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BakaBunny's Journal

Community Member
®oleplaying ∑xªmp£∑§
Here are some examples of roleplays I have done on Gaia. I figured this would be easier than having them in the thread everytime.

Also, for anyone that is checking out this I will update it as I get more. I have Roleplayed a long time, on numerous sites, learning tricks. I think the years add up to about 5 years. Yeah, 5, because I was just getting out of middle school.

Anyways, I felt that this should be just Gaian Roleplays, so as I have not done that many on Gaia yet, there are very few to choose from.

Character Profile Example:

User ImageOkay, so here goes, I'm applying for the mannequin.

// Name ;; Clo (Chloe Martin)
// They call me ;; [the mannequin]
// Sex ;; Female
// Age ;; sixteen
// Appearance ;; as beautiful as they come.
Standing at 5'9'', she was the envy of her school. With her long brown tresses that seemed to glisten in light, and her bright smile made even her female friends swoon in her presence. Oh yeah, she was beautiful. With her laugh that would resound through any room she was in as her brown eyes twinkled.

When she walked her hips swished with her. A healty size eight, weighing in at a hundred and forty pounds she was confident in her body. Her body glowed bronze, making it obvious that she spent a lot of time in the sun.

She dressed as trendy as possible. She was most known for tight fitting A-line mini dresses, low V-neck shirts with mini skirts and heels. Although she wears her revealing outfits out in public, she secretly loved dressing in jeans, tees and flip flops.
// Personnality ;; Her charismatic manor makes those who know her love her and those who hate her envy her. She lights up a room just by her presence. She loves laughing and has enjoyed winning the best laugh contest numerous times.

She is a risk taker. the rush of it makes her wild. From skipping class, to sneaking into a club, to even driving down a freeway at 90, she enjoys it all. Risky should have been her middle name. Anything that cost her something, she had to have it.

Her risks also caused her emotions to go into overload. Driven by her emotions has caused her to put herself into questionable situations. She craved feelings. Lusted after them. Men satisfied her cravings. And after a while her lust enveloped her, and became part of her.
// Biography ;; To anyone who saw her, she had it all. The house, the car, the men, anything she wanted she had. to anyone who just looked at her it looked as if her life was perfect. But to her, it was all a facade to hide her flaws. Because just like an onion, she had layers, and she did everything in her power to hide her layers.

Born into the quaint style of midwest suburban life, she grew up without a care in the world. She enjoyed having her mother primp her hair and carefully choose her wardrobe that always ended up messy after hours of play in the beloved sun. Being an only child, she learned early the pleasures of being in the spotlight. She adored her mother, but she was always Daddy's little girl.

That is until she was fourteen.

Her mother had always loved only two things, money and sex. Her father could always provide financially, but his work caused him to spend as many as ninety hours a week at the ER of the local Iowa hospital so his family could have all they ever wanted.

As her father worked himself to death her mother sought her other desires in fancy parties and a wealthier man. Clo knew of the relationship and unsuccessfully pleaded with her arrogant mother to end it. Her mother refused, and it cost her everything, that mattered.

On a normal humid summer day she returned home after an afternoon swim to complete silence. Confused because her fathers car was in the driveway she called out to him. Getting no reply she waled up the stairs and eased her father's slightly ajar bedroom door open to discover her worst nightmare. Running to her father's bloody body, she collapsed on the floor and was there until the officers had to remove her after her mother had come in hours later. She always suspected fowl play because of what happened following, and the note he left in her room telling her about discovering the affair and his plans to change his will, leaving her everything he had.

Not two months after her father's claimed suicide, her mother uprooted her along with her affair, a man who she was supposed to now call dad, to New York City. A place where she could hide her past with his filthy money.

Only until she met him. He was the first person who understood her, and she fell for him, completely trusting him with her checkered past and the loss of her beloved father. She knew it was the truest love she was going to ever feel for another human. But his unstability and her unwillingness to stay still for two minutes ruined their once wonderful relationship.

Still loving him, but knowing it could never work, she moved on, grieving. Sleeping with as many men who would give her the time of the day, she met him, a man who could turn her world upside down and fill her desire. Another person who enjoyed taking risks just as much as she did.

