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1: Follow all of Gaia's TOS
2: No Godmoding
3: No Cybering, romance is allowed.
4: PM me your character's profile, use Cheshire's Wonderland so I know that you've read the rules
5: Use (()), {{}}, [[]], etc. You must post this in the OCC topic ^_^
6: Do not use * for actions
7: You can sware, but not too much
8: You can be no more than 3 characters... and see if you can have a color for each one too... so not to confuse other people. Namely me sweatdrop
9: If you're inactive for about 3-4 months, without explanation, your character will be put on the inactive list/given to another person. (I didn't want to add this, but we need active members to keep the rp going). You will keep your membership but will be put on the inactive list, only if you're inactive of course. I understand work/school/power outages. If you just give me a proper excuse, and if your playing a cannon character before and hasn't been claimed by another you may have it back
10: Try to post once a week. I know life happens. We all will understand if you're busy during the week

I shall be adding rules later on as I see fit