>>> Operation: Liberate Liberia <<<

Number of Teams Allowed

Up to 6. Each team will be composed of one meister and up to two weapons or a solo fighter. The teams will be divided into three platoons, for easier movement during the fights.


1 - Miki Yuri [ Meister ], Simon Fallon [ Weapon ], Amalie Rose [ Weapon ]
2 - Emit Okami [ Demon Meister ], Yuna Chikao [ Weapon ]
3 - Xuza Uriel [ Meister ], ( Amatha Uriel [ Witch Weapon ] )
4 - xxxxx
5 - xxxxx
6 - xxxxx


Alpha =
Bravo =
Charlie =


> Wanted dead
    Kishin, unknown total number.

> Wanted alive

> Wanted dead or alive, preferably alive
    Optional Target 1, highly dangerous assassin, pure soul, known only as Nº1143, extreme caution is advised as this target is specially good at hand to hand combat and assassination techniques.

    Optional Target 2, highly dangerous bodyguard, Motya Nika, pure soul, extreme caution is advised as this target is specially good at handling fire weapons.


10 Kishin Egg souls for each Weapon + 1/4 of the number of Kishins killed by the team as additional Kishin Eggs, those will be awarded to the team, and they must choose how to divide them among themselves.


Topographic map of Liberia - [ x ]

Harbel's Airport - [ x ]

Marshall's Army Camp - [ x ]


Liberia has always been site for political unrest, what's worse, it's a barrel full of gunpowder ready to blow now. An ex-officer from the Russian army, Major Maks Feodosiy, now aligned to the pro-Nazi terrorist group, the Red Line, has invaded, taken control of and completely isolated the country of Republic of Liberia. It's a confirmed fact that their soldiers are all Kishin, extreme caution is advised with them. While the troops aren't strong, they are well trained and boast an incredible number, not to say they all use fire weapons and are ready to shoot to kill.

The mission will begin immediately upon the landing of the teams on Marshall, at night, and will take place in their base of command, located in Marshall, south of Harbel, both east of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. The teams will escape through air after completing the mission and securing the target(s) through a safe route, which leads to the airport of Harbel, there, the operatives and the target(s) will be extracted and transferred to America, where the Russian operatives will be waiting to secure the targets.

DWMA was contracted to control the situation, apprehend the Major for crimes against humanity and for siding with the Kishin, by Russia itself. The teams will be divided into platoons of 2 teams, the mission is primarily undercover and combat is more than unadvised, it would be better if completely avoided to minimize the casualties. The enemy also has aid from a well trained body guard, Motya Nika, and an assassin, known only as Nº1143. All three of them are to be taken care of fast.

A strategic agent from the Russian army has been issued to help the platoons coordinate the attack. Violence is to be kept to a low level, killing the Main Target is prohibited, as he was issued to a trial in his homeland. The optional targets should be apprehended as well, but if there is no other way, killing them is fine. There are rumors saying the Liberian politicians are alive.

----- Additional Information -----

- To apply for the mission, PM Gwynme Theos, quote Gwynme Theos in a Chatterbox thread or send a smoke signal to Gwynme Theos. Whichever is easier.

- Once 2/3 of the teams were taken, the mission will remain open for one week, after that it will start.

- Follow all guild rules and the basic etiquete for RPing. Keep it PG-13, please.

Win condition: Capture main target.
Loss condition: Main target escapes the area and/or all platoons are rendered unable to fight.