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Project Nexus
This side of "Project Nexus" is the battle system used for the breedables on Gaia known as Final Fantasy: Crystals of Gaia.

This is a list of every spell listed in the previous post however unlike the previous post this post will enable you to see the precise details of a spell including it's element, strength and the additional statistics it requires to remain at full strength. I would advise you to use Ctrl+F to hunt down the spell you're looking for as this post is going to be incredibly long.

I would also advise that you take note of the details of the spell because some require different statistics than the others e.g. The spell "Wall" requires a combination of Constitution and Strength to remain at maximum power.

  • Level 0
      Eternal Flame - This works in the same way as "Glimmer" does and can be used to light a passage or to add light to a piece of weaponry or clothing. It uses Charisma to ensure that it works effectively and the duration of said spell increases as the Elysian matures.
      Ember - Ember is a small flame spell which involves a tiny flame of approximately on inch in size, the moment it is blown upon however it explodes and sends much of the surrounding area up in flames - this should only be used by an Elysian who has a water elemental companion around them at the time. It relies on Dexterity to work effeciently.

  • Level 1
      Fire - The Elysian summons up 'tendrils' of red hot flames to surround an opponent and to attack at their flesh. The spell has a limited duration but does have the added effect of paralysis depending on vulnerabilities. It requires Consitution to reach maximum effect.
      Null-Blaze - A piece of support based magic that is used to nullify a single fire element spell, it can be used on the caster or on a select target. It relies on Wisdom to reach maximum effect.
      Flamewhip - The Elysian causes a flexible whip of fire to form in the air that can be used to physically attack the opponent once before it is required to recast it. It's specialised statistic is Strength.

  • Level 2
      Will-o-Wisp - This simply spell allows a fire born Elysian to summon up a small, fluffy ball of light to not only guide their way in dark areas but also to fight for them in battle. It has no additional side effects but does burn all those it touches - it requires Wisdom to work efficiently.
      Fire Breath - Fire born Elysian takes a large breath and spews out a torrent of fire from it's mouth, this spell has no added status effects. It's specialised statistic is Intelligence.

  • Level 3
      Fire Ball - The Elysian summons up a large ball of fire to hurl at an opponent, upon impact it explodes causing fire damage to every opponent within the area at that time. It relies on Intelligence to work efficiently and may cause blindness to opponents depending on vulnerabilities.
      Flamestrike - A large pillar of flame descends upon the enemy to crush them, it has the added effect of blinding the unfortunate victim as well as burning them. It relies both on Charisma and on Strength to work effeciently.
      Crimson Howl - The Elysian releases a shriek/howl that releases a pulse of burning air towards it's opponents, those closer to it will feel the worst of the attack while the ones further away will not. It relies of Charisma and Strength to be of greatest effect.
      Rolling Fire -A support and offensive piece of magic that releases a pulse of energy to knockdown opponents while granting additional fire damage to physical attacks. Strength and Wisdom are necessary for using this skill effeciently.

  • Level 4
      Fira - A larger form of Fire with a longer duration a greater change of adding the status effect 'paralysis'. It relies on strength to work to the best of its ability and status damage varies upon elemental resist.
      Burn - A continual magic, this flaming substance literally sticks to its target until it comes into contact with water or healing magic. In ways it could be described as flaming hot tar - hardly a nice spell to wield. It relies on Dexterity and constitution to wield effeciently.
      Flame Arrow - The Elysian targets one of their opponents and launches a rain of flaming arrows upon their opponent up until a maximum of twelve bolts - the number of flame arrows increases as the caster matures and will only ever hit one target. This spell relies on strength and dexterity to work properly.

  • Level 5
      Firebrand - This spell once again summons flame arrows however it attacks a group of targets as opposed to just one. For this reason only one arrow will launch for each opponent as opposed to twelve on a focused opponent. It relies on Strength and Dexterity to be of absolute effect.
      Dark Flame - This flame is similar to "High Tide" in the sense that it 'drowns' it's target in flames for a certain amount of time before receding once more. For those who are vulnerable to it this is not a pleasant experience - the added effects applied to this magic are hold and 'faint'. It relies on Consitution and Strength to be of effect.
      Firestorm - The Elysian summons up a "Rain of Fire" from the skies to beat down upon its opponents, this storm will only relent if a water Elysian summons forth a spell of equal or higher power in reference to controlling the weather or if the Fire element Elysian tires out. It has the added status of confusion applied to it depending on vulnerabilities. It relies on Consitution and Intelligence to reach maximum damage.

