Well I was lookin through some old files and I happen to walk across this story that I started about 3years ago. I decided to post it just for the fun of it. Enjoy the first and only chapter XD HAHA

Ch1- Beginnings

Looming high in the pale blue sky, the sleepy sun cast its warm rays onto the villagers of Riikun who reluctantly awoke from their peaceful slumber. One by one they roused getting ready for the long day that awaited them. Crops needed tending, wood had to be chopped, bread prepared, meat cut and wrapped, livestock fed and taken care off.

Young ones scampered across the town square hitting each other with sticks, occasionally smacking someone in the face, letting their bell-like laughter ring out. So many things had to be accomplished but even so, the villagers had such blissful smiles on their faces.

The village of Riikun was just a plain and simple place to live, it was calm and peaceful. Riikun was near the ever radiant Lake Licsan, their source of water, which made the village flourish. Everyone knew who was who and all of the latest gossip. Their simple houses were mainly built out of wood and pieces of different types of metals that they bought from caravans that came to their village every year just before the freezing winters arrived.

Each of the houses had unique arches and wonderful carved columns that took a lot of skill to make making each and every house different from the rest, no design was used twice. They were all two story houses with a lot of room since almost each household had about three or four or five children of different ages that work on their plantations and businesses.

Some of the houses had stables in the back where they took care of their livestock or huge gardens where they farmed crops such as corn, pumpkins, peas, beans, potatoes, carrots, grain, and watermelon that kept the village alive. There were even orchards of apple trees packed with ripe red, green, and golden apples. Blue and blackberries were also grown and picked when they were in their perfect form.

The village bustled with movement as the smell of freshly baked bread from the village bakery scattered across the houses carried by the eastern wind. Everyone was doing their needed chores before having fun even the children were doing their chores . . . well almost everyone. . . . . . .

“Show yourself!” shouted a young man, “Stop hiding and fight me!!” The young man searched around the a vast field that was lined with sparse trees and bushes that was half a league away from Riikun looking for something or rather, someone. He held onto his perfectly hand made two handed steel blade that looked like it was made by the finest smith in the world.

A gentle laugh rang out making his ears twitch. He turned his head around franticly trying to catch his prey. Just as he was turning his head to the right, an arrow whizzed by scraping against his left cheek letting warm blood dribble down.

“You are so loud. Everyone in the whole village could have probably heard you Seth and you wouldn’t want that, now would you?” A mysterious voice asked. A girl, about Seth’s age, jumped out of one of the trees with an arrow fitted in her slender handmade bow. Her crimson hair was tied neatly in a braid with a few strands tucked behind her somewhat pointed ears and her eyes were aqua, shining with anger as she walked forward towards Seth. She was clad in just leather armor that tightly clung to her body greatly showing her curves. Seth stood there, mouth wide open. She raised her bow, taking aim.

“Stop staring at me like that and prepare yourself!” The girl muttered as she pulled back the string of her bow tightly.

She let the string go and with a twang the arrow flew forward. It spiraled in the air and just as it was about to contact with Seth, he blocked it in time with his sword, barely. He smiled at the girl. The female flung her bow onto her back with god like speed unsheathing two blades.

The blades rang out as they were pulled from their casings that were tied to each of her long, slender legs. The two blades were thin, almost wiry like but they were powerful enough to cut straight through chain mail armor and a person’s flesh at the same time if given a great stroke. Seth stepped back as she charged at him full of rage.

The girl swung at his head but he ducked missing the blades by a hairs breath. Sweat began to trickle down his face. Just as the female was about to strike again, Seth formed words with his mouth that hurled the girl backwards.

“You cheated.” He said with a sigh.

“I did no such thing! You are the one using magic!” she retorted as she stood, sheathing her swords.

“Only magic that you taught me which was how to control the wind to toss your opponent back, Lianna.”

Lianna folded her arms, “Your enemies never follow the rules of battle you know. They always find some way to cheat.”

“Ah yes, but you are not my enemy now are you? You cheated, admit it. Using a range weapon was not part of the rules of us sparring together.” Lianna turned around and kept her mouth shut then began to laugh once she felt Seth’s warm breath down her neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist smiling from ear to ear.


Lianna and Seth were wonderful friends ever since he and his mother first found Lianna floating on her back unconscious with the same two swords she had in her grasp now in Lake Licsan exactly six years ago. To this very day they never found out who put her there and why was she even there in the first place. His mother never fully adopted her for some unknown reason yet she cared for her as if she was her own.

Since then, Seth had watched over her like a hawk trying to keep her away from any men in the village who might have wondering eyes and hands. During those years he began to notice things about her that made her different than the other girls in Riikun. She didn’t like any of the girly things that others did like wear fancy dresses and makeup the caravan brought along, she enjoyed more manly things.

She was more of a warrior than some of the men in the village and somehow began to practice the art of magic. She taught Seth how to control the wind but that was it although he had pestered her to teach him more.

Her magic skills were unlike anything Seth had ever dreamed of. At night when Lianna snuck out of their house, he would follow her to their sparing grounds and find her practicing different magic spells like controlling wind, fire, water, and earth. She could make chunks of earth float in the sky as a protective shield, use the wind to blow anything away, make tsunamis form using simple words to control the water and toss balls of fire out from the palm of her right hand. Everyday she would practice when no one was around but not one person could ever teach her the art of magic in such a simple village.

