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Foxy's thingy of complete randomness...
I put whatever I feel like in here. A few Rp characters. Other junk....
The Power of Three
The Legend

Let's go back in time. Not just a few centuries, but to the time before the first motor boat, or even the first real civilization. This was the time...when demons and evil still roamed free. Hell's gate had somehow remained open all those centuries during the creation of man, and the world gave way unto the repugnant beings that took residence there, making life for humans a very dark place. There were no smiles, no laughter, no contentment. Only tears, pain, and screaming.
But....whatever god created this world created a last hope for its exsistance. Three guardians rose up from the void. They were embued both with the power of beasts, and those of the earthly elements, vowing to protect the pure and dispell of the evil. Weaponry of unfathomable power was bestowed in their hands. They were once normal human beings, just like you and I, until the gods chose them to carry out the duties presented to them. Their task...was to close the gates forever...

The bear.
The wolf.
The cat.

The staff.
The bow.
The blade.

Earth, Ice, and Soul.
Water, Wind, and Mind.
Fire, Lightning, and Body.

Trust and Love.
Knowledge and Cunning.
Passion and Loyalty.

As three we came.
As three we fought.
As three we triumphed.

As one we left this world.

They did just that. Hell's gates were banished and locked after a long period of seige, forbidding any darkened soul to pass between the land of the living, and the firey pits of Hell.
After that....they vanished from the face of the earth without a trace, and were never seen again.Some said they gave their very lives to save mankind, while others say they were dragged down into Hell with the ones they despised. Either way... Time went on, and the legends of the powerful three faded. They were forgotten, stricken completely from record, as was the evil before them....Until today.


The gates have mysteriously been opened again....evil has begun to creep and crawl amongst us...and this time mankind hasn't the slightest idea that it has happened...because this time the darkness is being very careful about making its prescence known. The demons crawl in the form of other humans....or shadows along your bedroom wall. They're once again wreaking havoc. You hear about all these unnatural murders nowdays....people going insane....freak accidents....But the chances are, if you even dare to believe in the unbelievable, a demon is responsible. Things have gone on unhandled for far too long now...A new three have been chosen....But the question still remains....Who reopened the gates?

The earth's defense and future now lies within the hands of three teenage girls. I'm sure you're feeling pretty uneasy now. Oh...but you see, these girls are very different from what you expect.
Talho, Kiara, and Melissa are seniors just trying to survive their last year of highschool. Though they're all as opposite from eachother as black and white, they soon find that they'll need eachother to survive.