Her mother screamed at her to stay. Not to walk out that door. He was the definition of trouble and all that went with it. She didn't care. She just ignored her mother's pleas and walked out to his smiling face and the hot Elantra. Speeding down the she wanted to show him how much of a risk taker she could be. Too bad that BMW swerved out of control into their lives. And as the world went dark all that came to her mind in the last moments, the only person she could think of,

was him.
// Stay or Leave? ;; She cannot decide whether she wants to stay or not. Staying would mean she existed, but leaving meant she could finally join the person she missed the most, her father.
// Relationships ;; She thinks she's in love with the pleasure, but is still in love with the sob story.
// Other ;;

>>>Fears;; Guns, Bloody movies

>>> Likes;; Clothing, Her dead father, Cheerleading, Men, Risks, Skydiving, and Cartoons, Romantic Movies and books

>>> Dislikes;; her stepfather, unstability, Blood

>>>Talents;; She can sing, handy with picking locks, being able to get what she wants
// Played By ;; BakaBunny

•••••••••••• ™History Repeats itself....

in D4NG3EROUS Illumin@tion. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

User Image

Yesterday I Saw Your Shining Face, but now I barely see.

::The Essentials::
→ I'm supposed to be called:: fully as on the birthing card Chastity Nicole Williamson
→ But they call me:: just Chastity
Pink or Blue:: the color of a princess
→ All Grown up and Nowhere to Go:: sweet and three months shy of being nineteen, tender at the age of ıeighteenı
→ Born and Bred:: on the cusp of a Virgo, dated back to September the twenty-second.
→ Fatal Attraction:: nuh-uh this girl can't get enough of them boys.

::Judging a Book by its Cover::

→ My Cover:: Chastity has the looks of a model, but plays the role of modest model. Her figure is flawless and she stands with an air of regalness. Her legs look as if they never end in creamy unflawed skin that she keeps hairless by waxing once a week. She takes care of herself and that is seen by the way she looks.

Outside of the strict dress code the school put on her of long skirts and button front shirts, Chastity is seen mostly in her comfy sweaters and wide leg pants. Chastity is into keeping up with the latest trends, and enjoys dressing in them also. Her feet usually are adorned with clanky boots or heels. She owns at least a hundred pairs of shoes. At home she loves to dress down into undergarments when no one is watching. Her pantaloons are her favorite thing to wear around the house.

Her skin, as mentioned before, is pale and silky smooth. Although she loves the sun, Chastity looks like she has never set foot outside. Her complexion is fair. Funny though, as most would think that someone as fair as her would have flaws like freckles, but not one can be seen on her milky outer layer.

→ Windows to the Soul:: The clear glass towards her intense deepest spirit shock and confuse most. The color of an amber stone bordered with a strong ring of dark emerald is what a person stares into when they look at her eyes.

→ Long and Strong:: A beautiful day in the warm countryside. The color of sandy hay Chastity's hair flows down past her shoulders to hit a little below her collarbone. Light and fluffy her hair has a natural bounce and lightness that makes most want to reach out and touch it to make sure it is actually real.

→ Measure Me:: With killer legs that some would love to photograph, she stands at a graceful five foot six. Her slender figure has a mass of only one-hundred and twelve pounds.

→ Be Unique:: Chastity has shot five holes into her body. Two in each earlobe and one ornaments her right top cartilage. Where she comes from the cartilage is unheard of. The first person around her town to try it. The only scar, which is surprising, is above her belly, from where she fell off a tire swing as a young child.

::Roots to a Tree::

→ Biased Opinions:: Sweet. Tender. Gentle. Generous. Shy. Soft-spoken. These are many words that describe Chastity. She was raised properly to be a lady and that is exactly how she acts. When someone says something funny, Chastity's the person standing a little off to the side with a wide grin on her face. To see her smile is a natural wonder as her smile can light up an entire city. Early on people deemed her smile the thousand-watt kind, and she just graciously thanked the ones around her for being so compassionate.

Being incredibly shy, Chastity is definitely not the kind of person to walk up and start a conversation with anyone. In fact, it often takes a person several tries to get her to speak. She has to be coaxed to talk at first because she is too afraid to speak up first. When she opens her mouth a sweet dulce sound resounds. You have to sometimes lean in to hear what she is trying to say. The funny thing is, after you prove to her that you really want to get to know her, she opens up quite a bit more. To have her affection is something great, as she rarely gives it out.

