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Over Yandere
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:57 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:10 pm

              User ImageUser ImageUser Image

              User Image

                FULL NAME - Morwenna of Rauch
                NICKNAMES - Wen
                TITLES - Sir, Knight of the Royal Guard

                AGE - Nineteen
                BIRTHDAY - The Sixth Day of January
                GENDER - Female
                SEXUAL ORIENTATION - Bisexual
                HEIGHT -
                WEIGHT -

                PHILOSOPHY - Anything goes in love and war.
                  - Cake
                  - Romance Stories
                  - Blood & Viscera
                  - Dogs
                  - Adulterers
                  - ???
                  - Being alone forever.
                  - Failing to protect her soul mate
                  - Being Stripped of Knighthood

                RACE - Human
                CURRENT HOME -
                BIRTHPLACE -


                tab i - Dedicated tab ii - Loyal tab iii - Tenacious tab iv - Selfish tab v - Violent Tendencies

                  I. Dedication, the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. While Morwenna only truly cares about a handful of things, to those things that she desires, cares for, or feels beholden to she is a truly dedicated soul. From her training, to her position, to the one she loves, expect someone who goes to any length for them.

                  II. Loyalty, in general use, is a devotion and faithfulness to a nation, cause, philosophy, country, group, or person. Morwenna is loyal to her nation but far above all she is loyal to her selfish love. Where they go she will go, it does not matter if it takes her though hell itself. She will be loyal, even if that sense of loyalty is distorted and corrupt.

                  III. Tenacity, the quality or fact of being very determined; determination. Morwenna will never relent unless forced to do so. She knows what she desires and will pursue it to the ends of the world. She is not one to quit or give up. However this can easily get her in over her head.

                  IV. Selfishness, being concerned excessively or exclusively, for oneself or one's own advantage, pleasure, or welfare, regardless of others. Selfishness is the opposite of altruism or selflessness; and has also been contrasted with self-centeredness. For all her positive traits, Morwenna is warped by her selfishness. Deep down the way she loves, is highly selfish in nature and corrupted.

                  V. Violent Tendencies, tending to the use of violence, esp. in order to injure or intimidate others. Morwenna does not care about the sanctity of life outside of her selfish desires. Her moral code is warped and she sees no issues with employing the use of violence against others to get her way. Indeed she sees herself as justified even. However she is not stupid, and understands that mad dogs get put down. As such her violent tendencies are often channeled to targets deemed socially acceptable. Beyond this, she is rather enamored with blood and revels in the thrill of eviscerating her enemies.

              User Image

                CLASS - Justice (Knight)
                LEVEL - 0001
                tab EXP - 00000

                STAMINA - 000000
                tab STAMINA PROGRESSION - 000 per level
                SPIRIT - 000000
                tab SPIRIT PROGRESSION - 000 per level

                FIRST JOB -
                tab SPECIALTY -

              User Image

                FREEFORM ABILITIES

                COMBAT STYLES

                GRAND MAGIC

              User Image

                Gold Marks: 0

                Weapons Data:
                  Weapon Type: {Sword, spear, etc.}
                  Weapon Range: {Its reach. In inches and centimeters/meters please}
                  Weapon Weight: {How heavy it is. In pounds and kilograms please}
                  Weapon Location: {Where it is stored}
                  • {When you create your profile, you may have any one basic weapon, valued at or less than 25ℳ, that your first job may wield.)

                Equipment Data:
                  Equipment Type: {Light, Medium, Heavy}
                  Equipment Style: {See Standard Equipment in Other Information Subforum}
                  Equipment Weight: {How heavy it is. In pounds and kilograms please}
                  Equipment Location: {Where it is stored}
                  • {When you create your profile, you may have any one basic piece of armor, valued at 100ℳ or less, that your first job may wear.)

                Character Inventory:

              User Image

                {Your character's background. Please have at least a basic background complete, comprised of a basic overview of their childhood, early teenage years, and what drove them to becoming adventurers, whether for good or evil.}

                Born to Morwen and Emmaline with no unusual or life threatening circumstances in mid winter, the child was named Morwenna as her face took after the father. By all accounts of the midwife she was a perfectly healthy baby. However both parents were overjoyed as they had been trying for many years to have a second child without success. Though it was said that Morwen was not nearly as joyful after finding out that he was gaining a daughter instead of a second son.