Second Arrival - The Beginning

It all started with the foodfight.
Normally, Talho would've eaten lunch out on the schoolgrounds, alone, watching everything around her or just admiring the day. Likewise, Kiara almost always spent lunchtime in the library, either reading or doing homework. She'd never been one to waste time daydreaming, nor had she ever been a socialite. However, Melissa was your average, everyday Queen Bee. Her lunchtime was spent flirting, being a teacher's pet (which was the only way she'd ever keep her grades as good as they are) and showing herself off in general. Needless to say, she rarely had time to 'Grace the lower class with her prescence'. But something strange drew the three to the loud, overcrowded, bustling place that day.
It was a classic case of 'Nerd bumps into Bully, Bully gets covered in Nerd's lunchtray, Bully retaliates by throwing chunk of radioactive school lunch at Nerd, food completely misses Nerd, food hits another Bully instead, and POOF! The cafeteria transforms into a warzone of flicked peas and hunks of mashed potatoes.
Chaos erupted. Milk cartons and meat surprise were flying everywhere. Another strange coincidence occurred at that moment.
Principal Mathews walked through the double-doors, causing everything to freeze for a stitch in time. As if on cue, every student in the room grabbed their stuff and bolted away, leaving three bewildered girls standing in an empty (aside from the food littering every wall) cafeteria, covered in Thursday's menu.
Talho was still standing in the middle of the room, trying to figure out what in hell's name had happened. Kiara, on the other hand, was standing, or more like trembling, in fear of getting in trouble and staining her pristine record. And then there was the fact that her stack of books and her laptop were covered in God-knows-what. Her parents were going to kill her. Melissa was quite a sight as well. It seemed that she'd taken the biggest blow of all three, covered from head to toe with the slimy, disgusting goop the lunchladies called "food". Her outfit was ruined. Completely ruined. She looked like she was about to burst into tears over that fact. The principal, of course, being too furious to listen to explanations, immediately assigned them all afterschool detention, and gave them the job of cleaning the cafeteria.
Now, these girls weren't particulaly fond of eachother. No...Wait...That's an understatement. When it came to Melissa and Kiara, it was raw rivalry. Talho seemed more like the nuetral party in the whole situation. But the point is, they all came from different status quos, and being stuck together like that wasn't really their idea of fun. Not a word was spoken during the detention, partly because they were all too intent upon getting that damned cafeteria cleaned so they could get home. It was such an arduous task, and it took quite a long time...hours even.....but finally their work was done. By now, the sky was dark outside, the stars twinkling curiously in the sky.
Then came coincidence number three.
They each lived pretty close to the school, and had each been equally oblivious to that until now, when they found themselve walking down the very same road. Kiara and Melissa seemed to distance themselves, walking on opposite sides of the road as if they each thought the other was the plague. Talho lagged behind the two, lost in thought with her eyes aimed at the ground. It was quiet....they were alone....anything could've happened. But what happened next was otherworldly. A blinding flash of light, streaming down from the heavens with the intensity of the sun as it struck the earth where the three girls stood. And then...Complete Darkness.
The next morning, all three woke up in their beds, as if nothing had even happened. As if it were all just a strange dream, like all three assumed as they went on with their day. And yet....something was just so real about it....None of them remembered how they'd gotten home that night. Even more frightening were the strange happenings of that life-changing Friday.
Talho's fingertips were...well...ice cold all day, and she didn't even need a jacket as she walked to school despite the chilly 40 degrees temperatures. Furthermore, in biology when she reached out to examine her tomato plant (it was a class experiment) the entire thing drew to two times it's natural size and sprouted enourmous red tomatos. Classmates stared in disbelief at the broken clay pot, and the spidery roots all over the labtable.. And with all the cold weather....Talho felt so drowsy....like she could've slept for...well...months.
When Kiara woke up, something was making her mouth water in the kitchen. She did what anyone would've done. She followed her nose....and only then did she realize something was wrong when she found herself sticking her nose in what had turned out to be the bowl of dogfood her mom had left out for their German Sheperd, affectionately named Bonkers.
Melissa, after waking up, devoured three cans of tuna on a whim before heading to school, and caught herself eyeing the labmice in science class hungrily.And... Since when had she taken a liking to fish with such gusto?
They all knew something had happened to them....something that had to do with last night.....but they didn't think to confront eachother about it.
That following night, dreams were sent to them from the gods. Strange voices whispered instructions to the girls. Their questions were answered, and explanations were given.
The legend of the previous three was embedded in their minds and hearts forever. When Saturday morning rolled around, there was no doubting it. The three of them designated a meeting place out behind the cul-de-sac, a safe place thanks to the surrounding woods, and discussed the whole thing. Talho instantly accepted their new roles, whereas Kiara was in complete denial.

