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I think that I have finally come to a conclusion....
....but before I tell you that, I need to go over some basics, for you, and myself. For those of you who don't know, or can't remember, I was born on the 28th of December in the year 1988. And for those of you that are too lazy, I have been 18 for 7 months now. Yes, that makes me an adult.

And here is my dilemma. Ever since I graduated from highschool, which was June 7th, I have been trying to live, in harmony, with my parents. I figured that I could milk off of their stability in having a home and having food prepared every night. But lately, there has been a lack of respect, form both me, and my parents. I want to be more independent.

But independence isn't the true problem, cause if you ask my friends, I already have that. What the problem is, is that I want to be treated like an adult, and my mother, in particular, is having a hard time comprehending that. She thinks, that because that she can nag my dad, and get what she wants that she can do it to me. And I flat out told her, "I will not be nagged and treated like I am 8. I am not your husband so don't treat me like you treat him. You won't get results from me if you nag. No one does."

This didn't set to well with her, and when something doesn't set to well with my mother, she plays the only card that she will ever have over my life. The "Don't talk to me like that, I am your mother and if you don't like the way I "roll" (she doesn't say "roll" but that is the way I here it) than you don't have to live here," card. She has almost kicked me out of the house three or four times this week, I can't remember, I prefer to tune her out.

I know that some of you think that she is in the right, and she probably is, but I am an adult and have the right to be treated like one. I will not be belittled by anyone, no matter what. This kinda stuff has been happening lately.

Like tonight, I was sitting in the living room with the French guys, playing Super Smash Brothers: Melee. Everyone was down to three lives, and my dad tells me to take out the trash. I had already done it earlier and couldn't believe that the trash was full again, so I said, I just did it. My parents thought that I was saying that it wasn't my turn to take out the trash. (In my house, whoever has the dishes has the other duties in the kitchen to take care of as well.) My dad said that it was full again and that I needed to take care of it. I said ok, like every other teenager would say.

I was going to get the trash as soon as I died or became victorious in the game. But my parents couldn't wait one second, So they said, "Get up and do the trash now!" I yelled back, "Hold on." Again, my wonderful mother assumed that I wasn't going to do it so she said, "You might as well start packing your bags!" Veratrum... I then died and took out the trash.

There is two other things that you need to know and understand about me. First, I respect everyone first, and I respect them a few times too. But, if I don't get any respect back, then I don't respect you anymore. And I won't respect you until I get respect back from you. Respect is not a game played my one person. It is something that we all have to work with together.

So know that you know that, the only person, in my entire family that I respect is my older sister. Ok, actually, her entire family I respect, her husband, and four kids. The rest of my immediate family, which includes: my dad, two brothers, and my mom, I don't have any respect for.

The second thing is that I am a Christian and I know that I am supposed to honor and respect my parents, but I think that there is a limit to that respect, at least for me there is.

Another issue that I have with my parents is that they read my mail. I have the same name as my father, but I am the III, he is Jr. And both my father and my mother think that my mail is my fathers. So they are always looking at and reading my mail. I am so sick of that. I don't even get the luxury and privacy of reading my own mail. I feel like Harry Potter.

Just the other day, my mother opened my bank statement and asked where the scholarship money that I received went. I spent it of course. I received $3000. $500 went to fixing my car, $300 went to buying my laptop, some of it went to paying off my minor credit card debt, and $200 went towards books. But the point is that it is my money that wasn't delegated towards anything. And she is getting on my case. I know that she is probably trying to do the right thing, but haven't you ever heard that if the bird doesn't learn to fly on it's own, it never will?

So I came to the conclusion, that if I want solitude, or freedom, or privacy, or to be treated like I should, or whatever it is that you think that it should be called, than I am going to have to move out.

So I am looking for an apartment. Which is going to be hard, because I am going to college full time and working part time. So even though that coming to the decision was easy, due to the circumstances, the actual process of the act will be difficult.

User Comments: [3]
S A D - D O L L Y
Community Member

Mon Aug 20, 2007 @ 03:49pm

i know how you feel, like sometime smy sister will go onmy lap top and try and read my mail and s**t, as you must know my sister and i are two diff people. she the fit flat chested girl who stuck up and things everone should lissten to her, she also a size one and tings she FAT!!! and im the gotic art person who peace full, and my mom and dad fight alot to the poit i tell them to split up. well i hope things work out for you, and your a great friend also if you need any help with the role play avi i would love to help=)

Community Member

Tue Aug 21, 2007 @ 05:19am

1. You should know that I went through the same thing with my dad.
2. Remember whos house your living in the time being.
3. It's not easy finding a place cheap enough to live on your own here in CA.
4. It's hard to find a room mate that is responsible.
5. No matter how hard you try you will always be your parents baby.
6. If you dont pay any rent...you have no right to tell your parents the your to busy to do work around the house even if you work and go to school.
7. It maybe hard to live with your parents but it may help if you sit down and talk to them one night about what you feel.
8. it doesn't matter if your 18 or 35 you will never get full respect from everyone in your life...even from your parents.
9. Growing up is hard and life ain't fair...so deal with it.
10. These are just some things that I've learned after getting out of high school. I know some of it maybe hard to take in but its true. But one thing you need to remember is to be yourself and believe in yourself. And since you said you are a christian you need to trust in the Lord with all your soul, heart, and mind that he will provide and guide you through the hard times.

Community Member

Sat Aug 25, 2007 @ 03:05pm

Wow, things seem tough for you. sad
I know how you feel. My older brother has the same thing going on with him and I watch it like a movie, nothin I can do to stop it. I have some issues with my parents too, and yes, they want me to move out, but I cant since im only 16.
I could tell you think of the positives, or itll all get better soon, but I cant control that. I can control however, being a friend to lean on if you need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to you, or someone you can vent on just to feel better.
I wish you the best of luck, I understand your respect thing. I love my older brother, which would be your older sister in your case. Anyways, I love him to death and even though he hasnt talked to me in months and he still lives here, I know he loves me too.
Maybe you can find security and help in your sister and stay with her. You could babysit her kids for her when she wanted to go out on a date with her hubby and help out with things in return for a room to stay in. Just an idea.
Talk to you soon, bye

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