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Miyuki Fuyukibou
Community Member
They Say a War is Coming

Chapter 2:: Something to remember me by?

Roxas and I spent the entire night unpacking while I listened to him hum a tune. He has a good voice, but he won’t listen to me for a second when I tell him that. I just listened to it, because it seemed to soothe me.

The thoughts of never seeing my parents again, never being called Sora-kun again, heck, I even miss their Japanese bickering. It’s really hard keeping myself from tears, but being with Roxas kind of calms my heart.

I don’t particularly remember the song he’s murmuring, but it was oddly beautiful.

When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, please… oh baby… don’t go. Simple and Clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight, it’s hard to let it go.” I hear the far-off tune of a guitar in the distance, something I feel I’ve heard before, but can’t recall it. I can only calmly smile as I rested on my cot.

“Roxas?” I asked again, it seems that since we’ve got here, all I’ve done was ask a variety of questions.


“That song you were singing, I think I’ve heard it before, but I don’t know where.”

“It’s funny, it’s the same for me.” I blinked at him. He was laying on his cot, arms folded behind his head, smiling dreamily to the ceiling, “I don’t know where it came from. It popped into my head as I unpacked, and it kinda just flowed out of my mouth.”

“Huh…” I said, thinking back, trying to remember. Whatever it was, seemed to have calmed my heart a lot. My thoughts of crying had vanished.

That’s when a real guitar started playing- from next door.

Roxas growled as he marched out the door and left. “Axel shut up!”

“I know you like it! Hey, come sing me a song like you always do!”

“Hell no!”

I blinked and followed my brother outside.

“You guys are bothering the neighbors.” Riku said cooly, a nonchalant smile on his perfect face.

As I entered the scene, his eyes seemed to turn to me, so I looked away, blushing, hoping he didn’t notice me staring.

He, instead, walked down the steps and confronted me with a smile. “Hey there, I’m Riku.” He held out a hand.

I shook it gently, shyly, “H-hi, Riku, I’m Sora.”

“You go to our school right, why don’t I know you?” I shrugged and stared at him again. It was no wonder girls swarmed around him, heaven seemed to shine on him!

“Rikuuu! Are you cheating on me for Sora-chan!!!!” I blushed for some reason, I can’t tell why though.

Riku ignored him and smiled at me before walking back up to his place.

He pat Axel on the shoulder before walking into their barrack. Axel only sighed.

“You’re no fun, Riku.” He turned back to Roxas. “You on the other hand…”

“Shut up and leave me alone!” Roxas yelled. I’ve never seen him so worked up, usually he’s a lot calmer than I’d ever be.

Axel stuck out his tongue before following Riku into the barrack. Roxas growled and stomped off to ours, only leaving me to weakly follow.

I didn’t say a word to him afterwards, hoping he would calm down after a while. But then it was nighttime, the first night I would have to deal without mom tucking me in, I cried again.

“Roxas…” I murmured, hiding my tears. “Can you sing that song again?”

He blinked at me before complaining, “Are you sure, I may break your eardrums.”

“Please, I really liked it.”

“Okay, okay.” He sighed, starting the song up again.

“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, please… oh baby… don’t go. Simple and Clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight, it’s hard to let it go.” The distant guitar I said I heard through memory seemed to suddenly become real, and it truly did. I suspected Axel was right outside our door sitting there with the guitar he snuck with him, strumming. It only meant he knew the song well too, but what was weirder was that Roxas only paused for a second, he didn’t go out there and yell at Axel this time.

“You’re giving me… too many things, lately. You’re all I need… ohhh… you smiled at me… and said.

“Don’t get me wrong I love you, but does that mean I have to meet your father, when we are older you’ll understand, what I meant when I said ‘no I don’t think, life is quite that simple.’

“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say please…. Oh baby… don’t go. Simple and Clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight, it’s hard to let it go…

“The Daily things, like this and that and what is what, that keep us all busy, are confusing me… that’s when you came to me, and said, ‘wish I can prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk, on water, when we are older you’ll understand it’s enough when I say so, and maybe, some things are that simple.’

