//The Class system//

User ImageThe Swordsman
Basic warriors who use both speed and power to defeat their enemies
class upgrade: available at lvl 3

The SwordKnight
Under the instructions of the King, Knights have far greater strength and skill than that of a normal swordsman
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be swordsman

The Crusader
As opposed to other Knights, Crusaders have pledged to serve God and live devoted and kindhearted lives always protecting the weak
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be swordsman, or Acolyte

User Image
The Scholar
Scholars prefer knowledge and intelligence, They are able to figure out ways to overpower an enemy by learning about them ahead of time and overpowering them with magic and potions
class upgrade: available at lvl 3

The Mage
After gaining full insight of all the elements existing in this world, Mages roam the world in search of secrets and new ways to improve their magic
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be a scholar

The Shaman
Shamans train much of their life to hone their spiritual abilities. They are able to communicate with the dead and
the spirits and often use them to assist in battle.
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be a scholar or acolyte

User Image
The Archer
Most likely growing up in the mountains the Archers are an amazing shot and are skilled in the arts of survival and hunting.
class upgrade: available at lvl 3

The Sniper
After training for years in the forests Snipers have improved their skills even more than an archers and can penetrate almost any armor while shooting through any kind of obstacle
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be an archer

The Gun warrior
After training with a bow for several years gun warriors have retired their old weapons and gone with a much more modern approach
than their outdated weapons the are powerful warriors and expert shots
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be an archer

User Image
The Thief
Quick, Agile, and cunning thieves use their speed and wit to take down their enemies. Thieves often lack in physical strength however making it harder to take hits or hold out for long battles
class upgrade: available at lvl 3

The Assassin
Quick, and Agile like thieves, Assassins use their skills to kill others instead of stealing petty treasures. Assassins are feared warriors skilled in quick kills and attacking from the shadows.
class upgrade: available at lvl 7
must be Thief