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This is about books I'm writing or books I like...so BE NICE! God, I'm not that good so don't bug me about it.
Here's the next part after that... It's cool! SO YEAH!


“Stop making her loose blood! Can’t you see she’s weakening! I’m not going to be the person to spoon feed her when she can’t move.” Richard growled.
“I’ll be fine.” I snarled and ran across the room; making it to the other side in less then a second and opened the door before us. Cool winter air rushed in. “How long has it been since I was abducted by you three idiots?” I hissed.
“At least a full day.” Marcus mumbled from behind me. I stepped onto the black asphalt I breathed in the cool night air.
Something smelled different. I sniffed around looking for something different. I smelt something peppermint, and floral, and something that smelled like cinnamon. I walked closer to Marcus, Elijah and Richard.
“Her sense of smell has finally kicked in.” Richard chuckled.
I turned to look down the alleyway. The same one I had been stalked in by these psycho’s. I could smell… brick? I could. I could smell the chalky texture of the brick, and the salty, musky scent of brick. I turned to the exit of the alleyway and saw someone pass by.
I could smell his blood. It was sweet like candy and yet salty like the sea. I inhaled deeply.
“Oh that’s good.” I growled.
“Let’s go.” Elijah said, walking quickly to the sidewalk at the end of the alleyway. I ran, and surprisingly made it there in a few seconds, at most.
“I like this speed I’m experiencing.” I snarled happily.
“Good, get used to it, so follow his scent.” Marcus said, quickly pointing up to the man in front of us. He looked to be homeless. His wore rags and has a shopping cart of junk with him.
I inhaled his salty sweet scent and smiled.
“Gladly.” I said as I slightly quickened my pace, not enough for the homeless human to notice, but Elijah noticed and matched my speed. The man turned the corner and I could taste his fear in my mouth. I felt venom spurt from my fangs and stopped for a mere half a second.
I tasted the foul liquid drip down my throat and it was unbelievably sour.
We started to gain on the man and I could see; far beyond his human eyes could reach, that it was a dead end.
All of a sudden I heard his thoughts. Oh my god, what have I done? Why can’t these people leave me alone? I just want some food and a home.
I felt almost guilty to take this mans life. As we came closer the man saw the dead end and started to panic.
I slunk into the shadows and tried to resist the scent of blood. Richard jumped to my side and grabbed my arm.
“What are you doing Serenity?!” He hissed angrily.
“I can’t take his life! He’s a human! How could I hunt my own kind!” I hissed back furiously.
“You’re not human! You’re a vampire! Get used to it! I’m not going to take care of your sorry little behind because you won’t kill!” He growled.
“I feel sympathy for this creature, leave him alone!” I snarled.
“Serenity, when you were human, you ate meat! You ate beef and pork and chicken! Those were animals! You would walk down the street and step on an ant and not care! Why is this different?!” He snarled back at me. He was right. It was a change of prey. “Anyways, he’s a homeless man; no one will miss him or know he’s gone missing!” He added in.
“Fine.” I said, inching back to the alley and running up to the man. I tipped his cart over and held his hands behind his back roughly. Relax. Be quiet or this will hurt more then is needed. I whispered inside his thoughts. I jumped in front of him and jammed the heel of my hand into his nose.
I heard a snap and saw blood trickle from his nose. I held him up and roughly moved his head to the side, showing his radiant and still pulsing blood filled neck. I bit down and fled the blood run down my throat. I could feel his life in my mouth and once I had quenched my thirst I dropped the man.
Richard, Elijah and Marcus all jumped on the man and started to bite new holes in him and suck the blood.
Once he was drained we burned the body and left back to the ware house of which we had been in as the sun started to rise above the buildings of the city.
“Burning the body is an easy disposal trick,” Richard winked.

I lay on the floor of the ware house looking up at the dark ceiling. There were five candles in this large, wide and open room. One in ever corner and I was holding one. Running my immortal hand through the flames as a sort of amusement.
I heard Richard coming down the hallway. I kept my eyes on the flames and watched my hand burn and tingle of pain ripple through me, then heal almost instantly once free of the flames.
Richard came in, silently to a human but for a vampire’s sensitive ears he was extremely noisy.
“You’ve damned me. I’ve been damned to hell because of you.” I hissed, keeping my eyes on the candle flame that licked at my hand and slithered up my fingers.
“You’re not damned. We are immortal. That means we never die.” He smirked.
“No, that means we never die of old age.” I snarled. “I could easily go out there and step in front of a car and be killed.” I mumbled, tilting my head slightly so as to look at him.
