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The life of sasuke uchiha
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: ummm colette why don't we walk around the village for abit?
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: umm okay
forgottenuchihasister: *grabs head*
forgottenuchihasister: ???:hn this girl is fighting back
WANKSTA69: *looks at tsuki*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (same here)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*speeds off to the leafe and is disguised as normal villager*
forgottenuchihasister: ???:i'll be leaving but we'll meet again
forgottenuchihasister: *eye turns normal again*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura:..............
WANKSTA69: *u wont live next tim we meet*
forgottenuchihasister: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u183/stoligirl31/eye-2.gif
forgottenuchihasister: normal eye!)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: fangrls n fanboys: *chasing temeri and kankuro* COME BAK MARRY USSSSSSSSSSS
forgottenuchihasister: XD)
WANKSTA69: *eyes remain blood shot*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *stands up and holds out a hand to help colette up*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (sick eye)
forgottenuchihasister: i lov it!)
Hinata-Chan2588: colette:*takes the hand and he helps her up*
forgottenuchihasister: *turns normal* ahh! S**T! wheres my headband!!!
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: gaara calm down *shows him a chocolate chip cookie*
WANKSTA69: *sand returns 2 gourd Walks over and grabs cap and places it on top*
WANKSTA69: *looks away from cookie*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: zetsu: *opens door* mommi where r me oreos
WANKSTA69: im eatin them
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: im the cupboard sweetie......
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *walks to the village not knowing he was holding her hand still*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: zetsu:er.......rite.........sand boy....oh......ty mommi *closes door*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: deidara: *opens door* MOM crying I CANT FIND MY CLAY
forgottenuchihasister: sakura?
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *sigh* its in the living room dear*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: yes?
WANKSTA69: that rite u batter walk away
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: deidara: TY MOMMI *closes door*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *shoves a cookie in gaara mouth*
forgottenuchihasister: wheres my headband!!!!!
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: *blushes and continues to walk alittle behind him with her hand in his hand still*
WANKSTA69: *spits it out* no more cookies il get fat
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: um........*sees it on the ground picks it up n tosses it to her* dere
forgottenuchihasister: thx *ties it over eyes*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: -_- fine....HERES THE DIET COOKIES *puts one in his mouth*
forgottenuchihasister: ah much better
WANKSTA69: fine eats it happly
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sasori: *opens door* mommi.....wheres my blankie
WANKSTA69: *sist down and eats cokkies camly*
WANKSTA69: *looks up at sasori*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *sigh* its in ur room sweetie
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sasori: ty mommi
WANKSTA69: *gives him en eveil llook*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sasori: *closes door*
Hinata-Chan2588: (its funny how sakura didn't take a picture of haru and colette XD)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: gaara stop dat
WANKSTA69: what
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (OMG MUST HAVE A PIC)
forgottenuchihasister: *sits down* soooooo wat happened?
WANKSTA69: im not doin ant thing im eating cokiis
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura clone: *takes pic of haru n colette n give it to sakura n disappeasr*
Hinata-Chan2588: ( I regret saying that)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (XD)
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: what was that flash>
Hinata-Chan2588: ?
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: aw dere cute in dis one
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: I..I..don;t know
forgottenuchihasister: mind filling me in on wat happened?
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: kakuzu: *opens door* MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM THE MONEY IS GONE crying crying crying
WANKSTA69: *trys 2 sneak in door*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: -_- *pulls gaara away from door*
forgottenuchihasister: *kicks door down*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: its in the kitchen in a jar
WANKSTA69: *what i do
forgottenuchihasister: *enters*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *pulls tuski out*
forgottenuchihasister: awwww i wanted to play with dei san *pouts*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: do not ask me y dey call me mom
WANKSTA69: *she not lookin runs in side of broken door*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: oh....ok go ahead
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *grabs gaara* no
forgottenuchihasister: yay! *runs in*
WANKSTA69: what didi do
forgottenuchihasister: dei san! i get to play now!
