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Kazemauru Uchiha here, just letting you know to have a good day, and asking if you will leave a comment

CPT Kurahara Kazemauru
Community Member
The story I am writting, still needs work
The sun rose that morning dimmer than usual, though Leanbow was already up. He stretched out his arms; his Mythrill Full Plate clunked a bit but made very little noise. When he had prepared his breakfast, eaten, cleaned up and went to the river to wash up, he gathered up his few belongings and went forth. As he walked along he felt something strange and felt himself being lifted into the air, then he was surrounded by nothing but white light, then he was out of it. Standing on the edge of a cliff over looking a lake, he saw a group of warriors fighting a Kraken. He looked at the warriors; saw that one of them was completely useless, though it kept changing forms. “What manner of demon is this?” He said to himself. He watched as one of the braver ones trying to save the party was slammed against the wall, he looked at the Kraken and knew what must be done. “I will help there Warriors, I will intertwine my fate with theirs now!” Leanbow pulled from his back a Composite Long Bow, and from his quiver he drew two arrows, he notched the arrows and aimed at the beasts head.
“Shatter the ties of fate!” The bow began to glow, as well as the arrows, then they burst into flames, but neither the arrows nor the bow burned up, he aimed at the fowl beasts head and let loose the flaming arrows. The beast gave a horrid scream as the arrows hit their marks and the fire was almost unbearable in the Krakens flesh. Leanbow looked around and found a way down to the others and took it. As he carefully worked his way down he was that the beast had found the source of its pain and had an idea to make sure that Leanbow didn’t do it again, but the beast had a few more things to deal with. As one Warlock hit the beast with his magic, and the strange one flew around it….not really doing much. Leanbow made it down and ran over to where another one stood a half-demon from the looks of him. “Thank you for your timely help friend, I am (will put name in later), and you are?” Lean bow looked at the now very upset Kraken. “Now isn’t the time, do we have a way out?” he said notching two more arrows in his bow. “Yes, there is a door behind us, but we can’t seem to get it open!” Leanbow looked at the Warlock “I have an idea, go back to the door, I will take care of things here!” with those words he let loose two more arrows and put in two more. By this time the group had run back to the hut door, the changing one was thrown into a wall and was now unconscious. Leanbow was readying another attack when he felt the force of the Kraken hit him and he was thrown to the side, he looked up and grinned. “Alright then, let’s try this…..” He stood up and put his hands out and they began to glow a faint yellow The Kraken was ready for another attack when Leanbow thrust his hands forward and lightning bolts began to slam the creature, there was a shower of lightning bolts, screams of pain from the beast and then it was over.
The Kraken lay dead from the massive Lightning attack and Leanbow sat down, exhausted from the fight. “I have never seen an elf with such magic as what you have just displayed. Who are you?” The man was clearly a binder, but also some other form of magic user. ‘Yes, what are you and tell us why we shouldn’t kill you rig-“he was cut off mid sentence by Leanbow. “Listen, shape shifter, if I was your enemy, don’t you think I could have easily killed you while you were flying around so you would be safe from the Kraken?” Leanbow said this with a bit to harshness in his voice. “Well, I was just saying that….” Again, he was cut off this time, by a barbarian, very strong looking warrior “Ignore him. You have our thanks friend; we are a part of the Order of The Ring.” He said putting out his hand; Leanbow looked at him and then took his hand and shook it. “I was glad to help. My name is Leanbow, and I come from the Land of Flame.” The warriors looked at him “I have never heard of such a realm in this world, you must be from another dimension.” Leanbow looked around at them “Yes, I do believe you’re correct. And I would love to get back home. Are there more people from other dimensions that end up here?” Leanbow asked looking at them. “Actually” The Dragon Shaman began “There was one girl who said something about getting back to a battle of flame or something.” Leanbow looked at him. “Tell me, what did she look like?” Leanbow was sitting straight up now, the Dragon Shaman scratched his head “Well, brownish hair, a small figure but as strong as any man warrior, voice of a chorus of heaven, and the looks of an angel.” He said and looked at Leanbow. “Do you know such a woman?” Leanbow was on his feet “Where was she? Where is Angel of the White Flame?” Leanbow was looking at them with hope in his eyes. “We saw her in a town not a day ago; I hope she didn’t have any problems with the Dwarves….”
