"Felne! Felne? Hey girl, you awake yet?"

Two pairs of bright emerald eyes began to open slightly, thick eyelashes fluttering. "Wha?" The young woman was obviously dazed and confused, but, that was to be expected.

A loud slap could be heard, followed by a soft moan of pain. "Private! Don't be yelling at your comrade!"

"Ung, why don't both of you just shut up. And anybody else who's around." Kristina Felne sat up in her bed, scratching none too gently at a bandage on her head, her face showing a look of disgust. "What the hell happened? I can barely remember it...Sarge, why the hell is most of the platoon here?"

The leader of the group gave a large smile, pearly white teeth flashing, and went to rub at the fine stubble on his chin. "Well Felne, last I remember is that you went stupid in the head, and decided to head out into enemy lines for a bit, to secure the area. We were supposed to do that as a platoon, but you being you...and now you're in the hospital with shrapnel imbedded in your side and stomach, from a bomb that went off a bit away from you. You should be dead, you know that, right?"

Kris looked up to her leader and grinned also. She was the kind of person to have an abnormal lucky streak, who could recieve a major injury and shrug it off as nothing. And with her, she sure recieved a whole bunch of those.

At the age of 25, she looked much like she always did. The shining eyes, the chestnut colored hair-always in a ponytail, of course-, the tall and lanky body, and that happy personality that had a habit of annoying people, but, for all the right reasons. But, there was several things missing.

The fur. The claws. The teeth. Everything that might have given away that she had lycan abilities was absolutly gone.

Kris sighed inwardly, pushing her bangs from her face. 'Nnngh, god. That was a kinda stupid thing of me, but, back when I was with the System Diabolical...I was even worse...good thing I got rid of the lycan-ness...that was really starting to bother me. And now...now I'm in debt with the Devil himself...god, I could laugh right now, it's so ironic.'

"Yeah, I should be dead, but-"

She squealed as several of her closer friends leaned over to hug her, resulting in several squeaks of pain. "Ow, OW! You guys, get off of me! Just because I'm female doesn't mean you have to get your hands on me at every available moment!"

"Aww, c'mon Kris! Ever since you unofficially got rid of that boyfriend of yours, we know that you're lonely! So we're here to cheer you up! And we even got somethin' for you!"

"Eh?" A thin eyebrow raised, Kris turning her head to the side in a confused manner. "What you mean, 'got me something'?"

"Here you go hun, hope you're not too mad about this."

Kris was handed something on a long leather cord, a necklace, actually. She stared at the small pendant, closed her eyes, and began to chuckle. "It's a piece of shrapnel. Is this supposed to be a lucky charm or something?"

"Yeah, we thought it might come in handy one day. Or when you leave, a bit to remind us by. Oh, and then there's this also."

"............you know that alcohal is prohibited here, right?"

"Yeah, but that's from a Mr. Jack Daniels! Anything from him in prohibited in this place."

"You guys...you're all idiots, you know that, right? Idiots...but sweet idiots. Now, get out, all of ya. I wanna get some rest, my side is hurtin'." Kris put on a small pout as all the platoon members came up to place a small kiss on her forehead, and a pat on the back.

As they all left, she fell back onto her pillow, her bandaged chest and stomach aching in pain, and also from a multitude of smaller cuts and scrapes. Her hand clutched the small necklace, and let out a small sigh. "I'm gonna miss all of you guys, but this is the end of the road for me. I spent four years in the army, and I don't want to go back. I'll miss all of you...but who knows what will happen next."

With another lengthy sigh, Kris reached up for the light next to her bed, and turned it off.

"Maybe I'll go out and look for my MIA parents...maybe do something with my life...maybe go out and meet up with some of my old friends...yeah, that would be nice...I miss the old days..."

And with that final thought, Kristina Felne fell into a deep sleep, untroubled no more.