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Welcome to My Life
A mixture of random stuff, stuff that happened to me, stories I write, and much much more. Some may be boreing while others are so cool it's scary. Take a peek if you have the time.
Chapter 3 (finally)
My chest heaved painfully as I ran through the tall grass, me hair flew wildly behind me, my eyes were blurred by tears. I held on tightly to the sides of my dress, holding it up so it wouldn't drag on the dusty ground. The tall yellowing grass scapped at my bare legs, leave long shallow cuts all over my legs. "Stop! Leave me alone!" I screamed between pants but I could still hear her raspy breaths behind me, seemed like she was getting closer, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?!" I yelled and then let out a yelp as the ground underneath me dissapeared. I landed in deep mud and started to sink. As quickly as I could, I pulled my tired body out of the mud and rubbed my eyes only to realize there was a swamp in front of me that I needed to go through. I lifted my dress and started to trudge through the horrible muk. I knew she was close behind so I quickened my pace and soon found myself pulling myself up onto land. I was completly covered in mud when I was up and running at full speed again. I didn't know where I was... None the less did I know where I was going. Then, in one simple moment, I knew why I was running. My eyes had settled on a windmill in the distance, it glowed a strange color and for some reason I felt if I reached it I would be safe. Almost like someone was waiting for me there and they would help me escape the clutches of whatever was chasing me. I was coking on the air, I couldn't keep up this running. Soon the windmill was only a few feet in front of me, my foot got cahght in a snake hole and I fell onto the ground. I wasn't able to breath, I was sweaty, covered in mud, and my legs were covered in blood. However, something in front of me caught my eyes. I crawled towards it looking down upon it, a granite stone placed in the ground reading,

Slowly the salty water falls,
cooling the earth below it.
Healing the injured being bathed in it,
melting all evils standing under the gray clouds.


"Gwenivir?" I whispered between breaths, before I knew it the skies filled with gray clouds and rain began to fall from the sky. Two hands roughly grabbed my shoulders and spun me around onto my back I starred up at the faceless villian as the rain fell around us. She raised a dagger and thrust it into my stomach. The pain was unbearable, my hands went to the dagger holding it tightly as it crushing the object would make the pain dissapear. I starred up at her and noticed something strange, she was starting to melt. She realized this too and let out a blood curdleing scream before melting completly. I laid there breathing hard, I pulled the dagger out and threw the dagger off to the side. At this point I was ready to die. However, I looked at my stomach only to see the wound healing. The rain! I smiled, "I did it. I did it." I whispered and the rain stopped. I was sure that I was going to survive this dream then, as I started to sit up, the villian flew out of the ground. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back into the ground with her.

"Ah!" I let out a screech and fell out of my desk and onto the hard wood floor. When I got up I realized my entire class was starring at me as if I was bloody mad. I blushed and pulled myself off, brushing off before sitting back in my seat and smiling at the teacher. Embarassed.

"Mellisa. Are you alright?" asked the teacher, Ms. Bennet.

I rubbed my head, unable to breath, "Yeah." I whispered after a moment, "I'm okay Ms. Bennet."

"Alright then." She said, "Then were you sleeping in my class?"

I nodded, "Yes ma'am."

"Alright. Would you care to explain yourself?" She asked.

"S'cuse me?" I asked.

"Why are you so tired Melissa?"

I looked at her, "I- I uh." I felt like everything was getting lighter, as if I was on the moon. All the colors of the classroom were meshing together, "I havn't been able to sleep for the past three days." I whispered.

"And why is this?"

"Nightmares." I answered, "I wake up from one just to go into another." I said.

She nodded, "Alright." She said, "I'll let it slide this time but no more falling asleep in my class Melissa." She said and turned back to the board to continue the lesson.

I sat there tuning her out for a few moments. Wondering why I hadn't mentioned the fact the only things I had eaten in the last three days was a bannana, three crackers, and carrot juice. I wasn't eating much at all. Then I went to thinking about the nightmare, why was it that I always died in the end. And what was the purpose of the granite stone in the ground? I found myself raising my hand.

Ms. Bennet turned and looked at me, "Yes Melissa?"

"Ms. Bennet. What does Gwenivir mean?" I asked in a shaky voice.

Ms. Bennet starred at me, "Gwenivir...?" She repeated, "Well Melissa that was the name of a roman princess in the early years." She said, "They say she was the most intelligent girl to live. She was an inventer and an early scientist. She was mostly known for how she established a system to make pure water as well as healing water. Her name became known to mean purity, like the water she developed. It also meant health, as for a long time her new systems kept diesease out of rome. And last her name meant intelligence, intelligence that was so advanced... It scared people and eventually led to her death at age sixteen." Said Ms. Bennet, "We've never taught any of the students in this school about Gwenivir... How did you find that name?"