Clumsy. Chastity has to be about the biggest Klutz around. She trips downstairs, over people, sometimes she trips over her own two feet. This girl trips out of the middle of nowhere. She'll be walking along and bam, she's on the ground. She's trying to sit down in a chair and thwack, the chair is lying backwards and her newly healed bum is bruised. Everyday it's a new bruise, scratch. Crazy how the only time she has ever received a scar is when she fell off the tire swing after someone much heavier jumped off and she fell into a broken piece of glass. Well, her stomach fell into the glass.

Her favorite thing to do is curl up on her chaise with her favorite novel and comforter, her dog by her side. There's no way to harm herself sitting in her cozy warmth. Chastity also enjoys staying up late with a friend having sleepovers. She is one of those night at home kind of gals and she enjoys every minute. Sometimes though, even the shy girls wants to get out of the house. When that happens for Chastity, she puts on her outing clothing and heads to the nearest café.

Friends are very few. With her looks people were very offish. It put a lot of pressure on her to try less and less to be beautiful. The thing is she couldn't hide who she was, and her beauty was apart of her. The ones who did notice her inner aura were attracted to it like magnets. The friends she had were true. Back in her old life her friends were important. All of them were the outsiders, the ones who didn't belong. It made her who she was. Accepting of everyone's flaws.

→ From the Outside:: Looking at Chastity you would never guess how she really is. Most people take one look at her and say, wow she must be stuck up. She walks with this air to her, but not because she wants to. Most people would probably consider her someone who gets around as well. But not Chastity. She's never had a relationship that was sexual. Her morals are high, and she feels the two must really love each other.

→ You'd Never Guess::
ºı That she never did well in school. With her nose always two feet into a book, she got by, but rarely did she receive an A.
ºı She loves to draw. She's actually really good at it.
ºı Secretly she loves cats more than dogs, but because of the work put into it, she prefers to take the hard road and have dogs.
ºı She has a good singing voice. She would never believe what her friends say, but her voice is actually very soft and soothing.
ºı She rarely has confidence in herself. With her looks most think she is completely happy with herself.
ºı The food intake and her size are not correlated. She loves her food and she eats her food.

→ Angels::
Booksº:: She can't get enough of 'em. She especially loves romance coughWomansPorncough
Cats and Dogsº:: What's not to love
Romanceº:: It's a beautiful thing, and she can't get enough of it.
Edgar Allen Poeº:: Insane man, but amazing writing is what she always says.
Foodº:: It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's there she will indulge.
Playing tagº:: Childish, she knows, but who doesn't love it, that and playing hide and seek.
Cemeteriesº:: They have so much history that the draw her to them.
Drawingº:: It keeps her occupied in the long hours of alone time.
Corsetsº:: They can never get them tight enough, because she is so little, and for that reason she finds them comfortable protection from harm.
Theatreº:: Plays, Operas, you name it she loves it. Her biggest goal is to be in one.

→ Devils::

Rowdy Kidsº:: As a child they scared her, as an adult they just upset her.
Miceº:: They are crawly and gross. They should forever be exterminated.
Her Home Townº:: They all still judge her for what happened. She's never going back.
Being Boredº:: She can't handle it. It drives her insane.
Judgmental Peopleº:: Growing up in the town she did, she found too many that judged.
Mean Peopleº:: Who actually likes mean people?
The In-House Bossº:: The last explanation covers it.
Pigsº:: Pigs are just dirty animals, She doesn't understand how anyone could deal with them.
Being Dirtyº:: It makes her skin crawl and she becomes more self conscious and jittery. As long as she isn't sweaty, greasy or dirty in any form she is a happy camper.

→ Bumps in the Night::

Big groups of menº:: They remind her of that night.
Farmsº:: They too, remind her of that fateful night.
The Oceanº:: She's seen it once, and once was enough. The largeness of it and the expanse of nothingness just gives her shivers.
Spidersº:: They're creepy, they're crawly and she just doesn't like them.
Dyingº:: It is going to happen, but she hopes no time soon.

→ Dear Diary::
She dreams to be more confident in herself.
No one can ever know what happened to her back in her old town.
She wants the pain to go away.
She blames herself.
She can rarely talk to a boy. It's far too difficult for her.
She dreams to star onstage, because onstage means she can leave her past and enter into someone else's being.

