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Fresh to You the Misadventures Of Staci Because you know you love her.
Demodivation speech
I have little need to blog on gaia. I have a xanga blog so instead I put my speach here so people may referance it.


Hi my name is Staci.
What, no friend alcoholics anonymous "Hi Staci" greeting? Alright then... I can deal with that. then.
I was sent here today to inspire you with a magnificent OO speech. Unfortunately that speech was never written because I like motivation.
So I did write an O.O. at last minute. I replaced the typical message of hope, serenity, expatiations or finding joy in a simple place. No I decided to go with honesty today. So today I will de-motivate you. That's right, for to long has society gotten your hopes up. They trained you to think and they trained you to sit quietly and never question.
I have done this because I my self am not amongst the frolicking giggling idiots. I used to be but one day I woke up. I don't see the world as sunshine and jello I see it for what it is. A bunch of tampered with Tylenol and pins in girl scout cookies, lost people trying to find meaning, and people out to make a quick buck, but fun never the less.
Why do I view the world this way? Well it could have something to do with the fact they kicked me out of rainbow sugar coated happy land, and stole my rose tinted glasses of plus three bliss. Now I don't know who "they" are but many hippies who live under the bridge have taught me to blame "The Man". This is most likely because he is the vague representation of humanity as a whole and in reality a collective consciousness that does involve them selves, and really it is their fault.
Now before I regress once more I must remind you of my pet peeve. Motivational posters. Yes that right. Those sickening pictures of sunsets, whales, mountains and cute animals with messages about hope, serenity, peace, perseverance. They are everywhere, bus stations, classrooms, dorms, offices, murals, the internet. every where you go you are forced into looking at a picture that reassures you that you are happy. Bow if a picaresque scene and a calming phrase can make you placid so you can do your job better chances are you could be easily replaced by a robot, because they really aren't paying you to think. Think. Break free. Every second you take in this crap you filter your self to the world. You take in this pollution and you dilute yourself to reality. Life is not Colgate smiles and catchy tunes.
I'm sure you wonder "why is this angry girl trying to burst my feeble grasp on realities, I like being a sheep."
Well the answer is simple. Ill put it in terms that those who like motivational posters may understand. -You dear listener are a snowflake. You are unique and individual just like the others. Everyone says that but they fail to see the difference as you plummet from the heavens to the streets with all the others. Together you form a pile, indistinguishable from each other. Eventually things get hot and you fuse into one solid mass when things return to normal. Then some one comes along disgusted with what you are and how you block their progress. They shovel you aside. Where then is your individuality snowflake? Where are your sheer masses? You who had fallen form the heavens with what such a great purpose as to melt. Your demise fuels the growth of others in the long run. after the cycle is completed. You yourself never enjoy that cycle. but you are often reminded of your legacy. But who has seen that legacy? What will come from you? My questions are rhetorical but they do have a point. Your worth is only a self worth and you must enjoy it while you are alive as you are not guaranteed another go round.
A few rare snowflakes do serve a greater purpose. An avalanche, one of the greatest destructive powers is formed by only a few flakes. As we may know destruction is a form of creation. They left behind something, no matter how tragic that will effect others. Those, those are the flakes that will be remembered.
So as I have stated, you are disposable. One out of over 6 billion. How do you feel about that. Most of the world doesn't know you exist. the few that do know you only as a number. Well...In reality you aren't even a number as you fail to have one number assigned to you. Your just part of a quota.
Yes you may have realized that the world does not care about you. Many of you may believe that you still care about the world. Oh please, be honest, there is no need to lie.
I'm sure the last time you watched tv a commercial came on tv. You most likely ignored it as commercials are ignoring. There may have been a commercial promising salvation for lost sheep, but you didn't care.
There lying in the street where starving Ethiopian children. They have never known what it was like to have a full stomach but for just the price of a daily newspaper you could feed, clothe, and educate one. That child would even send you a picture and a thank you letter. Did you send money?
No you probably just took advantage of the break of you show, and got up to make yourself a sandwich. Did you even think about getting me a drink while you where up? No!
So do you really care about other people? Do you even bother to look if a car alarm goes off? A little old lady could have just had her car stolen, and the only emotion aroused from you was apathy.
One of the problems with today's society is we lie to our children. We raise them up believing in grandiose majestic views of how great the world is. Then someday that child will grow up. Their happy rainbows and sunshine magical view of the world will be shattered upon the jaws of reality with one futile p***k. They then grow up and work in an office. Filing papers and entering data. They live a mundane existence of nine to five work days, and casual Fridays. To some extant the work has dulled their mind, its effective mind control, but sometimes when they stop thinking you must wonder-"Are they still human" I think that in lousing their free thought they have become a faceless suit, but you have to admit, that red tie is quite spiffy. I find it poetic when they use that red tie, a symbol of their oppression, to hang themselves in their five by five cubicles. But who would miss this office worker? He or she, was quite timid, it only took three walls to contain them.
Now you may wonder "what kind of literature can I read my child now that almost everything is a book of lies?"
Well I would suggest Through, or any other transcendentalist author. Perhaps poetry as it takes so much thought to interpret. I myself wrote my own piece of literate. Its called the Little Dumpy car that couldn't. I am shocked and appalled that you have never herd it. I will now share it with you because I think you need to widen your grasp on reality.
Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a old little dumpy car. This car was a 1987 Honda Accord, and you know what that means. This Little Dumpy Car was made in a foreign country by the most skilled foreign children in unsafe factory conditions. These children enjoyed poor living conditions, constant danger, and low pay.
The Little Dumpy Car had an owner named Bill who depended on this car to get home after a long day at his boring, underpaying office job. Now to get home Bill and the Little Dumpy Car had to go up a big scary hill.
Now the Little Dumpy Car did not want to go up the big scary hill. Bill on the other hand had to get home because it was the only other place he knew to be other then work.

