attention all as expected some of you may have noticed that i have another profile and has started to spread confusion let me explain i was saving up for avi art and a friend offered to send me items to sell i eagerly agreed he sent me 62000 philosipher caches now my thoughts were ill unpack them all and click the sell option that way i could get rid of them all at once but nobody told me that after you get so many items your WHOLE ACCOUNT BREAKES and it does everytime i attempted to acces my inventory or anything linked to my inventory the page would fail to load and freez at a blank screen there are simply to many items for the page to process meaning i could no longer send or recive trades change my avi outfits ECT but i fount a loop whole apperently i could acces the sell item option from the store dont ask me how i did not question it i got to work taking one of my mule accounts and selling my own items to it and then listing one of my new accounts items for the exact ammount that my first profile had and bought all my gold back ^_^ so im back people just wanted to fill you guys in but yeah that the story if you are on my old friends list go ahead and add me on my new profile all frind requests are gladly accepted have a good day my friends