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *blushes and lets go of her hand and walks next to her. blusing and looks away*
WANKSTA69: fine sist and east anoteh cokkie*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura clone: *takes a pic of haru n colette n disappears*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: gud gaara ^-^
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: *blushes and walks* I heard the flash again
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: in the basement
forgottenuchihasister: *sneaks around inside the base*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: hidan: TY MOM!
WANKSTA69: ahh *give sakuar an evil glare*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: tsuki..wat r u doin
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura:.....um.......rite
forgottenuchihasister: *freezes and turns around slowly*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: well?
forgottenuchihasister: looking for u! ^_^
forgottenuchihasister: *tackles him*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru:*sigh* either someone is taking pictures or someone has a annoying flash
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: oh.....dont tackl---*falls over*
forgottenuchihasister: *grining lik mad*
WANKSTA69: ha window open, climbs up
forgottenuchihasister: *hugs him*
Hinata-Chan2588: (brb my laptop is lagging)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: gaara wat r u doin
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (kk)
forgottenuchihasister: kk)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*walks around village like visitor*
Hinata-Chan2588 leaves the chat.
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *villager
WANKSTA69: weeeelll
forgottenuchihasister: *hugs itachi*
WANKSTA69: i have no clue
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: cant.....breathe
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: rite...ok dont do dat
WANKSTA69: do what
forgottenuchihasister: *pulls kunai out and stabs him from behind*
Hinata-Chan2588 enters the chat.
forgottenuchihasister: *jumps away smirking*
WANKSTA69: *jumps in through window*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: WAT WAT IS IT !!!!!!!!! *runs in* TSUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hinata-Chan2588: (back
Hinata-Chan2588: )
forgottenuchihasister: itachi.............u've gotten weaker
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *runs to itachii* u ok............
forgottenuchihasister: WB)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: susu:*lays book on bedside table and hopes to live*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: shut up foolish lil grl
Hinata-Chan2588: (ty)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: wb)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: deidara: mom........wats goin on
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: zetsu: mom?
WANKSTA69: *grabs another cookie and eats it*
Hinata-Chan2588: (ty)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sasori: *wakes up* mom
forgottenuchihasister: if im so foolish then how come u got stabbed by a lil girl lik me?
forgottenuchihasister: *smirk*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: itachi: becuz ur not my sister
forgottenuchihasister: *freezes* nani!
WANKSTA69: *throw box of cookies in living room* here eat ur hearts out
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: zetsu: ...............um..................im goin to smoke sum weed *goes to room*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: deidara: im goin to play wit clay *goes to room*
WANKSTA69: Hey zetsu im comin with ya
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sasori: im goin to sleep*goes to bed*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: zetsu: ok sand boy...lik i care.........smoke all ya want
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *looks at the sky and its night* hey are u hungry?
WANKSTA69: sweet
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: yes alittle
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: kisame: *DOING FREE WILLI OUTSIDE IN THE POOL*
forgottenuchihasister: ..................
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: lets get some ramen
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *heals itachi bak n he goes to his room*
forgottenuchihasister: *pulls out more kunais*
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: okay
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: tsuki.......get the hell out
WANKSTA69: *goes in to zetsu room*
forgottenuchihasister: *puts kunais away*
forgottenuchihasister: *looks for deidara*
forgottenuchihasister: CLAY TIME! ^_^
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura:...................
forgottenuchihasister: tsuki can be scary sometimes)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: deidara:....................
forgottenuchihasister: XD)
Hinata-Chan2588: haru and colette: *gets to the ramen shop and he orders two ramens and pays for them and give one to colette and one to himself*
WANKSTA69: *smokes a big bowl*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (VERY!)
