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Lady Reigna Estelle Durem
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This is an important notice about this character's "purpose
in combat", this character's "role play combat realism" and
the reasoning behind it, as well as other very important
information that should be read before engaging into combat
with this character AND/OR the continuation of your reading
of this character's role play combat data post!!

....unfortunately I have yet to complete it.

  • 1. The purpose of this character's role play combat data post:

    The purpose of this post is NOT for you to read and digest the entire
    thing, and then try to take it all into consideration while confronting this

    The purpose of this post is nothing more than a reference.

    -A reference to be studied by those who are interested in the
    character and her profile,

    -A reference to be used by my opponents when they want to
    research a small amount of info about this character in order
    to get a better understanding and visualization of what this
    character does in battle.

    -And a reference to be used by me while I am in combat, so that
    I may not deviate from the original design of the abilities, their
    rules, flaws, limitations, and qualities.

    -This reference is NOT created so that my foes (who have not yet
    encountered this character in combat) may use it as an O.O.C.
    knowledge advantage!

    -And as a reference for those of you who dare to accuse me of
    godmoding or anything of the sort or likeness, so that you can
    come here and be put to silence.

  • 2. This character's purpose in combat:
    I use this character in combat for very few reasons, and all of
    them drive me this far and further.

    -The first of these reasons is "self-betterment", and by that I mean
    "self-betterment" in the areas that I personally value most.
    Those areas that I attempt honing in include but are not limited to
    creative writing, and other forms of cunning and creativity,
    punctuation, concept comprehension, and many other things I will
    fail to mention here, but most of all I love combat, and I love to fight!
    What better explaination could you want?

  • 3. Concerning this character's role play combat realism, and why:
    This is a very important and significant issue, and that is because the world
    of Gaia(online(.com)) is a very fantastic place, where all sorts of characters,
    phenomenon, and abilities come together no matter how INCOMPATABLE
    they might be when used either together or versus one another. Often is it
    that two or more role-players engage in combat and conclude with immature
    bickering because before any other complications were given opportunity to
    completely and utterly ruin the peaceful flow (of what is normally godmoding),
    the sheer incompatibility of poorly premeditated character/role play realism
    forces arguments to arise via the good old dependable misunderstanding.

    And because most role-players THINK they have an understanding
    of what another one or more role-player's sense of realism is, and because
    they ASSUME that; so called "common sense" is somehow identical
    in every mind, or irresponsibly believe that it should be, and in addition
    should be the source of dictation for what universal realism is ideal as:
    these arguments will always arise, continue, persist, and ruin role play...
    And by the heavens, if everyone whom role play fights would come together
    and agree on one or more universal realism settings for role play, no one
    would ever have problems with godmoding, again (unless someone
    godmods deliberately).

    This is why I decided to pre-declair the level of realism that this character
    is designed for and functions under.

    That level of realism is EXTREME and complete realism with the
    exception of the usage of fantastic, phenomenal, and unreal abilities,
    feats, and paraphernalia, that will themselves have qualities that best
    represent the qualities they might have if they were to exist in "real life",
    or a non-fantasy (and/or non-fiction) environment, regardless of the
    impossibility of such a concept.

    I expect but do not assume every role play combat foe or ally I encounter
    to respect, follow, nore practice this personal decree which I enforce on
    my very own character which this profile is about, neither do I require
    any one or more specific realism settings to face or role play with the
    characters that belong to other 'Gaians', but please keep in mind, I do
    appreciate people willing to "color within the lines" sort to speak (hint).

    I am certain that there will be complaints of some or whatever sort that
    will cause me to build onto, and/or edit this notice, so keep your eyes
    peeled and enjoy your time here on Gaiaonline.com.

Thank you for your patience...
Sincerely, Magdelena
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=Sacred Pact Beast, Fairy Companion=
Reigna possesses a sacred pact with a mythological creature.
A sacred pact is a rite that combines the spiritual and life force
sources of two beings capable of performing the ritual together.

