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Will Coleman's RP Information
Used to hold all information of ongoing and up comming creations.
Great Swords
Before I begin mapping out the paths, I would like to make an example of how it
will look. The (L) represents a change to a long Sword. (End) represents the
end of the weapons line. * represents that it can be made form scratch.

Great sword > Big sword > Bigger sword > Biggest sword
> Hax blade > Hax blade+
> Kitty masher(L)


Buster Sword* > Buster Sword+
> White Serpentblade*
> Blango Destroyer(L)*


Buster Sword+* > Buster Blade*
> Defender*
> Iron Katana(L)*


Buster Blade* > Ravager Blade* > Ravager Blade+*
> Cat's Soul*


Ravager Blade+* > Tactical Blade
> Chrome Razor > Chrome Death Razor?(End)


Tactical Blade > Strategic Blade(End)


White Serpentblade* > Silver Serpentblade > ???


Blango Destroyer(L)* > Blango Destroyer+ > Blango Decimator > Blango Destructor


Defender* > Sentinel > Barbaroi Blade*
> Halberd*


Barbaroi Blade* > Crimson Goat(End)


Halberd* > Judgment(End)

Iron Katana(L)* > Iron Katana "Grace" > Iron Katana "Gospel"
> Dark Scythe*


Iron Katana "Gospel"(L) > Eager Cleaver > Devil Slicer > True Devil Slicer(End)
> Saber*


Cat's Soul* > Cat's Curse > Cat's King(End)


Dark Scythe(L)* > Tormentor*
> Crimson Scythe


Tormentor(L)* > Scythe of Menace(End)
> Crab Cutter > ???


Crimson Scythe(L) > White Mantis > Frost Ripper(End)
> Monoblos Scythe


Saber(L)* > Lion Dance Saber > Lion King Saber(End)


Bone Blade* > Bone Blade+ > Bone Slasher*
> Red Stripe*
> Bone Katana "Wolf"(L)*


Bone Slasher* > Golem Blade*
> Finblade*
> Chick Decapitator
> Red Wing*


Golem Blade* > Golem Blade+ > Valkyrie Blade*
> Executioner*


Valkyrie Blade* > Sieglinde(End)
> Titernia
> Spartacus Blade


Titernia > Blushing Dame(End)


Spartacus Blade > Obelion
> Siegmund(End)


Obelion > Pael Keizah(End)


Finblade* > Plesioth Watersword > Plesioth Crystalsword > Plesioth Azureblade


Chick Decapitator > Chicken Decapitator > Rooster Decapitator > ???
> Sentoryu Raven*


Sentoryu Raven* > Sentoryu Wolf(End)


Red Wing* > Rathalos Firesword(End)
> Blue Wing


Blue Wing > Shiny Rathalos Sword(End)


Bone Katana "Wolf"(L)* > Bone Katana "Shark" > Bone Katana "Dragon"
> Wyvern Blade "Fall"*
> Wyvern Blade "Leaf"*


Bone Katana "Dragon"(L) > Fire Dragonsword* > Red Dragonsword >

Smolder Dragonsword(End)

> Supremacy Blade > Divine Slasher(End)


Executioner* > Executioner+ > ???
> Agito*
> Kirin Thundersword*
> Sword of the Diablos > Diablo Destroyer(End)


Kirin Thundersword* > King Thundersword(End)


Red Stripe* > Ceanataur Blade > Blue Claw Blade > Killer's Scythe
> ??? > ???


Bone(L)* > Large Bone > Bone Katana "Wolf"(L)*
> Black Katana Mk. 1(L) > Black Katana Mk. 2 > Mk. 3(End)


Khezu Shock Sword* > Khezu Shock Blade(End)


Black Belt Blade* > Expert Blade(End)


Bronze Coin* > Gaoren Coin(End)


Tiger Agito* > Tigrex Great Sword(End)


Dragonslayer* > Eternal Annilater > Eternal Eradicator(End)


Black Blade* > Fatalis Blade(End)
> Fatalis Ancestor(End)


Carbalite Sword* > Carbalite Sword+
> Bronze Coin*
> Guardian Sword(L)*


Carbalite Sword+ > Lacerator Blade(End)
> Demon Halberd(L) > Great Demon Halberd


Guardian Sword(L)* > Imperial Sword(End)


Agito* > Wyvern Agito > True Dragon's Jaw(End)
> Rusty Claymore(L) > Gaelic Flame(End)


Wyvern Blade "Fall"(L)* > Wyvern Blade "Blood" > Wyvern Blade "Maple"(End)


