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Ghalleon's Journal
Journal of Ghalleon
What would you do if:
[1] I committed suicide:
[2] I said I liked you:
[3] I kissed you:
[4] I lived next door to you:
[5] I started smoking:
[6] I stole something:
[7] I was hospitalized:
[8] I ran away from home:
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality:
[2] Eyes:
[3] Face:
[4] Hair:
[5] Clothes:
[6] Mannerisms:

[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Have I ever hurt you?
[9] Would you hug me?
[10] Would you kiss me?
[11] Would you devirginize me?
[12] Would you marry me?
[13] Emotionally, what stands out?
[14] Do you wish I was cooler?
[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[17] Am I loveable?
[18] How long have you known me?
[19] Describe me in one word.
[20] What was your first impression?
[21] Do you still think that way about me now?
[22] What do you think my weakness is?
[23] Do you think I'll get married?
[24] What about me makes you happy?
[25] What about me makes you sad?
[26] What reminds you of me?
[27] What's something you would change about me?
[28] How well do you know me?
[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[30] Do you think I would kill someone?
[31] Are we close?
[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 22, 2005 @ 04:27pm
[1] I committed suicide: I would cry a lot [2] I said I liked you: Smile and say the same thing back [3] I kissed you: Kiss you back, happily [4] I lived next door to you: I would always go over and hang out with you [5] I started smoking: I would tell you that it could kill you. [6] I stole something: I would sit you down for a talk [7] I was hospitalized: I would visit you everyday [8] I ran away from home: I would go after you, and find you. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I would find the person that started the fight, and kick his butt for you. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: It's adoreable! [2] Eyes: [3] Face: [4] Hair: [5] Clothes: If they are like your avi's I love it! ^_^ [6] Mannerisms: You are very mature and you have very good manners Other: [1] Who are you? Megan A.K.A. AzuneTakahashi [2] Are we friends? I hope so! [3] When and how did we meet? We meet RPGing, I think like 4 days ago. [4] How have I affected you? You made me believe that life is fun, and no one can really do that. [5] What do you think of me? I think that you are a great person. And the way you treat me in the RPG, is awesome! I'm sure you'll be or are a great boyfriend! [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Everything, so far. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Friends; hopefully a loooong time. Enemies; hopefully never. [8] Have I ever hurt you? Nope! [9] Would you hug me? Most definetely [10] Would you kiss me? Depends on if you wanted me to. [11] Would you devirginize me? O_O No comment [12] Would you marry me? If we knew each other really well, and we actually saw each other in RL. [13] Emotionally, what stands out? I'm not sure... [14] Do you wish I was cooler? Nope! [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 30 [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. I would pick, sweetiepie! Because, you are such a sweetie to me! [17] Am I loveable? Very much so! [18] How long have you known me? For like... almost a week. [19] Describe me in one word. Great! [20] What was your first impression? "He is a really good RPGer and not to mention an awesome guy!" [21] Do you still think that way about me now? Certainly. [22] What do you think my weakness is? I don't see any yet. [23] Do you think I'll get married? Yep. [24] What about me makes you happy? Your personality. [25] What about me makes you sad? Nothing, at the moment. [26] What reminds you of me? Uh... [27] What's something you would change about me? Nothing. Your just fine the way you are. [28] How well do you know me? Not very. [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Not yet. [30] Do you think I would kill someone? I don't think so. [31] Are we close? Sorta. [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Already did!

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 02:46am
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: i dont no? [2] I said I liked you: im realy flirty so im not quiet sure about that [3] I kissed you: im realy flirty so im not quiet sure about that..heh [4] I lived next door to you: that would be cool [5] I started smoking: i would try to make u quit [6] I stole something: i wouldnt care i do that all the time [7] I was hospitalized: i would hope u would get better [8] I ran away from home: that would suck i cant talk to u any more [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: that would make me mad because i love watching ppl fight What do you think about my: [1] Personality: i like it [2] Eyes: ? [3] Face: ? [4] Hair: ? [5] Clothes:? [6] Mannerisms: ? Other: [1] Who are you? some one [2] Are we friends? well i dont no [3] When and how did we meet? rping [4] How have I affected you? i dont no im the same [5] What do you think of me? do i have to answer that? :oops: [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? ? [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? ? [8] Have I ever hurt you? no [9] Would you hug me? yea [10] Would you kiss me? uh... i guess [11] Would you devirginize me? wow there budy .... i dont no about that [12] Would you marry me? may be [13] Emotionally, what stands out? i dont no wat u mean by that [14] Do you wish I was cooler? no i lke u the way u r [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10 [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. uh... [17] Am I loveable? yea [18] How long have you known me? uh... [19] Describe me in one word. cool [20] What was your first impression? i dont realy no [21] Do you still think that way about me now? ? [22] What do you think my weakness is? ? [23] Do you think I'll get married? yea [24] What about me makes you happy? just you ...i guess [25] What about me makes you sad? ? [26] What reminds you of me? ? [27] What's something you would change about me? nothing [28] How well do you know me? not well [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? maybe [30] Do you think I would kill someone? maybe [31] Are we close? uh... [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? yup