  • Level 6
      Firaga - The largest form of "Fire" that you will find, it has the maximum duration and works on creatures of all sizes. The effect of paralysis is also increased and the spell itself relies heavily upon Strength to be effective.
      Backdraft - Quite an interesting spell to say the least for it may damage the opponent but also serves to damage the caster as well, I fail to understand the reasoning behind this spell in particular but it is said to be incredibly powerful as a "self sacrifice" spell. This particular spell relies on constitution and dexterity to work to the best of its ability.

  • Level X
      Flare - A spell of explosive natures by which many flaming tendrils encircle the unfortunate victim before releasing multiple explosions. It only damages a single target and relies upon Strength and consitution to be at it's most powerful.
      Abyssal Flames - Like Flare this spell is explosive in nature however it might be wise for the caster to have wings should they decide to use this spell. The spell itself involves summoning up white hot flames that are of such a heat that they litterally begin to melt the ground below them, for the victim a swim in lava is evident. This spell however, does drain a caster of a lot of power and they themselves could be subject to 'faint'. It relies on Wisdom and Constitution to work efficiently.
      Comet - A single, outerplanar meteor tears down upon the victim not only crushing them but also obliterating its surroundings - it can cause extreme damage to both victimand wielder causing both to be subject to a 'faint' attack. In order to use this spell consitution and desterity are invaluable.

  • Level 0
      Libra - The Earthan form of scan, the caster has the ability to see it's enemy's weaknesses and strength before blantantly abusing each in turn. Intelligence is required for this spell to work effectively.
      Sight - This spell enables the creature to be able to see any being hidden by 'Vanish' or at a long distance away, it relies on Wisdom and Intelligence to work effectively.

  • Level 1
      Stone Breath - Earth born Elysian takes a large breath and spews out a torrent of earth from it's mouth, however unlike normal breath attacks this has the added status effect of 'Petrify'. It's specialised statistic is Intelligence.
      Null Poison - This nullifies any poison magic for one attack before it is required to recast, it uses wisdom to work to the best of its ability.
      Stoneskin - Support based magic that causes the caster or target to develop another layer of armour in the form of stone. It takes on the appearance of a statue and also dulls physical melee attacks - it requires Wisdom to cast effectively.
      Stona - A support based magic that cures petrification, it requires Wisdom to cast properly.

  • Level 2
      Poison - THis is a direct status attack that poisons the target, it's strength varies greatly upon the strength of the required statistic. In this circumstance Dexterity is the required statistic for this spell.
      Stalactite - This is where an Elysian will summon up a giant rock and blatantly smash it over their victims head, it adds the applied 'faint' attack to small beings and 'daze' to giant beings. It requries strength to cast this spell effectively.

  • Level 3
      Poisona - This is support based magic that allows the Elysian to cure itself or an ally of a poison status effect - it relies on wisdom to work effectively.
      Vine Hell - Not the most pleasant of attacks for the Elysian in question summons up innumerable writhing vines from within the ground that ensnare and hold their target in place, it grants additional 'paralysis' as a status effect alongside poison. Strength and Dexterity are required for this spell.
      Greater Stoneskin - This is the more powerful version of "Stoneskin" and last for a greater duration of time than it's younger brother. It requires consitution and wisdom to cast it efficiently.

  • Level 4
      Spike Growth - This is a more severe and unforgiving form of "Vine Hell" that causes spikes to grow up beneath the feet of the target while held down. It relies both on Dexterity and Consitution to remain effective.
      Bio - This is a direct and continual form of a status effect that adds poison to the targets blood stream, it will not cease until it has been in contact with a healing spell. It requires Dexterity and Strength to work effectively.
      Poison Mist - The Elysian summons up a mist of poison to attack its opponents, this however is a risky spell as the caster may be unfortunate enough to be caught in the spell as well. It requires both strength and wisdom to be of greatest effect.
      Hold - The Elysian calls forth a powerful set of vines that locks the opponent into place, it can only remain this way for a limited time before the wind dies out and the Elysian is forced to recast. Consitution is the statistic required for this spell.

  • Level 5
      Break - A more severe form of petrify that very rarely misses, in this circumstance elemental vulnerabilities and resistances no longer exist. It requires strength and Wisdom to cast this spell effectively.
      Stalagmite - This spell is similar to Stalagtite however this is simply the 'area of effect' version that launches a number of boulders at unfortunate targets, once again 'daze' and 'faint' are the two status that come hand in hand when dealing with this magic. Strength is a very important statistic when using this spell.
      Quake - A small earthquake begins to erupt beneath the targets feet causing them to lose balance and to be crushed/smashed against the moving earth. Not only that but it also has a chance to daze/stun an opponent - strength and constitution are invaluable while harnessing this spell. Note this spell will not effect airborn beings.