WANKSTA69: *and walks down stairs*
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: thank you haru
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: ur welcome
forgottenuchihasister: split personalities)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*walks past the base still disguised as a leafe villager*
forgottenuchihasister: XD)
Hinata-Chan2588: colette:*eats her ramen*
WANKSTA69: *looks aound*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *tackles the leaf villager* who the hellr u n y r u here
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (XD)
forgottenuchihasister: *knocks on itachis door*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *eats his ramen fast *
WANKSTA69: *walks out and looks at leaf villiger*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:im just a normal villager and im going out to gatehr herbs
WANKSTA69: sakura dont trust him he looks fishy
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: tsundae has ordered no leaf villagers near dis base........y r u here *goes vampire*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (9mins)
forgottenuchihasister: *hair turns white*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (left)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:i said im going to to go and gather herbs for someone
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: *finishes hers *
WANKSTA69: hey what is that pulls out head out of his pocket
forgottenuchihasister: *eyes go red*
WANKSTA69: pulss out head band
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: gaara.........take care of him*goes inside* TSUKI GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*disappears*
forgottenuchihasister: *evil grin*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *stands up and puts her on his back and takes her to the mansion*
WANKSTA69: good u leave
WANKSTA69: *throw up*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *grabs tsuki n drags her out*
forgottenuchihasister: *pulls out two silver guns* evil voice: remember me?!
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *puts her down* well this day went well I guess....
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *throws her outside* stay the hell away
WANKSTA69: ahh i feel much better
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: yeah it did
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *is ready to battle*
WANKSTA69: *walks back uop 2 base*
forgottenuchihasister: evil voice:*shoots the guns*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: colette I......*looks at her*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *dodges bullets* hn
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: u what haru?
WANKSTA69: runs up 2 base*
forgottenuchihasister: *shoots more bullets at fast speed*
WANKSTA69: *yells* what the hell
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *gets hit by all of em*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: dont tell me.......silver......*coughs up blood*
forgottenuchihasister: no
forgottenuchihasister: just the average
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *kunais appears flying past her and hit the bullets away*
WANKSTA69: 8runs and cathes her*
forgottenuchihasister: i'll spare u life.....................for now
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (dammit I WAS HIT!)
forgottenuchihasister: ur*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: I...I,.,,*moves his head to her and close his eyes* colette: *closes her eyes and leans in*
WANKSTA69: ahhh
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sry im a bti slwo right now))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( there going to ....)
forgottenuchihasister: normal bullets sakura!)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (XD will i was hit)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (kk GUD!)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: well*)
forgottenuchihasister: *returns to normal but has grow two black wings*
forgottenuchihasister: s**t!
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *heards a famillar blade and grabs colette and moves her away*
forgottenuchihasister: *looks at sakura*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: *takes out kunai n starts takin out the bullets*
forgottenuchihasister: s**t!
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*is hidden in tree and watches them extremelky cautously and extremely well hidden*
WANKSTA69: (hey silver only kills lwolves not vampires)
forgottenuchihasister: *runs to sakura and heals her*
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (XD well............its different XD)
Hinata-Chan2588: ??????: well haru I never knew u would have a girlfriend *comes out of the shadows*
forgottenuchihasister: the bullets and gun was dipped in holy water!)
WANKSTA69: *runs 2 sakura side*
forgottenuchihasister: BURN!)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (O.O)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (S**T)
Hinata-Chan2588: ( oh no guess who it is?)
forgottenuchihasister: not these though)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: sakura: *wincing in pain* WAT THE HELL HOLY WATER
WANKSTA69: *stand in front of sakura
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (-_- too bad)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: omg i know who it is)))
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (WHO!)
forgottenuchihasister: NOT THESE BULLET!!!!!!!!!)
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: no not now
forgottenuchihasister: >_<*****)
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: haru who is he?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: that dai somthing guy))
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: an old friend of mine
forgottenuchihasister: daichii)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: yes him))
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (i g2g to bed XD XD XD)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: awww nightz sakura))
forgottenuchihasister: yea me too sorry!)
