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6,350 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:41 am
Just a thread I opened so that people could start listing profiles if they are going to rp here...I don't know if I should have waited until a guildmaster is chosen or not...but I figure that enough people are joining and some of them probably want to get started rping. So go ahead and post your name, age, appearance, and anything else you think is important.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:45 am
Umm...ok...since nobody has posted yet I'll go ahead and post this to get it started.

Updated: (Now that I see what people are generally going to post...)

Name: Kon
Age: Lost count at around 7030
Appearance: Short frame delicate body build, long hair
Form: Constantly changing, usually looks like a female human.
Outfit: Changes daily, usually something dark and inconspicous.
Weapons of choice: Silver-infused Daggers, sometimes edged with mercury. Always carries a whip and two Uzi's as backup.
Mastered Powers: Telepathy, Teleportation, Flight, Mild-Telekenisis, Shape-shifting, Hypnotism, Enhanced abilities (Ie. sight, hearing, speed, strength and all the rest).
Current Interests: Toxins, poisons and herbs and they're affects on vampiric blood.
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Type..I guess: Elder Lamia
Creature of Call: Necromonger
Personality: Patient, manipulative
Beleifs: I will stand up for ways of life and nature if it is thoughtlessly being destoryed, but I do not really care what else you do.
Breif Bio: My life was in Sumeria, my unlife is spent doing whatever entertains me.  


6,350 Points
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John Craft

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:55 am
I have two characters...

Name: Kyle
Age: Immortal
Race: Vampire
Height: 6’0

Kyle views the world one step at a time, never too quick with any one decision. He never lets his guard down while around new people for the first time. Kyle always thinks ahead and plans his next move; he hates going anywhere or doing anything without planning a decisive strategy for doing it without errors. He always speaks calmly and clearly, creating what seems to be a smooth and flawless conversational dialogue. He will get exceedingly irate if crossed.

Kyle enjoyed his infancy as a typical human individual. As a boy, Kyle showed early signs of mature behavior. Taking into effect the fact that he resolved problems at an alarming quicker rate than most his age, Kyle was able to get whatever he desired, which sometimes meant deceiving others. Using reverse psychology, and other means of adept behavior, Kyle was able to manipulate others to do what he wished. But when his family moved to Sangre and was destroyed by vampires in their second year, Kyle found a whole new world of trouble. Having been bitten by one of them, and presumed dead, Kyle was forgotten and had to turn to a street life.

Kyle has a pale skin color and a thin face, on it sits two lime green eyes that churn different shades of the color at all times. Blonde matted hair sits messily on his head; long thin bangs find their way across his face and ears. He always seems to have a devilish grin on his face. He wears a black leather vest, strapped to his torso; red wine colored sleeves come out from under it. An off white color pants with a dull grey shade cover his legs, and black leather strips are wrapped on top. Black steel toed boots reach up his calves. A dark red hooded cape placed on top.

Kyle does not carry many of these, preferring to go hand to hand with magic and the sort. However, he does take a 12 inch blade with him, often times with poison on its edges. He also carries a sword, though not always.

Magical abilities:
Kyle can fly just like most other vampires, without the need for any wings, however, he can have wide black wings if he so wished. He can make his claws extend, an old trick used by many. Kyle also has simple lighting tricks, to make the lights in a room darker or brighter, and can also start a fire with a flick of the wrist. While magic isn’t necessarily his strong suit, he does however possess the power to lift small objects without touching them.


Name: Amaris
Age: immortal
Race: Vampire
Height: 6’1

Always one to quickly judge other, Amaris has picked up a knack for knowing who a person is on the inside. He isn’t always the friendly kind, and can’t stand those who are overly nice or like to kiss up. He really only gives his time to those who he views as strong and individualistic. Amaris is really a self indulgent type of person, and feels no shame in admitting it, nor does he hold back from treating himself to something. He views himself as a natural leader, and really is successful in doing so.

Amaris was born and raised in Sangre by parents who could care less about the outcome of their offspring. Knowing his parents disapprovals of him, Amaris fought years to try and make his parents proud, but they were much happier with his sister Kydra. Knowing he would never gain there approval, Amaris turned his back on his family, and everyone he knew…and traded it for a life of war and self betterment. Amaris ran away one eve, never to return home.

