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Naruto: Birth of the Outcast
(This is Not A Journal) This is A Naruto fan-fic!!! This is Basically My version of how naruto will start off. It starts of When he turns 5 on the night the kyuubi was sealed in him. If any body is interested you can help if you want, just pm me. or
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto so get over it!

Chapter One: The Nightmares of a Child


'Why can’t these people see, that he is not the Kyubi, just a child.. He had nothing to do with what happened 5 years ago. I’m sorry Yondaime, these people are still too blinded by their hatred to see him as what you wanted.' That was all the Hokage could think as he jumped away to the Hospital, with 2 Anbu following in his wake.

'Naruto, I hope you make it, you have lived such a short, and hard life. I was hoping to see you grow to a fine young man before you were ever exposed to hatred such as this. Please what ever Kami is listening, help him pull through this.'


Konoha Hospital

Morino Ibiki was running and jumping across the roof tops of the village as fast as he could. All this while trying to make sure not to injure the obviously near dead child any more then he already was. As it was, he wasn’t sure if the kid would be able to hang on much longer. Just by looking at his own clothes he would guess that the kid was bleed dry. His clothes as well as Naruto’s might as well have been dyed Crimson from all of the blood that soaked both, it made Ibiki wonder how such a small body could produce so much blood.

It wasn’t Long before Ibiki was at the hospital, and running in asking for a Doctor. Many, on seeing who he carried left, despite his threats, to busy themselves elsewhere in the hospital. Thankfully Ibiki has a very good memory for faces, and he planned on visiting some of these doctors again later. Getting frustrated, he decided one last threat, and yell.

“Damn it, are all of you so afraid of a child that you forgot why you became a Doctor? Each and every one of you bastards are an insult to your profession, and I plan on visiting each of you personally once this is handled. Does any one of you spineless asses know what a Doctor is supposed to do?”.

With this last threat a new face came into the lobby to see what all the noise was about. He was a doctor of medium build, with short flat black hair. He had on a pair of glasses that was set snugly upon his nose. He had light blue eyes, and wore your standard doctor’s lab coat, and scrubs, with a stethoscope hung around his neck. He was not much taller then Ibiki, and had a name tag that read Mihara Ohjiro.

Once he rounded the corner, he immediately noticed Ibiki, and what he was holding, and he also noticed what was dripping onto the floor of the lobby, blood. Lots of blood, and it was making a very large puddle. Quickly taking one look around, and seeing no one else coming to the aid, he ran forward as quickly and safely as he could to start his work on Naruto.

“How old is this child, do you know what happened; how long ago did this occur? Quickly follow me and we will try to do what we can. From the looks of things he has numerous broken bones, and he has lost a great deal of blood.”

Ibiki on hearing this gave a sigh of relief, and followed the doctor to the operating rooms. As if snapping out of a day dream, nurses followed them back, gathering things that the doctor may need for the operation to come.

Many of them were Medic Nin, and grabbed some soldier pills, blood replenishing pills, and blood clotting pills as they followed them back. Many of them were also younger, not old enough to remember exactly what happened with the Kyubi, and why many of the older staff members did not want to treat this poor child.

Once to the operating room, Ibiki set Naruto down on the operating bed, and stepped back to let the doctors and Medic Nin do their work. He didn’t dare to leave the room, since he could not be certain who he could trust with the boys life, and who he couldn’t. He intended to follow the Hokage’s orders to the 'T', and not let anything happen to him if he could help it.

“I need the Medic Nins to quickly try to stop his bleeding, give him replenishing pills, as well as clotting pills. First priority is to get him to stop bleeding. Try to stop all internal bleeding first. We will worry about his broken legs and arms later. We need to get him stabilized first, so handle all life threatening injuries first. And for Kami-sama’s sake, keep him breathing. Clear out his throat and get a tube in there to help him breath for now.” Shouted Ohjiro to the nurses and other staff that came to help. After giving out his battle orders he went to Ibiki to check him over, after all the big guy was covered in blood, and could have some injuries of his own.

“Ibiki-san, where are you injured, where ever you and this young man came from must have been dangerous. Did he come from a village attacked by bandits?” askedOhjiro when he was close to the big man.

Ibiki, stunned that he was being asked about injuries, quickly shook it off and responded with more then a little hate in his voice, “No, Ohjiro-san, I am not hurt in any way, all of this…” , he motioned to the front of his clothes, “came from that boy, Uzumaki Naruto, who was attacked.”

Here he then took a deep breathe, obviously trying to calm himself down.

“He was attacked by our own villagers, for something he has no control over. Even some of our own Shinobi attacked the poor kid. He is only 5 years old, and doesn’t look like he has seen a decent place to eat, sleep, or bathe in some time. When Hokage-sama, a squad of ANBU, and myself came across him, he was lying in the middle of an alley, surrounded by his only village being beaten, and stabbed….”

Again the big man had to stop and calm himself. To Ohjiro, Ibiki was visibly shaking with rage, as he recalled the events of earlier that night that brought him to the hospital.