Hinata-Chan2588: ( bye night sakura)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (DONT KILL THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
WANKSTA69: its still early
forgottenuchihasister: BYE!!!!!)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (nah its 1 30)
forgottenuchihasister leaves the chat.
WANKSTA69: yeah early
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (lol i take ttc to skool razz i gotta get up early)
Hinata-Chan2588: ( okay)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (BYE BYE NITE NITE EVERYONE!)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: NIGHTZ))
WANKSTA69: ight well since every one else is gettin of i might as well
Hinata-Chan2588: (night)
WANKSTA69: night
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125: (XD kk BYE)
Sexy_Sakura_Vampire125 leaves the chat.
WANKSTA69 leaves the chat.
Hinata-Chan2588: ( then u should do them now i won't bug u)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: nah i'll fin them tomarrow)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: umm can i fight that daichi person?)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: ????))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( okay but let haru fight him first for like alittle bit okay?)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: kk))
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: daichi why are u here?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*appears i tree where everyone is and is extremely well hidden*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: cause I can be anywhere I wanr to be, and I thought this place a good place to Kill time
Hinata-Chan2588: haru:*gets his blades out* ur not welcome here
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: same old haru its too bad I hate to kill u and ur girlfriend*gets his blade out and starts to about to strike colette*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: colette!* attackes him to not attack him in a demonic way*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*watches them carefully examineing there every move*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi:*gets his wings out and slashes haru on the arm*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru:*attackes him on the back*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: hehehe ur so weak haru* attackes and does his special move and puts haru on his knees*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: no
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: time to die haru
sasukeuchia_the avenger: now can i attack him?))))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( wait I'm going to do somone and then u can attack him)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: kk))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: just say when))
Hinata-Chan2588: haru:*closes his eyes and waits for the pain to come to him but doesn't feel it and opens his eyes to see colette in front of him bleeding and she falls down*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: COLETTE!!*catches her* colette colette wake up plz wake up*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: at least someone u care dies *smiles evily* ( okay now u can attack him)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks surprised k never mess with my friends*throws senbon from trees in all different directions at daichi*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: hmm so an uchiha shows up*gets his blade out and his wings appears*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*jumps down from tree holding kunais and senbons readily*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: *gets ready to attack him*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*silently attacks daichi*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi:what?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*appears behind him with kunai to his neck*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: *disappears and reappears behind sasuke and attackes him on the back*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:ur not much of a killer are u*whips around and does a side flip and stabs a kunai throws kunais and senbon at daichi*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: )scratch the stabs thing k)
Hinata-Chan2588: (okay)
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: hehehehe*absorbs the kunai in his body*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*quickly takes out the ufi blade and it transforms into it's 3rd and final form*thinks:come out ufi soul blade of hell
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*slashes daichi with ufi*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: *closes his eyes and purple dark arua is around him. his wings dark bat like wings, markings on his face and opens his eyes and they're demonic*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*holds ufi in defensive position ready to attack*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: btw the ufi is badass it weighs over 100 pounds))))
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: *disappears and reappears behind and slashes his back and kicks his back and disappears and reappears where he was* ( oh okay)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:gah...damn*turns to him and stabs at him with ufi*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi:grrr*flies up and shoots dark beams at him from his blade*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*ducks and rolls out of the way on ground and jumps to feet*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:im not so easy to defeat
sasukeuchia_the avenger: wow colette and haru disappeard lol))))
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: why can't u die*in a demonic voice*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*smirks*heh my little secret
Hinata-Chan2588: ( no haru is watching the fight but is worried about colette )
sasukeuchia_the avenger: ok i know they just dont talk at all XD is all)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*lunges at daichi*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi:*disappears and reappears and his speical move. he blade glows dark purple and it turns in a beam shooter and he shoots it at sasuke*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*takes the hit and stumbles forward but quickly regains balance and attacks daichi with full force*
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: *attackes sasuke*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*kicks daichi into the air and jumps up and appears almsot instantly below hima few feet from him and does handsigns then slashes to the side and kicks dow*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*down daichi multiple times*lions barrage
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*continueously kicks dachi to the ground and lands on feet*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *daichi
Hinata-Chan2588: daichi: argh *dies and his body disappears now*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*put's ufi back in sheath and it transforms back to first stage ufi and turns to colette and haru*u 2 ok?