                As a small child Morwenna was inquisitive, active, and liked to play in the mud much to her mother's chagrin. At the time her older brother was squiring under a knight and would often play swords with her. However when her brother was busy training she had a bad habit of traveling to the more downtrodden areas of the city to play with the boys there. It was during a game of hide and seek that she found herself in an alley with a stray a dog. When it began growling and snarling at her she imagined herself to be a brave warrior and picked up a loose brick. However the dog was much faster than Morwenna and as it tackled her to the ground it bit into her upper thigh. She screamed out in pain, her hand dropping the brick, and it felt like hours to her as nobody came to help. Somehow she mustered up the courage to smack the dog on its nose with her hand and it must have been hard enough because it backed off long enough for her to scramble to her feet and run. After the adrenaline wore off she managed to limp home where her mothered summoned a chirurgeon. He saved her leg and provided a poultice recommendation to ensure it would heal fully. However it came at a great financial cost. Morwenna's family had been in a good position before the incident but it was safe to say their coffers were strained thereafter.

                About a month later Morwen suffered an injury while on city patrol duties. A vagabond had gotten the upper hand on him and slashed the back of his calf. With almost all of their money going to Morwenna's treatment, Morwen grimly accepted that his leg would never heal fully rather than rob his daughter of hers. His work as a city guard was slowly reduced as he was pushed out to lighter and lighter duties. In the following months his sacrifice turned into resentment, and resentment led to him becoming a drunk.

                While Morwenna's older brother became busier and busier with his duties and training, their father became a shell of his former self. When he wasn't at the pub drinking, he'd often be at home taking his frustration out on his wife, or on Morwenna. It was verbal for a while, but as the year passed it became physical more and more frequently. Eventually he turned to lechery as well, fancying other women like those that served drinks in the pub as his wife became more and more distant due to his abuse. Emmaline as well began to resent her daughter for never listening and never acting like a proper young girl.

                After about a year and a half things reached a head. Morwen brought one of his pub wenches home, Emmaline couldn't take it anymore and she simply snapped. While Morwen took his lover to the bedroom despite her confusion and concern, Emmaline locked the front door and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. She went to the bedroom and stabbed Morwen first, seven times according to the guard's report. Then as the other woman scrambled away towards door she was stabbed repeatedly in the back. What happened next is a bit murky and the only one who truly knows the truth is you dear reader, and Morwenna herself. Morwenna had been playing with a doll near the front when she witnessed her mother kill the other woman. She watched her mother turned to face her with the knife. Emmaline began to cry, when she looked at her daughter all she could see was his face. Morwenna grew frightened and began to back away when she bumped into a table knocked over a vase of fresh gardenias. Emmaline flew into a rage as her daughter fell to the ground amidst the broken shards of pottery. She roughly grabbed her daughter by her arm and pulled her to closer to look at her face. She laughed bitterly and then as she moved to stab the girl she stopped. The knife clattered from her hand and went to her throat. Hot crimson liquid began to pool against her palm. She looked at her daughter with confusion only to see girl holding a shard of that broken vase, the tip covered in blood. Emmaline dropped the hand from her neck as she began to feel weak. At which point Morwenna looked on with awe as the life drained from her mother's eyes.

                When Morwenna's brother finally got a chance to return home he found quite the grisly scene. A half starved Morwenna covered in dried blood, just playing on the floor with her doll. He quietly held her for a time, before taking her away to his lodgings. The incident was labeled a double murder and suicide.

                Things were pretty tough from then on, her brother Erhard worked hard at his training and knowing no other life began to train Morwenna with what he knew. He found that as she gained a few years and grew bigger her skills were far ahead of where he was at her age. Eventually he completed his squire-ship and became a knight in his own right. However he recognized that she would have little future under a knight with no name for himself so instead of finishing her training, he traded in some favors to spread word of her natural talent. It paid off and she was taken in by a knight assigned to the queen's guard detail.

                Now training under a knight assigned to the Royal guard, she moved into the keep during her tenth summer. It was exciting but also incredibly lonely. She had to leave behind her only remaining family, was the only girl squiring under one of the royal knights, and was given her own, albeit tiny, room and expected to manage much of herself. For an entire year she spent half of her time attending to her knight's needs including maintaining his weapons, his armor, assisting with putting on said armor, and staying by his side to learn of court etiquette; while the other half of the year was spent training in the yard with the other squires. The boys, in many ways, seemed to take offense to her presence, and a rivalry soon formed. Morwenna took many a good beatings on the training field, but she gave as good as she got. It made her realize that as they got older she'd have to train twice as hard as them to keep up though. With no friends among the other squires and training leaving her bruised and battered her will began to falter. Then one day she happened to draw blood during a training exercise. The sight of it made her smile and as the boy came at her for revenge she just lost it and slammed her training sword against his knee. He crumpled to the dirt and she just... smiled. She'd broken his knee but more than that realized how much she just liked the sight of blood. It'd been so long since mother, she had forgotten how wonderful it was.