I was speechless. After a few minutes I answered, "I guess I just happened upon it."

Ms. Bennet shook her head, she seemed speechless as well. She smiled, "Quite amazing Melissa." She said, "Quite amazing." She then turned to the board and continued the lesson as the class watched in complete utter silence.

* * *

After further research, during lunch, I've found that not only was Gwenivir most likly the smartest girl that lived but also the prettiest. She was fancied by every man that ever entered her kingdom. She was killed by her own father when people said she would try to take over the kingdom. Her father poisened Gwenivir with something he had found in his wife's medicine cabinet. When Gwenivir's mother found her daughter choking in her room she ignored it. Her mother left the dieing Gwenivir in her bedroom and went downstairs to brew tea. She later wrote in her diary,

It was best for Gwenivir to pass on, I'm not ashamed of my husband nor angery with him. I am proud of the courage he has stored within himself. No normal man would give his daughters life to save the kingdom. My husband is extrodinary. I loved my Gwenivir but it was for the best.

When Gwenivir had stopped breathing her parents had carried her out to the river three miles from their home and dumped her in the river. Leaving her to vanish from existance in the one substance she had worked all her life to make pure. Now it would forever be poisened with the memory of her death.

"Hey Melissa!" Johnny's voice interupted my thoughts and I turned to smile at him and james as they approached me.

"Where were you at lunch?" Asked James, "Johnny and I looked everywhere for you."

"I was in the library looking up Gwenivir." I said and grinned when they jokingly gasped.

"Melissa was in the library what has the world come to?!?!" They said together with astonished looks.

"Hey! It was important to me. I had to know more. It took forever to find a book with her name mentioned in it." I said, "There was one book with her name in it and it only dedicated half a page to Gwenivir." I said.

Johnny starred at me, "Who's Gwenivir?"

"She was a roman princess. So smart it scared people and led to her death. Her mum and dad killed her and dumped her in the water she had spent a life time trying to purify and create good health with." I said and shuddedered, "Think how horrible that would be. And then to not even have your name carried on, not be talked about in schools. Or even have people bother to search for your body." I said, "No one ever found her body. They say it was carried out to sea and will never be found, dicomposed before it reached the shores."

James and Johnny stood speechless. Finally James spoke, "You need to stop drinking mum's tea." He said as Johnny nodded in agreement.

"Shut the hell up! It's true." I said, angered that he would say that to me I turned away from the boys and crossed my arms over my chest. I sped up my walking, to get away from the boys. When they realized I was walking away from them I was already far down the street and turning a corner. Just as I turned I bumped into the chest of Robert Kenmore. I fell backwards onto my bum and starred up at the huge sixteen year old. His twin brother, Richard Kenmore, and their best friend Peter Jackson laughed at the sight of me sitting pathetically on the ground.

"Ey look it'd be the phychic one!" Peter yelled, he had a think scottish accent so it was surprising that Robert and Richard understood what the hell he was speaking about, "She'd be the one that spoke'd of that prin-tess that was too smart for her own good."

Richard and Robert laughed for a moment then Robert pushed Peter out of the way and smiled down at me, "So Melissa. Are you gonna be the next Gwenivir?"

Richard stepped beside his brother, "'Cause if you are you might as well tell us so we can just kill you already."

I must say this frightened me a bit. I wasn't even sure of how they knew my name... I wasn't sure of what they were capable of. I started to scoot backwards in fear that if I stood up I would be pushed down again. However they creeped towards me, "Hey! Just back off." I said in a shaky voice.

Peter appeared at the other side of Robert, "Aw look." He said grinning, "She'd be scared."

Robert and Richard grinned with Peter as I continued to scoot backwards, "Well Richard it looks like she isn't denying it." He said and Richard steped forward and grabbed my shoulders. He pulled me up and pushed me against a building wall. He then pushed his muscular right arm against my neck and held it so I could barly breath. I was held there for a period of time that felt like hours, stuggleing but never able to escape. I felt like I was in a nightmare, but the villian was three boys... And I could see their faces. Suddenly Robert brought his lips close to my ears and whispered:

"Don't be too smart for your own good love." He said, "You girls shouldn't be crowding up our schools anyways."

Robert then nodded to Richard and Richard released me and they walked away laughing. It was just my luck that Johnny and James arrived after the three terrors had dissapeared into the distance.