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 03, 2005 @ 10:54pm
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I would cry and miss you [2] I said I liked you: I would say I like you back :heart: [3] I kissed you: Kiss you back cause i really like you [4] I lived next door to you: Visit you everyday [5] I started smoking: Tell you to stopppppp! cause then i won't like you anymore! [6] I stole something: I don't care....as long as you don't get caught [7] I was hospitalized: Cry then visit you everyday til your well [8] I ran away from home: Tell you that you can come stay at my house every night but you'll have to go out in the day because my parents. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I would ask bunch of questions wondering if your alright. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Gentlemen like and respectful [2] Eyes: Pretty [3] Face: handsome [4] Hair: awesme [5] Clothes: awesomer [6] Mannerisms: Absolutely great Other: [1] Who are you? Your Anita that's Rping with you on PM [2] Are we friends? I hope so! [3] When and how did we meet? Castle of slaves and you claimed me and took me away [4] How have I affected you? ALot [5] What do you think of me? I like you [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Rping with you [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Pretty long [8] Have I ever hurt you? Nope [9] Would you hug me? yes [10] Would you kiss me? Yes [11] Would you devirginize me? *grins* Yes [12] Would you marry me? On Gaia yes in real life no [13] Emotionally, what stands out? your caring and love [14] Do you wish I was cooler? no I like you the way you are [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10 so far [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Vincent cause I see you as Vincent [17] Am I loveable? Yes [18] How long have you known me? Week and half [19] Describe me in one word. Awesome [20] What was your first impression? You were so sweet and a great Rper [21] Do you still think that way about me now? yes definatly [22] What do you think my weakness is? Cute shy girls? [23] Do you think I'll get married? Yes [24] What about me makes you happy? That your sweet to people like me [25] What about me makes you sad? DOn't know [26] What reminds you of me? Vampires [27] What's something you would change about me? Nothing [28] How well do you know me? Not to well i don't think [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yes [30] Do you think I would kill someone? maybe ^^ [31] Are we close? I suppose in the RP but not like Gaia talk to each other [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Maybe.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 18, 2005 @ 09:50am
What would you do if [1] I committed suicide i would cry [2] I said I liked you i would tell you i liked you back [3] I kissed you i would kiss back [4] I lived next door to you Would see you everyday [5] I started smoking i would ask you to please quit [6] I stole somethingi would say tisk tisk tisk [7] I was hospitalized i would visit you everyday [8] I ran away from home i would tell you to stay with me^_^ [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there i would ask around to see if you were okay. What do you think about my [1] Personality amazing [2] Eyes well..never seen them but i bet they are just as amazing as you [3] Face same^ [4] Hair same^ [5] Clothes same^ [6] Mannerisms wonderful Other [1] Who are you? Brittany..someone special!^_^ [2] Are we friends? duh, [3] When and how did we meet? i dont remember but i am glad we did meet [4] How have I affected you? you made me the happyist person ever! [5] What do you think of me? i love you tehehe ^_^ [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Every moment we spent together [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? hopfully forever friends [8] Have I ever hurt you? No and i dont think you will ever. [9] Would you hug me? oh yes [10] Would you kiss me? mmhmm [11] Would you devirginize me? *grins* oh Yes! [12] Would you marry me? possibaly [13] Emotionally, what stands out? How sensitive you are. [14] Do you wish I was cooler? i like you the way you are [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10 MILLION+ [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Why i like your name ^_^ [17] Am I loveable? most deffantly [18] How long have you known me? not sure [19] Describe me in one word. I dont think i can only describe you in 1 word [20] What was your first impression? omg he is so sweet [21] Do you still think that way about me now? yes [22] What do you think my weakness is? i dont know [23] Do you think I'll get married? yes [24] What about me makes you happy? everything [25] What about me makes you sad? hardly talking to you. [26] What reminds you of me? everything [27] What's something you would change about me? nothing [28] How well do you know me? Well... but i could know more. [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yes. [30] Do you think I would kill someone? No, unless that person done something to you that made you want to kill them.! [31] Are we close? very. [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? maybe

Coochie Sprinkle
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 10, 2005 @ 01:43pm
Quiz What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: Cry for a very long time. [2] I said I liked you: Say it back. [3] I kissed you: Blush [4] I lived next door to you: Hang out with you everyday! [5] I started smoking: Meh [6] I stole something: " " [7] I was hospitalized: Send you cards and such! [8] I ran away from home: Be sad. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Ask you if you won. ^-^ What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Awesome! [2] Eyes: All kevin like [3] Face: Same [4] Hair: Same [5] Clothes:Same [6] Mannerisms: Woah, that's a big word. Other: [1] Who are you? Ana. A close friend. [2] Are we friends? Yesh [3] When and how did we meet? On gaia like 7 months ago. o.o [4] How have I affected you? You made me more trusting. [5] What do you think of me? I think you ish an awesome guy. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Dunno. We have a lot of memorys. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Forever! [8] Have I ever hurt you? Don't think so [9] Would you hug me? Yesh [10] Would you kiss me? Yesh [11] Would you devirginize me? Maybeh [12] Would you marry me? Maybeh [13] Emotionally, what stands out? Your attitude. o.O [14] Do you wish I was cooler? Yes! (Nope. You ish cool enough) [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 3o7547154124 [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. I would call you Teddy 'cause I like to hug you. ^^ [17] Am I loveable? Yesh [18] How long have you known me? A llooong time [19] Describe me in one word. Kevin. [20] What was your first impression? Dun remember [21] Do you still think that way about me now? Sure? [22] What do you think my weakness is? You're too nice. xP [23] Do you think I'll get married? Yesh [24] What about me makes you happy? Your attitude. ^-^ [25] What about me makes you sad? Nothin really. [26] What reminds you of me? The whisper song. xD [27] What's something you would change about me? Where you live! [28] How well do you know me? Very. [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Dun think so [30] Do you think I would kill someone? If it was to protect someone you love, then yes. [31] Are we close? Yesh [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Already have this in my journal. xP

