, art, rain, night time, pets, nature, watching others interact kindly, reading

Dislikes: being in confined places, lies, humans, large groups of people.

Nature of her character: she's mutual, unless provoked.

Personality- due to the nonexistent interaction with others in a positive way, she is quiet and tends to avoid others. She can be very gentle and kind, but no one has given her the chance to do so. Saya can have a massive tempter is provoked, so tread carefully (it could be fun to tease her a little since she gets rather flustered easily)
(she has not never met or seen other demons, and assumes she's the only one who is "cursed")

goal: find somewhere to "fit in"

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Undead Senshi

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Dampy Senpai

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:38 pm
Name of your character: Dampierre - The Crimson Lord

Bio: Dampierre was once an human who believe in the holy ways until his life was taken by murderous robbers whom raided his home. After his death was rejected from the purify world, from "The Holy One" he had worshiped. Shocked and confused, his soul fell deep into the unholy world. Into the deposit of other souls who once lived which were deaths of evil and sympathetic souls. Feeling clouded with rage, his soul has build up into an physical entity which beacon the other souls to attack him for his creation of his own body which was just an mere skeleton of no flesh which had capabilities of leaving the depot of souls. Dampierre fought and consumed souls he became superior to until the souls repelled in fear. Leaving the depot, Dampierre is left incapable of speech but only a mind to survive in the unholy world he see before him. Forever surviving in the unholy world killing beings that hunt for lesser ones such as himself, savaging gear from the deceased and from killings, and sheltering in places that can be only secured briefly, Dampierre has caught the attention of "The One" he should mostly fear when he was human. "The Unholy One" offered Dampierre an opportunity of wielding more power beyond human nature. Still incapable of speech, Dampierre excepted the deal. A deal from "The Unholy One". Embraced with power, Dampierre became flesh and skin, but not just flesh and skin. Wings of red flexible webbing, horns dark as ebony, a tail that could penetrate flesh, and skin of crimson hue with an unusual softness. Now realizing on his choice, Dampierre became a demon. No, more than just an demon. Something he can feel in his demonic veins. With strength that hunger for destruction. "The One" was satisfied with Dampierre's choice and leaves him to set on his own. Left to be alone again only to think "The Unholy One" can somewhat called a friend. Dampierre travels in the unholy world with his new powers to find a place to conquer. A abandoned castle beyond the unholy wasteland caught his attention. Entering didn't appear so abandoned at all as it was a spawning nest of diabolical creatures. On a bloody rampage of cleaning out the castle, fighting for survival seemed effortless. After hours of slaying, the castle only populated himself. Therefore he ruled his own position, in a world he wouldn't imagine. Neighboring creatures and other demons now titled Dampierre as "The Crimson Lord" due to fear or respect. Now unliving a new beginning of an reborn life he has fought for and awaits the future of this new adventure.

-Eyes: Red
-Hair Color: Red (Once Black)
-Race: Unique Variant Demon
-Height: 5'8"
-Weight: 128 lbs + wings 52 lbs
-Body Color: Red (Human Skin: Tan)
-Age: 19 (Unholy Years: 3)

-Weapons: Usually carries his demonic blade, Uses concentrated powered javelins, and the strength to carry a demonic gun lance for special purposes.
-Powers: Creating javelins with his power, Levitation without using his wings, Creating demonic shock waves, Turning into his demonic dragon form, Using a spell to steadfast himself from heavy attacks, and Adding additional power to his weapons. (Tough Tank)

Sexual orientation: Straight

- Likes: Living inside his castle, Being a sentiment guard, Providing aid, Discussing business, Monitoring the regions around his castle, Reading Information, Hunting for special creatures, Acting silly sometimes, Swordsmanship, Mining for special materials, Forging unique weapons, Crafting magic, Being clean, Math, Weapons, Keeping order, Testing his powers in opportunities, and Wearing his comfortable armor.
- Dislike: Surviving in the unholy world, The idea of being in the unholy world. Demons who attack him, Watching the soul count increase in the soul depot constantly, Being rejected by "The Holy One", Becoming filled in anger, and The ones who try to take his residential land.

Nature of your character: Neutral but can become anti-heroic for personal reasoning.

Other (info not listed above): Dampierre is mostly alone and yet sadistic since he has made it through the unholy world alive. He has troubles sharing his personality, usually lets others find out what he is really like when they become to know him more. On other words, hes quite humble type and respectable to others. When caught off guard be can be a little dimwit if out smarted which usually brings out his bright side.

Motives: Are unknown
Sorrow's Dark Army

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