::Time Traveling::

→ It Haunts me::
Her mom never really wanted her. At least not that young. Her mother was an aristocat of the wealthiest family in town, who had fallen for the town thief. The beautiful town thief. His golden hair, and bright Amber eyes. They would meet on the edge of the small town by the tall large oak trees, hidden by anyone who would want to spy on them. Her father's name was Edward P. Williamson. From every story they told her they were smitten right from the start. When he stole an apple from her mother as she was leaving the market.

Her mother's appearance was far different from her father's rough, chiseled and tanned body. Her mother, Elizabeth Catherine Young, had long dark curls that went down in ringlets to hit the small of her back. She had harsh big blue eyes that stared down upon most in the city. Except for Chastity's father. Of course, one does not need to go into detail at what would happen down by those oak trees, but someone could imagine whatever it was Chastity came from it.

Elizabeth's parents were furious when they found out. They forced her out of the house, to marry young Edward. They were both seventeen.

Chastity's grandparents, the wealth they had, gave what they could to their daughter and her thief husband. The reason being, once they saw the beauty of Chastity, they could not stay angry at their only child for making such an awful mistake. Chastity was a miracle. They did however force the young Elizabeth to name her first child Chastity hoping the name would live up to better standards than the terrible choices their child made.

At Two, Chastity and her parents welcomed her sister into the world. This time around they named her Catherine Jane Williamson. Her looks were definitely her mother's. She, unlike Chastity, received the dark hair, but instead of the fierce icy eyes her mother had, Catherine's eyes were like Chastity's and her father - Golden Globes. Growing up, Chastity was very protective of her little sister. They played outside, did crafts together, got dirty together, took baths together, they were inseparable.
They were sisters and the best of friends.

Both sisters were loved deeply by their parents. They received everything they wanted, and more. Their parents never had to work a day in their life, and when Chastity turned ten her parents inherited the Young family's wealth. Both grandparents had passed within hours of each other, because of old age and perseverance.

The two girls continued to grow into civilized beings. As the years passed Chastity grew more and more shy, but Catherine more Rowdy. Catherine was popular with the other children, while Chastity seemed almost stand offish. Still the girls remained glued to the hip, except while at school and with friends.

In high school, when Chastity was seventeen, Catherine fifteen, Catherine started to become friendly with a group of boys that went to their school. This group of five would walk her home, carry her stuff, sit with her at lunch, anything Catherine asked of them, they would do. She in payment, would laugh, and flirt, and sometimes even peck them on the cheeks. Chastity watched from a distance and as an older sister was wary of the boys.

Being the protector, one day Chastity confronted Catherine about her fears of the boys. Not caring what her sister said, she stormed out of the house in anger. Unbeknownst to Catherine, Chastity followed her. Their destination was an old abandoned farmhouse that had a red standing barn to the left. She followed Catherine into the barn and hid. The five boys were there, all sitting on hay bails. Catherine began telling them of how her sister feared for her life because of the boys demeanor towards her. They all began laughing at the ludicrity of it.

Soon however one of the boys stood up, slit his eyes towards where Chastity was hiding, and the atmosphere swiftly changed. He motioned to the rest of the group and pointed. Catherine turned and gasped in shock of sighting her sister. She looked angry at having been followed. Two of the men grabbed Catherine, one ran to the door, and the other two ran after Chastity. Chastity desperately tried to run, but her foot had gotten caught in a bucket she had not realized she had stepped in. Within seconds the boys were at both of her sides dragging her towards where the two boys held her angered sister.

They cackled and howled at the girls. Catherine screamed at them to cut it out, and Chastity begged to be let go. The boys all chuckled at them. The one at the door came up and punched Catherine. Chastity screamed as her sister started crying in pain and betrayal. The boy turned to Chastity and did the same. She winced in pain as all the energy left her body. Now the only thing holding her up was the two boys clenching her arms. The boys let go of her and she fell to the ground. They both kicked her for good measure and all turned to her sister.

The shoved her into an awkward position in the hay. The one that had been at the door, seemed to be the ringleader and he walked over and pulled Chastity to a sitting position. He told her that she was going to enjoy a show. Her sister looked at her desperately for help, her golden eyes pleading with her to get her out of this situation. All Chastity could do was watch as the boys stripped her poor sister of all her clothing and one by one had their way with her innocent sister. Once they were done defiling her they came to Chastity and started beating her. After that night, all she remembers is a hard kick in the ribs that knocked her out.

