Info about you first...

What's your name? ; Heather

Are you male or female? ; Female

How old are you? ; 17

What grade are you in? ; I'm ending my 11th

Now to your crush! Yay!

So tell me, what's his/her name?! ; >> <<

Age? ; About...20.

Male or female? ; Male

Grade? ; Out of school

Height (or guess it)? ; He's taller than me

Eye color? ; Hazel ish

Hair color? ; Like...brown/blondish. Weird color.

Hair short or long? ; His is getting longer

Body type? ; Thinner and athletic

Weight? ; I dunno for sure

How does he/she dress? ; Like a country boy ;D

Is he/she outgoing or more quiet? ; He's kind of quiet ish, like he's shy, but he's pretty outgoing too. =^^=

Athletic, play sports? ; I think he played football.

Funny? ; Yesh

Smart? ; He seems so

Aggressive? ; No

Sweet? ; Yesh, very

Hmm... I wonder...

You ever talked to him/her? ; Yesh. I'm supposed to call him tonight. >.<

Ever tell someone you like her/him? ; Noooooo.

Ever kiss with him/her? ; No

Ever have same classes with him/her? ; No

Manage to ask him/her out before? ; No.

Do you think he/she likes you back? ; I know he does. He told me. =^^=

Think he/she would date you if you asked? ; Probably

Do you get nervous around him/her? ; A little, but I'm really comfortable around him

Has he/she ever noticed you around? ; Yesh

Is he/she going out with anyone? ; No

Now, now, I still have to know more!

What's his/her birth sign (or guess)? ; Taurus

Crushin' on him/her for how long? ; >.<

What's his/her fav color (or guess)? ; I, maybe.

What sorta music he/she likes (or guess)? ; Country, for sure.

What's his/her fav food (or guess)? ; Hmmm. I dunno.

Do you think he/she is a virgin? ; I dun think he is.

Would he/she give you her number? ; I've already got it.

Is he/she the romantic type? ; Yesh

What's his/her fav thing to do (or guess)? ; He likes his cars and stuff.

Would you kiss in public with him/her? ; Yesh

Would you show him/her to your parents? ; Yesh

Think he/she would reject you? ; Maybe

Like his/her looks or personality more? ; I like 'em both. He's a sweetie AND he's cute.

Other people crushin' on him/her? ; I dunno.

Oooh, interesting! Moving along...

Think you and him/her would last long? ; I dunno. Wed have to find out. I'm not a psychic

What turns you on most about him/her? ; ...

Would you have sex with him/her? ; >.<

Know any weird habits he/she has? ; Well...tee hee. ;D

Are you even friends with him/her? ; Yesh

What would you do if you found out....

He/she smokes? ; I'd slap him upside the head, and then I'd proceed to tell him what it's done to MY lungs.

He/she doesn't like you? ; I'd get over it.

He/she is going out with someone? ; I'd give up.

He/she wanted to ask you out? ; Well. He likes me.

He/she isn't a virgin? ; Oh well. At least he isn't a slut and he's got no STD's.

He/she has cheated on someone? ; Wouldn't date him.

He/she likes your best friend? ; That'd be awkward, seeing as one of my best friends is engaged to his cousin...XD

He/she doesn't have a job or car? ; But...he DOES have a job...and a car.

He/she is moving? ; He already lives far away. I can only hope he moves closer.

He/she is a perv? ; Wooo! <3

He/she is really shy? ; I dunno.


Do you think about him/her all the time? ; I've got other things to think about.

Ever have dreams with him/her? ; No. I dun really have dreams like that.

Do you think your crush knows you like him/her? ; I'm sure he knows. ;D

Have the courage to ask him/her out now? ; No. I'm wayyyyy too shy. Besides, I think it's the GUY who should ask the GIRL out. I've NEVER asked anyone out. I refuse to.