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: I think I am but ....*looks at colette already trying to not die *
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*walks to them and looks at colette*hmm i think i can heal her.......im not sure
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:if she is healed now she will have a major chance at liveing
Hinata-Chan2588: colette:*body starts to disappear now*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:what the*starts to heal colette*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: oh no colette don't give up*starts to cry for the first time*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks:why is she disappearing colette dont leave haru.......dont give up*continueously heals colette*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*has no emotion on face and continues to heal colette*
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: h...haru ....I...I...love...u.....*tries to sit up and kiss haru on the lips and falls back in his arms and disappears now and glowing sparkles show*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*stops healing her*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*still shows no emotion or feeling*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: no...no... COLETTE* hits the ground and cries* I didn't want this to happen to u *hits the ground making his hand bleed alot*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*stands up and has only a straight face with no emotion*
Hinata-Chan2588: (sakura is going to kill me soon)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:.......she's gone........theres nothing u can do about it......im sry*starts to walk away*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: why?)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( cause I made daichi kill colette )
sasukeuchia_the avenger: oooooooooo ok))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( so shes going to kill me or torture me with her questions )
sasukeuchia_the avenger: welll now i left a emotionl recked boy aka haru pissed off at her death)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*walks away*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *cries on the ground still hitting the ground and it starts to rain* (lol yeah u did)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: did he even hear what i said to him??))))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( yeah hes just crying and hitting the ground cause he lost someone he cared for now)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*stops and holds hand out and rain drops fall onto my hand*seems it has started to rain........even the heavens weep for ur loss.........and some dont.......
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*walks into the forest*
Hinata-Chan2588: ( u took that from Naruto)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: yup))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: and i always say that whenever it rains)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( oh okay)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: lol he hasnt even reacted to me saying there maybe a way to bring her back)))
Hinata-Chan2588: (ewwwwwwwwwwww omg my eyes they burn the picture its evil ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*gets soaked from the rain but ignores it and keep on walking*
Hinata-Chan2588: ( *eye twitches* u don't want to know what it is)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: ok))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( it has to do with u so I'm not telling u )
sasukeuchia_the avenger: lemme guess tsuki's fav couple one of the forbidden ones?))
Hinata-Chan2588: no )
sasukeuchia_the avenger: oh ok))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: rp))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( the title is called Kiss after hokage Funeral)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: O.O)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: oh god))
Hinata-Chan2588: (and ur not kissing sakura)
Hinata-Chan2588: ( lets rp)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH IT BURNS IT BURNS))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: GOD THATS NARUSASU AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH*destrosy that pic*))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: ok rp))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks:the boy will heal soon........his heart will just be stained with the undieing feeling knowing she is dead
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *looks at his hand bleed and walks to the crystal lake eyes not lifefull.there like dark redish lifeless.remembers times he had together wet from the rain*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*stops but doesnt look back at haru*what will u do now..knowing she is dead and moved onto beyond the gate....?
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: I never wanted her to die. I promised myself I wasn't going to let her and the ppl I cared about die. I boke it* looks at his hand.*
Hinata-Chan2588: broke*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:dont feel bad for youself........move on......go o with ur life u have 2 strong legs......get up and use them*disappears into the trees*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *sits next to the lake eyes still the same dark redish lifeless eyes and looks at the lake.can still hear her laugh and her voice in his ear. but remembers
Hinata-Chan2588: that shes dead*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: well i also stole the legs thing from fma XD)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( lol XD u just love using sad lines from either Naruto or Fma huh?)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke has been through hell and back just to stay alive.........he never has really died only gone into a near death state))))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: yup they oth have excellent quots)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *both))
Hinata-Chan2588: (oh okay)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: what sasuke said buzz around harus mind*sasuke:move on........u have 2 strong legs......get up and use them.......