A pair of dark, steel studded gauntlets can always be found around his wrists. Using eerie retractable claws through some sort of dark magic, the gauntlets have razor sharp claws piercing through the finger tips. Other than those, amaris can be found using an axe. These are the only material weapons he’s ever bothered with.

A dark red robe type cape drags along behind him, buckled onto the frontal part of his shoulder. A roughly worn black suede shirt comes down to his forearm, and is tucked underneath the two dark silver studded gauntlets on his hands. Over the shirt, a steel chest plate with gold lettering embroidered onto it can be found. Dark slate grey baggy pants are on his legs, with three sets of silver plating covering them.
Amaris has slightly paled skin, being a vampire, but most of it is covered in by his clothes. Silver hair hangs just under his ears, which are long and pointy. His eyes are always a vibrant shade of red, but the shade always depends on his mood. His sharp canines are only visible if his mouth is slightly ajar…the rest of his teeth are smaller, and sharp as well.

Magical Abilities:
Amaris has the ability of transforming himself into a beast like state. Long dark grey fur grows all over his body, along with excessively growing muscle tissue throughout his arms and legs. When he does this transformation, two giant wings tear out through his back, allowing him winged flight, because secretly he’s not good at flying as normal vampires are. His clothing is specially enchanted to not tear or come off during these times. Along with the fur, come two ears and a more evil looking face.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:59 am
((edit: sorry I had to post parts at a time, gaia was being foolish and I kept loosing it))

Name: Neish De Marquis
Age: looks 17, real age around 770
Hair: orange
Eyes: green
Hight: 5' 6"
Weight: 112 lbs

Was born in France to a rich family. They were known in the black market for striking deals with vampires to grow their fortune. Every girl born to the direct decendants of the first DeMarquis has been given to a vampire clan as a offering. Neish was to be given on her 18th birthday but renegade vampires broke into the ceremony and captured her. They turned her and so the clan who she was to be offered to broke their deal with the DeMarquis Family and killed them all.

Neish now lives as a renegade, mainly in her homeland France but she's known to move to different coutries. She fluently speaks both french and english.


Shy and quiet when first meeting her. She's not very open to other vampires other than her renegade brotherin. If you can get past her defenses, one will learn that she's very passionate and is only seeking attention.

Detailed appearence:

She has long silky orange hair, mostly left loose unless she's to go into combat. Her eyes are a striking shade of green which gives her a ghostly apperance against her milky skin. She wears an indifference face, hardly ever giving a wide grin. She wears beautiful Robes Francaises when she's at home but when she's to do battle she wears slick tight leather and chain mail. Her weapon of choice is the rapier.


She can fly land shoot ki blasts but she prefers to fight like a true DeMarquis, fencing. She has amazing speed and agility, like that of a cat which makes her hard to catch and to catch off guard.  

Ruby Hayashi

The Mad Hatter 6669

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:00 am
name: manic
race: 1/2 demon 1/2 vampire
age: unknown, looks 16
abilitys: demonic speed and strength, vampire flying ability and speed, also ability to fly through shadow
((more will be added when i remember))  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:00 pm
Name: G.I.R.
Race: mutt... sang/psi/inccubus
eyes: blue
hair: dirty blonde/brown
hieght: 6'0'' (with shoes)
weight: 110lbs
Age: 18
Job: lol
Family:... yeah, and they suck.
Abilities: Limited (very limited) ability in psionics, slight experience with magic, seemingly harmless, lovable, and cute.
short bio: modern Vamp. who still lives with parents and is having trouble getting doners.  


Evalin Rushe

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:20 pm
Name: Tess

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Hair cut boyishly short and spikey. A tall (5'10), slim figure with bat-like wings attached to her back

Hair Color: Black with red tips

Eye Color: Black with no Iris or Sclera(and for you dimwits who don't know what a Sclera is it is the white part of the eye)

Skin Color: Paper White

Personality: Shy but Mysterious

Breif Bio: Spends her time wondering around the world, not stopping to rest or talk to anyone. She is very smart but her smarts can sometimes lead to disaster

Weapons: Fangs, Fingernails, and Dagger

Powers: She is able to summon spirits from the underworld and has an uncontrollable knack of making people go up in black flames.