She woke up in her bed bruised and sore. Her father looked forlorn at her from the chair he sat at. The sight of him was terrifying. He looked as if he had not slept for days. When he realized she had opened her eyes he fell on her crying. It took all her courage for Chastity to open her mouth and croak out a question of her sisters whereabouts. Edward sat up and looked at her with the most haunting expression he had ever had on his face and in the softest voice whispered, She's gone.

Chastity learned, later, after that night, the boys had fled and still had no been caught. Months later, when Chastity had finally recovered, no scars,
no bruises, she decided she was ready to go out. Everyone stared at her and whispered as she walked the streets. They judged her. The girl who survived while her beautiful sister had not. It brought tears to her eyes and she raced home. Her father, now always in a drunk stupor had no energy to support her. She went to the only person who could help her. Her mother.

She found her mother by the window in Catherine's untouched room, holding Catherine's favorite doll. When Chastity walked in her mother turned and began to weep. Chastity ran to her, and took her in her arms and proceeded to do the same. When they had calmed, the two took a seat on Catherine's old canopy bed. Her mother told her the family was cursed. Nothing good ever happens in this town. Those boys could come back and finish her off. That she must get out. Chastity didn't understand, but she accepted what her mother was saying.

Elizabeth came to her later that night, handed her over an envelope with ten thousand dollars in it and said there was a horse and buggy outside that she could have. It would take her far away from here. She packed, hugged her mother and father goodbye - their parting words "If you ever need anything", and did what she was told. She left, never to return.

→ Every Day of my Life:: With her mother's money, and the knowledge that if she ran short, she found the next place to where she would reside. While looking for a place to go she stopped at an odd old building that she felt a tug towards. She stopped her horse in front of it, and walked inside. The site of the big, beautiful architecture of the old opera house sang to her. She fell in love at first site. As she just stared up in awe a woman came and stood next to her scaring her. She jumped and met her first new friend, the dancer. With the dancer's help she had an in at the Opera House.

She found an apartment close to her new job and settled in. She bought a dog, and this is where she has now started a new life, just trying to get over the pain of her lost sister.
→ Branches and Leaves::
Boss-Manº:: She doesn't see them much, but she appreciates the fact that they gave her a job
The In-House Bossº:: A real pain in her side, always watching what she does. She's not a big fan.
The Old Timerº:: She has respect for them, but there's something about this person that she can't quite figure out.
The Starº:: Stuck up, and snotty, who really likes the Star?
The Acrobatº:: Talented, wow is all she has to say, but there is something fishy with her too.
The Singerº:: She has never heard a voice this good.
The Dancerº:: Her newest friend, for that she is grateful.
The Mechanicº:: She's still not sure. There's something about him that reminds her of those boys.
The Criticº:: She gets a kick out of the Critic. They definitely put some amusement into the place, what with the way they are always getting into trouble.

→ Working Working Working:: They label her the Newcomer.

::Nuts and Bolts::

→ Screename:: Chastity's puppet strings are pulled and tormented by yours truly BakaBunny
→ Posting Colors:: a hint of innocent rose, with a dash of mysterious violet, mixed with the color of ice, make up who {I} am

§••∞••Forgetting the Past never comes without Danger.••∞∞••§

Intro Post Example:


Sitting in her hot pink swivel chair, a cordless grape colored wireless phone in one hand, and the other draped over her long, puffy off-white towel, Ail groaned in annoyance at the male on the other line.

"No, Justin that won't work."

She sighed listening to him to continue to plead for their relationship, which apparently to him, was eternal.

"Listen, Justin, that's just not how I see it." She stood up and began the short journey to her spacious, but quaint closet on the other side of her purple-splashed room. "Here's how it works. I don't see us complimenting each other anymore. You see our relationship as eternal, and I see it - well I see it as it was, a good time." She pulled the phone away from her ear as he continued to beg. Anyone who would have been present in the room would have been able to hear his pleas.

"Baby, please. Come on, you know you love me."