Leanbow looked at them with concern “Dwarves? And what problems could those beer guzzling bearded ladies pose to Lady Angel?” They looked at him in shock “Dwarves rule the land, they slew all the elves in the Great Elvin City, no elf is welcome in any Dwarven controlled city. You will be attacked on sight!” The Dragon Shaman said to Leanbow. “So things will not be easy….” Leanbow looked up and cursed
in a language no one understood “Damn the Gods for this betrayal!”” They looked at him but he shrugged and looked at them “Please take me to this town, I must find her, and soon.” Lean bow bad but away his bow and had looked at them, they turned to the door and it slid open and the proceeded into the door and out again, heading for the town, and the start of their destiny.
Leanbow awoke the next day in an inn; he looked around and went to wash up. Leanbow stretched and gathered his gear and walked out into the cool air of dawn. The Binder walked up to him "Good morning Leanbow, we are all ready to head out." Lean bow looked at him "then lets do it, I want to find her before the Dwarves do." Just then a group of dwarves came walking up the road; they looked at Leanbow and drew their weapons.
"Kill the elf!" The lead dwarf yelled, but before the others hand any time to react, Leanbow had drawn his sword from its sheath and charged forward "AWAKEN THE FLAME OF DARKNESS!" Leanbow's sword is instantly covered in black fire, he slashed the lead dwarf and killed him in one slash, he then looked at the others and planted his sword in the ground and jets of fire consumed the other dwarves. Leanbow sighed and put his sword back in its sheath. The group looked at him as if he were crazy "Do you know what you have just done?!" the shape shifter was almost hysterical, "you killed a group of Dwarves, now they will come looking for us...they will kill us all!" Leanbow raised his leg and gave a swift kick to the creature that sent him flying. "Now listen, Angel means more to me than my own life, and if I must, i will die to save her! So, who else wants to tell me to stop?" The others looked around and said not a single word, so they went to the harbor and began to ask around about Angel.
It was a cool night as Leanbow looked out onto the wide open sea in the crows nest where he was seated, the stars above him danced in the pale moonlit sky. "Where are you angel.... I need to know that you’re safe." Leanbow said this to the open sky as he looked out. The information they had gathered was leading them to a well known prison, there was rumors that a she-elf had been captured and taken there for execution. Yeah. over my dead body. Leanbow thought to himself. I will find you Angel, I swear I will. He gripped the hilt of his sword tight and looked at the full moon "Such a beautiful night...." he looked out and spotted the island in the distance, "Prison dead ahead!" Everyone came out and looked at the island. The great stone walls were ominous, the guard towers were alive with movement, and it was a place where evil just permeated.
"Alright, we need a way in, does anyone know how?" Leanbow looked around at them. The Dragon Shaman stood up and looked around. "I used to work here, fell off a cliff and faked my death, so they will be surprised to see me, but I have a plan." he said as he looked at Leanbow " This is a Dwarven run prison, they will more than likely beat you and throw you into a cell, so be ready for that." he said, Leanbow sighed and shook his head, "Then take my weapons and give them to me when we have the time." Leanbow handed them his weapons and sighed and looked out, I’m coming angel....don’t you worry I’m coming. The Shaman led the group to the doors, the guards asked some questions then opened the gates, before they could react they were surrounded by dwarves and were bound. Leanbow felt the kick hit him, then another, he felt himself black out for a few seconds and awoke being drug into a room.