Name: Eve

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Short but rather skinny, making her look as if she had never touched food. Hair falls to the floor.

Hair Color: Blood red with some black highlights

Eye Color: She doesn't really have a color since her eyes are red ruby's

Skin Color: Pale

Personality: Sarcastic but can be sweet at times

Breif Bio: She doesn't like to be around people, thats why many people don't know much about her or even know she exists. She is usually hiding in dark places or just sitting in the darkness staring out into space. She is half blind because of a fight she once got into that slightly damaged her vision.

Weapons: A whip and her fighting skills

Powers: She is able to move objects with her mind and turn herself into a black wolf about the size of a baby elephant. The wolf has a red ruby, in the shape of a cresent moon, inplanted on it's chest. Also the wolf has large black wings the seem to grow out of it's shoulder blades.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:37 pm
Name: Travallian HardSlash/Keshi Troopa
Age: Well around 2924
Height: 5'7"/6'1"
Hair colour and style: Shoulder length dirty blond
Eye colour: Royal blue
Race: Pure vampire
Abilties: Hailfire, the ability to use elements that disagree with each other. Fire and ice as well as holy and dark. Holy still hurts him, but his own holy spell do not harm him. However, he leans more to the power of transformation.
Weapons: Swords, staff, or several types of spears and lances depending on his form.

Appearance: Known to constantly change his appearance, Trav has many faces. Whether he be taking the form of a human to a dragon, he can transform into anything he has encountered within moderation. He never takes s form that identical to the original to avoid any suspicion. Depending on the era, time of the year, or location, He can blend in rather well. You wouldn't even noice him.

Small info: Since Travallian is a pure vampire, born in a similar way to Drakonis the tenth, he doesn't burn in the sun. However, since he doesn't rule vampires the way DraYoshi X does, he must use his father's ring to avoid becoming weak to the sun. Ever since he left his old kingdom to his son, he never flaunts his old status and rarely ever goes by the name of Travallian unless he trusts someone enough. He usually goes by other names with his forms. Only thing that doesn't change most of the time in any form are his royal blue eyes. They would only change depending on his vampiric moods. Green to cast spells and red when he's raging.

((....I have no clue why I still go with his Yoshi/Koopa information in there. Not as much, but it stil lingers. He's more in a human appearance these days.))

Razumi Yazura

Demonology Warlock

60,225 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:41 pm
Might as well join this bandwagon.

Two characters, one to be played currently:

Name: Hazael (said one of two ways: Ha-zeh-ul, or the American version: Huh-zay-ul.)
Age: unknown. He likes to throw people off though, giving them the idea that he's within the 700's.
Height: 6'1''
Look: Silvery white hair (due to an accident that happened while he was still alive), slim body. Lightly built, but nothing too impressive. He smirks a lot. He tends to enjoy the goth look as he finds it to be a sweet irony, but generally he'll wear normal clothing that covers him from the neck down. T-shirts really aren't his thing. He has a couple of trench coats, but they're not worn as much as you'd think they'd be.

Personality & Quirks: Hazael is... well, he could be considered a typical vampire character if one only skimmed the surface, so to speak. He's sarcastic, cocky, and tends to smirk a lot. He really wants nothing to do with other vampires, and he tends to hate the "lurking in the dark" theme. In his younger days, he was what might consider a sex god; he found human women, vampire women, and sometimes men and used them something fierce. Nowadays he's toned down, keeping to himself more than ever. He tends to travel around a bit, testing the sun's strength during twilight hours. Leeching habits tend to be a little less needed; he just doesn't seem to get as hungry as other vampires do. Either that, or he just doesn't let on that he's a beast.

Weapons: Nothing he'd let you know about.

Magical Abilities: Blood magic, and he doesn't practice it much. General vampire abilities... as well as a beast form which isn't really stable as he hasn't changed into it enough.


Name: Amanda (What people refer to her as, anyway. No one knows her real name, other than Hazael)
Trade/Nickname: Shifter Amanda, to those pesky vampires who care to gossip
Age: Old.
Height: 5'10''
Look: A rather busty woman with brown hair that's somewhat wavy. Amanda dresses like a normal human being.