Wyvern Blade "Leaf"(L)* > Wyvern Blade "Verde" > Wyvern Blade "Holly"(End)


Tigrex Tooth(L)* > Tigrex Katana


Dragonwood L.Sword(L)* > Fanatic Dragnwd LS(End)


Centenarian Dagger(L)* > Susano Blade(End)


Akantor Katana(L)(End)*


Rusted Great Sword > Tarnished Great Swd > Ancient Blade
> Steel Ice Blade


Steel ice Blade > Steel Ice Blade+ > ???


|Material listings|

In this section I'll write the name down of each weapon and show the cost,
materials, element, sharpness, and other misc. things.

Buster Sword+
Requires: 3 Iron Ore, 2 Disk Stones.
384 attack power, large yellow sharpness.


Buster Blade
Requires: 6 iron ore, 1 Machalite Ore, 5 Disk Stones.
480 attack power, fair amount of green.

Ravager Blade
Requires: 10 Iron Ore, 5 Machalite Ore, 10 Earth Crystals.
576 attack power, fair amount of green. Defense+1


Ravager Blade+
Requires: 3 Dragonite Ore, 10 Machalite Ore, 15 Earth Crystals.
768 attack power, good green. Defense+2


Tactical Blade
Requires: 3 Rathalos Webbing, 5 Fire Wyvern Claw, 5 Doara Claw.
960 attack power, great green. Defense+6


Strategic Blade
Requires: 8 rathalos Carpace, 10 Tigrex Claw, 5 Rathian Spike.
1008 attack power, great green. Defense+8.


Chrome Razor
Requires: 2 Chameleos Horn, 2 Teostra Horn, 8 Tigrex Fang.
816 attack power, great green, 320 poison.


Cat's Soul
Requires: 1 Pawprint Stamp, 4 Paralysis Sac, 2 FlynMealPassReg.
480 attack power, fair amount of green. 200 Paralysis.


Cat's Curse
Requires: 2 Rainbow Insect, 4 FlynMealPassReg, 1 FlynMealPassPlus.
624 attack power, fair amount of green. 360 paralysis.


Cat's King
Requires: 5 Carbalite Ore, 1 Felyne Fur Ruby, 5 FlynMealPassPlus.
720 attack power, great green. 450 paralysis.


White Serpentblade
Requires: 5 Giaprey Scale, 3 Sm Monster Bone, 2 Carpenterbug.
384 attack power, good yellow. 120 ice.


Requires: 10 Iron Ore, 10 Disk Stone, 2 Machalite Ore.
432 attack power, fair amount of yellow. Defense+10


Requires: 20 Iron Ore, 15 Earth Crystals, 8 Machalite Ore.
576 attack power, great yellow. Defense+20.


Barbaroi Blade
Requires: 8 Machalite Ore, 1 Unknown Skull, 3 Flame Sac.
480 attack power, sliver of green. 250 fire. Defense+12


Crimson Goat
Requires: 12 Machalite Ore, 4 Gravios Shell, 3 Firestone.
624 attack power, sliver of green. 500 fire. Defense+16


Requires: 4 Dragonite Ore, 15 Iron Ore, 15 Med Monster Bone.
864 attack power, sliver of yellow.


Requires: 5 Carbalite Ore, 20 Machalite Ore, 5 King Scarab.
1056 attack power, fair amount of green.


Iron Katana
Requires(from Buster Sword+): 5 Iron Ore, 1 Machalite Ore, 5 Disk Stone.
Requires(from scratch): 3 Machalite Ore, 8 Iron Ore, 8 carpenterbug, 8 Ice
480 attack power, good yellow.


Iron Katana "Grace"
Requires: 10 Iron Ore, 5 Machalite Ore, 10 Earth Crystal.
528 attack power, fair amount of green.


Iron Katana "Gospel"
Requires: 15 Iron Ore, 12 Machalite Ore, 15 Earth Crystal.
576 attack power, good green.


Eager Cleaver
Requires: 15 Machalite Ore, 30 Earth Crystal, 4 electro sac.
624 attack power, great green. 250 thunder.


Devil Slicer
Requires: 5 Dragonite Ore, 20 Machalite Ore, 2 Thunderbug Juice.
720 attack power, great green. 450 thunder.


True Devil Slicer
Requires: 10 Carbalite Ore, 20 Dragonite Ore, 4 Thunder sac.
816 attack power, good blue. 520 thunder.