“Had it not been for the Hokage asking us not to hurt them unless needed, you would be a very busy person right now, so would the local marble carver and coffin maker; if me and the ANBU left any trace of the bastards…. They were monsters and savages, attacking him relentlessly; hell bent on killing the boy. But no, I wish some of this was my own, sadly this is all from Naruto... I didn’t know such as small body could hold so much blood in it… I look forward to having a session with those bastards that did this to him. They will get the same treatment that they gave him, but ten times worse. So I hope you have a wing cleared for some incoming patients in the next few days.”

Hearing this, Ohjiro was stunned. 'How could our own village do something like this to such a kid? I know the Kyubi is sealed in him, but honestly, he is just a child, he is not the Kyubi. If he was he would have killed them himself for what they did.'

“That’s not all doc, if I were you, I would start looking for some more staff here as well…”

Puzzled, Ohjiro had to ask, “What do you mean? We have enough staff hear to deal with any kind of problem. We would be able to keep running through a war if we had to.”

Ibiki couldn’t help but give off a deep booming laugh at this.

“Oh you may have enough now, but when the Hokage finds out what some of your doctors, and nurses did when I came in, you will be short handed. They would be lucky to get away from this with their heads still intact.”

Ohjiro gave Ibiki a puzzled look before Ibiki continued with his explanation.

“When I came in asking for help, none of the others would help him. They just called him a demon, and said he deserved to die. No one was going to help him. That is until you came into the lobby. You were the only one who came to help him. No one else would have touched him with a ten foot pole. They would have nothing to do with him, only seeing him as the Kyubi, and not the innocent 5 year old boy he really is. No doc, you may be short handed soon, because it seems many here have forgotten what it means to be a doctor, nurse, or Medic Nin. They forgot they vowed to help any person when they are in need of help. For that, they deserve what ever punishment they may get from the Hokage.”

Ohjiro couldn’t help but agree with the Jonin. Those doctors who forgot their oath to assist all in need of medical help did not deserve the title of Doctor, Nurse, or Medic Nin. They were a disgrace to all others of that profession, trying to play Kami, and deciding who lives and who dies. As long as a person has a bit of life flowing through them, they should be helped till the last drop of life is drained out of them. Any one in the medical field who could not do that deserved the harshest punishment that the Hokage could come up with. To say he was disgusted with the way his colleagues acted would not do his feelings justice.

'Who is the real demon here, this innocent child, or those who attacked him, and refused to help him.'

“Ibiki-san, I do not know what to say.. From what I can tell Naruto has multiple broken bones. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the bones in his chest were broken, as well as punctured his lungs. From here you can tell yourself that both his arms and his legs have been broken. There is no telling how many other internal injuries he has right now. But believe me, those here will do the best they can to ensure he makes it through this. If I have to, I will do it myself…”

Ohjiro stops here to shake his head and he watches the work of the staff.

“I can not help but wonder who the true demons are. This child could not have done anything to protect himself, or harm any thing. No, this child is far from being a demon. I would say that those who did this to him are the true demons. Those who would not lift a finger or voice their protest, or aide him are the true demons. As a doctor is pains me to say this, but I honestly hope they suffer the same pain, if not more than what was done to him. They deserve this fate more then he does…”

Ibiki was starting to warm up to this Doctor more and more the longer he talked with him. This person obviously knew what it meant to be a member of the Hidden Leaf Village. He knew that protecting those around you, and helping those around was as important as anything else. That is where the Leaf got it’s strength, by helping, protecting, and fighting for every one that is a part of the village; no matter who they might be. If they were in trouble, and needed help, the Leaf was supposed to be their for their own.


“Please, just call me Ohjiro, there is no need for things like that.”

“Ohjiro, I have a feeling we will be seeing a gret deal of each other in the coming weeks. What are the odds of him living through this? I know he is young, and I have the blood on me to prove he is in bad shape. Not to mention the cut those sons of bitches did to his throat to keep him from calling for help. How likely is it that he will survive the operation, and be able to live a normal life, or as normal as it can get his in situation.”

Ohjiro had to walk over and speak with a few of the Medic nin before he returned to answer the questions from Ibiki.

“From what they can tell, it seems just about every bone possible has been broken. His ribs were all broken, and had punctured his lungs. His lungs were filled with blood from the cut to his throat, and from being punctured. All of which are serious injures themselves. Some of the broken rib fragments came close to piercing his heart, and other vital organs. Thankfully you got him here as soon as you did, with as minimal damage done during transport as possible. He has lost a great deal of blood, far more then a child his age should have. That is very strange, it seems as if his body started to produce more and more blood to compensate for what he lost. I would have to say that is perhaps the only thing that has kept him alive so far…”

Ibiki was not a weak man, he had inflicted his shares of wounds, and received his fair share in return throughout his life and career as a Torture expert. But hearing all of this done to someone that wasn’t even as tall as his knees pulled on strings he hadn’t felt in a long time. This pulled greatly on his heart, creating a sadness he has not felt in a long time. At the same time, this angered him beyond belief. To think grown men and women could to this to him.. Ibiki was looking forward to his days he spent with those bastards.