Personality & Quirks: Amanda is also rather cocky, although she doesn't let on to other people that she is. A proud woman, she has a certain presence about her that makes one admire her confidence. She tends to have a silky voice, one that gives many goosebumps. One way to describe it is "breathing while you're talking", which makes a light hissing sound when one speaks. Think Arwen with a higher pitch, I suppose, with sex appeal. As she is a friend of Hazael's, she and he both have similar tactics to getting their blood needs. She uses her abilities to make her kills by sex and intimacy, and she generally hangs out in clubs so the music drowns out any nuisance she might experience.

Weapons: Herself

Magical abilities: Amanda is a shape shifter. She takes shape of anything she wants, as long as she's seen it once before. Or, as long as she can get the idea crisp and clear in her mind. Because of this, she can walk among the living during the day, shifted into a human being. No one is sure how she is able to manipulate DNA and genetics to her favor like this, but that's why one would call it a "magical" ability, yes? Also because of this ability, she has hightened telepathic senses (to converse when she's in the form of an animal). Because of this, her personality, and her unexpected wisdom, she is an ally you'd like to keep.

Hope this works. ^^  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:29 pm
Would've posted earlier, but my brother was hogging the computer.

Name: Solstice
Age: Immortal (appears about 25)
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'7"

Solstice is not the meanest of vampires, but by no means is she the nicest. She regards the human race as below her, and yet there are many things about them that fascinate her. Solstice is jaded, having been living way beyond her time, and can be sarcastic and cynical. However, she is full of self-contradictions and, despite her age, is prone to making irrational and impulsive decisions.

Solstice was not a happy child, having been moved from foster family to foster family after her parents' death in a fire. Though she was not cold and ruthless or plotting revenge, people often said that there was no light in her eyes, and her smiles lacked sincerity. She became a vampire 3 days before her 25th birthday, and she did not object. She "lives life" as if on the edge of a knife, and does not care about the consequences. To her, life has no purpose.

Solstice has long, curly orange hair that she usually has in a long braid or just down. Her eyes are a greyish colour, and she is pale like most of her kind. She has a moderate height, and an average figure. Solstice appears frail, but looks can be deceiving.

Her weapons of choice are knives and whips. She has knives hidden throughout her wardrobe, and one whip at her belt that she uses on occasion. She has special abilities common to many vampires: she can fly, levitate objects, read the minds of vampires weaker than she is, and strike out with her "chi".  



PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:00 pm
Okay, since no one specified, I'm going to use my White Wolf character.

Name: Nakht
Gender: female
Race: Vampire
Age: Looks 23, but is at least 9,000
Generation: 3rd
Clan: Daughter's of Cacophony (founder)
Origin: Thebes, Egypt
Alignment: neutral
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: black
Occupation: art, music
Weapons: chakram, sap
Magic: Mimicry, ventriloquism, melpominee, euphony, and a few others. She has level 10 fortitude, so she pretty much invincible to all physical attacks.
Personality: A bit mischeivious, but manages to stay focused on the given task. She will show more care and concern for a kindred than a human, however, she will take minimal care of her herd, if need be. She loves all animals. She's pretty easy-going and doesn't get angry easily.
Appearence: She has long, straight, black hair, down to her waist with long, thin bangs. She usually wears it down. Her skin is olive colored, as with most Egyptians. She wears a tie-in-front skirt with a swimsuit-like bottom underneath. Her top is of the same black and bronzed-gold of her skirt. It does not tie, but has crossed straps in the back. She has decorative scarabs on her outfit, including the leather ties on her legs and arms. Most times she wears no shoes, but may wear sandals. She may also occasionally wear a dark brown cloak in cold or stormy weather.
Genealogy: unknown
Pets: Minion, a pet that Cain made for her. He resembles a bush-baby.
Bio: That's comin a lil later.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:24 pm
Name: Selene Jessica Rosara
Gender: Female
Age: Looks to be in her 20's but true age is hard to find.
Race: Was an elf but now a vampire.