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 25, 2005 @ 03:13pm
Quiz What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I'd cry like hell [2] I said I liked you: smile [3] I kissed you: kiss u back [4] I lived next door to you: see u everyday [5] I started smoking: never talk to u [6] I stole something: never talk to u [7] I was hospitalized: cry [8] I ran away from home: come with u [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: love u and help u What do you think about my: [1] Personality: great [2] Eyes: cute [3] Face: irristible [4] Hair: great [5] Clothes: cute [6] Mannerisms: ? Other: [1] Who are you? another girl [2] Are we friends? dont know [3] When and how did we meet? [4] How have I affected you? u have made me happy to meet u [5] What do you think of me? ur great [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? all of them [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? for along time [8] Have I ever hurt you? no [9] Would you hug me? yes [10] Would you kiss me? mabye [11] Would you devirginize me? no [12] Would you marry me? no [13] Emotionally, what stands out? [14] Do you wish I was cooler? no [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9.99999999999999999999999999999999 [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. I love ur name as it is [17] Am I loveable? yes [18] How long have you known me? not long [19] Describe me in one word. irristible [20] What was your first impression? unkind [21] Do you still think that way about me now? no way [22] What do you think my weakness is? u flirt alot [23] Do you think I'll get married? no [24] What about me makes you happy? everything [25] What about me makes you sad? nothin [26] What reminds you of me? everything [27] What's something you would change about me? nothin [28] How well do you know me? not very well [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yes [30] Do you think I would kill someone? no [31] Are we close? no [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? no

Community Member
C uu t i e__x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 05:39am
What would you do if: [1] I committed suicide: I'd cry and miss you alot! Even though I would never know if you committed suicide or not [2] I said I liked you: I'd be kinda weirded out! [3] I kissed you: You can't! haha [4] I lived next door to you: That'd be pretty cool! I'd be over at your house every day visiting you! [5] I started smoking: I wouldn't do anything [6] I stole something: of mine? O NO YOU DIDN'T! -lol- I don't know [7] I was hospitalized: I'd be scared [8] I ran away from home: I'd be scared..again [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd ask you why you didn't wait til I was there What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Your soooo nice! [2] Eyes: Haven't seen 'em [3] Face: ... [4] Hair: ... [5] Clothes: ............. [6] Mannerisms: huh? Other: [1] Who are you?: A person, a girl if you want to get into gender [2] Are we friends?: Of course [3] When and how did we meet?: Here on Gaia in a fantasic roleplay! [4] How have I affected you?: I don't know.. [5] What do you think of me?: Your so awesome You Lazy Buns! [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: That one really long roleplay of ours...-lol- [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: I'm not sure hopefully for a long time! [8] Have I ever hurt you?: Nope [9] Would you hug me?: If I could.. yes. [10] Would you kiss me?: I'm not so sure about that. [11] Would you devirginize me?: KEVVY!!!!! I would say I already have but that's a lie! [12] Would you marry me?: Depends [13] Emotionally, what stands out?: I don't know. Why are you asking questions that I can't answer..? [14] Do you wish I was cooler?: Nope, your fine the way that you are! [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: An 11 [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: Kevvy! And you already know why. Your name..DUH! [17] Am I loveable?: Very!! *eye roll* [18] How long have you known me?: Almost a year [19] Describe me in one word.: Nice (DUH!) [20] What was your first impression?: I laughed. Really I did. It's just I didn't tell you that. [21] Do you still think that way about me now?: No [22] What do you think my weakness is?: I think ... that uhm.. I'm not sure [23] Do you think I'll get married?: Someday, yes [24] What about me makes you happy?: You always seem to make me smile no matter what. [25] What about me makes you sad?: When your not on and I am. OR YOU REPLY BACK REALLY SLOW! [26] What reminds you of me?: The computer and stories [27] What's something you would change about me?: Where you live.. [28] How well do you know me?: I don't think that I know you very well. You seem to know more about me then I do about you [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Nope. I'm very open with you. I tell you everything. Even things that you probably don't want to her. And don't say no because I know I do [30] Do you think I would kill someone?: If it was for a REALLY good reason I think that you would. -lol- [31] Are we close?: I'm not sure. Are we close? [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: Of course I am hott stuff!!!!! (Wow! You have alot of girls after you Kevvy!)

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