'And to think, Anko might be helping me out... I wish I could feel sorry for them. But they deserve no pity for what they are going to get. They lost all hope of that the second they decided to attack a five year old boy who could do nothing to stop them. I hope Hokage-sama takes the leash off when I am allowed to handle them...'

“From the cut to his throat, it doesn’t look like we will be able to do much for his vocal cords, or voice box. Even with the most skilled Medic Nin and doctor here we may not be able to save them. So he may lose all speech ability. Only an act of Kami would be able to give that back to him. Kami is going to be working over time with him as well. His injuries are so numerous, and severe that he may be in critical condition for some time.

“We may leave him in a special room for observation, with me and any other trusted person watching over him twenty four hours a days, seven days a week until he is stabilized. That may not be for some time however. From the looks of it, he is in a deep coma right now, and may never wake up from it. He has probably suffered severe mental damage from this attack as well, with his body being overloaded with pain. That is not surprising seeing how he is so young. Even most adults would have a hard time fighting through what ever pain he was put through. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Shinobi could not fight through it.”

Here the doctor had to stop, and ponder what they could do to help Naruto more..

“I’m just afraid there is nothing else we can do for him.. We might be able to make sure he lives, but what kind of life would he have sitting in a bed connected to machines and tubes for the rest of his life?”

Ibiki couldn’t help but tear up a little hearing this news. Here, a young life might be snuffed out before it could even see anything of the world.

Suddenly a new voice made both men jump in surprise upon hearing it.

“No, I doubt Naruto will allow something like that to happen. I think he will fight through what ever has been done to him. He may not seem like much, but I believe nothing short of killing him out right would keep him from living.”

Both Ohjiro and Ibiki had to turn towards the voice, and see the Hokage standing at the door to the operation room. Both were surprised they never heard him enter the room.

“Ibiki, thank you for getting him here in such a hurry, I know it must not have been a pleasant experience holding such a young life in your hands. Thanks to you, he may live to see another day. Ohjiro, I wish to thank you as well for helping him, and your staff. To say that I am disappointed in the behavior of many in this fine Hospital is an understatement…”

The Sandaime couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as a thought went through his mind.

“.. if she was here, she would make sure each of them were made a permanent part of the Hokage monument, or at least given the hospital enough holes to make it look like a wheel of cheese.. She might even have been able to help him. But sadly, in his current state she may do nothing more then freeze up.. An honest shame that she did not stay in the Leaf, we could use her skills right now..”

Both Ohjiro and Ibiki knew who the Hokage meant, Tsunade, one of the Three Legendary Leaf Ninjas. Her skills would be of great use right now, she might be the only one that could ensure the survival of young Naruto.

“Ibiki, why don’t you get cleaned up. You and Anko can begin talking to those responsible in the morning. But please, try not to kill any of them just yet.. For what they have done, they do not deserve to die in one of your torture rooms. They have broken my law, and the punishment for that will be a public execution. I will not tolerate this occurring again. I made a promise to the Yondaime that I would protect Naruto, and it seems I have failed him so far. I will not fail him again if I can help it.

“I may not be able to make the village see him as the hero he is, but I will be damned if I will sit by and let them try to kill him again. Just looking at Naruto makes my blood boil, and my temper rage. Now I wish I had done something more then just separate them from Naruto when we first got there…”

Ibiki nodded in agreement with the old Hokage. He wanted to teach them a lesson as well when they first got there. But he still has his chance in the coming days. No, he wouldn’t kill them, but he will make them wish he would. He was going to make their lives of those people a Hell on Earth in the coming days and weeks.

Ohjiro had to wonder how bad this could have been, hearing the normally mild tempered Hokage speak in such harsh terms, towards his own villagers none the less. This must have been more severe then it looked when they brought Naruto in. He shuddered to think of what the scene of this incident must have looked like when they came to it. A shiver went down his spine thinking of what the obviously enraged Ibiki would do to those who took part in this. He, like Ibiki, would not feel sorry for them, but sadly he would heal them if he needed… It was his oath as a Doctor to help those in need.

“As for those Doctors, Nurses, and Medic Nin that refused to treat Naruto, I can not give them anything harsh as punishment. If takes a great deal of time to make skilled members of the medical community. I may not be able to do that, but I can reassign them to our outposts along the border, and through out the country, and move those from the outposts back here into the village. I may also make a request to the Daimyo for some assistance, as the need for skilled doctors is very high in any Hidden village. Perhaps we could start a school for that, like Tsunade wished long ago..”

Ibiki and Ohjiro just nodded in agreement to the Hokage. What he planned on doing made perfect sense. Finding, and making skilled Medic Nin and Doctors is a very hard task, since not everyone is cut out for those occupations.


Inside of Naruto’s Mindscape

“Kyubi? Kyubi are you here?” Naruto walked into the cage room asking this. When he walked in, he didn’t see her any where, so he went closer to the cage, that was when he saw a flicker of silver moving towards the front of the cage.

“Welcome back Naruto. You are now in the hospital, they are doing their best to heal you, and fix you up. But since we have a great deal to talk about, I will be keeping you here for now.”

