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View User's Journal

stuff i like to write
now i'll start making my journal and i'll write umm like some people do poems and stories and thoughts and ..... ok i'll write about anything
Quiz o.o

7. Who are you?
8. Whats your name?
9. Fav. color?
10. fav. person?
11. Age:
12. Location:
13. Gender:
14. Cats or Dogz?
15. Fav. animal?
16. fav. word?
17. Fav. season?
18 Fav. weather condition?.
19. Hot or cold?
20. Fav. place to visit?
21. Fav. Food?
22. Fav. online site?
23. Fav. fav.?

random Questions

24. Edgucation:
25. Gamer?
26. A friend of mine?
27. Fav. Drink?
28. Fav. game?


29. Nickname:
30. Birthday:
31. Location:
32. Pets:
33. School grade:
34. Favorite movies:
35. books:
36. school subject:
37. bands/artists:
38. food:
39. drink:
40. sweets:
41. color:
42. emoticons on Gaia:
43. Hates:
44. Hobbies:
45. Interests:
46. if you could do anything with me, what would you do?
47. What happens when i poke you?
48. Kiss you?
49. Hug you?
50. Punch you?
51. Gave my life for you?"
52. Said i love you?
53. Killed your best friend?
54. Cut myself?
55. Hated you?
56. Had sex with you?
57. Kissed some1 else?
58. Came to visit you?
59. Gave you a cookie?
60. Have you ever hugged a cat?
61. Hugged a tree?
62. Kissed me?
63. haha. Killed some1???
64. Punched some1?

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Erzebet Shiyounin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 02, 2008 @ 07:25pm

7. Who are you?: ME!
8. Whats your name?: Bobby McBob
9. Fav. color?: Red/Black
10. fav. person?: My bestest friend
11. Age: 15
12. Location: where ever I am at the moment
13. Gender: female
14. Cats or Dogz?: CATS!
15. Fav. animal? Cat!
16. fav. word?: Beloved
17. Fav. season?: Winter
18 Fav. weather condition?.: cloudy
19. Hot or cold?: COLD!
20. Fav. place to visit?: I dunno
21. Fav. Food?: Lasagna
22. Fav. online site?: Gaia
23. Fav. fav.?: errr...what?

random Questions

24. Education: Partial High School
25. Gamer?: Kinda
26. A friend of mine?: Yes?
27. Fav. Drink?: w/e
28. Fav. game? Fire Emblem: Path of Radience


29. Nickname: Fati...grr..
30. Birthday: 5/14
31. Location: i said
32. Pets: Cat & Dog
33. School grade:10th
34. Favorite movies: check profile
35. books: check profile
36. school subject: Biology
37. bands/artists: check profile
38. food: i said
39. drink: w/e
40. sweets: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
41. color: red/black
42. emoticons on Gaia: twisted rofl dramallama
43. Hates: back talkers/stabbers
44. Hobbies: check profile
45. Interests: check profile
46. if you could do anything with me, what would you do?: POKE WAR!!!
47. What happens when i poke you?: I poketh u back! >8D
48. Kiss you?: i go "..."
49. Hug you?: Hug back
50. Punch you?: Beat the living snot out of u
51. Gave my life for you?: be sad cuz im not worth it
52. Said i love you?: smile
53. Killed your best friend?: Kill u
54. Cut myself?: ask u y
55. Hated you?: be sad
56. Had sex with you?: durr i dunno...wonder wat would happen as a result of that
57. Kissed some1 else?: go all telenovela on ur a**
58. Came to visit you?: Sream "OMG HOW THE F*** DID U FIND OUT WER I LIVE!!!"
59. Gave you a cookie?: YAY!
60. Have you ever hugged a cat?: No (if i did id b dead)
61. Hugged a tree?: Yesh
62. Kissed me?: nope
63. haha. Killed some1???: nooo >.> .... <.<
64. Punched some1?: no