The First Meeting in the Woods

"This is absolutely ludicrous! INSANE!" her voice rose higher with every syllable until she was yelling. Melissa shot a glare in Kiara's direction.
"Then how else would you explain the fact that we each had the same dream....we each saw that light, and all of us have powers now? You can't go on denying it." Talho said calmly, her deep brown eyes focused intently upon Kiara. The bookworm sighed heavily, removing her glasses from her sharp green eyes to rub the ridge of her nose in frustration. Kiara knew Talho was right...but none of this made any sense for crying out loud.
"I guess little miss Einstein is afraid of what her books can't prove." piped up Melissa in a taunting tone from her spot on the tree stump.
"Shut up! You're the one to terrified of breaking a nail to actually get off your a** and work!" Kiara snapped vehemently. Melissa got to her feet just as a red gleam came to her dark blue eyes. The next instant Talho was inbetween the two, standing like an impenetrable wall, forcing them both to calm down.
"Cut it out you two. You guys fight like cats and dogs...well...I guess that's to be expected..." Talho smirked slightly at her little pun, but Kiara and Melissa merely rolled their eyes and pouted back to their previous seats.
"So...what are we going to do?" Talho asked with a long drawn-out sigh as she leaned against an oak.
"I say we do what they told us. They said we would be able to sense the demons now. Remember how, in out dreams, they said we could access the guardian forms just by focusing on...uh...what was it they said..." Melissa scratched her head, trying to remember.
"The inner beast." Kiara grumbled in annoyance at Melissa's lack of attentiveness.
"Geeze...This all sound so corny....Like one of those really nerdy fantasy movies." Talho grinned slightly, letting out a good-natured chuckle. Melissa shrugged, flipping her perfect blond hair back with an air of arrogance.
"Anyways, what I was trying to say is that I think we should try it out to see if it works."
"Whoa....Wait. Have you even considered the consequences of any of this?!" Kiara burst out again, throwing her hands up in the air.
"So we'll say all this 'save-the-world-from-demons' and 'close-the-gates-of-hell' crap is for real. I'll even go so far as to suppose we accept the job. But what about our school? Our families? Our reputations? Our lives?"
Silence swept over all three as the brainiac's words sunk in. As selfish as those factors sounded....they were things to be contemplated.
The first to break the revery, of course, was Melissa.
"They're risks we'll have to take. We can't just turn our backs on this. What if we were to do that, and people were hurt because of it? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.....plus...." a rather mischeivious grin curved Melissa's lips. "....Don't you think this is even a little cool? I mean, we have like...superpowers now. We get the chance to fight crime and kick a**. Maybe we can even keep like secret identities and stuff!" Obviously excited, Melissa got to her feet and did a really dorkish ninja karate chop. Talho and Kiara blinked and looked at the psychotic blond like she was an alien, an awkward silence ringing in the air.
Suddenly, all three girls burst into fits of laughter. It was a strange laughter, but warm and soothing at the same time. It was the very first sign...or the very first time....that the three had begun their bond.
After a few minutes of giggling fits, Talho had caught her breath. Everything shifted mood again, from bright and carefree to solemn as she spoke.
"So what's the decision? Are we in this together, or not?" She stretched her arm out in front of her, palm down, in a sign that she was. Melissa smiled warmly, and instantly joined Talho, laying her perfectly manicured hand over Talho's. They both looked at Kiara, who looked like a cornered dog. But after a few moments of locked gazes, she sighed and rolled her eyes, standing as her hand joined theirs.
"I'm only saying this one more time...but this is insane." Her words may've seemed resistant, but a soft smile was pulling at the corners of her lips.
The three hands joined together. Such a simple sign of unification....but so powerful at the same time...

Mondays Suck

After their first meeting, Sunday was uneventful. The girls spent most of their time just trying to finish up last minute reports, and control all these new cravings. But when Monday rolled around, things changed.
They all went about their schooldays as they normally would've, the strange happenings on Friday already forgotten in the strain of assignments. Hallways thronged with students, the buzz of chatter rang in every classroom, and by the time seventh period rolled around (the last period of the day) the only thing anyone was paying attention to was the clock.
Now, our three girls have been given the gift of sight. All this means, is that they have the power to sense and see clearly the demons they were comissioned to dispose of.
by mere luck that they haven't run into anything yet. Yes, lesser minions have glimpsed the girls before being discovered, but fled in fear of the power that radiated from those seemingly mortal bodies. Word spread quickly through the demonic realms, gossip of how "a new three had arisen." and "the king had to do something." But the king of hell himself brushed the petty rumors away. The prince, however, took intrest in the matter. The young, but blackened soul was one who took the most delight in interfering in the lives of the humans.
And so, leaving his firey throne, he set off to follow the steady web of information, the source of which led him to Kingwood High, where three very bored girls sat in very boring classes during a very boring seventh period of very boring World History.

At this point none of the three had used the guardian powers. So Cain's prescence was a completely new sense. At the same moment, all three girls lurched out of their seats, startled by a sudden wave of dread. It was like getting kicked square in the chest by something supernatural, minus the pain.
Teachers stared. Students gawked. But in the next three minutes came the explosion, one of Cain's doing, of which blew the gymnasium into smitherines. Luckily, there wasn't anyone in there, but it caused pandemonium nonetheless. Everyone ran around screaming thier heads off, stupidly running out of the building where the very human-like Cain stood waiting. If only it hadn't been for that pair of giant bat wings, or those crimson eyes, or that dreadful demonic aura....well you get the point.
The three girls stood in shock, but then something inside each of them seemed to roar to life. They shot glances at eachother, knowing fully well that this was it. This was a test. It was the first time each of them experienced the transformation.