Naruto nodded, wanting to know more about this person that the village made out to be a great killer.

“Kyubi, why does the village hate you so much? You don’t seem like a bad person, you have been very nice to me since I first saw you. You aren’t ugly like the people say, you look almost like an angel, or a goddess sent by Kami himself.”

Covering her mouth to stifle the giggles the statement from the young boy, she responded.

“No, I am not an Angel or a goddess sent by Kami, I truly am a demon Naruto. And thank you very much for the compliments. It is not every day that one of the Nine Great Demons gets such remarks from a human. I am very flattered you see me that way. But your village does have a reason to feel this way towards me sadly. Even though they do not know why I came, I did kill many villagers and ninjas. I even killed, indirectly, one of the greats ninjas of this time, the Yondaime Hokage.

“But please Naruto, just call me Hikari, there is no need to call me Kyubi. As for what we must talk about, it has something to do with why I am sealed in you, and why I attacked your village.”

“Then please Kyu.. Hikari, tell me.. I want to know why I am hated, and why you are hated… I may only be five, but I think I have been through more then any other person my age.. I just want to know why they look at me the way they do, besides you being in me. I want to know why they hate you so much, when you seem like a very nice person, er demon?”

“Then please, have a seat Naruto, and get ready for a very long story….”

With that, Naruto took a seat in front of the cage with his legs crossed, and Hikari started her story……

"Once a long time ago Naruto, man kind lived in cities with buildings that reached the skies. They were great buildings made out of stone and iron. Many of these could possibly rival these size of your village. There were hundreds, if not thousands of cities such as these around the world, with people of different races, cultures, and beliefs moving through them. Many lived at peace with one another, while others were always at war.

"In this wars, they used weapons, they were stronger then some of the skills used by Ninjas today. They had weapons that could fire small metal balls at others faster then the eye could see. They had bombs that could level the strongest of buildings by themselves. They had flying machines that allowed them to travel like the birds, and attack their enemies with surprise, and vicious force.

"Normally these wars stayed in small areas. However sometimes they would become larger. There have been some wars in the past of this world, where millions have died. There was enough dead to fill this village to the tops of the walls, and over flow them.

"At this time, many were killed just because of the color of their skin, who what they believed in. Others were killed out of jealousy and the need for power. Some killed to protect their loved ones, and home, as well as for revenge. Some things that should never be done. Many killed because of their pride being injured, or they became power hungry.

"They also had weapons then, that could destroy entire villages, cities, and countries by themselves. It would just take one of these weapons, and it could wipe Konoha off the face of the map, leaving nothing behind but rubble. No one would live through the weapons, not even dogs or cats. The only thing that may survive is a few insects used to harsh conditions.

"It was because of this that the Nine Great Demon Lords came into this world. We came at first just to observe you mortals, to see what you were like. What some of us saw was very surprising. Some mortals were as bad as some of the sickest demons in the Demon Realm. They killed without mercy, and without caring who they may hurt.

"After we saw enough, we all meet together in a council of sorts. Many of us hated what we saw, and thought that it would be only a matter of time before you mortals killed yourselves off. With that in thought, we sought council with the Great Kamis, and asked what they thought. Many, if not all agreed with our observations, which is a rare thing to happen. Having both, the greatest Demons, and the Kamis agree on a single topic is very rare. That should only show how dangerous the situation was.

"We debated on what to do, not having many options that would leave your world livable. So the Kamis made a deal with the Demon Lords. We were allowed to come to this world in our full form, and act as agents of the Kami, to prevent your kind from destroying themselves and their world.

"So, we came in our true forms, Shukaku the one tailed Tanuki, Bast the protective two tailed cat, Isonade the three tailed and finned shark, Sekhmet the four tailed Lioness, Cerberus the five tailed wolf, Kira the six tailed eagle, Ragnarok the Dragon, Medusa the eight headed hydra, and then myself, the nine tailed Fox. We came to your world in our true forms to try to stop the mortals from destroying themselves in their lust for power, greed, and pride.

"To do this, we had to destroy all that they used for this power, and all their plans for it, to help ensure that it would not be created again. In the end, we ended up recreating the world, sending human kind into a new age, a more primitive age then they were in.

"That was thousands of years ago, and many have forgotten those times. Since then, the Kamis have called on one or many of us to come to this Realm, and prevent human kind from doing something that Mortals have no right to do, or to try to humble the arrogant, injure the pride and ego of those who had such in abundance. To make the extremely wealthy poor, to teach lessons to those who needed one taught to them.

"This is also what brought me to your village. I was called because there was a mortal who was seeking something no mortal has a right to claim, immortality. This person, named Orochimaru, sought to gain power by becoming immortal, and wanted to become immortal to gain power. He had broken several laws set by the Kami. When this happens, the Kamis would call upon a Demon Lord, or Lords to come and help to fix the problem. So I was called to assist in this event.