  • Level 6
      Quicksand - The Earthan form of 'Drown', once again this isn't the most plesant of spells and immerses the target in earth, sand and water before receding again. Upon receding it also leaves residue that causes the added status of 'slow' to targets until it is otherwise removed. Constitution and Wisdom are advisable when trying to use this spell to its full effect.
      Acid Storm - The most unforgiving of storms comes in the form of this, combining strengths with an Lightning Elysian will prevent requirements for statistics however when soloing a great deal are required. The spell itself involves summoning forth a raging storm that harnesses wind, earth and lightning in order to deal extreme damage - lightning strikes down upon victims at regular intervals while ice cold gales blow acid droplets around the targets. The spell enquires Strength, Consitution and Wisdom in order to work successfully.
      Burst - The ground beneath the opponent literally explodes beneath their feet without very little warning sending innumerable rock javelin towards their direction, this spell will also work against flying beings and to great effect. Specified statistics for this spell include Strength and Charisma.

  • Level X
      Earth Shake - This is the more violent form of "Quake" and combines both the lower spell and "Burst" into one grouping. It adds the status effects of Daze, Faint and blindness - it's specified statistic requirements include Strength and Intelligence.
      Ultima - The most powerful of the Erthan spells comes in the form of Ultima, this harnesses the life force within the very depths of the earth itself to ensnare and attack the chosen target. It deals massive amounts of damage while providing no status effects and relies upon Charisma and Dexterity to remain successful.

  • Level 0
      Osmose - This drains the life energy from a creature and makes it incredibly difficult for them to cast their magics, it also improves the casters strengths for a short period of time while casting their own magic. It relies heavily on Charisma and Wisdom.
      Blind - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Focus - This spell enables the Elysian to focus upon a single enemy and to guarantee the hit that it performs after the initial casting, after that the Elysian will be forced to recast in order to ensure another guaranteed hit. Intelligence is required for this spell.

  • Level 1
      Bad Breath - This is somewhat different than the other breath attacks in which it breathes acid towards an opponent while attempting to apply the status affects of blind, silence, deafness and poison upon an opponent. Resistances do not apply to this spell as it is a direct status attack. Constitution is the specified statistic for this spell.
      Berserk - Drives the selected target into a frenzy by which they lose control but gain additional strength, this is a risky skills but can be invaluable if more strength is required. Wisdom is needed to apply this spell.
      Null Berserk - This is a support based magic that nullifies any berserk spell once before it must be recast to offer further protection - Wisdom is required for this spell to work to its greatest strengths.
      Dejon - This is the youngest form of 'warp' that can cause a great deal of disorientation in both caster and targets whenever the spell is used. It teleports a party to safety but by rather uncomfortable means resulting in the 'daze' status effect (depending on vulnerability). It requires Charisma and Intelligence to work appropriately.

  • Level 2
      Confuse - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Silence - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Gravity - This involves the Elysian calling upon the powers of space to crush their opponent by increasing the pressure of gravity upon them. It will take approximately 1/4 of the HP off an opponent or more depending on weaknesses. It relies on constitution and strength for the greatest of effects.
      Double - This enables the Elysian to cast the same magic twice in a row without becoming tired, it lasts for a number of minutes before it must be recast again and requires Charisma to be the most effective it can be.

  • Level 3
      Sleep - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Phantom - This is where the Elysian summons a 'phantom' or 'wirath' to do their bidding, it is designed for offensive attacks that can cause 'confusion' in a mature Elysian and 'faint' in a very young Elysian. The power of this skill varies greatly upon the maturity of the Elysian and the amount of Charisma the Elysian has.
      Warp - This is the Elder form of "Dejon" and does not grant any additional side effects, rather it teleports the caster and companions to an area of safety. Note that it requires Dexterity to work to its greatest effect.
      Requiem - The Elysian releases an sorrowful outcry that unleashes a great pulse of energy around it, those closest will suffer from it much more than those further away with additional status damage such as confuse and deafness being applied to those close by. It requires Charisma to work effectively.

  • Level 4
      Drain - This spell drains the energy from another being in one single dosage, stealing energy from the opponent to heal the caster while damaging them. Strength is an important statistic to rely on in relation to this skill.
      Shadow of Death - This spell causes an automatic 'faint' on any young Elysian while a possible 'faint' attack upon a more mature Elysian. It relies heavily on Charisma to be of the greatest effect.
      Darkness - The Elysian summons up a large 'pool' of darkness to surround it and others in absolute darkness. It acts as a thick fog and makes it incredibly difficult to navigate through making it an ideal escape spell - Wisdom is the most important of statistics here.
      Missile - The Elysian summons up a number of balls of energy by which they fire at their opponent in the form of 'missiles', these deal non elemental damage and give no additional status effects - Strength is an important statistic here.