Ail just chuckled at that comment and put the phone back to her ear, "No, Justin, see that's where you are wrong. I never loved you. Hell, I never even cared about you. You were cute, you put the moves on and I had heard around that you were a good kisser. And for the two years we dated, I found that to be a true rumor. As much as I would love to continue this conversation though, I really can't. I have to leave soon, and I am not even finished with my packing." She pushed her finger down on the large button that said end and threw the phone across the room. She sank to the floor and began to question herself, why, would you throw away something so real. So amazing? She knew the answer was there, but at this moment she couldn't help but thinking she was being dumb. Why? Why would she throw away the one guy who treated her right? Because her dreams were coming true, and what did she throw it away for? For adventure, Ail thought, for something far beyond what reality as her and her five friends knew. A single tear escaped her eye, and she let it roll down her cheek. That's it, she thought, no more tears. Not now. Now I leave to what I think will be paradise, she kept telling herself, a place that only has been heard of in her fairytales that she loved so much.

More important thoughts now filled her mind, like her journey, what lay ahead, but mostly what to wear. After pulling this and that and that and this from her wardrobe she threw it all on her large, fluffy, king sized purple and pink bed. Biting her bottom lip with her top teeth she picked up the first outfit. A cinched, red, sleeveless t-shirt dress that stopped at her knees. Cute, she knew it, as it was hot for this coming fall, but practical? Hardly. Oh, but boy did she love her Old Navy fashion. No one knew her little secret obsession with Old Navy clothing. They were cute, and cheap. Which meant she could get more for the budget her aunt had set for her until she reached eighteen, which by the way, had already happened.

Deciding that her dress just was not right for the journey she took it off and put it in her bag, just in case. After trying on a few more outfits, purple tanks, short shorts, capris, Bermudas, and a few random tees, she decided on her outfit. A, what they called "Flo Pink", racerback button-front tank over a roasted eggplant perfect long tank adorned her upper region. She absolutely loved the long tanks, because she had such a long torso they worked best for her. Also, they now came in four different shades of purple, roasted eggplant being her favorite. Her legs were festooned with black cropped leggings and a frayed, light destructed-wash skirt that had the worn look. Her feet were harbored with her favorite white Jointed Rocket Dog Tennies, that with the latest crazes worked for all her fun outfits, even the dresses. Along with the red tank dress she had already thrown in, Ail shoved in of course, underwear, a long berry sherbert perfect tank, a pair of cut-off shorts, flirt flare jeans in the vintage wash, a pair of diva's skinny style in the light vintage wash, her criss-cross back tank, which also happened to be berry sherbert, and a few other items of clothing. On top of her clothing she threw in her water, games consisting of uno, skip-bo, Phase ten, a deck of cards and a few others, her gameboy, dried food, her makeup and other toiletries, Ail decided that she may be ready to go.

Just as she was about to close the zipper of the bag she glimpsed down at the bed towards the most precious thing she had seen in a real long time. Her cat, Boots, yeah she knew it was a common name - so what, sat looking up at her with the bright green eyes. A tiny meow escaped from her little furry gray mouth and Ail felt her heart melt into goo. How could she have forgotten about Boots? The one being, besides her aunt and friends, in this world that was precious and dear to her. Boots, the Boots her aunt had given her for a birthday present on her eleventh, a year after she had moved into the picturesque little cottage home with her aunt. Boots stuck out her tiny black paw in pleading and meowed again. Her mouth quivering, Ail collapsed on the bed right next to her pride and joy.

"Oh my darling Boots, there is no way I can bring you. No one would understand!" She softly pet her fur as the cat stood up on her hind legs, purring in ecstasy as Ail's hand continued to trace Boot's back. An idea then formed in her head, "So, Boots," Boots tilted her head, "If I put you in my bag you have to promise to be very quiet until we get through the mirror, okay, because once we are there we may or may not be able to get back. I want to take you with me, but I have to know that you will be quiet so the others don't know until we are on the other side." Ail pointed a finger at her cat, who continued to just stare up at her as if she were stupid. She meowed once again and Ail laughed. She picked up her cat food, shoved it in her bag, and proceeded to scoop the cat into the bag. A small uncomfortable meow was heard in the bag until Boots made herself right at home amongst Ail's other belongings.