"I made my way to Konoha, seeking Orochimaru, and along the way I was attacked by several followers of his. All wearing the Leaf head band, so I believed sadly, that the village was in support of his goals. So I came to the village seeking him, and in the process I killed several honorable Shinobi, and poor villagers that happened to get in my way.

"Little did I know at the time, that Orochimaru had left the village years ago, because your people were after him, seeking to stop his tainted ways. I did not know, so I continued to fight. That was until a great man, perhaps the greatest Shinobi to ever live, which means a lot coming from the strongest Demon Lord, came to do battle with me. This man was known as the Yondaime Hokage, the Fourth Hokage. He came forward and summoned his ally Gamabunta the Toad Boss to do battle with me. They fought bravely, but both knew it would be impossible to best a Demon Lord in a fight, let alone myself.

"It turns out they were only fighting a delaying action, seeking to hold me back while a ritual was prepared. Before starting the ritual, the Yondaime did something no others bothered doing, he asked me why I was attacking. Seeking a peaceful solution before doing something that could not be undone. So I told him why I came, and he told me that Orochimaru was no longer part of the village, that he had left after many tried to stop his foolish quest.

"Sadly, at the time I did not believe a word he said, in all of my wisdom, and experience, I could not see the truth when it was openly admitted to me. I struck the Yondaime, giving him a fatal wound. He had no choice but to begin the Ritual that would end both of our lives in the mortal world. The ritual he performed was the one that sealed me into you Naruto. He gave his life using this method to seal me inside of you when you were a new born baby five years ago to this day.

"As he died, and completed the ritual, I realized too late, that he had indeed spoken the truth before. Because as a person dies, their lives are like open books to those who know how to read them. With his last breathes he apologized to me, the one who tried to kill him, and severely destroyed the village he was the protector of. I was amazed, that in death this human could still be so noble, and kind, even to someone who did not deserve the kindness. I promised him then, that I would look after the child that I was being placed in, to help make sure that you grew up to be a great person, a great Ninja, just like him. He thanked me for the promise, and spoke with the one you called the Sandaime Hokage, the Third Hokage, and told him what he learned.

"The Third was amazed, and ashamed at the same time for the foolishness of both sides. He promised the Fourth that he would try to make the Villagers see you as a Hero, for having to endure the burden of me being sealed in you. For the villagers would never believe that I came on a noble quest, and not one of destruction. Sadly, none of them would hear anything of it, so the Third was forced to create a special law.

"This law would prohibit any with knowledge of me being sealed inside of you of speaking of it out in the open. It was done to try to give you a chance at a normal life with the younger generation of the village. Obviously though, people found ways around this law. They would be cruel to you, not feed you, blame you for the smallest of things. This is also why you were kicked out of the Orphanage, and made to live on the streets for the last year.

"For all of this I am truly sorry for making your life so hard. Had I listened to the truth when I first heard it, perhaps something else could have been done. But sadly, not even the Demon Lords and Kamis are about ignorance.

"All that I can do now, since we have started to talk, is to keep my promise to the Fourth. To help you become a Great and Powerful Ninja, that can protect those that he cares for and loves. Even those that have shown him hatred you would protect. Because all life if precious, even the most vile.”

All through the story that was being told by Hikari, Naruto sat and listened, soaking up the information like a sponge. He was amazed at many parts of the story, and even more so when he heard of the battle with the Fourth. He had long made up his mind before Hikari mentioned a deal. He would become a Ninja, and he would become the Hokage of the village. Even though he was hated, he would protect those of the village, even if they did not want his protection.

“Now we are up to date Naruto, and I have a deal I wish to make with you, the offer is simple, and very easy to do. I offer to teach you, and train you, with some of the knowledge I have gained him my eons of life. All that you must do is become a Ninja. Of course I will give you small tips on how to do this, but in the end you will learn nothing more from me except methods to become a Ninja. I will not teach you any Jutsus as you mortals call them, or anything of that nature. To get me to do this, you must become a Ninja of the Leaf.

“You must also prove that you are worthy of such power. I will not tell you what you must do, you will have to decide that by yourself. If I do not find you worthy of this power, then I will not train you in how to us it. I will assist you in the mortal ways of the Ninja, and that is it. You would learn nothing from the demonic side. That is my offer to you, there is of course a small down payment I will give you if you accept the offer, what that payment is, I will not say, I will let you decide for yourself.”

To him, he had a great power in him, and the only way to use this power properly would be by protecting those around him.

'I promise Yondaime, I will become a Hero of the Leaf, that way your last wish can be granted. I will continue to do what you did till your death.' This is what went through the mind of Naruto as he looked at Hikari.

“Ano.. Hikari, I have a question…”

“Feel free to ask me anything, and I will try to answer if I can. Though I may be a Demon Lord, I may not know everything.”

“Do you by any chance.. Know who my parents are? I tried asking what happened to them when I could, since others in the Orphanage spoke of their parents if they had them.. But no one would say anything….”

Of all the questions she was expecting, this was the farthest away.

'I wish I could tell you the truth of who your mother and father were.. Naruto, but I can not, you are not yet ready for that information.. But maybe… some time in the future when you become a Ninja, I could tell you..' This is what she was thinking as she looked down upon Naruto. Knowing she could not speak the truth, she had to say something.