"Are you alright?!" James asked hoisting me into his arms, I was sure he was worried because I was hardly breathing.

"What the hell happened?!?" I heard Johnny say off to the side.

I looked at James, "N-Nothing..." I said, "I passed out." I had planned to keep it under wraps... However, at the time I did not know three girls across the street had witnessed the whole thing and before I would get the chance to stop them... They would tell Johnny and Johnny would tell James. James would be set off and I would die within a week. God... Why must witnesses ruin everything.

* * *

"O, what men dare do! What men may do! What men daily
do, not knowing what they do!"-shakespear

Shakespears play, 'Alls well that ends well' held this lovly quote. This quote was one that most girls that saw the show held quite dear to them. It spoke the truth, men daily do things that they don't even think about. You see, when Johnny was told of the truth and he told James they both went and beat up Peter. Peter was the youngest of the three terrors so it was easy to beat him to a pulp, what James and Johnny claim they thought about (But really didn't) is that they knew this would piss off Richard and Robert. Richard and Robert would want revenge and they were HUGE. It was three days later when we all sat under the tree cabin holding back tears as the windows had been crashed in, the roof torn to bits, and the door hung limply on it's hinges. Inside the couch smelled strongly of piss and random things were spread all over, bandaids decorated the walls.

I plopped on my bottom in the mess of colorful leaves, sobbing. Johnny went to put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me but I shrank away from him, "Don't touch me!" I screamed at him. I wiped tears from my cheeks only to have more escape my eyes.

"Melissa calm down I just want to-" Johnny started.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "I hate you!" I yelled and looked at James, "And you! I hate you as well!" I stood up, my thin body quivering with anger and sadness. I pointed at the tree cabin, "This! This is your fault!" I yelled, "You don't know how to ignore things! How to drop them!" I yelled, "James this is the only memory of dad we had and you destroyed it!"

James was surprised by my acusation and stormed towards me, "Me?" He yelled, "I did this? No! I didn't do this! I went to protect your damn dignity and this happened! Who the hell knew they knew of our cabin?!" His face was so close to mine as he yelled I was scared but I fought back.

"No James! It doesn't matter what we did and didn't know! If you would have just ignored those popus bastards this wouldn't have happened!" I yelled, "I have no more dignity left! Mum puts me in dresses every day! I have no ******** dignity!" I yelled and pulled in a breath, "Our only sancuary is destroyed because you and Johnny don't think before you act!" I screamed, "You make stupid desisions and then act like you thought about it!" I yelled and studdenly a harsh feeling erupted on my cheek and my face was turned to the side. James had slapped me. I placed one of my hands on my cheek and turned my face to glare at him then broke out crying again. Between tears I pushed out, "I hate you so much."

"Stop it you two!" Johnny yelled, "Just knock it off!"

I sat down in the leaves again as James walked a few feet away from me. The woods stood in complete silence for a few minutes, the only noise was my crying. Then James spoke, "Look.... I'm sorry Mel." He said.

I didn't answer him.

"I was just so caught up in the fact that boys would do that to you I just." He stopped, "Damn it!" James punched a tree near him, "I'm so sorry."

Johnny looked at us, "We can fix the tree cabin." He said, "My family has an abundent ammount of wood, we can fix this." Johnny said and smiled when I looked up.

"Okay." I said in a shaky voice.

Suddenly the tree that James had punched fell over. It had broken in the place James had punched it. This tree was huge and over four hundred years old. James stepped away from the tree he had just broke and looked at Johnny and me in complete astonishment.

"How did you... What just... How the hell?" Johnny studdered.

James shrugged, "I just punched it... And it broke..."

I looked at the stump that now stood near James, "Something has definatly changed... Something is definatly up." I whispered.

Johnny and James nodded in agreement.

"My nightmares..." I whispered.

"What I saw..." Johnny said.

"What I did..." James said.

I looked at them, "What is going on?"

James shrugged, but Johnny grinned, "I think I may know someone who can tell us what we want to know." He said and then looked at the sky. The sky was dark with night, "But... First lets get some rest." He said.

Soon we were all heading out of the forest. We were pretty sure tomarrow would end with all our questions answered but really... This was just the beginning.
When I got home with James my mom had dinner for us that I refused. She claimed I wasn't eating much at all and that I needed to eat. I forced down three rolls only to throw them up two minutes later. My mother, at that moment proclaimed I would stay home for the next two days, I wasn't going anywhere. She told James, as she had heard of his fight, that he would come straight home everyday after school and if he was ever late she would sign him up for boarding school. James and I were on house arrest for at least two day... No questions were to be answered any time soon.

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