Appearance: She has long black hair with red highlights, emerald green eyes with neon green flicks of color, extremely pale ivory skin. About 5'8" in height, weight appears to be 130 lbs. Usually wears various shades of red and black clothes- mostly shirts and skirts or pants, a few necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. Nails are usually painted black or red. Her clothes are upbeat, hip, in style and hot. She never understood why her elven brethren hid their bodies. She has elven ears that have five piercings in her each ear. (Two in the lobe, one half way up, one in the lower cartilage and one in the upper cartilage.) Although, her hair usually covers her ears since she dislikes announcing she was once an elf. Her fangs can be seen when her mouth is closed, they rest halfway down her full lips. (Which are usually red from lipstick.) Sometimes when she feels quirky or there's a holiday she'll be dressed up for it.

Bio: She was an outcast among her elven community, she usually walked around at night as was rarely seen during the day. Very artistic and opinionated, kind of arrogant and usually has her own interests in mind. Her current home is a dreary castle over looking Barton village that is home to many other vampires as well. (The Vampire Guild) She doesn't know her father or have any clue what race he was, but rumor has it he was human. Selene was one of the few elves in her community with black hair instead of light brown or blonde hair. (Her mother has pale blonde hair.) Plus the fact that she has a human middle name and last name didn't help the theory. She doesn't have an elven females body either, which are usually very slim and have small hips and breasts. Selene has a small waist but has medium sized hips and breasts. Plus she was the only one to have green eyes, everyone else had silver, blue or grey.

Weapons/Abilities: Selene has a dagger that appears to be United States issued army knife. The metal is black as with the sheith and handle. Her abilities include magick, the knowledge when someone's lying to her, levitation, telepathy, flight, plus a few other "minor" talents, as she calls them, unlike others of the vampire race though she doesn't flaunt her or flash her abilities about, she has them and that's enough for her.

Vice Captain

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Toothsome Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:39 pm
Name- Talon
Gender- male
Age- appears to be 23
Race- a jumble of known sentient creatures, vampire included

Appearance- A large black cloak is wrapped around him, covering all but his black boots, toed with glossy silver metal, and his head, a shocking array of cherry spikes, elfin ears poking out from either side of the skull, golden hoops flashing along left ear. Behind short, rectangular black shades, liquid-gold eyes stare out. Beneath the cloak reveals a thick leather collar with a silver lock at the throat, a lustrous red tunic of satin that shapes and defines lithe figure, the throat and chest left exposed due to unbuttoned front, and worn leather pants, hugging sleek thighs, toned muscles barely visible from beneath the taut fabric. The bottoms of his pants are tucked into his boots, said boots coming up to mid-calf and buckling three times on the side. A supple tail can be seen swishing back and forth slowly, from the slightly curled tip to the base, disappearing into back of the pants.

Background- Was the final outcome of a genetic experiment to create a perfect being. His parents were brilliant scientists, and when his mother had become pregnant, DNA of vampires, elves, and other races were introduced to and absorbed by the embryo. Talon was raised by his parents until the age of 16, when he left to survive on his own. He has traveled the globe, and over the years, picked up several useful skills and a worldly view on life.

Personality- Talon is laid back and easy going most of the time, downright lazy at others. Quick to anger, slightly slower to calm down, he can become vicious if provoked. Talon loves to flirt with both sexes, and can be a bit feline when it comes to entertainment. He's got a good sense of morals and a great deal of compassion, however, and it would be innacurate to go as far as to say Talon is heartless.

Weapons- skilled with several different weapons, is most comfortable with a set of throwing knives.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:01 pm
Name: Faye Jarlon
Age: cant remember
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'4"

Faye can be either very friendly or very cruel, msot of all though, she loves easily. She judges everyone but keeps her findings to herself unless otherwise provoked. Faye is usually depressed but hating it when people ask her about it, she tends to act happy and hyper about everything. The one thing that she hates most is people who get to clingy or who cant go follow their own paths, people who let themselves be dragged on by "destiny". Faye thinks that you have to fashion your own destiny. She is very dertermined in everything she does.

Faye was born in a small town that she has forgotten the name of. All she remembers was her abusive father who she ran away from. Her mother died when she was born. Since then she simply wandered from place to place hoping to find what she was looking for. She doesnt know what that is. But Faye knows she will know it when she does. Or hopes so.