                Time passed like this again and during the twelfth summer of her life she found herself getting a rather odd task some days. To sit with the second princess in the library and drink tea. At first Morwenna thought it some kind of weird punishment. Or even an insult to her budding skills. The princess had no desire to even speak with her it seemed. Morwenna was bored and insulted by the task. She was in training to be a knight, for what purpose was she to sit with a bratty princess and drink tea like some kind of noble lady? Was it just because she was a girl? Was that why? It infuriated her and so she was content to sit in silence, ignore the tea, and pout. However after a few hours of this she gave in, got up, and found herself a book to read. Her knight had taught her to read, and since then she had found a love in romance stories even if that was not the purpose for her learning.

                [... some kind of break through between Solati and Morwenna due to the book. ...]

                *At 15 on the eve of her examination for knighthood the princess is kidnapped.
                *She storms the captors hideout, kills them,

Over Yandere
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Obsessive Lover

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Over Yandere
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:57 pm
1. What is your darkest childhood memory?
"When mama murdered father and his filthy lover."

2. What bad habit are you struggling to overcome?
"What bad habit could I possibly have?"

3. Why does your journey matter to you personally?
"I never want to be weak and helpless again, such as it is I became a knight."

4. What does a perfect world look like to you?
"A perfect world is one where my love and I are together forever."

5. What smell or scent reminds you of your childhood home?
"The scent of Gardenias and freshly spilt blood."

6. What is your biggest regret?
"That I wasn't born a prince so I could spirit my love away."

7. Who was your childhood sweetheart?
"I was lonely then, and had no friends let alone a crush."

8. What do you fear losing the most?
"My love."

9. Is there a secret spot you like to retreat to? If there is, why that spot?
"Sometimes when things feel too difficult I like to visit a small chapel and pray, I don't know if my words reach anyone but I hope they do."

10. Do you have a family member that's ever let you down? If so, how has that affected you?
"My Papa when he cheated on us. It taught me that you need to protect what's yours or else others will steal it."

11. Are you afraid to be alone?

12. Are you proud of who you are?
"Of course, I've been knighted and I love what I do."

13. What keeps you up at night?
"Thoughts of my love rejecting me."

14. What was your favorite stuffed animal or toy as a kid?
"I had a metal figurine of my older brother, he's an important knight you see."

15. What was your worst injury ever?
"When I was a child a dog bit my thigh and left scars, though I healed and wasn't seriously hurt I still hate them to this day."

16. What song makes you think of your crush?

17. What was your bravest moment?
"When I stabbed mama's throat with a pot shard while she was trying to kill me."

18. Who can make you smile no matter how bad you feel?
"My love."

19. What is one thing you always carry with you?
"The symbol of... (god/god of love)"

20. Who is one person you would never ever want to see again? Why?
"No such person exits for me, they're already dead."

21. What, to you, is the worst way to die?

22. You can bring one person back to life. Who would you choose and why?
"I can't imagine doing this for anyone, I have no reason or care to do so."

23. Is it easy to admit when you've made a mistake?
"No, I have a hard time with that."

24. Is it easy for you to forgive others? (Truly?)
"Absolutely not, I curse them all the way to hell."

25. You're on your death bed. Who do you want by your side?
"My love and our children."

26. Your childhood bully has grown up to be a philanthropist. Do you praise him and give to his cause? Or do you turn a shoulder to him and scoff?
"Neither, I find a way to ruin him."

27. Who would you want to raise your child if you die unexpectedly?
"My love."

28. Do you suffer from a reoccurring nightmare? If so, what happens in it?

29. What do you notice first about a person?
"How much of a threat they could pose."

30. Do you find it difficult to praise others?
"People who deserve praise, will receive it readily. Others can rot."

31. Which color do you feel looks best on you?

32. What's your drink of choice?

33. Which parent do you take after more?
"Ironically I suppose mama and I are quite similar."

34. What quality about your parent do you admire? Abhor?
"I admire mama's passion. I abhor papa's lechery."

35. Do you wish to be a loner? Or have a family one day?
"I want to be surrounded by family."

36. What odd habits or ticks do you have?
"I've been told that I'm somewhat easily enamored."

37. Have you traveled to other lands?

38. Do you feel a need to fix or repair problems that don't directly involve you?
"No, I don't bother sticking my nose where it doesn't belong."

39. How do you view other races or cultures?
"Every race has the potential to excel, some of them just don't live up to it."

