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I Smell Sex and Candy In Here
My ramblings, misfortunes, and mistakes.
Random Stuff About Me!
[[Nicknames:]] I dont think i have one...well Tegan calls me doll sometimes(not in a lesbianish way)...but thats it

[[If you could change your first name, what would it be?:]] Anything Unique. EVERYONE has my first name. Its so annoying.

[[Are you white,black, mexican...etc?:]] White.

[[Height:]] Almost 5' 9"...yes im tall but i got long legs

[[Hair color:]] natural dark brown, almost black. I love it

[[Eye color:]] Blue most of the time. They sometimes turn a form of grey or green

[[Where do you live?:]] In a town.

[[Do you like it there?:]] No not really. Its boring here.

[[Where were you born?:]] Chicago, IL.

[[Astrological sign:]] Virgo

[[Shoe Size:]] 9. Yes i have slightly biggish feet but im tall so shut it!

[[School:]] A high school

[[Got a boyfriend:]] Only in my dreams

[[Have you ever had sex?:]] NO! God do i LOOK like a slut to you?!

[[How far have you gone with a guy/girl?:]] Barely anywhere. Hugs. Pecks and s**t. My nerves get in the way... cry


[[Parents names:]] Cindy & Russ

[[Do you have any siblings?:]] Sister. We may fight but i gotta love her.

[[If so, what are their names and ages?:]] Chelsie, 17

[[Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?:]] married. They never acctually got divorced

[[Pets:]] 3 dogs, an invisible cat, and my band guys (only a select few know about my band guys)

[[Do you like your family:]] Sometimes

[[Favorite relative:]] My pets, my sister and Tegan(shes practically family).I dunno. Probobly my (real, not step)grandparents. The ones that are still alive. My aunts and uncles are pretty cool. My sister. All the pets. My cousins Emily and Timmy are awsome. I dont really know the rest that well.


[[Number:]] 13. Yes unlucky to you. But i love it

[[Color:]] dunno...i like Green, Black, White, Blood Red, dark purple, and a really pretty purple that i dont know the name of.

[[Car:]] Black Corvette (with non leather interior) or a black hybrid(non leath interior)

[[Season:]] Autumn/Fall or right before winter

[[Holiday:]] Halloween. Maybe Christmas.

[[Month:]] October.

[[Day of the week:]] Maybe Friday or Saturday

[[Grade so far:]] 7th grade was the worst and best year of my life. I liked 8th grade alot.

[[Sport:]] I hate sports

[[Class:]] English. Art. Maybe Strings

[[Teacher so far:]] Mrs. Kobelt, Mrs Hamer. Mrs James/Smith

[[Drink:]] Dr Pepper, Orange Crush, Mt Dew, or just Coke (not pepsi)

[[Candy:]] Sour Gummi Worms, Chocolate, old school jaw breakers (the ones that dont have sweet tart in the middle)

[[Food:]] I dunno. I dont really eat that much.

[[Fruit:]] strawberry. (Duh-hur!)

[[Veggie:]] i like carrots...

[[Dessert:]] ice cream...yummy or some kind of chocalate that doesnt envolve cherries ( xp i hate cherries)

[[TV show:]] dont watch that much TV

[[CD:]] My whole cd case.

[[Movie:]] Detroit Rock City. Nightmare Before Christmas.

[[Song:]] i dunno i have alot

[[Word:]] Poolmenship(lol amanda) and i dunno i like a bunch of words. But my fav curse word is douche bag.

[[Phrase:]] I AM BATMAN! (inside joke w/ Allie(mighty mouse) and Tegan(spawn) dont ask)

[[Animal:]] cant choose

[[Flower:]] Rose or a Venus FlyTrap (dunno if thats a flower but mine is so cool)

[[Clothing store:]] Um...i mostly shop at Hot Topic. But i love vintage shops and costume shops.

[[Panties/Thongs:]] Hmmmm


[[CD/Cassette:]] CD's most deffinatly

[[Radio/CD:]] The radio plays too much rap. But i like it sometimes. And CD s are awsome

[[Jeans/Khakis:]] Jeans(with frays and holes in them). Khakis are for country clubs.