Phenomenal and eldrich events accur due to a pact, that almost
always prove supernaturally benneficial to the pact partners.

The pact partner that Reigna has aquired is a fairy.

The fairy's name herself is "Minerva Melusine Ashtoreth Phaedra",
although she prefers to be called, and is most commonly referred to as:
"Phae", "Phaedra", or "Fae".

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Phaedra is a source of incredible, and immense magical
energies, and for it can cast very powerful magick spells,
and has many magical abilities, as well as abilities enhanced by magick.

In most cases Phaedra is barely visible through her radiant glow, but
images and appearances of her can be found throughout this profile
for the sake visual aid.

    Phaedra's magical abilities are:
  • Teleportation
    -Instantly changes Phaedra's physical location with a flash of magick energy.
    Can be used to deal "High-Tempreture", and "Non-Elemental", Magick
    damage if it is used to reposition into a individual foe's exact location.
    Teleports Phaedra up to a maximum distance of 60ft. (sixty feet).

  • Blast Flight
    -Phaedra becomes encased in a blast-wave of magick energy, while
    flying at high velocity. This ability is normally used as a high speed attack.
    Phaedra can NOT turn, drift, stall, descend, nore ascend from her
    dedicated direction once she executes and performs this magick ability.

    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated).
    Deals "High-Tempreture", and "Non-Elemental", Magick damage.
    Will deal reduced damage if the target foe(s) are hit indirectly.
    Can be used to travel and close a distance of up to 70ft. (sixty feet).

  • Glowing Body Glove Protection (usable on herself OR others.)
    -Phaedra encases herself or one other individual in solid magick energy
    with unknown and eldrich qualities, making them impervious to harm.
    A thin sillhouette outline of peridot, and hue-shifting energies is visible
    around the target of this ability.
    This ability lasts so long as Phaedra continues to use it, and ends when
    she stops or is interrupted.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated).
    Will deal "High-Tempreture", "Non-Elemental", Magick damage to things
    and people that come into physical contact with the individual protected
    by this magick ability.
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 45ft. (fourty-five feet).

  • Healing
    -Phaedra rejuvenates an individual reversing the effects of physical
    harm and damage delt to them. The longer Phaedra continues to
    performs this ability the more damage is healed.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated).
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 45ft. (fourty-five feet).

  • Fairy/Faery/Pixie - Dust
    -Phaedra builds up a large amount of her own magical dust,
    and normally collides it with an individual person or thing, to
    coat them with it. The properties of this magical debris can allow
    an object or being to defy gravity and "fly" according to their
    own whim and accord. If the target is an object, inanimate, and
    without it's own will or accord, then it will just become weightless,
    as if in zero gravity, however ofcourse will retain it's mass.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated,
    unless used for a storyline-vital, or cinematic event.
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 4ft. (four feet).

  • Revive
    -Phaedra concentrates the rejuvenative properties of her magic
    onto a single individual, by the use of a special modulation technique.
    This variation of this method can revive an unconscious individual,
    but can not be used to resurrect a dead individual.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated,
    unless used for a storyline-vital, or cinematic event.
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 4ft. (four feet).

  • Cure
    -Phaedra concentrates the rejuvenative properties of her magic
    onto a single individual, by the use of a special modulation
    technique. This variation of this method can will cure ailments.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated,
    unless used for a storyline-vital, or cinematic event.
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 4ft. (four feet).

  • Recover
    -Phaedra concentrates the rejuvenative properties of her magic
    onto a single individual, by the use of a special modulation technique.
    This variation of this method can recover an individual from an
    infliction that is unrelated to ailments, such as, but not limited to;
    dizziness, un-natural slumber, blindness, and stun.
    (Reduces Phaedra's energy bar when initiated,
    unless used for a storyline-vital, or cinematic event.
    Can only be used on a target within a range of 4ft. (four feet).