Seth wondered how she could ever find out how she learned magic without a mage to instruct her but never asked for he could never find enough courage to. The only person who could ever over powered Lianna was Seth, and that was only when he was trying. Usually when they fought, Seth went easy, but not too easy, on her trying to hone her skills even further. She was a wonderful fighter and picked up other skills quite easily. Lianna was one of the best fighters in the village and she was a female.

Despite all of the different things about her, Seth cared for her more than anything in the world. He, a simple blacksmith’s son, felt lucky to have found her and be together with her. His reason for training for hours after closing down the blacksmith shop was his determination to keep her safe from anything in the world.

Every part of his body was muscle there was no fat on his body anywhere; he was very fit young man, the fittest and best looking male that every girl swooned over. The only girl he had ever showed interest in was Lianna, everyone else just seemed to have no common sense whatsoever or brains or they were just too girly and high maintenance for his tastes. He loved Lianna and she loved him their paths were set, they were to be together forever even if the village rejected their love for each other.


“We should go home now. The caravan will be here tomorrow and we need to stock up on more food for the winter.” Seth said giving Lianna a soft squeeze around her waist.

“Fine, but I still beat you in our sparing match.”

“Let’s call that a one a draw.”


“Don’t humph me.” Seth teased squeezing her waist again, “It’s time to go. Mother will be angry at us if we do not harvest the crops.”

Lianna smiled weakly and began to walk back to the village with Seth’s arms still around her waist. Soon, Seth took his arms away and they began to race back home. They ran quickly over the field, their hearts pumping faster and faster with each step they took. Seth’s boots pounded into the dirt leaving his foot prints as he ran while Lianna left none, for she ran like a doe quickly and gracefully, careful not to harm the earth.

As they continued to run forward, they saw the outline of the village. Instead of slowing down, they pushed harder using any burst of energy to push forward. The two both slid to a stop when they arrived at the village wall. There, Seth’s older brother was waiting.

He was a chubby man who never cared for anyone but himself and was only two years older than Seth. He was a lazy man who never worked at his father’s blacksmith shop. He used to be respected by everyone, a role model to many of the children, and once was very handsome but things began to change when their father died and he was made man of the house.

“Where were you two?” he snarled, “You were supposed to harvest the crops an hour ago!”

Lianna glared at Seth’s brother, “We were busy doing other things unlike you. You are nothing but a fat slob! You sit around doing nothing, expect everyone to do what you say and get on Seth’s case all the time! Besides, we are only an hour late; you could have done it if you are so worried about it!”

“Hold your tongue woman!” he shouted, “You are lucky enough our mother even takes care of you! Show some respect!”

“I will never respect the likes of you.”

Seth’s brother raised his hand as if to slap Lianna, who didn’t move, until Seth jumped in.

“Leave Lianna alone. I’m sorry we are late, we’ll get to it right away.” Seth said calmly.

“Feh, fine. Make sure that wench stays far away from me or I might end up hurting her.” He spat at the ground towards Lianna and walked back into the village.

“Why do you let him talk like that to you, especially when I’m around?” Lianna asked ready to attack Seth’s brother.

“He is my older brother and I do not want to start anything that may end up getting us kicked out of the house especially since winter is coming. He is the man of the house after all since father died; he has that kind of power to throw us out for no reason. Everything will be fine, I promise you.” Seth kissed Lianna softly on the lips then walked into the village towards his home.

Lianna sighed, “I hate it when he uses that kiss on me makes me so weak inside….”

She followed Seth’s route back to their home where they went into their garden to start harvesting. Seth had already begun to pull up the carrots they grew pulling two up at a time with one quick pull. He looked up at Lianna then motioned for her to join him.

Soon the two were both huddling over the ground harvesting their carrots, potatoes, peas, beans, and corn. After a couple of hours, they were finished. They were sweating profusely and their muscles ached. Lianna flopped on the ground, closing her eyes. Seth stood over her with a smile.

“Lianna, we still have to prepare the food for the winter in the cellar.”

Lianna groaned, “I am a warrior, not a farmer.”

“And I am a blacksmith. Who cares, the faster we finish, the sooner we can go wash up and rest.”

Seth helped Lianna back up and they carried the food into a cellar where they prepared them in jars to preserve the flavor and freshness to last them the winter. After some more tiring hours they finished and walked inside the house where they were greeted by the smell of roasting chicken and vegetable soup. Lianna walked into the kitchen and began to help Seth’s mother with setting the table. Seth went upstairs into his room where he began to wash up. His brother entered his room, his arms folded across his chest.

“Why do you hate Lianna so?” Seth asked without looking at his brother continuing to wash himself.

“She is different that is why. Haven’t you noticed all the weird things about her? Something will happen in this village soon if we don’t get rid of that witch.”

Seth placed his sword next to his bed, “She is no witch. She is just like you and me and all the other people in this village. You never used to hate her before so do not start now.”

“Don’t you go telling me what I can and cannot do little boy. I am older than you, so you do as I say and I want you away from Lianna.”

“That, my brother, is something I cannot comply to. I will continue to be by Lianna’s side no matter what. Even if this village throws me out along with her, I will provide her with everything she will need. She already does not know who her true parents are and she does not know where she belongs. This village is all that she has.”

Seth’s brother growled then walked away mumbling to himself. Seth shook his head and looked into his bowl of water. He sighed deeply as he returned back downstairs ready to eat his dinner before going to bed.