She can maily be found using her two swords, Satsurai and Itsagra. However she hides other small knives around her body. Fae is resourceful and will use anything she can get her hands on if Satsurai and Itsagra become useless.

Faye has bright blue eyes and dark black hair that she keeps cropped short but is so messy that it always hangs in her face. Her skin is pale. She wares a long sleeved silk black shirt that she keeps buttoned at the wrists, the sleeves seem overly big and are creased. She buttons all of the front buttons. above the collar can be seen a lace undercollar. she wears a short black skirt is overly pleated. On top of this Faye usually wears a deep blue wrap cape of a strangely light but protective material that covers any notice of her the two swords at her right and left side. she wears black shoes.
(detailled so later i can go back and draw my character)

Magical Abilities:
The only magical ability that Faye boasts is being able to hover and fly slightly off the ground. She cannot go very high, but when she is in that state of flight she can dissapear and reappear a short distance from her original position. Not very handy in long fights, but it gives her a slight advantage over the less... intelligent enemies.


I suppose now I can add these...
Keovari Seriph... her Guardian... a Spirit... Forms in the real world as a white cat..
Lady Alyria... Alter Ego (?)... the original Faye... EVIL AS HELL. Loves to fight. Strangly is not effected by the normal downfalls of the vampier race. due to the fact that Alyria no longer truely exists. Her only reasonably helpful weakness is her soul. A true soul like a human would have, only she doesn't feel it unless it is deeply touched... Something nearly impossible to do. This soul can only be seen to exist by thoose who know her well, and so far, this can only include those closest to Faye.  

Lung Qin Mei

Sparkly Sex Symbol


PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:56 pm
Age: Unknown, but to the human eye looks 19.
Hieght: 5' 7"

Appearance: Wufei's shining blue eyes are hidden beneath sunglasses that allow no view of his pupil, from any angle. His hair a grey color flowing down into bangs that cover the sunglasses and his eyes. Below is his mouth that normally has no expression or a sadistic grin. His skin a pale color as if he had been cooped up for many years without sunlight. A black shirt with red stitching appeared over his torso. The shirt looked like it was silk and blew in the wind as he walked. His pants a dark gray color and of the baggy sort. They had many pocket in which to hide all sorts of items. His shoes were combat boots with a pure black shine to them. Over his arms, besides the shirt, was a long flowing black coat that come down to his ankles and seem to hide many secrets within. His right hand was adorned with a black glove with the fingers cut off of it and a ring over his middle finger. His left hand had only a bracelet made of string and a small ring on his thumb.

Personality: Wufei's personality had many flaws but only a few of greater caliber. He was a bit hesitant to speak to anyone unless they were of his type, vampire. He was a bit of an anti-social person although if you got to know him then he would spend hours talking on views and opinions. You could normally find him in a dark dorner reading up on the Dark Arts, Occultism, Telekinesis or many other subjects that most people find of little revelance to anything.

Magical Abilities:Wufei's Magical abilities weren't enhanced as far as most vampires. He didn't know much about how to control things or to make certain events happen but he was reading on how to lift objects with his mind, read peoples minds, and to cast small spells among other things that humans would call witchcraft. Soon he would have them all honed to near perfection.

Bio: Wufei's life was in a way the reason for all the major flaws in his personality. In a small village, hundreds of miles away from any city, Wufei was born. His mother was a human-vampire half breed and his father a full black hearted, vampire. At a young age he began to do many things that were only explained by the word "Unknown". His father left him and his mother when he was nearly two years old. His powers scared his mother since she had no true powers. She was forced to flee and leave him stranded in a little hut where he would grow and make due on his own. He had never ventured into the city because they wouldn't have understood him and what he was. One day he was discovered by men who wished to tear down the small village and make some sort of new city in the area. They were so furious at the thought of a vampire living within a human's sight that they chased him out of the area, leaving him to find his own refuge.

Weapons:Wufei never really used weapons that much but would use any sort of blade if needed. He had trained himself with a kitana and nothing more. He soon realized that he could train with other weapons to further protect himself from anyone who wished the vampire race destroyed.
The Vampire Guild

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