“No. Only certain weapons will hurt you. A normal human is so fragile. So… breakable. It’s easy to crack their skull open. It’s like their bodies are made of Styrofoam and ours are made of pure steal. Only some things can cause us to bend or break.” He hissed. I could hear in his voice that he felt just oh so smart when showing off how powerful our kind is.
“Where are these certain weapons of vampiric destruction?” I asked. If I could find them I could do away with myself before I hurt anymore humans.
“Oh no, I’m not telling you because you’ll just try and kill us, or destroy yourself. Anyways, we spent too much time looking for you and protecting you from the stupid world when you were a human so we could get you at just the right time. You’re not going to bail on us now.” He hissed, and I felt his aura reaching out to try and break my barrier I had built around my mind.
A shocked look came across his face and I smiled at him smugly.
“I’m stronger then you give me credit for.” I growled.
“You definatly are a dangerous child indeed.” He laughed as I felt his aura draw back. His laugh was musical and almost sinister at the same time. It echoed through the warehouse room and was suddenly cut off.
I looked to the door and heard human laughing and loud footsteps. I felt my jaw clench tightly. I clenched my fists so tightly that I felt them break the skin and draw blood, as it dribbled onto the floor.
I looked at my hand as inspected the blood that trickled down to my elbow. I licked the cut clean then looked back to the door.
I could hear the footsteps getting quieter and I began to loosen my jaw. I soon relaxed it completely and looked back to my hand. It was smooth and the blood had disappeared along with the cut.
I turned back to Richard. His brown hair gleamed from the candle light and he looked so heavenly gorgeous. Yet as was I, we were damned to haunt the earth forever.
I picked up my candle from the center of the room and wandered around the hallways. Your room, it’s beside the mirrored room. I heard Richards voice in my head. I walked to the old wooden doors of the mirror room and beside it, there was a door. It was old and broken down and creaked when I opened it.
I peered inside. It had a bed in the corner, a laptop on top of the bed, a dresser and a nightstand. I placed my candle on the nightstand and opened the laptop. It was black and had my name imbedded in the front with silver. I looked around the dark and damp room.
The walls were slimy and cold. I ran my fingers along the wall and looked to the dark corner of the room. It was cool and moist in this room. It smelled like a day does, right before a thunder storm hits.
I walked into the mirrored room beside mine. I looked around at the mirrors. They lined the wall and ceiling. It was like being trapped inside a mirror. They were everywhere except the floor. I looked at one wall and stared at my reflection.

Even in the dark I could see perfectly. I could see my glowing white skin and raven black hair. My eyes were as black as coal too. My lips were blood red and my nails were long and catlike, also painted black.
Some things I had when I was human were still there. I pulled back my hair and saw my ears still pierced, my nose was still pierced and had my favourite diamond stud in it. I pulled up my still blood soaked black t-shirt and navy blue sweat shirt and saw my glittering diamond belly piercing.
I looked back to the mirror and got an idea. I had never in my life been so beautiful. I was somewhat pleased with my look.
I raised my finger to the mirror. I cut a long strip of the mirror out and listened to the screeching sound that it made as it scored the shiny surface.
I ripped the piece of glass from the wall once I had finished cutting it. I carried the piece of glass back to my room with one hand. I was proud of my strength. I placed the piece of glass on my bed and ran to the large warehouse room quickly. I found a nail and some wire. I ran back to my room and grabbed the nail.
Quickly I calculated in my head the width and height of the glass and placed the nail on the wall accordingly. I pulled back the palm of my hand and jammed it down onto the nail. I felt the skin break, but my pain tolerance had gone up and it didn’t hurt very much. I looked to the palm of my hand and saw some blood ooze from the gash before it soaked into my skin and strings of skin slither across the gash. It was covered and healed in seconds.
The nail was pushed in and I grabbed the wire. I measured the wire across the width and held my finger to the spot. I bit down on the wire and heard it snap free. I looked around for someway to stick it on the mirror. I searched through the warehouse in my mind until I found Elijah’s mind. Where’s my bag? I demanded. What bag? He asked. The one I had when you kidnapped me! I hissed in his head. In the mirrored room. He answered calmly. I walked to the room and saw in the corner was my black purse that I rarely ever used. I grabbed it and walked back to my room. I dumped the contents onto my bed and shuffled through the items.
I knocked my wallet onto the floor along with a few earrings and belly rings. I found some bubble gum. That will have to work.