    =Universal Counter Balance Flaws for Phaedra's Magick Abilities=
  • Cost of energy stamina limit.
    Because Phaedra's magical abilities have no, and
    require no "warm up", "charge up", or "prepairation time";

    Phaedra's magick abilities can NOT be used simultaneously,
    together at the exact same time. In addition Phaedra may NOT,
    can NOT, and will NOT be capable of using any magick ability
    unless Phaedra is not currently using one.

  • High cost of energy stamina.
    Because Phaedra's magical abilities have no, and
    require no "cool down", "delay", or "fatigue time"
    (due to her being the source of her own magick energy);

    Phaedra's magick abilities will have a high cost for their use,
    and will reduce Phaedra's magick energy bar by 1/3rd (a third)
    of it's maximum capacity, allowing for no more than only 3 (three)
    of her magick abilities (that require magick stamina) to be used
    consecutively in a fashion that would not allow Phaedra's magick
    energy bar to regenerate.

    Phaedra's magick spells are:
    Phaedra has yet to begin to learn and master any magick spells...

Sacred Pact abilities:
The Sacred Pact of Reigna and Phaedra

Alone, Phaedra can be a handful, even for a fairy.
And to continue she is always by Reigna's side assisting her in battle.

However there are additional benefits that these pact partners
receive for being bound together by soul and life force.

Not unlike all sacred pact partners of any pact type, this pair has
acquired combined life span. For Phaedra whom is already an ageless
and immortal fairy, this is not much of a bonus. However Reigna has
acquired immortality, and infinite stamina, capable of unlimited activity
without stop.
But never to be over looked is the ever present cost that the weaker
of the two pact partners must pay for performing the sacred pact ritual.

And for Reigna her cost is that of growth, age, and maturity.
Never for the rest of eternity will Reigna age, develop, mature, or
grow, as before the pact her greatest desire was to be precisely as
her mother is in every way.

There are also additional hazards to pact partners bound together
by spirit and life force.

Should the weaker of the two pact partners die, both pact partners
will die.

Should the stronger of the two pact partners die, the pact will be broken.

Regular occurrence is it for pact partners to be able to communicate
with though via spiritual connection even over extremely vast distances.
Reigna and Phaedra are no different from other pact partners in this way.

Unique to pact partners which have qualities like Phaedra the Fairy;
such an eldrich being as her which is a source and being of magic
can enter and fuse with their formally mortal pact partners.

This feat is not a difficult one sense pact partners already share
a common soul and life force.
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Holy Mode - not yet unlocked.
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Dark Mode - not yet unlocked.
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  • Anointed Princess Coronet of Durem
    -This coronet is bestowed onto the anointed daughter of the King.
    Made of solid gold it offers some insignificant defense, and does little
    more than look pretty. However it is said to be for the anointed
    for a purpose, and is rumored to reflect the soul of the wearer.
    Reigna's Holy Crown (Holy Mode)
    Maiden Bonette (Dark Mode)


Head 2

  • Durem Keepsake Earrings

These earrings are dynasty keepsake passed down to
Reigna as they were passed down to every crowned
princess of Durem. These earrings are passed down to
the anointed crowned princess to the throne of Durem as
a methodology to protect the princess from assassinations,
sexual ravagings, and other would be acts of desecration,
sacrilege, and profane
. These earrings make this capable
because they are blessed to be embued with Holy
powers which release from the princess's person when
she is endangered by sinister, malicious, and evil individuals,
objects, energies, and intentions.

As a consequence she can not come into direct physical
contact with, and can not be made to direct physical contact
by sinister, malicious, and evil individuals, objects, energies,
and intentions.

These earrings make this possible with a solid cylinder
closed shape barrier of holy energies which is projected
to encase the wearer of these earrings.
The barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded wearer
or to exercise mental control over the wearer
(including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment
(compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing or temporary
control over the subject, such as dominate person).
The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the
protected wearer, but it suppresses the effect.

Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force.
This second effect works regardless of alignment.

The barrier projected by these earrings prevents bodily
contact by evil beings, energies, and objects. This causes
the natural weapon attacks of such beings to fail and the
beings and their weapons to recoil if such attacks require
touching the warded being.