So Bill pushed hard on the gas peddle and The Little Dumpy Car stalled out. Bill pressed harder and harder on the Little Dumpy Cars gas peddle, and the Little Dumpy Car Started up the hill. It slowly climbed the hill, as its turbines screeched and its transmission labored.
"You can do it Little Dumpy Car, I believe in you," Whispered Bill under his breath as the Little Dumpy Car Grew Near and near to the climax of the hill.
"Bill needs me!" said the Little Dumpy Car. The Little Dumpy Car worked harder and Harder as he strained up the Hill. Harder and Harder!
Then all of a sudden there was a "Crack!" "Screech!" and a "Clunk, clunk, clunk." The Little Dumpy Car's engine had exploded.
The Little Dumpy Car was rolling down the Hill faster and faster! It hit many other cars knocking them over with it.
The Little Dumpy Car flipped over and over again with Bill still trapped inside. And then when the momentum of the violent turbulence had ended all the cars where piled up at the end of the hill in a fiery metal deathtrap and everybody was dead.
Bills work was very angry he did not call in sick the next day. They sent letters and eventually fired him. Because Bill lived alone, and he did not know anyone, and the body and Little Dumpy Car where charred beyond recognition Bill was forever lost to society.
The End.
Wonderful story wasn't it? Someday if I have kids I will read it to them, but for now I will settle for telling it to strangers on the bus. I like the attention. Now If you did not notice the moral of the story it was-Do not base you reliance on others as they often let you down. Another Moral was do not buy foreign economy cars as they do not benefit your economy, and they are second rate cars.
Now you may wonder why you should bother demotivating your self. If I have taught you anything its that people really don't care about each other and you can't relay on them. So why demotivate. Well to demotivate your self you disillusion yourself from the false happiness society gives you. Are you really happy that your country did something in a foreign country for people you will never see? Do you even care about Old Navy's new jean campaign? Are Jamster ring tones even cool? Well when you disillusion your self you draw your own conclusions. Demotivation also results in conservation of resources. Do you need to buy gas to go to that new theme park to wait in long lines and spend 40 bucks on lunch just to chicken out just because that guy in you physics class might go with a few of his friends and you might run into him? Disillusioned characters also are more creative. They make good artists, poets, and musician. Proof of this? Who was a better musician, Aj from N-sync or Kurt Cobain from Nirvana? A.J. wrote sang about happy stuff because he had never lived, Kurt was sad and worldly, he started a revolution amongst teenage youth. What more interesting? A field of flowers, or that feild of flowers on fire as a little girl cried. Now the entertainment value has been broached. I'm sure you have found this speech entertaining as it did not repeat the same Public service announcement dribble you have been hearing all day. I could have told you that smoking is bad, life isn't as hard as you think, you should relax more, or any other topic I could have found in a fortune cookie but I drew my own conclusion and formed my own standard of what I could acceptably say.
That means that my existence will be remembered because I am like yellow snow. I stood out enough as a warning of what could lie beyond Pandora's gate.
What Im getting at may be summed up in a theoretical question-Do you exist?
Think about it, do you, you can't prove it. Your existence is merely your own interpretation of reality but when that reality is a print out your only an extension-or a b*****d child of the media. So I make a simple request, you wake up to the world. I don't care if you use it to prove me wrong, because If you did that I win. I made you think. To me you were just another apathetic judge who I will never have to see again. So Have you awoken yet? Ill let you get around to it now. Just wonder why do you do what you do. Why do you pass the judgment you pass. And do you like what your doing.


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  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    dorian greybeard
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue Apr 05, 2005 @ 03:41am
    I like your style. As I often say: "Even if you're one in a million, that means there are over 6,000 people out there just like you."

    Yet you haven't opened your eyes all the way yet to exactly how bad the world is. The red pill is stuck in your throat, so to speak. Because things are going to get far worse than even you realize. It is good however, to see that at least someone is beginning to head down the right path.

    commentCommented on: Wed Apr 06, 2005 @ 04:58am
    cool, cool. I know this isnt thrown fully at me, but the way I'm about to say what I feel will make it seem like I do.

    I think that the little children are raised to think of happiness and sunshine is because the parents are scared of their child to turning into someone like...well, you.

    also, the reference of the avalanche thing, kinda threw me off.

    because, when you see an avalanche, you'll remember it.

    but, if you werent there at the time, or no where near it, who else would know?

    or in some other matter of talking, if you werent there to see the change happen, or closely related to the change happening, how would you know?

    thats why i like history, it gives me glimpse of what they might do in the future, since what they did in the past was a failure mistake, or a good achievement, they may do it again or not.

    but, now im getting off topic. sorry.

    I understand it all, but my last question is this:

    if you think that everyone is not worth anything since were 1 out of 6 billion, what makes this entry matter?

    who will see this, think about it (which may mean even be a lesser amount than the people who are on gaia), and then put it into their lives?

    well, I can answer it. because this entry is like the lottery. theres a chance of people seeing it, and then getting it into their head. or the slim chance of not.

    I'll end what I way right about.....now.

    Masta Pyritz
    Community Member
    Batosai Ellimist
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Fri Aug 24, 2007 @ 03:59am
    Unlike the previous post, I thought it was good. Someone once said, "As you increase your knowledge, you increase your sorrow", and you have illustrated such a point. I may not be quite as cynical as you, but im getting there. By the way, that viewpoint will fit right in at Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. Trust me, everything here feels worthless.

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