[[Car/Truck:]] Car. Im no redneck

[[Corvette/Camaro:]] CORVETTE!

[[Strong/Weak:]] PHYSICALLY: im pretty strong when i want to be or when im mad or upset. Acording to Justin its an adrenaline disorder.
MENTALLY: Im stronger than i was last year.

[[Tall/Short:]] Im tall. Long legs rule! (heehee Tegan) But sadly tallness comes with clumsiness.

[[Lunch/Dinner:]] Neither. I dont usually eat lunch. And dinner means i have to eat with my family most of the time.

[[Abercrombie/Hollister:]] Neither...

[[Gap/Old Navy:]] neither...

[[Britney/Christina:]] neither...

[[Love/Lust:]] Love. It may suck but love is love. But lust. Hmmm

[[Inside/Outside:]] Inside if its really sunny. Outside if its raining or cloudy or dark outside.

[[Lipstick/Lipgloss:]] Lipgloss.

[[Silver/Gold:]] Silver. Gold is too i dunno but i dont like it.

[[Piercings/Tattoos:]] Both. I plan on getting both. (TATS: black rose on inside of left ankle, black spider on left (maybe right) hand between thumb and index finger, and small fang marks on neck or wrist. PERINGS: ears both peirced 2wice on lobes and one ear cuffed. Ring on bottom lip on the left)

[[Football/Basketball:]] Neither. I hate sports. Most people would think id pick basketball because im tall. But i suck at basketball.


[[Who is your best girl friend?:]] Tegan.

Who have you known the longest?:]] Tegan. Since 1st grade.

[[Who do you dislike the most?:]] If i disliked them, they wouldnt be considered my friend

[[Was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them?:]] I dont have a bf/crush and im not a lesbian so i dont have a gf.

[[Wildest:]] depends...allies pretty wild when shes hyper. and we are all wild when we get together.

[[Craziest:]] We all are

[[Loudest :]] Blythe. (haha)

[[Funniest:]] I dunno.

[[Quietest;]] We all can be quiet and "bleh" or loud and hyper. Amandas quiet around new people. But not around her friends

[[Sweetest:]] they all can be sweet but Tegans probobly the sweetest when she wants to be.

[[Smartest:]] well...i wouldnt know. we dont talk about smart stuff too often.

[[Most caring:]] they all suposedly "care"

[[Most understanding:]] somethings arent meant to be understood.

[[Best dressed:]] we all have our different styles...noones is better than another.

[[Biggest flirt:]] Tegan. She does it without knowing sometimes. And me. I dont mean to but i always do. Blythe is the BIGGEST out of all of us though!

[[Most likely to have a 2 year relationship:]] Allie...if she finds love i know she'll try to hold on to it.

[[If you could date >ONE< guy/girl , who would you date and why?:]] Um...that would be TOO weird. Not gunna answer that.

[[If you were the opposite sex, which member of opposite sex would you date and why?:]] still TOO weird

[[Most likely to be a stripper:]] Blythe. But just as a tease.

[[If you could take 6 friends to paradise with you to live, who would you take and why would they be the best?]] I dont really know who id take but i know id take Tegan because i cant live without her and Allie because then she wouldnt leave us all and move.. sad And Amanda. I need another vegetarian on the island with me!

[[Who would do anything for a thousand dollars?:]] No one. Money isnt everything.

[[Who has the nicest parents?:]] Allies& Amandas are the only ones i can think of.

[[Who is like your adopted sister/ brother?:]] TEGAN! Shes like my blood twin sister!

[[Who is the most like you?:]] Tegan. Shes almost exactly like me. Amandas alot alike me. Allie too...well theyre all like me in one way at least.

[[Where would you like your second home to b...if it isn't already:]] I would say Tegans but her parents dont really like me. Id wanna live with Allie.

[[Do you supply a second home to one of your friends?:]] Tegan


[[Do you have a bf/gf?:]] are you kidding?

[[If not, do you have a crush?:]] No, not really

[[Who was your first love (if you've had one)?:]] Ben. But im pretty sure it was unrequited so i dunno if it counts.