  • Level 5
      Black Shock - This spell is similar to an electrical spell in the sense that a large ball of black lightning is send into the centre of a number of opponents, there it explodes however instead of spikes of lightning it releases a pulse/shockwave that not only causes damage to the opponent but also knocks them down.
      Zombie - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Dispel - This removes all support magic and even status effects from and opponent and allows them to remain completely open to another attack of any sort. It relies upon a very high Charisma to work successfully against Mature Elysians.
      Triple - This enables the Elysian to cast the same magic three in a row without becoming tired, it lasts for a number of minutes before it must be recast again and requires Charisma to be the most effective it can be.
      Elemental Swarm - The Elysian using this spell will be severely drained for it relies on summoning 'golems' from all of the elemental bases. As one falls another will rise until one of each element has passed by, they will fight in the place of caster instead - think of it as six or seven bodyguard? It requires Consitution and Charisma to reach maximum damage.

  • Level 6
      Doom - This is a direct status attack where elemental resistances do not reply, this spell includes a possible 'faint' attack - it requires Charisma to ensure success in casting. Success rate of this status effect rises with maturity.
      Life Drain - This drains a significant amount of hit points from an opponent regardless of whether or not it heals the caster. Depending on maturity this can tear approximately 50% of hitpoints away from the targeted creature. This spell relies upon Charisma and Wisdom.
      Time Stop - This spell involves stopping time around the caster for a few seconds in order to prepare an attack, it freezes both allies AND enemies in place while allowing a caster to recover. It relies upon constitution and intelligence to cast effectively.
      Dark Harvest - This is definately not a spell to allow young Elysians to endure. When a creature 'faints' from an attack this spell has the ability to reap their experience (up to 2000exp) and to give it to the caster, the effectiveness of this spell relies heavily upon the maturity of the Elysian caster and the targetted Elysian.

  • Level X
      X-Zone - This spell causes automatic 'faint' upon it's target regardless of maturity however it also has the added skills of 'dark harvest' combined into it - once again the reaping of experience will depend greatly on the maturity of both caster and targetted Elysian. It relies heavily on Charisma.
      Harm - This causes immense 'negative' damage to an Elysian bringing their hit points down to 1hp if they fail to make their 'save'. There are also penalties to the caster however who also suffers from 250 hp damage worth and it is therefore no surprise that constitution is the favoured statistic for this spell.
      Apocalypse - The most devastating of the non-elemental attacks that can be wielded by all elysians taking these skills. It calls upon the power of time and space to crush, tear and otherwise obliterate enemies, not only does it cause massive physical damage but may also result in a 'faint' attack regardless of size/maturity.

  • Level 0
      Alert - This spell helps to prevent back attacks and also improves the targets ability (caster or ally) to see those who are hidden by 'vanish'. It requires wisdom to work to the best of it's ability.
      Pray - This spell is a very minor healing spell that restores approximately 20-30 Hitpoints to the caster and allies in the surrounding area through challenging the healing properties of the holy element. This spell requires wisdom to work appropriately.
      Glimmer - Glimmer is a spell that is useful in dark places for it lights the passage of a being and guides them. This spell will last for an incrasing amount of time as the caster matures and requires Charisma to work efficiently.

  • Level 1
      Cure - This spell is support based and is designed to restore minor wounds on a target however it can also be used to damage undead beings whenever in battle. It relies on Wisdom to remain at full strength.
      Mini - A support based magic that can shrink the target to a very small size, it can allow an ally to evade an attack or for an opponents attack power to decrease. Iit requires Wisdom to cast properly.
      Stona - A support based magic that cures petrification, it requires Wisdom to cast properly.
      Searing Light - This is similar to an elemental whip by which the Elysian summons a 'whip' to launch it towards their opponent in a single physical attack. This spell relies on Strength to remain at maximum effect.
      Glittering Light - This spell does not cause phsyical damage but is designed to 'daze' and 'blind' an opponent. The spell is more appropriately renowned for it's ability to help the caster and allies escape from battle - Charisma is a must for this spell.