"Come out, Come out, wherever you are!" came Cain's masculine, taunting voice as he stretched out his arms in welcoming of his prey.
"I know you're in there!" his cold voice strangely reached every ear inside the building.
Then came a familiar blinding flash, one that lit up the air for miles. This flash was the protection of which the gods offered during the transformation, giving the three time to get away from mortal eyes. Talho, Kiara, and Melissa dashed out the back door of the classroom, but stopped there, staring at one another in shock.

Melissa's beautiful blond hair was now a glossy raven-black, and her eyes golden and feline. A long black tail swayed behind her, and a pair of matching black cat ears twitched atop her head. Midnight leather covered her skin, tough as armor and as sleek as though it were her own skin. A belt hugged her hips, from witch dangled a sheathed longsword.

Kiara, now garbed in some sort of latex bodysuit over which sturdy armor was tied, had a bow in one hand and a quiver full of arrows at her back. She had a tail of her own, which was wagging, and a set of ears, both a light brown in color. Her own blond hair, like Melissa's, had turned black, but was tied back in a tight braid, the color being a bit more dull as well. Her eyes had gone from a peircing green to a bluish-gray.

Talho's red hair had turned into a soft brown, and her dark brown eyes had changed into a deep blue. A brown leather corset and matching pants, worn comfortably, framed her body. Over that was a large hooded cloak, hiding most of her from view. In her right hand was a large wooden staff, nothing seemingly special about it, aside from the tip which seemed to be made out of some monsterous tooth.

A battle ensued, in which Cain was taken by surprise. These girls had strength and power beyond believing, no matter that they couldn't fully grasp it yet. It was there, and three against one is hardly fair.
Cain was forced into a humiliating retreat, disappearing in shambles, while poeple began to emerge from the school building. They stared first at the three figures, and then at the pillars of ice, craters, scorched patches, and animated vines winding across the ground. The area looked simply cataclysmic. Some were shocked. Some were disbelieving. Others, the wise ones, knew that what they'd seen had truely happened.
Regardless, Melissa, Kiara, and Talho split the scene instinctively, taking cover behind the schoo building again. There was another flash of light, and the three girls stood there looking as if nothing had even happened them. They were in their school clothes, without a scratch on their bodies. All three were scared, exhilerated, and triumphant at the same time. But though they'd won the battle, the war had just begun.

The Girls


Human form

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Guardian Form

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The Staff

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Name: Talho Manson

Age: 17

Race: Human

Personality: Before she was chosen, Talho was practically invisible at school. Wherever she went, she was alone, and she never spoke a word to anyone. Sometimes it was as if she wasn't there at all. But none of that really ever bothered her. She likes to be quiet, preferring to watch the actions of those around her. But now, with Kiara and Melsissa at her side, Talho's true colors have begun to show. Usually playing peacemaker between Kiara and Melissa, Talho is easygoing and speculative. At a glance, she looks like some stoic person that might turn around and kill you if you tap her on the shoulder, and sure, she's intimidating sometimes. But under the coarse demeanor, she's the fluffiest, warmest teddy bear around. When Talho makes a bond, it's for life. She'd sacrifice herself in a heartbeat for both of her friends. In the group, Talho is like the main support beam. She is what grounds Kiara and Melissa to their newfound duties, always reminding them of their purpose, and keeping them away from eachother's throats. But as kind-hearted as she is...if anyone were to ever harm the other two....there'd be hell to pay. Literally.

Talents/Abilities: Talho has a few incredible traits as a guardian. She can control the element of earth, which is suiting considering her grounded personality. Second is her ability to conjure ice with the flick of a finger, or with her staff, whatever suits her mood. This probably adds to the way Talho can withstand freezing temperatures with little or no discomfort. Her strength as well is dumbfounding. To put it simply, if you took ten bulldozers, a couple semi-trucks, and a wrecking ball, combined them, and then compared them to Talho....She'd still put them to shame. A scary thought, right?
Think of a grizzly bear. Eight-Hundred hulking pounds of iron muscle and thick fur. 9 Centimeter-long claws attached to hefty paws that could practically knock your head off your neck. A set of bone-crushing jaws, lined with equally formidable teeth.
Now, multiply that sort of power a couple times, and imagine a girl.. A girl with that sort of intimidating strength. Then you might have a rough idea of Talho the Guardian.

