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My Journal of poetry and interesting/angry rants from my life
As the movie V for Vendetta stated "Artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover the truth up" what I've been thinking is while artistry shows us the truth and politics shepherd us away from it what then does the third wheel of the tribunal of artistry politics and religion do with the truth. Some would argue religion shows us the truth but if that is the answer then why are there so many religions with almost each one of them shoving and fighting for our attention to show us the truth. Is it because each one believes they've found the real truth that artistic endeavors have not or is it simply a well thought out and choreographed dance in which each religion plays its part pulling us and shoving us this way and that to dilute the real truth with fanatic religious babble or zealous recitation of a "holy book". I for one believe it to be the second of the two because if it were truth these "enlightened men" of the various religion would be enlightened enough to know the truth when it is shown not jockey for position to show off their lies. I'm sure some on here believe there to be a god or divine being but I simply fail to see any reasoning to support it "God caused the Big Bang which crated tha earth and all it's multiple peoples" does not pass with me if ONE GOD created us all why then do we have so many religions honoring different ones? Because there's no such thing the big bang was simply a chemical reaction big enough to create the earth possibly using the energy of some star going supernova thus giving off enough raw power to fuel this massive chemical reaction which combined the various elements into what we needed for life and what created the things that became us through evolution. Because humans aren't just made we are chemical compounds that follow a form we are no divine descendants of Adam and Eve because if we were each marriage and act of sex would be incest and each baby would be deformed for the most part and I'm 100% sure not every man woman and child happen to be deformed in any manner thus disproving that fact. Oh of course there's heaven and hell where all the good and bad people go....yeah....no that's not even remotely true to my way of thinking reincarnation makes more sense than that because the place would eventually overflow with annual deaths as high as they are but think of this how many times have babies in your family grown up resemble and act like a deceased relative, very likely I'm sure right? That's because maybe just maybe they were that relative in their past life which makes sense instead of a "God" continually pumping out souls that are almost exactly alike to one another that wouldn't make much sense anyway since then we're all created unique which is not the case people act and look a lot alike most of the time so the idea of refunded souls is very plausible I believe since there have been studies showing ghosts are in fact real it would then in turn make souls a real thing not some abstract brain theory thus further proving reincarnation is possible but then again not even that is able to be explained completely but it does make a wee bit more sense than the whole 'God makes souls' theory.

I believe that's all I need rant about my fingers ache my mind hurts and my 2liter of mountain dew spiked with a bag of pixie stix is drained so I lack the energy to bother anymore if this hasn't convinced you or made you think PM me talk to me on MSN XFire or Yahoo!Messenger I'd be glad to go further into detail and help you understand any hard to figure out places. -Kevin Reighdreck Fish.

Also I believe I'll be focusing more on this turning it into a philosophy/debate journal with random instances of poetry updated weekly, no worries my little muppets I'm disturbed enough to think up a new topic a week.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 05:06am
Hm, only a minor comment that Adam and Eve weren't the only humans around. Technically there was a large group of humans outside of Eden who some Adam and Eve's children went and got hitched with (not that they were supposed to, as those people were theoretically non-believers or false-worshipers or whatever you wanna call 'em). Still I don't believe that line of reasoning, I tend to accept that the Bible isn't hardcore fact, but a representation of the truth. One of the biggest lines out of it that "man was created from dust" is very representative of evolution and the big bang theories.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 17, 2007 @ 04:54pm
wow....ok....ummm....here i must partly disagree, as i am a catholic. i can not, however, say that i'm a "fanatic" or anything. by far i'm not, as i do not weekly attend mass...haven't done that since my bro got cancer and my dad something docs can't even describe, so we'll just refer to it with the symptons: something like alzheimer, short-term memory loss.....anyway, since then we [as in my family] have stopped that. nonetheless, is still believe there's a god, a divine and higher being. i have not, however, come up with any sort of theory. i just believe in what ppl call "karma", and the whole "what goes around comes around" thing. i do believ we have a soul, whether it reincarnates, becomes a ghost, or goes to heaven or hell...i used to belive in that, but now i cna't say for sure. in any case, i can say this much: no one knows for sure. no one knows these abstract things with certainty, so no one can say "it IS this way". on the other hand, that's exactly what religion does. in my opinion, religion is a tool, it's not about the "real truth", but about giving ppl something to believe in, something to help them exist [and partially co-exist, since there's so many religions they "attack" one another]. i've never been one to be happy about the whole "pushing and pulling" into one or another religion. i believe what i believe, and do not impose it on others. it's a shame others don't do that. it's a shame others try to get u into it, to the point of annoyance. i think the way it should be is put it out there for them, but don't shove it down their throats, into their eyes and stuff....it just makes u hate it and decide not to believe in anything...

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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 19, 2007 @ 02:23am
since this probably all revolves around religion and all that crap....
if god is said to be among us, then why do people cal it a 'devine and higher being'?
if hes supposed to be among us, as an equal, then why is it higher....
you can probably tell im am not christian, catholic/whathaveyou......im wiccan. and that reason is the reason i am wiccan.
if god is supposed to be an equal then why is he considered higher in the ranks.
i just repeated my self, but i dont care. you can deal.
so nya.

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 30, 2007 @ 10:37pm
*claps* that was very interesting. You did have a few points i liked though (that actually made sense to me since i know nothing bout religious things) ^_^.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 @ 10:58pm
First off, the big bang theory has many, many problems and ultimately requires one to be very faithful to it, or very uninformed on the matter. A lot of scientists say thing like they're facts when really they're just unproved personal beliefs. I can see why you might think it is true. I for one think this universe did not come about out of pure chance. You are right about humans. However, you must realize that despite this, the form that is followed is extreemly complex. It's actually quite facinating how there are so many complex and prevolant laws of the universe. I simply cannot see how these things could possibly be out of pure chance.

I agree with what you say about religeons though. All of them claim to be the "One true religeon" and that all others are false. Christianity in particular is one I find to be quite dubious. I don't believe any of the theories about how we came to be. i'm working out my own theory right now. But unless I can get pure doubtless fact to support it, it will remain just a theory.

I know for a fact that ghost are real. So do quite a few of my friends. For a very good reason.

In closing; Hooray for mountain dew and pixie stix!

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