Requires: 2 Lunastra Shell, 2 Fire Drgn Webbng, 4 Fire Dragon Scl.
720 attack power, fair amount of green. 350 fire.


Bone Blade+
Requires: 3 Sm Monster Bone.
384 attack power, good yellow.


Bone Slasher
Requires: 4 Sm Monster Bone, 4 Brute Bone, 5 Carpenterbug.
432 attack power, sliver of green.


Golem Blade
Requires: 2 Med Monster bone, 6 Sharp Claw, 1 Monster Fluid.
528 attack power, great yellow. Defense+2.


Golem Blade+
Requires: 3 Lg Monster Bone, 3 Piscine Fang, 2 Monster Fluid.
576 attack power, fair amount of green. Defense+4.


Valkyrie Blade
Requires: 3 FireWyvern Fluid, 5 Wyvern Fang, 3 Giant Bone.
624 attack power, fair amount of green. Defense+6.


Requires: 3 Rathian Shell, 6 Rathian Scale, 2 Rathian Spike.
912 attack power, great green. Defense+6.


Requires 4 Pnk Rathian Shl, 4 Pnk Rathian Scl, 2 Eldr Dragon Bone.
768 attack power, good green. 160 dragon. Defense+8.


Blushing Dame
Requires: 4 Pnk rathian Cpc, 5 Pnk Rathian Scl+, Rathian Ruby.
864 attack power, good blue. 220 dragon. Defense+10.


Spartacus Blade
Requires: 4 Rathalos Shell, 3 Rathalos Tail, 3 Tigrex tail.
816 attack power, good green. Defense+4.


Requires: 2 Cephalos Fin, 2 Lg Monster Bone, 3 Machalite Ore.
480 attack, fair amount of yellow. 260 water.


Plesioth Watersword
Requires: 3 Plesioth Fin, 4 Plesioth Scale. 1 Mega Demondrug.
576 attack, good green. 390 water.


Plesioth Crystalsword
Requires: 4 Grn Plesioth Fin, 5 Grn Plesioth Scl, 2 Monster Bone+.
672 attack power, great green. 470 water.


Chick Decapitator
Requires: 2 Kut-ku Shell, 4 Kut-ku Scale, 3 Carpenterbug.
528 attack power, fair amount of green.


Chicken Decapitator
Requires: 3 Kut-ku Ear, 6 Kut-ku Webbing, 1 Fire Drgn Webbng.
768 attack power, great green.


Sentoryu Raven
Requires: 1 Garuga Wing, 5 Garuga Shell, 1 Sharpened Beak.
672 attack power, good green.


Red Wing
Requires: 3 Fire Wyvern Fluid, 4 Lg Monster Bone, 2 Flame Sac.
528 attack power, fair amount of green. 160 fire.


Rathalos Firesword
Requires: 2 Rathalos Wing, 3 FireWyvrn Marrow, 5 Fire Wyvern Claw.
768 attack power, great greeb. 420 fire.


Blue Wing
Requires: 3 Azure Rthlos Shl, 3 Rathalos Webbing, 3 Flame Sac.
720 attack power, great green. 380 fire.


Shiny Rathalos Sword
Requires: 6 Azure Rthlos Cpc, 3 Azur Rthlos Wing, 1 Rathalos Ruby.
864 attack power, fair amount of blue. 520 fire.


Blango Destroyer
Requires: 8 Blango Pelt, 5 Sharp Claw, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Carpenterbug.
384 attack power, good yellow. 100 ice.


Blango Destructor
Requires: 8 Blangonga Pelt+, 2 Blangonga Fang+, 5 Blangonga Tail.
864 attack power, fair amount of blue. 350 ice.


Dark Scythe
Requires(from path): 8 Piscine Fang, 3 Killer Bettle, 2 Unkown Skull.
Requires(from scratch): 6 Lg monster Bone, 3 Bulldrome Tusk, 8 Knife Mackerel,
4 monster Fluid.
624 attack power, sliver of green.


Bone Katana "Wolf"
Requires(from path): 2 Med Monster Bone, 5 Velociprey Fang, 5 Velociprey hide.
Requires(from scratch): 2 Velocidrome Hide, 4 Sm monster bone, 3 Machalite Ore,
2 Giadrome Claw.
528 attack power, good yellow.


Black Katana MK.1
Requires: 2 Hornetaur Head, 2 Hornetaur Wing, 3 Demondrug.
576 attack power, great green. Defense+2


Bone Katana "Shark"
Requires: 2 Machalite Ore, 4 Piscine Fang, 8 Giaprey Scale.


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