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 03, 2008 @ 09:09pm

7. Who are you? forgetful
8. Whats your name?idr
9. Fav. color?Teal and black.
10. fav. person?my friends. ^^
11. Age:14
12. Location:-looks at the padded walls- they say i'm not quite right.
13. Gender:Female.
14. Cats or Dogz? cats own!
15. Fav. animal?zebra
16. fav. word? well
17. Fav. season? autumn
18 Fav. weather condition?. night time and raining.
19. Hot or cold? deff not cold. i hate being cold and hot... i hate that too.. how about niether.
20. Fav. place to visit? south Carolina
21. Fav. Food?Mac and Cheese
22. Fav. online site? Gaia and 89xradio.com
23. Fav. fav.?....wha?

random Questions

24. Edgucation: high school.... sorta
25. Gamer? i can be. ^^
26. A friend of mine? .....maybe?
27. Fav. Drink?Cocoa! and mountain dew
28. Fav. game? the sims.


29. Nickname:J.A.M. and spaz.
30. Birthday:5-1-93
31. Location:read above
32. Pets:Cat and three gold fish. they're so cute 4laugh
33. School grade: i'm a freshie >.<
34. Favorite movies:Star wars and lord of the rings.
35. books:too many to name.
36. school subject: English
37. bands/artists: again to many to name... check my profile.
38. food:i already answered this..
39. drink:i have already answered this..
40. sweets:whatchamacallit <----those things are good. ^^
41. color:Teal
42. emoticons on Gaia: ninja rofl
43. Hates:cruel people.
44. Hobbies surprised n my profile.
45. Interests surprised n my profile.
46. if you could do anything with me, what would you do? talk to you?
47. What happens when i poke you?i poke you back.
48. Kiss you?....
49. Hug you? i'm a hug-a-phob so i think i would freak out.
50. Punch you? kick you in the shin.
51. Gave my life for you?now why would you do something like that?
52. Said i love you? be confused
53. Killed your best friend? i'd kill you.
54. Cut myself? ask you why you feel the need to annihilate your self
55. Hated you? um... i don't know...
56. Had sex with you?....wtf?
57. Kissed some1 else?.... why would that bother me? ...
58. Came to visit you? spaz out.
59. Gave you a cookie? i like cookies... ^^
60. Have you ever hugged a cat? yes.
61. Hugged a tree? many trees!
62. Kissed me? no.
63. haha. Killed some1???... yes... >.<
64. Punched some1?yeppers.

Community Member
biggest k9 ever
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 04, 2008 @ 09:18pm
7. Who are you? which one of me? o.O
8. Whats your name? i could tell you, but then i'd have to kill you ¤_¤
9. Fav. color? me: emerald... evil me: black... both: dark green
10. fav. person? Me!.... both of me
11. Age: 16 and 304
12. Location: underworld
13. Gender: male
14. Cats or Dogz? Catz
15. Fav. animal? Siberian Tiger
16. fav. word? Panthera
17. Fav. season? uhmm... win..spring..ter
18 Fav. weather condition?. just dark and clear... if ya know what i mean
19. Hot or cold? cold
20. Fav. place to visit? Madagaskar or Galapagos
21. Fav. Food? Pizza
22. Fav. online site? dunno
23. Fav. fav.? Me!

random Questions

24. Edgucation: uhmm... S rank jounin?
25. Gamer? no
26. A friend of mine? yup
27. Fav. Drink? Pepsi
28. Fav. game? kill the loser


