well lets see.... how do i start this out... hm...
I love him... with every little peice of my broken heart...
i have been hurt so much in the past
that i have learned not to trust ANY guys...
but... some how... Lee had gained my trust...
from the very beginning... he did...
between our laughs...
between out hours long talks about anything and everything...
between the i love you's
and between our music...
he gained my love and my trust....
which is something... cuz...
i NEVER fall for anyone easily
i just dont...from my past i have learned to not open up and trust
but... he did it.... he gained my trust and slowly coaxed me into opening up
and its nice... it feels so good to be able to open up and be... me...
i trust him with all that i am...
i love him
and im scared to death...
im scared of losing him...
i lost him once before...
and i almost lost him a few weeks ago...
i wonder what im doing wrong...
i love him so much....
i would completly change if it would make him love me...
i would do anything and everything he asks of me
no, im not his slave, and no im not his maid,
i just love him
plain and simple as that...
i just worry that im the only one who feels this strongly...
i know he cares and loves me...
but does he as much as i do...
i dont want to be with ANY other guy in this world,
and i really truly honestly mean that
to me, he is the only guy i have eyes for,
i dont stare at guys when im at the mall
i dont make flirting passes at guys who try asking me out
i dont go guy scouting when im out with friends cuz..
he is the only guy i want
sure some guys are nice but
none are like mine
my man, he is one of a kind... and i mean that
no guy is perfect i know this
but to me, he is,
sure he has done some wrong in our past but...
i dont care.. i love him...
and i want to be the one at his side...
~ heart ~