40. Do you worry about what the future will bring?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:39 am
User ImageUser Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus faucibus lectus lectus, ac suscipit mauris sagittis vehicula. Sed ornare tortor ut felis suscipit laoreet. Nam a porta augue, eu interdum lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu neque id lectus commodo scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus lobortis, turpis sed porta dictum, leo felis elementum arcu, ac vestibulum libero mauris nec lorem.  

Over Yandere
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Obsessive Lover

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Over Yandere
Vice Captain

Obsessive Lover

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:12 pm
User ImageUser Image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sodales tempor finibus. Sed sodales, augue et dictum sagittis, arcu ex tristique mauris, in lobortis ex metus nec dolor. Maecenas laoreet, neque sit amet malesuada gravida, erat risus vulputate eros, in tristique quam eros et mi. Curabitur facilisis nisl vitae mollis sollicitudin. Cras pellentesque turpis in augue dignissim, nec ornare orci finibus. Curabitur at scelerisque risus. Nam at tortor velit. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget tristique ligula. Praesent tempor metus at felis rhoncus laoreet.

Nulla facilisi. Nullam fermentum luctus lorem et varius. Cras massa metus, iaculis eget est eget, consequat consectetur risus. Fusce sagittis id tortor id elementum. Donec quis metus eget sem dictum cursus. Ut lobortis augue mi. Aliquam gravida dignissim mauris, ut luctus nisi lobortis nec. In feugiat, odio id vulputate placerat, arcu neque porta nibh, et tincidunt dolor diam et turpis. Donec placerat finibus purus. Praesent ut dui vel arcu varius pharetra.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:22 pm

              User ImageUser ImageUser Image

              User Image

                FULL NAME - Solveig von Schleswig
                NICKNAMES -
                TITLES - Countess, Healer of the People

                AGE - Twenty-Five
                BIRTHDAY -
                GENDER - Woman
                SEXUAL ORIENTATION - Unknown
                HEIGHT - 5'8"
                WEIGHT - 136 lbs

                PHILOSOPHY - Duty to All: Who are we to deny the least of our people? My magic is a gift and it will not be squandered on only those who took my eyes. Even without the presence of the Lawstone, I would offer succor to all who seek it. Likewise I will not reject my duty as a daughter of Great Count Leopold von Schleswig. The High City's order will be maintained such that the Lawstone may continue to guide us.
                  - Gentle Souls

                CURRENT HOME - The von Schleswig Manor
                BIRTHPLACE - Ternesjvorel
                RACE - Human
                  - Racial
                  - Bonuses
                  - Go
                  - Here


                tab i - Trait tab ii - Trait tab iii - Trait tab iv - Trait tab v - Trait

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum. Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id. Enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus. Varius quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum. Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing. Vitae et leo duis ut diam quam nulla. Id consectetur purus ut faucibus. Erat velit scelerisque in dictum non. Integer malesuada nunc vel risus.

              User Image

                CHARACTER JOB -
                tab SPECIALTY -

                CLASS - class
                LEVEL - 0000
                tab EXP - 00000

                HEALTH - 000000
                tab HEALTH BONUSES -
                tab tab 000 per level
                tab tab +000 [RACE]
                tab tab other bonuses

                STAMINA - 000000
                tab STAMINA BONUSES -
                tab tab 000 per level
                tab tab +000 [RACE]
                tab tab other bonuses

                SPIRIT - 000000
                tab SPIRIT BONUSES -
                tab tab 000 per level
                tab tab +000 [RACE]
                tab tab other bonuses

                GUILE - 000000
                tab GUILE BONUSES -
                tab tab 000 per level
                tab tab +000 [RACE]
                tab tab other bonuses

              User Image

                FREEFORM ABILITIES

                SPECIALTY MAGICKS

              User Image

                Gold Marks: 0

                Weapons Data:
                  Weapon: {Sword, spear, etc.}
                  Style: {Melee/Ranged/etc}
                  Type: {Versatile, Heavy, Reach}
                  Special Notes:
                    • {Special notes go here}

                Equipment Data:
                  Special Notes:
                    • {Special Notes Here}

                Character Inventory:
                  - ITEM NAME [TYPE] - item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes.
                  - ITEM NAME [TYPE] - item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes.
                  - ITEM NAME [TYPE] - item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes. item description if you want, or any other notes.

              User Image

                {Your character's background. Please have at least a basic background complete, comprised of a basic overview of their childhood, early teenage years, and what drove them to becoming adventurers, whether for good or evil.}

Over Yandere
Vice Captain

Obsessive Lover

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