29. Nickname: Dj... sometimes
30. Birthday: 20/12 01 and 20/12 long time ago
31. Location: again?
32. Pets: a fat dirtbag and a blue eyed hyper shinobi-dog
33. School grade: 9th
34. Favorite movies: a lot of movies
35. books: Bartimæus and lotr
36. school subject: assassination
37. bands/artists: dunno
38. food: still pizza
39. drink: OMG!
40. sweets: evil me: DAARKNNESSS! me: ok?
41. color: stop it, stop it, stop IT!
42. emoticons on Gaia: and
43. Hates: don't get us started on this one
44. Hobbies: odd stuff
45. Interests: odd stuff
46. if you could do anything with me, what would you do? ....?
47. What happens when i poke you? an eye for a tooth and a head for an eye!
48. Kiss you? i kil yu
49. Hug you? get off!.... me no like hugs
50. Punch you? me: ouch watcha do that for?... evil me: i kil yu! splatt!
51. Gave my life for you?" omg.... loser hahahaha... kukukuku
52. Said i love you? .... hahahaHAHA ... no
53. Killed your best friend? who? thats me... i'd be dead
54. Cut myself? pathetic... thats descusting
55. Hated you? ok.... not much
56. Had sex with you?
57. Kissed some1 else? nothin'
58. Came to visit you? wtf you doin' here ... come on in
59. Gave you a cookie? Munch, munch, munch
60. Have you ever hugged a cat? i'm not shure... probably
61. Hugged a tree? yup
62. Kissed me? no
63. haha. Killed some1??? .....maaaybe
64. Punched some1? yeesssss

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 12:11am
Quiz o.o

7. Who are you?good question ;P
8. Whats your name? Monica
9. Fav. color? rainbow xDD
10. fav. person?i dont have o.O
11. Age: 17 <--proud of that wink
12. Location:warsaw...if someone know where is it stare
13. Gender:hey do i look like male? stare
14. Cats or Dogz?dogz ^^
15. Fav. animal?guinea pig :3
16. fav. word?kombinerki xDD
17. Fav. season?spring
18 Fav. weather condition?.warm night ^_^
19. Hot or cold?im sick of my cold hands so hot ;P
20. Fav. place to visit?France ^^
21. Fav. Food?i dont eat much >.<
22. Fav. online site?gaia ^^and deviant art wink
23. Fav. fav.?...fav? xDD

random Questions

24. Edgucation:highschool? rolleyes
25. Gamer?kinda
26. A friend of mine? i think so ^__^
27. Fav. Drink?orange juice :3
28. Fav. game?9 dragons *__*


29. Nickname:Mazak
30. Birthday:23.08.1990
31. Location:i already said >.<
32. Pets:none crying
33. School grade:let me see..11 o.O
34. Favorite movies:requiem for a dream *__*
35. books: "lalka" <---polish book
36. school subject:english *__*
37. bands/artists surprised h so many ^__^
38. food: i dont have, dont eat much confused
39. drink surprised range juice
40. sweets surprised hh gummy bears because i can eat their head
41. color:rainbow
42. emoticons on Gaia: domokun domo <3
43. Hates: hate is to strong word ;P
44. Hobbies:sleeping, drawing, music
45. Interests:drawing
46. if you could do anything with me, what would you do? teach me valse *__*
47. What happens when i poke you? stare pokes back
48. Kiss you? in cheek? or maybe in hand? xD
49. Hug you? hugs back ^_^
50. Punch you? you would puch woman? O.O bite you in leg
51. Gave my life for you?" you wouldnt do this, you are to smart ;PP
52. Said i love you? very intimate question ;PP
53. Killed your best friend? you want to kill yourself? xDDD
54. Cut myself?i wouldnt let you
55. Hated you? could you?
56. Had sex with you? he he ^^" pervert xDD
57. Kissed some1 else? its up to you
58. Came to visit you? haha i would be veeery happy ^^
59. Gave you a cookie? i would eat it :3
60. Have you ever hugged a cat? many times ^__^
61. Hugged a tree?eee noo im afraid of spiders and bugs which live there O.O
62. Kissed me?in cheek? or maybe hand? xDD noes ;PP
63. haha. Killed some1??? yea i killed all my familly and than i take a bath in their blood xDD
64. Punched some1? sure, my brothers but they deserved for it xDD sweatdrop

master of flamaster
Community Member
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