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Destiny of the Gem Shards

Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Name: Dorune Fleetshadow
Nickname: Rune, only to friends.
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: Dorune stands at 6'2", with semi-long brown hair that can be found hanging in front of his bright blue eyes at sometimes. During a fight, he carries a white cord to tie back his hair with. Tan, weathered skin shows how well-traveled this man is, even at his young age. Not extremely muscular, he does have a fair amount of strength. He wears a black shirt, white a chain mail shirt under it, and a dark linen shirt underneath the chain mail. He wears baggy black pants with cords at the loosely wound at the bottoms to tie the pants if the need be. Around his neck is a golden inlaid tooth, about an inch and a half long, that protrudes out from under a white scarf that he wears at all times. He also wears a serviceable brown-green cloak that blends in in the forest well.
Bio: Born in a small town, he was born to a normal mother and father, hard-working, and honest. When he was seven his town was ravaged by the plague which he narrowly escaped into the forest. He thrashed his way through the forest for days living off of the streams and animals he could find and trap. Eventually he found a tiny hut with a lone man living in it. The man, with a conciderable amount of fast-talking and convincing on Dorune's part, took him in. He later learned the mans name was Elyas. Elyas taught Dorune everything he knew about tracking, hunting, and weapons. Enthralled by swords and bows, he left Elyas at 16 with only the clothes on his back, enough food for a week, and a long sword at his side that Elyas had given him and found more training. He had learned most sword styles by 24, was a decent shot with a bow and formidable in hand to hand combat. One night as he slept, he was awoken by a thundering crash outside of his tent and went outside to find a crater where his fire pit had been. In the center of it, at the very bottom was a slightly glowing white crystal.
- A long sword with gold inlays up the the blade and on the handle. The handle is wrapped in white cloth, but is black underneath. A single sapphire can be seen in the pommel.
- A great sword wrapped all in white cloth that he almost never uses is strapped to his back. He was given this sword by a strange man who said that it would help him on his travels and continuously referred to him as a "Lost Soul."
- A simple oak bow and a quiver of 40x Arrows is slung across his shoulder.

Shards: A white crystal that seems to glow from the inside. All that Dorune has discovered is that when he needs it, the Crystal will imbue him with very fast speed, but it only lasts for a few minutes and it will not activate again for at least four hours. He keeps it in a leather pouch at his side.
Other: Just what I said in the bio, master of most sword styles.
Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Name: Sinyth Kel'Estlor
Nickname: Sin
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: Sin stands at about 5'10" with short black hair and bright green eyes, that seem to always be filled with the same fear that can be seen in a deers eyes when a man approches. He seems always ready to run at a moments notice, but won't in a fight. He wears a black leather vest with a scarred and burned tan leather shirt underneath it, with sleeves that have a loop around his thumb, holding them tight. Tucked underneath each sleeve in a sheath that can eject it quickly, are two daggers. His body is heavily scarred underneath the shirt and vest and will not talk of where the scars are from. On his left arm, on the bicep, is a silver band that has a red diamond set in it. His face is slightly angular, with high, slightly gaunt, cheeks. His chin is strong, like the rest of his features, except his eyes. He is, although, very thin.
Bio: Born in a small town, he was abandoned at a young age in the forest because his mother couldn't afford to keep him. He was found many hours after being abandoned by a man that lived in that same village and was taken in under the roof. After growing to be about eight, he found out who his real mother was and demanded to meet her. The man who had taken him in took him to her and, after a very quiet meeting, the man and the boy left, the mother in tears. Two years later, the boys mother was found with her throat cut in her bed and the boy was gone out of the village. He wandered the world for many years until recently he entered a seemingly abandoned house. When he exited, he was a changed man, now with the eternal look of fear in his mind, scars and burns covering his entire body. He left naked, except a the band of silver with a red diamond set in it. He will not speak of what happened in that house to anyone, though looks as if he longs to share the experience, if just to not hold the burden alone.
-A dagger sheathed on his back, on his waist, underneath his clock. The blade is thinly wrought and is always applied liberally in poison.
-Two identical daggers with blood red rubies in the hilts hidden in his sleeves, also liberally applied with poisons at all times.
Note: All daggers are balanced for throwing.
Shards: Like the rubies in his daggers, his shard is blood red, and does not glow. It is one of the five dark shards and he carries it on a band wrought of silver on his left bicep.The powers that he uses it for are grant him the power of lycanthropy, or more commonly, he is known as a werewolf. Unlike common legends of turning at the full moon, Sin has full control over his shifting and retains his memories while shape shifted.
Other: The man has been known to talk to himself on occasion and to randomly burst out into fits of tears. He claims that his sins haunt him in his head and through his name.
Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Name: Elyas Stonewarden
Nickname: N/A
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: |X|
Elyas stands about 6'0" with dark brown unruly hair with two long braids to the center of his back that are wrapped with blue cord and have small tufts of hair a few inches long at each end and fairly thick. He wears plain tan cloth pants and shirt and has plate guards belted onto his shoulders, upper arms, and upper legs, reaching to the top of his shins. The plate on his legs have small spikes on them on the front going down the bottom. A plate chest piece he wears was created to be light and easy to sneak with, as was the rest. As a sacrifice, the chest piece does not connect to anything at his waist and leaves about an inch gap between the bottom and his belt. Extra tan leather belts hang on his side, but belted around him to not fall off. He also wears plate gauntlets. All of the plate he wears has an odd blue tinge to it, and is dark colored otherwise. His sword is worn in a cleverly designed system where if he applies pressure in the right way, a strong cord of unknown material with unhook in the pommel and the center of the base of the blade and slide into a wheel on his shoulder. He claims that his father designed it.
Bio: Elyas comes from a very wealthy family from a large city in the far western corner of the world. He was never particularly comfortable with his station that he was born into and longed to be out in the world. He trained with his sword from the moment he was able to lift it at eight years old and it has not left his side since. His father had made it for him, for while also being very rich, he was a blacksmith with much skill, and grown even more skillful within the last few months. When Elyas announced to his father and mother he would be leaving them to go into the world, his father was acceptant, while his mother was distraught. He would not deter from his choice and his father saw that and he forged him out armor specially made and tailored for Elyas and created a system for carrying his sword. The night before Elyas was set to leave, his father stole away with his sword and worked through the night and reforged it into what it is today. Elyas was not angry with his father for doing this, but more surprised. He thanked his father and left that day with the gift of the armor, the sword, and a plethora of supplies and money with him. The first night in the world, he was going through all of the things his parents had given him and found a small wrapped package signed from his father with the words written onto it, "To Elyas, may the stones guide you back to us someday." Inside was a single gem shard.
Weapons: He carries a single greatsword that he has been know to wield in one hand at times, though it seems near impossible. It also, like his armor, his a odd blueish tinge to it on some parts. On one edge of the sword is the actual blade, uniterrupted for a full six and a half feet, except for three ridges that dip about three inches into the sword and are bladed, like a serrated knife. On the other edge, it is flat, but with runes carved up to the point, and a small serration at the beginning, after the hilt.
Shards: His gem shard looks as if it would be clear, but it is smeared with dirt. You can see through it at parts, but otherwise it seems like it has been dropped in mud and been neglected to be cleaned. It gives him the power of the element of earth and stone.
The Twelve Swords of Power

Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Character Name: Hylar Treith
Nickname: Time
Title: Elementalist
Race: Elven
Age: 716yrs old [about 26yrs in human]
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: About 6'3", with semi-long white hair, cut to stay out of his eyes so his spell casting can go uninterrupted. He is dressed in all grey cloth pants and shirts, with a purely white scarf around his neck that hides his lower features on his face. His clothes are specially made so that there are two layers of cloth with padding in between and scale mail set in that padding to protect from an arrow, a sword thrust or a slash, etc. He has his arms completely uncovered and the left one is tattooed all the way up and around it with intricate runes. Set in the center of a circle of runes on his shoulder is a single ornate tattooing of an hourglass. In his arm are three gems, set there as a marking of his completion of training as an elementalist. They are set just below the hour glass in a triangular formation with tattoo's surrounding them too.
Bio: Time was born into a deeply religious and high status elven family, which he, from the beginning, had felt uncomfortable with. He was sent to train as a cleric by his father and mother, but soon left that without a word to his parents to train as a wielder of the elements. As his training began, he disappeared for a few hundred years to learn what the elementalists had to teach him and to participate in their deeply secretive rites. He completed his training when he was nearing six hundred years old and began to travel the world. As per the training of the elementalists, he has since dropped his first name and surname, as it is considered a hindrance because it is a link to the past. He adopted the name given to him by his master as he had trained. Because of this, Time focuses mostly on the now and the future, but anyone who catches him when he believes no one is looking can see a deep sadness and regret in his eyes.
-A long sword with red tassels on the pommel, with the hilt wrapped in white which hangs on his left side, at his waist.
-A seven foot quarterstaff, gnarled at the top, that has a large sapphire set in it. The sapphire will not come out, no matter what.
Other: Time will NEVER speak of his training as an elementalist, the meaning of the runes on his arm, the gems in his arm, or his real name. He will always introduce himself as Time and never call himself Hylar.
Souless: A Search for Hope

Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Name: Zaine Kel'Estor
Nickname: None
Age: 27
Race: Wolf-People
Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Soul?: Unknown
Gender: Male
Profession: Ranger/Archer/Traveler
Magic Ability: Holds a very respectable amount of power over the element of earth [i.e. Stone, dirt, etc.] and the arts of manipulating it. Also holds some control, but nearly as much as earth, over the element of wind.
-A long bow, incredibly strong tension about seven feet.
-Quiver full of arrows, all fletched with green.
-A short sword with blue tassels on the pommel, the hilt wrapped in blue cloth. Worn at the hip.
Appearance: Zaine stands about 6'0" with dark brown unruly hair with two long braids to the center of his back that are wrapped with blue cord and have small tufts of hair a few inches long at each end and fairly thick. He wears plain tan leather pants and shirt and has scale mail guards belted onto his shoulders, upper arms, and upper legs, reaching to the top of his shins. The mail on his body has small pads on them to prevent them from creating any sort of sound. A scale mail chest piece he wears was created to be light and easy to sneak with, as was the rest. As a sacrifice, the chest piece does not connect to anything at his waist and leaves about an inch gap between the bottom and his belt. Extra tan leather belts hang on his side, but belted around him to not fall off. He also wears thief gloves for the protection and no sacrifices with his bow. All of the mail he wears has an odd blue tinge to it, and is dark colored otherwise.
Personality: A very quiet man, but will speak when he knows you as a friend. He will do most anything for those he cares for, but mostly does what benefits him. He has no care for the laws of the land and prefers to travel than to stay in one place.
Bio/History: Zaine comes from a fairly large clan where his father and mother held a high rank, though he will not speak of what rank they were. He was never particularly comfortable with his station that he was born into and longed to be out in the world. He trained with his sword and bow from the moment he was able to draw the bow string at four years old and it has not left his side since. His father had made the sword for him, as he was a blacksmith with much skill, and grown even more skillful within the last few months. When Zaine announced to his father and mother he would be leaving them to go into the world, his father was acceptant, while his mother was distraught. He would not deter from his choice and his father saw that and he forged him out armor specially made and tailored for Zaine. The night before Zaine was set to leave, his father stole away with his sword and worked through the night and reforged it into what it is today. Zaine was not angry with his father for doing this, but more surprised. He thanked his father and left that day with the gift of the armor, the sword, and a plethora of supplies and money with him.
Along his travels he has acquired an animal companion who's name is Sythrk, or called "Sith" for short by Zaine. They are never seen far from each other. Sith is a very large white wolf, but has the uncanny ability to still slip away in the darkness, or even in the bright light of day.
Paradiso: The Playing of Pawns

[All profiles are premade and generic in this RP.]
Lost Souls: Mystery of the Ashran [My RP!]

Gaian Name: Dorune Blademaster
Character Name: Dorune Fleetshadow
Nickname: To those who are friends, Rune.
Age: Looks about mid 20’s.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Home Nation: Unknown
Religious Affiliation: Follower of the teachings of Hyla.
Appearance: About 6’2”, Dorune is a quiet man who keeps to himself most of the time, but on occasion has been known to flirt outrageously. Dorune has semi-long brown hair that can be found hanging in front of his bright blue eyes at sometimes. During a fight, he carries a white cord to tie back his hair with. Tan, weathered skin shows how well traveled this man is, even at his young age. Not extremely muscular, he does have a fair amount of strength. He wears a black shirt, with an extremely odd plate chest under it. It is odd in the way that it is extremely thin and light, but as strong as any other breastplate. He wears plate leggings, greaves, and boots made from the same metal and created in the same odd fashion, it too extremely light, thin, and versatile. Around his neck is a golden inlaid tooth, about an inch and a half long, that protrudes out from under a white scarf that he wears at all times. He also wears a serviceable brown-green cloak that blends in in the forest well.
Bio/History: Not much is known about his past, not even to himself, oddly. His memory starts about ten years before the current date, yet anyone who has seen him in those years would swear that he has not changed a bit. He does not remember how old he is, or what his home country is, but of late he has been having strange dreams about events concerning him that he could swear never happened to him. He believes that he remembers his father and mothers faces, but he cannot be sure if they are. He has traveled the world for almost his entire life and made acquaintances with people in the high and low classes in almost every large city. He doesn’t know where he acquired his mastery of most weaponry, but knows that it was an important part of his history and tries as hard as possible to find someone who might know something about his past. He doesn’t remember where he acquired his equipment, but knows that it is very important to him and will never let it go. Except his great sword, which he carries; that he remembers very well.
- A long sword with gold inlays up the blade and on the handle. The handle is wrapped in white cloth, but is black underneath. A single sapphire can be seen in the pommel.
- A great sword about eight feet in length wrapped all in white cloth that he almost never uses is strapped to his back. He was given this sword by a strange man who said that it would help him on his travels and continuously referred to him as a "Lost Soul."
- A simple oak bow and a quiver of 40x Arrows are slung across his shoulder.
Magic: The ability to control some aspects of air. Never being a big magic-user, he focuses mostly on those spells, which can help him in battle, such as levitation with wind, imbued speed, and the like. His use of magic is fairly limited.
Personality: He is, as I said before, a quiet man, who keeps mostly to himself, except has been known to be a little too fond of a good dark ale, and can be an outrageous flirt with some women. He is caring to his friends and will tolerate no violence against a woman. Nothing will make him more angry than violence against a woman that he witnesses or hears of.
Other: Dorune is a master of most weapons and styles they can be used in and decent in hand-to-hand combat, but not an expert.

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