He looked around and he was bound worse than the others, he struggled to get free but to no avail. he looked over and saw Bakura struggling under a coffin, he blinked a few times not really knowing what happened. "Hey guys, a little help over here?" he said as he struggled in his ropes, he looked at the guards as they opened the coffin, and he entire room got suddenly cold. Leanbow had never wished to have his sword in his hand than at this very moment in time, he saw a black blur come flying out of the coffin, it appeared behind the guard and grabbed his head and ripped it clean off, and lifted the severed head over himself and drank the blood, this was no human, it was a vampire! The Vampire looked at the other guard who tried to run but the vampire caught up quickly and pierced the guards back with his hand and went right through his chest. "Now die" the vampire said plainly and dropped the dead guard and drank his blood. Leanbow could hardly believe his eyes, but he ignored his uncomfort "Hey, can you untie me?" he pleaded with the Vampire. The Vampire walked over and cut the ropes with his claws and went to the others to help them.
Leanbow looked at the Vampire who was leaning against the wall "So...who are you?" The vampire looked at him but didn’t move a muscle; his eyes were cold and seemed to attempt to pierce Leanbow’s heart, but it was in vain. “Jerith….” The Vampire spoke “My name is Jerith. I have come from ages past where no living human even has memories of it. I lived with my half-brother, and it was a time of peace…..well for us anyway.” The Vampire paused and looked up. “Jerith you say? I have heard of such a name from where I come from, you must be him. You are the warrior dark and terrifying powers.” Leanbow said as he looked at Jerith. The Vampire smiled and shook his head “A warrior? I suppose you could say that. And I do have powers beyond what you could ever dream about.” Jerith finished saying. Leanbow looked at him but said no more about it. “Now that all the fun and games are over, we need to get further inside, someone is in dire need of rescue, and it isn’t us.” Bakura said as he looked around at the others. “He is right, we must go and go with haste, the time of her execution draws closer by the seconds we waste” The dragon Shaman said as he got up and went to a door and pushed it open, he beckoned for them to go through and they did.
The next room they entered was huge, the walls were made of a smooth black stone and the floor was a dark red stone, as if the floors had absorbed all the blood that was ever spilt. Leanbow had a bad feeling about this room, on the other side of the room was a huge double door, the others saw it too and began to move forward towards it. “Do not advance further.” Leanbow shouted and they stopped, Jerith was next to Leanbow looking straight ahead. “So, you feel it to then?” he said looking at Leanbow. “There is something coming from that door at a great speed, prepare for battle!” Leanbow shouted as he drew his bow and muttered something and the bow was on fire yet again, he notched two arrows and waited. In a flash, the huge doors were splintered and flung to the side as two creatures came from the door, two foul looking beasts that looked crazy and angry with hatred, they looked at the group and began to advance. Leanbow let loose his arrows and his mark, right in the chest of the first creature.
The beast roared in pain and rage at this new pain and looked at Leanbow and charged Leanbow had put away his sword and had drawn his sword and had his shield at the ready. The creature was upon him now, attacking with vicious claws and horrid teeth, Leanbow blocked the attacks but on one attempted bite he was knocked off balance and was slammed with those massive claws, he had three deep gashes in his chest and he was slammed against the wall hard, he hit the ground. Leanbow gasped as the air rushed out of him, he lay on the ground bleeding from the wound he had received and he looked up at the creature that was advancing once again Leanbow slashed out with his sword and slashed the creatures chest, blood splattered on Leanbow’s face and sword as the creature fell back in pain, Leanbow got up and screamed out at the beast “NOW BEAST! FALL BACK INTO THE ABYSS! AWAKEN THE FLAME OF DARKNESS!” Leanbow’s sword was covered in black flame and he looked the creature in the eyes and slammed the blade through the beast’s neck, blood went all over the floor and the beast lay dead, the flame covering the wound and spreading.