Good or neutral beings, objects, or energies are immune
to this effect.
The protection ends if the warded wearer makes an attack
against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked being,
object, or energies.

  • Durem Keepsake Brooch
    -This brooch is a dynasty keepsake passed down to
    Reigna as they were passed down to every crowned
    princess of Durem. This brooch is passed down to
    the anointed crowned princess to the throne of Durem as
    a methodology to protect the princess from abductions,
    attacks, and other would be acts of desecration, sacrilege,
    and profane, by giving the princess the ability to deter
    attackers, and defend herself
    . This brooch makes this
    possible because it is blessed to be embued with
    Holy powers. The divine energies of this
    brooch pour into her body and empower it protectively.
    The result is that her flesh (regardless of it's softness)
    is extremely hard to break and damage.
    Because of this brooch, Reigna is arguably impervious
    to most conventional physical attacks.
    Due to this, attacks require excess forces to deal regular damage.
    Most foes are forced to buy time in order to ready such attacks.
    Another result of this brooch's divine
    energy is enormous strength. With this strength granted
    by this brooch, Reigna can carry about and handle weights
    of nearly 4 (four) tons so long as she applies minor to decent
    efforts. Reigna's strength is enhanced because the brooch
    adds forces to Reigna's physical power, generated by her
    natural muscular contraction, and expansion. When these
    forces are created naturally by Reigna, an amount of force
    is added to the forces of her every movement. This
    includes but is not limited to movements as simple as:
    toe, finger, and eye movements.
    The more natural effort Reigna applies to her physical
    movement, the more tons of force her physical power
    and strength will be exaggerated by.
    The maximum amount of power Reigna has ever been
    recorded exserting was 7 (seven) tons, plus the forces of
    her own natural strength wich is barely noticable in comparasen.
    The brooch also protects Reigna from harming herself by
    the means of her own enhanced strengths, which could otherwise
    tear and break her body.
    The brooch could theoretically allow for "super-speed"
    because it enhances muscular forces, but because it does
    not also enhance reflex swiftness of the wearer, and due
    to Reigna's perfectly human reflexes, she will never be
    able to use this brooch for the purpose of enhanced running
    speeds. However, Reigna can use her enhanced strengths as
    a means to achieve very high jumping heights!
    In addition to all this, this brooch also protects Reigna from
    illness, rendering her immune to sickness, and disease.
    Has also been found to protect the wearer from molecular
    manipulation, transmuttation, and alterations.
    Yellow Estelle Brooch (Holy Mode)
    Rosary (Dark Mode)


Hands and Arms
  • Lord Knight Grieves
    Leather Gloves (Holy Mode)


Feet and Legs
  • Lord Knight Gauntlets
    Female Paladin Grieves (Any Transformation)


  • Karsnaut Estoc Zweihander
    A sword of great breadth, wide at it's base, though narrow to the tip,
    this sword is extremely heavy even beyond weight of other great swords.
    It is also a keepsake passed down in the royal dynasty, but only princes
    of the royal family are supposed to acquire it. Reigna is the first acception
    to this tradition. Made of the finest steels available to Durem six hundred
    years ago, the quality and integrity of this blade is great.
    Nothing seems supernatural about this weapon, accept that Reigna is
    capable of resting the weapon across her back as she sees fit as if it
    we inserted into a sheath. Though appearantly there is no sheath of any
    kind upon her back.
    Karsnaut Estoc Holy Zweihander (Any Transformation)


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Lady Reigna Estelle Durem
Community Member
  • 08/19/07 to 08/12/07 (8)

  • User Comments: [2]
    Lady Reigna Estelle Durem
    Community Member

    Thu Aug 16, 2007 @ 07:24am


    This character has a precious and delicate balance
    of strength and weakness before any of Phaedra's
    magic spells have been introduced, or before the
    alternate forms have been made available.

    Make sure that when Reigna develops far enough
    to obtain these things that they are heavily seperated
    from her enough as not to ruin the origional character
    nature and power balance!

    User Comments: [2]
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