“No, I am afraid not Naruto, I never learned of who your parents were. But I am sure they were strong people, since they gave birth to such a strong and special young boy. But do not let the past hold you down. We are to learn from it, and from that grow stronger. I know you do not want to be alone. But just remember, you are not alone, you have me here, as well as some people of the village.

“I am sure that the Third would be willing to help you if you asked for his help, as well as the one who brought you to the hospital, someone named Morino Ibiki. There are others out there, you just have to find them.”

Naruto holding back tears only nodded his head as he heard this. He still had one question left to ask before responding to the deal. “Ano… Hikari… I have one more question if you don’t mind..”

“By all means, ask Naruto.”

“Could you be my Nee-chan? Since I don’t have any family, I was wondering if you could be my sister..”

Hikari was surprised yet again by this, but she was very flattered as well. After causing him so many problems in his young life, he wanted to call her sister. “Of course Naruto, I would be glad to be your Nee-chan, and you could be my Otouto. How does that sound Otouto?”

He couldn’t help but nod his head furiously up and down at this news. “Yeah! Yeah! That would be great Nee-chan!.”

With that they both laughed for several minutes before calming back down enough to continue talking.

“Nee-chan, I accept your deal! I will be the best Shinobi Konoha has ever seen! I’m not going to stop there either! I am going to be Hokage one day! I want to be the best Hokage ever, even better then the Fourth!”

“Very well then, now for the down payment on our deal. First, you will gain sense like my, you will have the sight, hearing, taste, and smelling abilities of the Kitsunes. Secondly, you will be able to heal quicker then normal people. This is another one of my powers, that I am granting you. As we speak, it is already starting to work.

“Right now it is not as powerful as it would be when you grow older. So it will not heal all of your wounds completely. With you as badly hurt as you were, it will leave several scars on your body where the most severe wounds were. As you grow older the healing power will grow stronger, and heal you enough to where it will not leave scars. I can not fix old wounds, so your scars will stay if you gain them before then.

"So do not get any ideas that you are invinsible Otouto. You can still be killed, and severely injured. Do not let this go to your head, do you understand?”

“COOL, that is cool Nee-chan, thanks! Don’t worry, I don’t plan on making today an everyday event.. At least not if I can help it at least…”

Hikari couldn’t help but smile at this. “Otouto, I have one other thing, the power of the Kitsune Illusions. This is normally used by the younger Kitsune, to protect them, so it is only fitting that you should gain it as well.

“With this, when you are in danger, it will make you blend so well into the surroundings. No one would be able to see, smell, or sense you when this happens. As you grow older you will be able to control it better, and use it when your life is not in danger.. This is one of the reasons why we Kitsunes are tricksters. So be careful with it when you use it. If someone knew you were able to use a demon techniques, things would not be pretty.”

“YES! Thanks again Nee-chan! I guess I can’t tell anyone about these though can I? Since I wouldn’t know who I could trust and all..”

“I would say there is only one person worth telling, as he will always be there for you, and that would be the Sandaime, he deserves to know that we have talked, and that you know about me. He may also be able to help you become a Ninja, just do not tell him about our deal. He may not like the idea of me teaching you my demonic skills.”


With that both settled into a comfortable silence. Hikari was about to say something, when she noticed something strange with the healing powers.

'Hm, this is odd. It seems most of his injuries have healed enough to heal naturally in a few days, except for one.. This could cause some problems for Otouto.. With out this he may not be able to become a strong Ninja like he wants.. How do I tell him that he may have lost his voice forever..'


Hospital Room

“Ohjiro-san! Ohjiro-san! Something is happening to Uzumaki Naruto!”

When Ohjiro heard this he jumped from the cot he had been laying in and followed the nurse to Uzumaki Naruto’s room. As he walked to the bed, he noticed something was off, he couldn’t place it at first. That is until he got closer and had a better look at the young boy’s body.

'This is impossible.. A few days ago he was barely hanging onto a small thread of life. Now nearly all of his wounds have healed! I must tell the Hokage.'

“Go get the Hokage, tell him it is urgent that he gets here as soon as possible.”

Hearing that, the Anbu, with silver hair, and a dog mask, vanished in a puff of smoke.


Hokage Office

It had been nearly two weeks since the incident with Naruto and the villagers. Ibiki and Anko were still having a little too much fun with the unlucky Shinobi involved in the incident. The Sandaime was enjoying the silence, something that has been in short supply in those two weeks, when a puff of smoke appeared in front of his desk revealing a silver haired Anbu with a dog mask on.

“Hokage-sama, Doctor Mihara requests your presence in Uzumaki Naruto’s room, he says that it is urgent, and you should get there immediately.”

The Hokage was gone before the silver haired Anbu finished his message. With that task done, he walked out of the office, and pulled a small orange book out from his jacket, and walked down the hall.



The Hokage made it to the room in record time, after all he knew the path there like the back of his hand. During the weeks Naruto had been in a coma, he had flat lined about every other day. So he knew how to get there faster then some of the nurses and doctors did.