Likes: Talho, ironically, has always loved the outdoors. She likes the peaceful side of nature. Although, lately, she's found an insatiable hunger for fish. Salmon in particular. xd

Dislikes: She hates the way Melissa and Kiara argue constantly, and isn't keen on crowded places either.

Other Little Facts: (Will be added later.)

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Human form
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Guardian Form

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The Bow

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Name: Kiara Nickleson

Age: 16

Race: Human

Personality: Kiara is the bookworm. Unsocial. Strict. Sharp mannered. Give her an equation, and she can solve it in the blink of an eye. but put her in a social bind, and Kiara faulters. Before everything, Kiara's only friends consisted of the teachers, her textbooks, and the library staff. It wasn't really a matter of shyness....just arrogance. Kiara thought of herself as much too intelligent to waste her time squabbling with losers. Almost anyone without the mind of Einstein who approached her got the cold shoulder. But now that Mel has walked onto the scene, Kiara's getting a little taste of her own medicine. Melissa and Talho, unlike Kiara don't have younger siblings either, so there's the added stress-factor of a crazy 6-year old in constant need of attention. Maybe stress is what makes her so snappy. Nobody knows.
Kiara has had a promising future from the day she was born. Excellent grades, even up to this day, a brilliant mind, and a humble backround. But she's going to have to learn when too much is too much. Her Daily agenda consists of:

Studying/School Related Tasks ~ 20%
Chores/Madeline ~ 50%
College Searching ~ 10%
Guardian Work ~ 20%
(Gushing over Mathew Donner might account for an extra 10%)

Kiara spends the majority of her time keeping house and taking care of her younger sister. Her parents spend alot of time at work. (most likely cheating on one another) On top of that, she has so many extra classes, which come with extra homework in tow, along with her personal studies, and preparation for college. The only reason she's survived is her iron will and strong temper. One might even say she has a temper equal to that of Melissa's, but her's comes from a different angle.

Talents/Abilities: Kiara is the one who controls both wind and water. She is the wolf. Like the others, she can use her elements with her hands, and sometimes her weapon. Lacking a better word, she somewhat molds them carefully with her hands. It takes Kiara's level of concentration and preciseness when one is dealing with something as free-flowing as water or as tricky as air. The same goes for using the long-practiced art of the bow. Her eyes are sharp, and her hearing is better than that. But above all is her nose. That nose of hers can smell anything from a single rose to a pile of cow manure over five miles away. A powerful and observant mind such as Kiara's often comes in handy during battle. Yet another trait, given to her by the wolf, is her ability to endure. Kiara's limbs aren't quite as quick as Melissa's, or as strong as Talho's, but they hardly ever tire. Long after both of the other's are exhausted, Kiara has the strength to fight on.

Likes: Kiara loves books to death, and would like nothing more than to waste her days away in the endless selection of the library. But she has a knack for logic puzzels too, and takes a personal intrest in history. Then there's that strange mouth-watering sensation she gets everytime she walks past Bonkers's food bowl...

Dislikes: Kiara hates ignorance, and people who've never picked up a book. Then there are video games. All that stupid new music. The way things work at school, and the government.

Other Little Facts: (Will be added later.)