  • Level 2
      Colour Spray - The Elysian summons up a spray of crystal particles that reflect the light to create a multitude of colours. These particles can either blind or daze and target. It relies on Intelligence to work effectively.
      Chakra - This spell grants 'self healing' to a caster enabling them to heal their minor wounds during or after a battle, it requires wisdom and consitution to be as effective as it possibly can.
      Regen - This spell can be used on either caster or a target and allows gradual healing to the selected target. They heal from minor wounds every so often for a limited period of time - this spell is handy during battle where injuries are rife. Wisdom and Dexterity are needed for this spell.
      Deathward - This spell is support magic and guarantees protection from deathspells (faint) for the duration of the battle. It relies heavily on Wisdom and constitution - the maturity of the Elysian also helps to lengthen the time the spell will hold (i.e. longer battles can be fought).

  • Level 3
      Life - This spell has the ability to revive a fallen character from 'faint', it restores them from the brink of 'death' to critically wounded. Wisdom is essential for this magic.
      Protect -This spell has the ability to nullify physical attacks for a short while when in battle. Constitution and wisdom are useful for this spell.
      Shell - This spell has the ability to nullify any magic back towards an opponent however it also nullifies any magic you desire to cast upon the target as well. Constitution and wisdom are useful for this spell.
      Prismatic Spray - The Elysian summons up a spray of crystal particles that reflect the light to create a multitude of colours. Due to the fact that this is a more powerful form of colourspray it can do random elemental damage and even cause 'faint'. It relies on Intelligence to work effectively.

  • Level 4
      Cura - This spell is support based and is designed to restore more serious wounds on a target however it can also be used to damage undead beings whenever in battle. It relies on Wisdom to remain at full strength.
      Reflect - This spell has the ability to reflect any magic back towards an opponent however it also prevents any support magic being cast upon the target. Constitution and wisdom are useful for this spell.
      Dispel Magic - This removes all support magic and even status effects from and opponent and allows them to remain completely open to another attack of any sort. It relies upon a very high Charisma to work successfully against Mature Elysians.
      Healing Circle - A mass healing spell that restores all characters from critically wounded status to a barely wounded status. It also works unbelievably well against the undead while in battle - it requires wisdom to work to full effect.

  • Level 5
      Holy - This spell embodies the purest of energies within the planet, it causes the Elysian to summon up a mass of white an blue ribbon like tendrils that fly swiftly towards the opponent and literally tear them apart - it relies heavily on strength and charisma to be of effect.
      Mighty Guard - This combines both shell and protect together while granting 'regen' in the process. It is therefore a valuable spell but please note that all supportive healing magic cast upon the targets will be slightly less effective than normal - constitution and wisdom are useful here.
      Sunbeam - A large pillar of light descends upon the enemy to crush them, it has the added effect of blinding the unfortunate victim as well as stunning them. It relies both on Charisma and on Strength to work efficiently
      Wall - This is a combination spell of both protection and reflection, it not only nullifies magic but also physical attacks. Note that the target cannot have supportive magic cast upon them at all while this spell is in effect - Constitution and strength are invaluable for this spell.
      Aura - For a few minutes during battle a target or the caster themselves is able to cast twice the amount of magic that they would normally do, it also raises statistics by two for the duration of the spell and causes 'haste'. Please note that all statistics are needed for this spell.

  • Level 6
      Curaga - This spell is support based and is designed to restore critical wounds on a target however it can also be used to damage undead beings whenever in battle. It relies on Wisdom to remain at full strength.
      Angel's Snack - This spell is support based and is designed to restore magic energy to a target, this allows a target to cast ALL magic again regardless of level. It relies on Wisdom to remain at full strength.
      Sanctuary - This spell may only be used on the caster and cannot be dispelled, it lasts for a short time however it makes the caster invisible to magical attack and physical attack - ultimately, if the elysian chooses to attack this spell will end immediately. It relies on Charisma to be successful.

  • Level X
      Holyra - This spell embodies the purest of energies within the planet, it causes the Elysian to summon up a mass of white an blue ribbon like tendrils that fly swiftly towards the opponent and literally tear them apart, it is the most powerful form of "Holy" and relies heavily on strength and charisma to be of effect.
      Full-Life - This spell has the ability to revive a fallen character from 'faint', it restores them from the brink of 'death' to fully healed. Wisdom is essential for this magic.
      Full Cure - This spell has the ability to restore a character from any wounded state to fully healed and also to completely remove any status effect upon them. Wisdom is essential for this magic.
      Goddess Hymn - This is perhaps the last and most impressive of the known healing spells. As the Elysian sings it bestow upon both itself and allies a gift, applying Full Cure to each in turn alongside wall and regeneration. It requires all statistics to ensure maximum effects can be reached.

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