[[Do you miss them (if your not still together)?:]] Not really anymore cuz we're still friends..i think.

[[Who is one person you've liked but >NEVER< said a thing?:]] i dunno. Probobly no one because i tell Tegan everything.


[[Turns you on:]] um...hmmm....wouldnt you like to know? wink

[[What you notice first:]] Eyes, hair, and sometimes shoes. (if im looking down, which i do alot *damn nerves*)

[[Younger or Older:]] Older. Hopefully more mature than most guys my age

[[That old myth about how big a guys feet and hands are depends on how big his **** is...do you believe that?:]] It works in some cases. Well in at least three cases that i know of. wink

[[What grade were you in when you had your first kiss?]] havent had a real first kiss. Pecks dont count.

[[Have you had a hook up?, if so who?:]] sort of...i never really "went out" with him. and the second i really dont wanna say cuz he was a jerk and was dating my two best friends also (i think hes gay now) . there were other small things that dont count.

[[Have you kissed a person who sucked at it majorly?]] no

[[Worst question to ask:]] Personal stuff if id ont know you well. Unless your easy to talk to

[[Worst catch phrase:]] I just wanna live. (i ******** hate that stupid "band" wink


[[If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?:]] Maybe some of the stupid mistakes i made that got me in trouble. Some things i wanted to do but i was a p***y and backed out of.

[[Last thing you said:]] I was singing "Sex and Candy" by Marcy Playground and i still am.

[[Last person you talked to:]] Online? Allie. In person my mom. She was yelling at me for something. Well i was talking to myself a minuite ago.

[Last person you kissed:]] Probobly one of my parents. Because they bought me something.

[[Last person you hugged:]] probobly Tegan

[[Last person you talked on the fone with:]] Tegan

[[Last person who made you smile:]] Tegan

[[One person you could never forget:]] Tegan. or Allie. Theyre both pretty unforgetable. Amanda too...i doubt anyone could forget her.


[[What are you doing right now?:]] Doing this quiz and still singin and listening to "Sex and Candy" (its on repeat). And my foot is shaking.

[[What CD is in your CD player?:]] Taking Back Sunday- Tell All Your Friends. but im not listening to it.

[[Are you cold?:]] not really.

[[How are you sitting?:]] with one leg tucked under and the other just down.

[[Is there music on?:]] Yup. Marcy Playground- "Sex and Candy"

[[What time is it?:]] 7:07 PM

[[Where are your parents?:]] Downstairs preparing his dinner and my moms probobly on her way home from work.


[[How old will you be when you graduate high school?:]] I'll be 18 if i dont fail any grades.

[[Are you going to get married?:]] Maybe. If i do itll probobly be common law marraige

[[Although you cant tell who you'll marry, is there anyone you'd wish it would be?:]] i dunno. Justin suposedly knows though...

[[Are you going to have children?:]] Im not going to birth any kids. But im adopting a 7 year old girl when im 21.

[[If yes, how many?:]] One girl. (She'll be 7 when i adopt her)

[[What will you name them?:]] I dont know. Something weird thats meaningful.

[[Do you want to go to college?:]] yea i do. Art school

[Which college:]] NYU for Art.

[[What kind of car will you want to drive:]] I dunno. If i live in NY (which i plan to) i wont need a car.

[[What kind of job will you have:]] Artist/Writer


[[Drank:]] yea ive had wine before. and orange liquor (yummys)

[[Smoked:]] no. only second hand smoke from my dad, his friends, and rude strangers. i hate when people i care about smoke. *cough* hint *cough*

[[Skinny Dipped:]] No but i plan to one day.

[[Prank called the police:]] No. but i accidentally called 911 and a police guy came to my house.

[[Been followed, etc. by the police:]] nope unless you count mall security dudes. They dont trust people who dress like me

[[Been high:]] Nope. And i really dont plan on it.

[[Met someone off the net:]] No. I might meet Justin later on since i know hes real and stuffs. And ill probobly end up meeting Alex.

[[Been in a fist fight:]] with my sister-yes-tons- but we didnt get seriously hurt. and if some people that i hate mess with me ill defend myself.