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *those words buzz through harus mind over and over again*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *thinks:* I know he said that but how can I live. I have done it before. But colette was the person I cared for.and I lost her *looks at his clean blood hand*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks:i did......and ive been through hell and back to stay alive........just to move on and remember i can protect the ones i care for most.use both arms t
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks:to protect ur proecious friends and family........dont tod what i did and swear revenge
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *thinks: idk if I can hold revenge since u killed him. but I was right there I could have found out he was going to use it but I left my guard down and
Hinata-Chan2588: lost her *looks down sad*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: omg i streaming with good quotes right now)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( lol u should put this in ur journal cause its has good quotes XD)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*appears next to haru still standing*she will be joined by my daughter soon...........and trust me she is in a better place now.....i know she will miss u..
sasukeuchia_the avenger: iam going to)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( oh okay)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*sigh*u know....................there might still be a way to bring her back........im not sure if it will work or not
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: how?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:by using this...*reaches into weapons pouch and takes out small vile of red stuff*it's not blood.....it's an unrefined red stone
Hinata-Chan2588: ( omg fma the...)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:but u will have to be willing to go through with losing a limb or 2........idk if this will work or not
sasukeuchia_the avenger: yup god im on a roll tonight XD)))
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *remembers something * (lol flashback time)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: XD)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: yay)))
Hinata-Chan2588: flashback ~~~~~~~~
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: haru lets say I died and u can revive me but u have to lose something would u do it?*looks at him. their still in the hospital*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: of course I'll do it
sasukeuchia_the avenger: lol in the rp i have a metal arm right now))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: my right arm is metal AM)))
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: promise me this. plz don't do it. I don't want to do so much to lose thing or yours. I might or might not come back but plz promise
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: okay okay I promise its not like ur going to die soon I mean I haven't let anyone hurt u
Hinata-Chan2588: colette: well I'm just tell u
Hinata-Chan2588: telling*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: okay I promise not to do it
Hinata-Chan2588: ~~end flashback~~~
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:so are u willing to do it?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:*has a metal arm from reviveing susu*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: I....I..can't... I..promised her that I shouldn't do it*looks down*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:hn k....let her stay dead im sure she likes being dead*stands up straight again and starts to walk away*if u change ur mind......just come to find me*walks *
sasukeuchia_the avenger: *away
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:thinks:seems he stick to his promise...........and so have i*appears in susu's hospital room*
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: thinks private thoughts: colette I really wish u didn't make me promise that.. I could have brought u back *looks up and sees the rain still there*
Hinata-Chan2588: ( how will u tell susu that colette is dead)
Hinata-Chan2588: ???)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: susu:*is asleep and looks so peacful*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: oh youll see))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: just watch)))
sasukeuchia_the avenger: susu:*allows colettes soul to take over body temporarily*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: susu:*wakes up but allows colette's soul to take over body completely temporarily*
Hinata-Chan2588: (wow how did u do that??)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: heheh my little secret)))
Hinata-Chan2588: (so who controls her?)
Hinata-Chan2588: ( me or u ??)
sasukeuchia_the avenger: u can make colette speak and control susu's body while colettes soul is temporarily in her)))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( oh okay)
Hinata-Chan2588: colette's soul in susu: *walks to where haru is*
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sasuke:i c what u did susu.......u let colette tmporarily have ur body
Hinata-Chan2588: haru: *looks at the lake still sad and hears something and sees susu* susu? I thought u were in the hospital?
sasukeuchia_the avenger: sry g2g to bed now bye))
Hinata-Chan2588: ( okay night)
Hinata-Chan2588 leaves the chat.

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