Leanbow fell back against the wall and slid down to the floor, holding the wound on his chest, his sword had returned to normal and lay beside him with a clean blade. “I pray that we don’t run into any more of those.” Bakura said. The Dragon Shaman walked over and began to heal Leanbow’s wound. “Rest Leanbow, the pain will be gone soon.” He said as the wound began to heal. Leanbow looked at the door way and knew what was beyond that threshold. “We must keep going, there isn’t much time.” He said as he stood up and sheathed his sword. The group went through the doors and walked out and entered a huge courtyard, there was a group of people, easily fifty or more people, gathered around a large platform, they were all armed and all dwarfs. Leanbow looked up and saw her. Black hair, with dark midnight blue eyes, she did not look happy, a man stood next to her reading from some book, while another walked up the stairs with a large sword. The man looked at her and hit her hard, but she did not move “This she-elf is charged with attacking troops from the royal army and killing over six dozen Dwarven guards and soldiers. The punishment is death! And this will be carried out now!” The mans words cut through Leanbow like ice “No….you will not.” He said silently at first, slowly raising his voice “You shall not harm Lady Angel!” he yelled and drew two arrows in his bow and fired at the guards, hitting the two and killing them.
“Intruders! Kill them all!” One yelled and they all drew their weapons and charged forth. Leanbow drew his sword and ignited the flame of his sword, and the flame of his rage. When they finally got there Leanbow began to slash them apart, working through the group of them, blood was going everywhere, the others were fighting with sword and magic, Leanbow had one thing in mind: save Angel. “Quickly, we must end the life of this she-elf now!” the man hissed as Leanbow drew closer, slashing at the soldiers in his path. When he looked up he saw that the man was starting to draw out his sword to kill her with. Leanbow sent the guards in front of him flying as he looked up and saw the man about ready to swing the killing blow.
It was as if time had slowed around Leanbow, he slashed at the foes in front of him and to the sides of him, he ran forward, feeling his anger raise as he watched the man kick Angel, as he reached a slope he planted his foot and jumped over and onto the platform where the three were, he looked at the man and raised his sword, he felt and arrow hit him but he did not stray from what he was doing, his sword hit the man who gave the death order and killed him after the blade had slashed through his neck, the blood spraying everywhere, he looked at the man with the sword. He saw the sword begin to go down. Leanbow ran quickly and jumped and landed kneeling as the sword hit his shoulder. Leanbow cried out in pain as blood flowed from his shoulder, he looked up at the man and pulled his flaming sword back and drove the blade into the mans face, the blade entering between the eyes and going all the way through his head so the hilt was the only part you could see in the front. Leanbow pulled his sword out and broke the chains that held angel.
Angel looked at Leanbow “Brother, you came to save me, even after I left you on the battle field wounded…..” she said as she looked at Leanbow. Leanbow smiled “Hey, what are big brothers for?” he said and laughed lightly and looked at his shoulder “It is not bad really.” He said, Angel drew her sword and started muttering some words in elvish and the wound began to heal. “I believe its time we ended this, do you not agree brother?” she said looking at him. Leanbow nodded his head and stood up holding his sword up, he watched as the changeling was being hauled around on a spear like a dead pig. “Now listen Dwarves, I am Leanbow of The Darkness Flame!” he yelled out, Angel walked up “And I am Angel of The White Flame!” the two looked at each other and smiled “And we are reunited brother and sister once again!” when they said this they put their swords together and the black and white flame combined and had a power like no other.
Leanbow and Angel had leapt off the platform now and were running forward, killing many of the would-be attackers with the combined fire, they went through the entire courtyard killing the dwarves, when they finally reached the others they saw that all of the Dwarves were dead. “Angel, I am so glad you are safe, I do not know when we will be able to get home, but I will make sure you get home safe.” He said looking at her. The group made their way back to the docks towards their ship, as they reached the docks they saw two strange men standing there.
“And where are you going?” the first man said “You have murdered hundreds of Dwarves in that prison, and that is an instant sentence of death!” the man said as he drew two swords and looked at them. Leanbow smirked and looked at Angel. “Yeah over my dead body! AWAKEN THE FLAME OF DARKNESS!” Leanbow had his sword out and it was flaming. Angel smirked and drew her sword as well “RISE FLAME OF LIGHT!” Her sword was covered in white flame and she looked at her brother and nodded and the two looked out “We are Knights of Angoroth! We will fight for our lives and kill you who stand in our way! For that is our code!” the two put their swords together and ran forward towards the two men, swords flaming, brother and sister reunited once again.

To be continued: Leanbow and the sacred sword

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