[[Punched your sibling/parent:]] Sister. But we didnt get seriously hurt.

[[Wished you'd die:]] Yea, a couple times, but i dont feel like talking about that.

[[Tried to commit suicide:]] Not fully. Ive wanted to. Ive held a gun to my head and a knife to my veins...but i never went through with it...too many people that "care".

[[Broken a bone:]] Yea. My arm. I flipped off of my bike. And you know whats ********? My friend who was with me left me unconsience in the road.

[[Driven illegally:]] yea. my dad taught me how when i was 13.

[[Thrown things at your parents:]] No. My dad would just yell at me. But ive thought about it. Playfully yes.

[[Had parents throw things at you:]] no. Well they have playfully

[[Runaway:]] Almost.


[[Do you write in cursive or print?:]] Print most of the time. but my print gets blended somtimes so it looks like screwed up crusive.

[[Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrous:]] right-handed

[Do you believe in God?:]] no...dont get mad...im confused right now...but so far i dont.

[[Do you have any piercings/tattoos?:]] my ears peirced once.

[[If so, where?:]] Ear lobes.

[[If not, do you want any, where?:]] TATS: black rose on inside of left ankle, black spider on left (maybe right) hand between thumb and index finger, and small fang marks on neck or wrist. PERINGS: ears both peirced 2wice on lobes and one ear cuffed. Ring on bottom lip on the left

[[Is Tupac Shakur really dead?:]] Who?

[[What do you think of Britney and Justin?:]] I dont really care...i think theyre married?

[[If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?:]] NY,NY

[[Do you drive?:]] i know how but i cant drive legally.

[[Do you have braces or glasses?:]] Glasses. But i wear contacts

[[Like milk and cookies?:]] Depends the kind of cookie

[[Ever worn black nail polish?:]] yup

[[what color nail polish do you have on?:]] REALLY chipped dark purple.

[[Do you do things even when your parents say no:]] sometimes.

[[What is your favorite song to "rock out" to?:]]I "rock out" to alot of songs.

[[Ever taken anything from a hotel?:]] soaps and free stuff

[[Vampires or Werewolves:]] vampires duh.

[[Free Micheal or Free Martha?:]] neither. they deserve to be locked up together so Micheal can molest Martha while she babbles on about how the colors in their cell clash.

[[Cats or Dogs?:]] both.

[[Why did you take this?:]] because i was bored...

I hope you enjoyed all the random stuff about me! Shall we end with a song?

Okay heres your song:

Inside Out- by Eve 6

I would swallow my pride,
I would choke on the rhines,
but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
I would swallow my doubt, turn it inside out,
find nothing but faith in nothing.
Wanna put my tender heart in a blender,
watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion.
Rendezvous, and I'm through with you.

I burn, burn like a wicker cabinet.
Chalk white and oh - so - frail.
I see our time has gotten stale.
The tick - tock of the clock is painful, all sane and logical.
I wanna tear it off the wall.
I hear words and clips and phrases,
I think sick like ginger ale.
My stomach turns and I exhale...

I would swallow my pride,
I would choke on the rhines,
but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
I would swallow my doubt, turn it inside out,
find nothing but faith in nothing.
Wanna put my tender heart in a blender,
watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion.
Rendezvous, and I'm through with you.

So Cal is where my mind states,
but it's not my state of mind.
I'm not as ugly sad as you.
Or am I origami, folded up and just pretend.
Demented as the motives in your head...

I would swallow my pride,
I would choke on the rhines,
but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
I would swallow my doubt, turn it inside out,
find nothing but faith in nothing.
Wanna put my tender heart in a blender,
watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion.
Rendezvous, and I'm through with you.

I alone am the one you don't know you need,
take heed, feed your ego.
Make me blind when your eyes close,
sink when you get close, tie me to the bedpost.
I alone am the one you don't know you need,
you don't know you need me.
Make me blind when your eyes close, tie me to the bedpost...

I would swallow my pride,
I would choke on the rhines,
but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
I would swallow my doubt, turn it inside out,
find nothing but faith in nothing.
Wanna put my tender heart in a blender,
watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion.
Rendezvous, and I'm through with you.

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