Ail picked up her bag, looked around the room, and nodded. "If I never make it back, I will always know I loved it here." She exhaled loudly put her thumbs behind her backpack straps and quietly walked out into the dead of the night, knowing already she was going to be the last one to the mirror. She always was, but they loved her anyway. She knew her friends had to. That's the way it worked. On her normal quiet walk to the park where her friends and her gathered, she took in the sights one last time. She felt like Alice before she went down the rabbit hole, well, a little. She wasn't following a rabbit, but it was close enough. The crisp night air tingled on her skin. Just then she thought, what if it's cold there? She had to go back for a sweater. She ran as fast as she could with Boots still in tact in her bag and up to her room. In her closet she pulled out a deep, bright pink sweater with a black graffiti looking print that was unreadable on the front. Then she thought about it, well she should probably grab the digital camera her grandparents, who all her other siblings lived with, sent her. Okay, now she was ready.

She began her walk once again, this time a tad more brisk since now she was really late. As she walked her bracelets that adorned her left wrist clanked together. That's what you get Ail, for wearing so many bangles. She had five bangles, two homemade beaded bracelets and one of those neat Italian charm bracelets on her left hand. Because she was left handed, her lavender fossil watch was attached to her right arm. Only two rings were around her fingers. The one attached to her right ring finger her mother, who pretended she didn't like her when she was alive, gave her as a gift. It was a small setting, two tiny leaves with vine-like designs scraping across it. Her mother called it Black Hills Gold. Apparently Ail's grandparents on her mother's side, the poor ones, gave her mother as a sixteenth birthday present. Ail figured she had given it to her because her mother had both bad and uneasy feelings around her black sheep of a child. In one way, she reminded her of her parents dearly and the way she grew up, and in the other just the way she grew up, very poor in the Midwest, in general. The other ring, one Justin gave her, was attached to her left ring finger. It was a simple, irish claddagh ring which she loved. She remembered the days they watched Buffy together, and when Angel had given Buffy one she had to have one too. Ail loved the meaning, and she still this night wore it with the point of the heart facing towards her, meaning she belonged to someone. She rounded the corner to the meeting point, and saw everyone there. Waiting for her...What else is new, she thought as she walked up and gave them her biggest thousand-Watt smile.

"Uh, hi guys." She said cautiously, "Sorry I'm late."

Regular Post Example Nombre Un:

Janice sat in her computer chair, deep in thought, letting her long stringy black mane fall over her shoulders and into her face. For the life of her she could not even begin her newest blog entry. It had to be good, she thought, Real good. She began clacking her fingers randomly on the keys, but not pressing too hard as she didn't want to type yet. Biting her lip she began her regular routine in creating a blog. The soft hum of random music played in the background on her full sized laptop. Immediately, when one of her sister's random crud started playing, she knew what to write. Now it was just a race to see how fast her fingers could type. It was genius! After she finished typing she clapped her hands in victory, sat back and began rereading her wonderful Masterpiece.

Double Standards, Girls and Boys
Am I the only person whoever has noticed all the other double standards in males and females? I know the prude versus tease standard, but has anyone ever thought about the others? I always wonder if I am the only one. Take this example for instance, desperation. I am not necessarily a desperate female, but say I was. There are always desperate girls, but think about the desperate boys. There are not many. Why is this, I wonder. When I was in high school I would sit in the back of class listening to the popular girls making fun of that geeky boy, you know the kind, weird, dorky, yeah that kind. Most of them even get a girl, but take a look at a fairly decent girl, the one who is a little outspoken and a little too independent.

Secretly inside, one must wonder if she is really crying out for a man. Does she ever get one? Well, some, but there are those desperately desperate girls who don't. Why? Because they are too independent for a man to handle. In my opinion, or my observation I guess you could say, men need the little girl who clings to them, always needs them. They have this night and shining armour complex that can only be fixed by the "damsel in distress." Don't women ever get sick of being "saved." To me, it's a little, well, medieval. Okay, now back to my point. The girls who are desperate are never labeled desperate, you want to know why? Because no girl stays desperate.

Here's my theory on that. No girl stays desperate because of a few different reasons. Some of those girls are lucky and get a break. Yeah, some just fall into a relationship. Others get super desperate, and change everything about themselves. I like to call these girls chameleons. Others of course, call these girls worse names like slut or whore. The saddest of all the desperate girls are the ones that my heart goes out to, the ones that are super sad. The girls that have been scorned one too many times by the male species. The ice queen. The ones who have ice built up in a chunk around their hearts. Poor souls.