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Human form

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Guardian form

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The Blade

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Name: Melissa Lee Brandt

Age: 17

Race: Human

Personality: Melissa is the absolute Alpha Girl at Kingwood High. Adored, envied, and respected by all those with a social status lower than hers. She's also a complete flirt, and has been with just about every guy in Harem Springs (and, sad to say, a couple teachers too). All of them, that is, except the one she really wants. Eric Harper.
Mel also has a pretty frightening temper, which is just another reason everyone likes to stay on her good side. This girl has all the power she needs to make a life miserable, and I'm not talking about anything related to the guardians. To put it simply, Melissa is a firey ball of passion, fury, and friendly wit. I may've made her sound like a girl with an unattractive personality so far, but trust me, that's not true. Beneath that peppy, dominant exterior is a trait many lack, and one that Melissa subconsciously hides. Loyalty. Above all, loyalty governs Melissa's life. Those people she has none for are the one's she uses for menial tasks. In other words, those are the people she walks all over. But the select few that she's created a real friendship with have a trust that they take for granted. Melissa would go to the ends of the Earth for those lucky people. And, as you might've guessed, there are only two of those people. Kiara, and Talho. Kiara, though she'd never admit it, is her best and closest friend. And Talho is just as important to her, always there when she just needs to talk.
Those of you who are cat-owners, you'll understand this.They may be animals, but they understand more than we give them credit for.
Our feline friends may be arrogant, finicky, moody, and all-over just infuriating sometimes.
But then there are those moments when they're the only ones who listen, the only ones who'll stay by your side when everyone else leaves, the ones who overlook all those flaws of yours and curl up in your lap at the end of the day.
They aren't so bad. Melissa isn't so bad.

Talents/Abilities: When your lighter stops working, and you're in dire need of a smoke, Mel would come in handy. Melissa reins over the devastating element fire, and that of lightning as well. Just imagine: One wrong move with her, and...BOOM! You're suddenly a stick of human barbecue. However, lightning is a bit more of a hassle. First, it takes a couple seconds for the stormclouds to gather at her summoning, and a few seconds could mean alot in a battle. On the physical side, Melissa would best be described as extremely fast, graceful, and accurate. She's lightfooted, but not weak. Definitely not weak. She can place a blow with power nearly equal to Kiara's. But her strength lies more in her ability to strike quickly and efficiently. If her attack doesn't kill the target, it will cripple it. her speed is blinding. One moment she might be in front of you, and in the blink of an eyes she's melted into the shadows again, only to appear behind you with no warning.

Likes: Tuna, Catnip, Boys, Shopping, and Fighting. See, she's simple enough. ^_^

Dislikes: Dogs, Getting Dirty, Braking a nail, and not being the center of attention.

Other Little Facts: (Will be added later.)

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Additional Characters

Eric Harper - Highschool Hotshot

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Eric is the apple of Mel's eye, and he takes advantage of it often. Girls drool over him, teachers adore him, guys wish they were him. Eric has it made. He's a star on both the basketball and football teams. Chances are, you know this kinda guy. he alway's sits at the "Popular Table", and has probably laid about half the girls in the school already.

Cain - Prince of Hell (No, Really. He is.)

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Jealous, Childish, Sadistic. Three words that would probably describe Cain the best. He's spoiled, like many who become drunk with power, and gets what he wants when he wants. And he wants, inevitably, Melissa. What is it with that girl? She's like a friggin magnet! He-hem. Anyways, being the prince of Hell itself has it's perks, seeing as Cain is in control of about half the demons in exsistance. He's determined to get rid of the three girls in his way, by killing the first two, and taking the third prisoner. Unlike normal demons, Cain cannot be sensed. he's simply too powerful to be caught like that. Even worse, he can easily take the shape of any human. He could be that kid that sits next to you on the bus, or the Science teacher, or your sister even. It's dangerous with him around, and if Talho, Kiara, and Melissa want to survive they'll have to keep a close eye on him.

Mathew Donner - Genius and Future President

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Mathew is the posterboy of brilliance. He's notably arrogant as well, but in a more subtle way than Eric. Straight A's his whole life. Never a bad grade. To him, missing a day of school is a crime. This boy is destined for greatness. So why does he yearn for someone as ditzy and unethical as Melissa? For those exact reasons. He finds that mixture of false innocence and mischief irrisistable compared to brainy girls who seem to swarm around him.

Madeline Nickelson - Kiara's Little Sister Pain in the Neck

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Madeline is a bouncy, bubbly little girl with plenty of energy to spare. She loves playing with Kiara, or in other words, driving her nuts. Maddy finds every way possible to get into mischeif, whether it's incidents like the time she followed Kiara to school, or 'accidently' breaking one of their mother's priceless glass baubles. But now, with the whole guardian thing, maddy is seeing changes in her older sister. Every time Kiara looks at Madeline, there an almost motherly warmth in her eyes instead of annoyance. The urge to keep Madeline safe and protect her burns ever so strongly now, and Kiara has realized just how much the little twirp means to her.

Xx Foxy Synfire xX
Community Member
Xx Foxy Synfire xX
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