I peeled the wrapper from the gum and jammed it in my mouth. I chewed it a few times until it was soft and then pulled it out. I stuck it over the wire on the back of the mirror and found that vampire saliva and gum works like cement. It stuck great.
I repeated this with the other side and hung it on the nail. It reached from the ceiling to the floor. I could see my whole self in it and was happy.
Then I looked around the rest of the room. Now I had mirror across from my nightstand that reflected the candle light that still burned brightly. I looked around the damp room.
I knew that this would normally freak out a human, but I found it somewhat cozy. I sat on my bed and opened up the laptop.
I turned it on and began to search through my files. I found msn and some other software already downloaded. I opened up msn and logged on. I saw that my msn was empty. None of my old friends were on it. There were no contacts at all. I turned off my computer and walked around the rooms. I peered in each room. There were some filled with building materials and some that were empty.
Soon I found Marcus’s room. I could sense his aura in the room so I knocked to be respectful.
“You may enter,” I heard his alluring voice. I opened the door and slid inside. “Good evening Serenity.” He smiled as he looked up from his book. He pat the bed beside him and pulled his legs and cross them. I sat on the floor and looked over at him.
“I’m still not getting this whole vampire thing?” I said, slightly embarrassed at my obvious uneducated knowledge and stupidity to this subject.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I’ll fill you in.” He winked. I looked at him as he explained. His eyes as black and endless as the night sky.
“Well, vampires have been around as long as human have, if not longer. We have always drank blood and always possessed some kind of weaknesses.
“In the beginning, all vampires had to feed off people and had to feed every night. They couldn’t go out in the sun, they couldn’t go near churches. Their skin would burn from garlic and they couldn’t be near crosses. People believed that we slept in coffins, and cross repelled us. They thought we turned into bats and were demons. All those we true.
“As time went on we adapted to the world around us in order to survive. We no longer needed to feed as often. We didn’t need to sleep in a coffin and weren’t as sensitive to garlic.
“These days, we can go out in the sun, but only for about half an hour or our skin will burn. We can’t go in a church, but we can be on the property. Garlic is more a dislike then a hate. Crosses don’t do anything to us. We only need to feed every week, but the urge to kill is still there when around our prey. We don’t turn into bats, but had the interesting ability to shift into a wolf, for limited time.” He explained in a summary I guessed that was shorter then the detailed full version.
“Well what about my parents? My family and friends?” I asked. “They’ll know I’m missing.” I heard my voice spike up a few octaves.
“Well, you know how Elijah managed to knock you unconscious when we were hunting you. When he was speaking in your mind?” He asked looking at me for an answer, either verbal or a reaction in expressions.
“Yes.” I said, pulling my eyes to the sheet that lay neatly on the bed. I twirled the twisted of fabric in my fingers as he continued to speak.
“Well, he erased the memory of your from their minds. You never existed. As far as your parents are concerned, they only have a son and no one else.” He said. I felt a shot of regret creep through my body.
“So if I went back to my house, they wouldn’t know me?” I asked.
“And my room? My school records, my job?” I asked, hoping they had forgotten something and would have to change me back to human.
“Taken care of, you room is now a play room for your little brother and your school records were burned. Your job was replaced by another girl your age.” He said, putting his icy hand on my back. “If it makes you feel better, I was against the idea of changing another human. Elijah was set on you. He fell in love with you the moment he saw you.” He whispered in my ear.
I felt pain surge through me and I wished I had never gone out that night. I felt Marcus’s aura trying to break through mine but I pushed him away.
“What are you thinking?” He asked.
“Nothing.” I replied automatically.
“I’m sorry. I wish I could have stopped him.” Marcus breathed in my ear. His voice was so beautiful.
“Why did you rename me?” I asked. The question popped into my head and I couldn’t help but ask.
“Well, although we erased you from everyone who knows you’s memory, if you go prancing around with that name and look somewhat the same they could pull those memories back. They aren’t deleted, just stored away and locked up. Everyone gets a new name, to signify it’s a new start. I got a new name and so did the others. Vampires rarely keep their human names once changed.” He whispered in my ear. I could feel his hand gently massaging my shoulder and he leaned close to my ear.
“What was your human name?” I asked curiously.
“Peter Ambry Scott.” He sighed. I felt myself becoming more relaxed as he pressed the heels of his hands along my shoulder blades.
“What about sleeping? Do we sleep or is that impossible?” I asked.
“We can sleep. But it doesn’t make us more awake or not. We don’t need to sleep. But it helps pass the time when there’s nothing to do.” He said while lightly running his cold fingers along my neck.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 18, 2007 @ 01:02am
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh heart

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