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View User's Journal

-- Name: Paul
-- Nickname(s): Darkness (I'm quite pale, btw)
-- Birthdate: Oct. 17, 1986
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Blond
-- Righty or Lefty: right handed
-- Zodiac Sign: Libra
-- Your heritage: Mostly Polish, Russian, Irish, and a melting pot of other european countries...along with Jewish and Native American...thus, I don't really have a specific Heritage
-- The shoes you wore today: Wilson's with soles falling off
-- Your eyes: um...BIG (but not too big! icon_wink.gif )
-- Your weakness: Cute girls, Chips and Salsa, pride, and maybe alcohol
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: "lol" ...i say it like every other IM... lol...hm...see!
-- Your thoughts first waking up: I want to keep sleeping! Oh, wait, its 3 pm.
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Their face!
-- Your best physical feature: lol...well, I don't think that's appropriate
-- Your bedtime: Sunrise
-- Your most missed memory: um, i miss playing with my friends outside when I was a little kid with no worries, it's a good memory...not a missed memory. lol

--------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: rum and coke?
-- McDonald's or Burger King: burger king...they are superior in every aspect except that mcdonald's has mcflurries.
-- Single or group dates: whatever, as long as we are alone eventually!
-- Adidas or Nike: I have a lot of adidas shirts, but it's not like I tried to.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: I can't decide...!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino...straight coffee is just bitter and disgusting
-- Long Hair or Short: long/medium on girls, I like my hair "long" for a guy

-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Irritate: If I want to. It's fun at times.
-- Take a shower everyday: Usually twice.
-- Want to go to college: I'm in college. lol
-- Like high school: I liked it, but I don;t want to do it again.
-- Want to get married: Yea...
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: hell no, I peck at the keyboard like 50 words per minute though
-- Get motion sickness: no, I can;t afford to, I'm a pilot
-- Think you're a health freak: I kind of am, but sometimes I go on unhealthy binges!
-- Get along with your parents: Currently, I didn't used to
-- Like thunderstorms: Sooooo much fun
-- Play an instrument: not well

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID YOU:/:HAVE YOU--------------

-- Go to the mall: no, I've been like 3 times in the last year...lol
-- Eaten sushi: Yea, like 6 times.
-- Been on stage: no, I avoid stages
-- Gone skating: sadly no!
-- Made homemade cookies: no but I ate some raw cookie dough!!!
-- Dyed your hair: lol my hair is beautiful as is!
-- Stolen anything: If I did I didn't mean to.

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
-- Flown on a plane: Um, yea. I'm a pilot. It's hard to avoid flying planes when you're a pilot.
-- Missed school because it was raining?: Yes, it's called a hurricane. (I live in Florida)
-- Cried during a Movie?: A couple times; it's fun.
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yea, those Japanese guys really know how to draw girls...even the guys are kind of attractive! lol...sorry.
-- Had an imaginary friend: Once I tried to but I kept forgetting about them.
-- Been on stage?: Yes.
-- Cut your hair: Yea, but I make my parents pay ME to let them cut it icon_biggrin.gif
-- Had crush on a teacher?: No, but I know some crazy ppl who do/have.
-- Been caught "doing something": Maybe I would if I did things more often.
-- Been called a tease: I'm a guy...guy's can't tease. icon_blaugh.gif
-- Gotten beaten up?: Once a kid kicked me in the balls and ran away...does that count?
-- Been in a fight: More like armed stand offs...I'm always protecting my friends...

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: as soon as I find her
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 1 would be enough. I'd rather name it on site then try to plan it out.
--describe your Dream Wedding: I don't care that's up to her. I could tell you my dream honeymoon...lol
-- How do you want to die?: Looking down at my own blood dying the snow I've fallen into bright red, then falling asleep. (sorry, it's the truth)
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: A pilot, a linguist, and a Psychiatrist
-- What country would you most like to visit?: Japan!

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
-- Best eye color: black, or deep blue.
-- Best hair color: any, as long as it's not super curly
-- Short or long hair: long
-- Best height: like 5'6
-- Best weight: If she's 5'6...around 120 lbs is very nice if she's fit.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
-- Number of guys you've had: I'm not gay. I'm a virgin. lol
-- Number of kisses you've given: I have no idea...
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Um, I think just 2.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Like...10 at most. I'm deprived.
-- Number of piercings: none
-- Number of tattoos: none, I'm too cheap to pay for one.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: once or twice
-- Number of scars on my body: heh...I don't have any big ones...unless you count the inside...haha
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: A few huge things, most most things were ither necessary or did not effect my life at all

-- Shampoo: Kerotin types
-- Fav Color: i dunno, they are just different wavelengths of light to me.
-- Day/Night: Night, unless I'm flying
-- Summer/Winter: Summer!
-- Questions/Answers: You've got questions, I've got answers.
-- Fave Cartoon: Samurai Champloo
-- Fave TV show: Um...the history channel?
-- Fave Food: Hong Kong style Chinese food
-- Fave sport: kendo, soccer, rock climbing, chess(it makes me money)
-- Fave sports stars: Me

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
-- Wearing: Grey PACO jeans(the only way to go), and a blue billibong shirt.
-- Drinking: water
-- Thinking about: serious problems/cutting myself (but I haven't and I wont, don't worry)
-- Listening to: The decemberists (CD: Picaresque)

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
-- Cried: a shitload...like I said I'm having serious problems. I never cry so crying a little is a shitload to me.
-- Worn jeans: Yes I am almost always wearing them
-- Met someone new online: kind of...depends what "met" implies
-- Done laundry: no, I need to
-- Drove a car: Yea I drive a lot
-- Talked on the phone: Of course.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
-- Yourself: Yes
-- Your friends: I wish I could
-- Santa Claus: ...
-- Tooth Fairy: ...?
-- Destiny/Fate: To a certian degree.
-- Angels: Yea
-- Ghosts: more like...demons
-- UFO's: not really.
-- God: Yes, and Jesus

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: yea
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no, It's been years..
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Mike ...actually, both Mike's
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Andrew
-- Are you close to any family member?: no, I have no family
-- Who do you hang around the most?: Yossi right now
-- When have you cried the most: when a certain person told me she didn't like me anymore and couldn't give a reason
-- What time is it now?: 7:15 pm
-- Fav Car: Corvette ZO6

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  • 07/24/05 to 07/17/05 (1)
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