As he entered the room he was greeted to the site of numerous Doctors poking and prodding the young boy. There were Medic Nin scanning him as well with their special jutsus. All of them had a very surprised look on their face, many looked like they had never seen anything like a young boy in the hospital before. The Hokage then noticed Ohjiro coming up to him.

“Ohjiro-san, what seems to be the problem, why are all of these people here in the room, and not just the regular staff?”

“Hokage-sama, I am glad you made it here so fast. Something extraordinary has happened! All of Naruto’s wounds have healed so much, that they may heal on their own in just a few days, even with all of his more severe wounds!. It is amazing, no one has seen anything like this before.”

To say the Hokage was surprised would not do his reaction justice. He stood there, looking at a young boy who at been knocking on Death’s door several times during the week, and running away like a bad joke. Now the boy was nearly back to perfect health. There could only be one thing to explain this, Kyubi.

“Ohjiro-san, do not let this out to any one else. His medical files are now an S-class secret in this village. Should he come back to the hospital again, he is to see you, and only you. You have just become his official Doctor, as such, you are the one who will give him all of his physicals, and other such exams.

"Swear all others to secrecy, and make sure they know what will happen if they leak this. If they have a problem with this, they can come and speak with me directly in my office.”

The doctor could only nod dumbly at this news. He was glad just like everyone else that the boy was okay, but to make this an S-Class village secret? This could be a new Bloodline that had just activated. Then it hit him, this wasn’t a bloodline, it could only be one thing.

'Kyubi is healing him? I suppose it makes sense, if the boy dies, then Kyubi would die too. So I guess the damn demon is finally making itself useful for the poor kid.'

He nodded, and went about filling out all of the needed paperwork, and letting all those present know about the Hokage’s orders.


Naruto’s Mindscape

“Otouto, I have something I need to tell you. It is very important, and may change our plans some.”

Naruto looked up from where he was sitting, giving his attention to his newly found Nee-chan.

“It seems, even with the healing power, and the help of those outside, there is a part of you that may never heal properly. It is your voice box, and vocal cords. When that b*****d human attacked you, and stabbed you there, something happened to prevent it from healing properly.”

“Huh? How can that be? I’m talking to you right now aren’t I? So how could that be true?”

“While you are here, your injuries from the outside do not effect you, but if you were to gain injuries here, it would effect your body. So if you are cut on your real body while here, you would not be cut in the Mindscape. But, if you are cut or injured in the Mindscape, then the same would happen to your real body.

“So because your injury to your real body, you are still able to speak inside of the Mindscape. This may cause a problem for us, and our plans for your future.”

“ How will this change things? I am still going to become Hokage, no matter what I have to do! And no matter what happens to my body.”

“Naruto, most Ninjas need a voice to help concentrate on performing jutsus. This is why I say it will be a problem. Thankfully there might be a way around this, and it will be very hard on you to do this. I know you can do it, and I will help you to an extent. I will not help much, just enough to let you know what needs to be done.”

“Cool! Then we will stay with the plan.. I won’t let this stop me from getting to my dream!”. With this he struck a pose, and gave the “V” for victory sign, meaning he would never give up on this dream till he made it.

“Very well then. I believe there is someone outside waiting to speak with you. Remember though Otouto, you will not have a voice out there, so you will have to find a way to communicate with them. Writing on a scroll, or some other paper might be the best way to do it.

“But remember, do not tell anyone but the Hokage that you have spoken with me. We wouldn’t want to scare those who dislike you into acting again.”.

With that, she made Naruto slowly return to his regular state of mind, and exit the Mindscape.



Naruto’s eyes slowly blinked open, then closed again.

'Man, why are the lights so bright here.'

The Hokage saw this, since he was sitting at the side of the bed waiting for this sign. Not long after he first arrived they realized that Naruto may very well wake up sooner then they thought. Granted, they never thought he would wake up at all.

“Naruto, can you hear me? It’s me, the ‘old man’. Come on Naruto, let me know if you can hear me.”

Slowly Naruto opened his eyes again, squinting up at the lights of the ceiling. He turned his head side to side, looking around the room. There were no windows, except for the small one on the door. The room smelled like someone went overboard with their cleaning. He had no idea why someone would do that. It was all white, and blinding white the florescent lights reflecting off of the walls, and the white marble tile floor.

He turned his head and smiled to the Hokage, a big toothy fox like smile, that crinkled up his face, and caused his eyes to squint some. He slowly pulled a hand out from under the sheets and gave the old man a thumbs up.

The Hokage was surprised to see him in such a happy mood. More so when he saw the big smile Naruto slapped on his face, and the thumbs up following it.

“Naruto, we need to talk about what happened okay. I need you to tell me why you never came to me and let me know they kicked you out of the home. If I had known, this may have never happened to you. I am sorry this happened, and only wish I could have gotten there a little faster. Thankfully young Ayame managed to get some help when she did. She and her father are doing very well, and have tried to come by to see you several times.”