But I am just a mere theorist. Please, readers, let me know what you think. As it is important to my theory.

Happy with what she came up with, Janice sighed blissfully and hit the send button. She leaned back in her pink swivel chair and laughed. She looked around her room. Her little cave. The black walls accented with the pink stars happily danced around her. The brightness of her screen caught her attention and she engulfed herself back into the world of the great web. Surfing her favorite sites was just a way for her to kill time. The screen glowed as the computer hummed, letting her know she now had the fans going. She continued to surf checking out other's random online diaries, trying to indulge herself into what every other person was going through. One girl was apparently at the edge, on her last string. Janice wondered if it was because of the pressure women are put on by the men in the world, or if the girl was just looking for attention. Laughing to herself, she decided she would check to see if there were any comments left on her latest work of genius. Clicking the comment button she discovered the best number for comments in her life, zero. As she leaned back into her comfy chair again, she decided she could wait all night for a comment. It was worth it.

Regular Post Example Nombre Deux:

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Ail was afraid. She looked around desperately once more, getting tired of waiting for someone to come save her. Trapped. That's how she felt. Yep. Trapped summed up her situation in one word. She had to think. think. What could she do to get out of this situation. There had to be a way. Her face clenched up in concentration. She breathed in and her hands motioned in an automatic downward push as she thought about what she could do.

"Come on Ail, you are good at puzzles." She said aloud to no one but the beautiful still skies. "Okay, so maybe you aren't as good at answering questions, rather asking them and coming up with skewed answers."

Maybe that's what she needed in this situation. Skewed answers Anything could work, right? yeahShe thought, Anything could work. she but her bottom lip, her trademark thinking action, and began to ponder what could be done in this situation. In Oz, Dorothy just clacked her red heels together three times and thought about home, and poof she was there. Yeah, that's it I have to tap my red heels together. She looked down at her well-worn Rocket dogs and decided that maybe she could give them a try anyways. It never hurt. She closed her eyes fiercly and concentrated on home, and Justin.

"There's no place like home..."She chanted. After the tenth time she furrowed her brows and gave up, "Boots, it always works in the movies. I guess I needed a Toto. I thought maybe you'd do." She reached her hand awkwardly behind her and patted the grumpy mass on top of her stuff. A muffled, angry meow came from her bag.

"I know, I know. You don't like the bag. I get it, but right now we have to wait for everyone else." She looked around confused as to what to do next. As she began to decide on the next move to make, whether to wait for the others or begin to venture around herself for a way out she heard a voice from a short distance in front of her.

A grin started to appear after she heard the concerned voice asked what was wrong, because he soon realized their predicament as well. He, like her, was now stuck in this gorgeous world. Gorgeous as it was, she had no idea what was in store for their group of friends. Now two stuck and the others yet to come, and no way to communicate to them, Ail begin to become a little more frantic. What were they really going to do. They had discussed what they would do if they were stuck on the other side, but she didn't think it would actually happen. Why, she wondered now, hadn't they ever looked around them when they peered in. As far as she knew none of them had looked anywhere but forward. They hadn't even tried to grasp the mirror.

What if this was like those weird portals in Angel to Lorne's plane of existence. The portals to Pylea in the show were one way. There were other portals around the world, but she quickly remembered how humans had been treated on the show. They called them cows and treated them like slave animals. What if they were like cows here in this world? She trembled at the thought. She looked to Josh who had paled a tad at the realization that they were now trapped.

"Okay Josh, we can do two things and, the choices have options within them as well." She looked at him hoping he was listening as his color continued to drain,"We can stop the next person from coming in, and have them pull us back out, or warn them that we can't get out right away or maybe even never. That's one option. The second is, we can start trekking around trying to find another way back and leave them something they can follow. It's up to you, because personally I am at a loss of what to do. I even tried the Dorothy Toto thing..."

At that she looked at Josh hoping that he would solve their problem. As she waited for his answer another muffled cry came from her bag and she knew that Boots needed to have some air. She hunched down in shame as she pulled the bag off her back, opening up the pocket and letting a small head peak out of the top. Ashamed she lowered her head and waited for his reaction, bracing herself for whatever came out of his mouth.


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