Naruto again flashed his smile, and nodded. He pulled his other hand out from under the sheets and held it to the other, making a motion like he was trying to write something in thin air, hoping the Hokage would understand what he was trying to say.

The Hokage watched Naruto closely, and noticed what he was doing. Surprised that he forgot what the Doctors said, he quickly got some paper and a pen for Naruto to use.

Taking the offered paper and pen from him, Naruto scribbled out,

“Hey Old Man! It’s great to be awake.. Boy to we have a lot to talk about. You may want to lock the doors or something so that no one can come in while we talk.”

Nodding, the Hokage walked to the door, and let the Anbu outside known what was going on, closed the door, and locked it. “Okay Naruto, you can go ahead and start now”

“Well, sorry about the scare.. I tried coming to talk to you like you said, but every time I would be chased away by people.. I finally just gave up on trying to get to you.. About the Orphanage, they tossed me out about the same time.. Not sure when it was exactly. But those don’t matter any more, I got a Nee-Chan!”

After reading the last part, the Hokage did a double take making sure he read that right.

'He found his sister while he was in a coma? Or could he mean the Kyubi… if so, I thought the Kyubi was male.. Wouldn’t be the first surprised we got from the Kyubi.'

“Naruto, do you mean the Kyubi is your Nee-chan? Are you sure you don’t me Ni-san?”

Naruto shook his head ‘no’, and pointed at what he wrote again. Then started to write out, “No, I mean Nee-chan. Kyubi is a girl, and a very pretty one too! She looks almost like an angel.”

In the Mindscape, Hikari couldn’t help but blush at the compliments he continued to give her.

“She is very nice, and even helped to heal me some. But she told me that I might not get my voice back.. Which is a real bummer, but I can live with it.”

The Sandaime was surprised at how well Naruto was doing, thinking about it, he was also very surprised at how well the young boy could write. He was writing very neat, and clear, easy enough for him to read. It was almost as if he was a child genius, with the way he wrote, and spoke through his writing.

“Naruto, am I to understand, that you and the Kyubi, have spoken? What has he… Er she said to each you? Please do not leave anything out. If need be I will get a scroll for you to write all of this on. That way we could file it away in the archives or in my office.”

Naruto nodded, and let the Hokage know that he should do that. After a few minutes an Anbu knocked on the door with what the Hokage asked for. With that done he got a rolling table, and brought it over to Naruto with the Scroll rolled out and open for Naruto to use. With that, Naruto began to write out everything that happened that night 2 weeks ago. He told the Hokage everything, except for the deal made with Hikari.

As Naruto got to the part of wanting to be a Ninja, and dreaming to become the Hokage of the village, the Sandaime was utterly surprised. This child, who could not, and may never be able to speak another word verbally, still wanted to become a Ninja, even after hearing from the Kyubi, no his Nee-Chan.

'This is going to take getting used to, not to mention that HER name is Hikari. That was something she never told used 5 years ago, that it would be very hard to do.'

But who was the Hokage to deter him from such a dream? He would back him up from the shadows as best as he could. With that in mind he made a mental note to register Naruto for the Ninja academy as soon as possible. He was also very interested in what he heard about the “gifts” that were given to Naruto. He was very thankful when he heard about the Kitsune Illusion technique, but he feared what Naruto may do with it as he learned to control it. He could already feel the headaches coming to him.

After all this was done, the Hokage still had one question left for Naruto. Something was just bothering him about the way Naruto was able to write so fine, and clear.

“Naruto, I have one more question before I let you get some rest for the night. How are you able to write so well? You couldn’t have learned it from any where, do to the sad events that have happened. So how have you learned to write so clearly, and neatly?”

Naruto was stunned when he heard this, everything he was doing just felt so natural. But now that he thought about it, he realized that he had never learned to write very well. He did the only thing he could think of, he asked his Nee-chan.

'Nee-chan, do you have any thing to do with this? I’ve never been able to write like this before. It almost seems like someone took over my body or something.'

Naruto heard a chuckle in the back of his mind from the Mindscape. He knew she had something to do with it.

"Otouto, you are smarter then people give you credit. Along with the other gifts, let’s just say I jump started your brain with some of my memories, that way you could talk to people better. I also have something else in mind for you, that I plan on teaching you once we get out of here."

After hearing this, he let the Hokage know, and watched as a brief stunned look passed quickly, and left as quickly across his face.

“Okay Naruto, I think it is time you get some rest. You still are not completely healed yet, so rest up. You may be able to leave the hospital by the end of the week. Hopefully I have something set up for you to live in by then.

Seeing how you are still young, I may see if I can find someone to take care of you. You may not believe me, but there are a number of Ninja that are worried about you, one being Morino Ibiki. He seems to have taken a liking to you, and has been by every day. I think you will be surprised when you finally meet him.”

With that the Hokage tucked Naruto in, and whispered a goodnight to him. He turned towards the door, and dimmed the lights down before he left the room.

'Well Yondaime, if anything, he has the potential to become the hero you want him to be, let us see what Kami has in store for him now. Hopefully the rest of his life is not as bad as his first few years have been.'

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