“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, please… Oh baby… don’t go. Simple and Clean is the way you’re making me feel tonight, it’s hard to let go…

“Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on… regardless of warnings, the future doesn’t scare me at all… Nothing’s like before…

“When you walk away, you don’t hear me say, please… Oh baby… don’t go. Simple and Clean is the way you’re making me feel tonight, it’s hard to let go…

“Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on… regardless of warnings, the future doesn’t scare me at all… Nothing’s like before…

“Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on… regardless of warnings, the future doesn’t scare me at all… Nothing’s like before…”

As the guitar faded, I felt myself drift to sleep, Roxas’ voice resonating in my head. I smiled calmly as Roxas hummed the last tunes.

Everything will be alright.


I woke up the next morning moaning over to Roxas, who I wanted to help me get up, but as I opened my eyes, I noticed…

…he wasn’t there.

Blinking, I hopped off my bed and got dressed, heading out the door.

“Roxas?” I called out, of course not getting any response. The area between the barracks was empty and quiet, it was far too early for anyone to just be walking around, well excepting for one.

“Hey Sora.” I turned to see Riku walking down the aisle, holding a box of things.

“Oh Riku, I was wondering if you’ve seen my brother.”

“That’s kind of funny, I was looking for Axel too, do you think they went to go fight somewhere?” My mind flashed to the events of the afternoon before.

“Oh no, I don’t want them fighting! I have to go find them!” I was about to rush off when I was stopped.

“Hey wait.” I turned to see him throw something at me. Luckily I caught it, and took a second to examine the article. A piece of fresh bread, “it’s your breakfast, I have a feeling it may take you all morning to find them so eat up. If you want, I can go and save them some food too, wherever they are.”

“That’d be so great! Thanks Riku, you’re really kind!”

“Don’t mention it.” He whistled and walked into Axel and his shared room to continue unpacking. I smiled. At least we had one good comrade to rely on.

Taking a bite of the bread he tossed me and started making my rounds, hoping to find the two somewhere. I concentrated on my ears, since I thought I’d hear them fight long before I saw them.

It seems they steered clear of the barracks and went somewhere far from any sign of human, because it wasn’t until I was off the barrack’s campus that I heard a familiar voice.

But it wasn’t bickering that I heard as I approached a site way off of the barrack territory, instead it was beautiful music.

Axel and Roxas were sitting together all buddy-buddy and singing songs together. Really, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Roxas freely sing, and Axel was pretty good at guitar too. Seeing as these kinds of moments were rare, AKA times Roxas and Axel got along, I snuck off again, hoping they’d come back in time for breakfast.

Then I was reminded of the song I slept to. I hummed it all the way back.


Just as I hoped, both came bickering in right before breakfast started, luckily we got spots in the middle of the line. With their disgusting bickering though, it was rather hard to stand in line. I could hardly believe they were actually the people calmly sitting there singing and playing guitar into the quiet morning air.

“Maybe if you just agreed with me once in a while.” Roxas put his hands on his hips, much like a housewife to a husband who is too busy to do his chores.

“Maybe if you stopped nagging me every now and then.” Axel stared grumpily down at him, crossing his arms and shooting a ferocious glare down at Roxas’ direction with unforgiving green eyes. Even the purple tattoos below his eyes seemed to glare.

“Why do you torture me so?” Roxas huffed, looking like a lost golden retriever puppy as he pouted.

“Why do you hate me so much?!” Axel protested, using that time to scratch his scalp through his fire-red hair.

The two stopped and glared at each other, making me mentally slap myself. Riku, on the other hand, only stood there with a nice and happy smile. I really wish I could steal it from him right now.

After we got our meals, we sat in front of our barracks. It was unbelievably disgusting.

While gagging, I threw the food away, watching as Roxas and Axel were somehow mobbing it down easily due to so stupid contest they made about who can eat faster. I think I’ll laugh when they start throwing up.

The guitar Axel was playing sat calmly on their porch, just letting me enjoy the view and remembering the beautiful sounds of it along with Roxas’ voice. I really can’t help it, I just wish I can hear it all again. I was too afraid to ask though. Roxas would probably complain about his voice, leaving Axel the time to tease him even more. Maybe one day I’ll just sneak along with them and listen from the sidelines. It was a lot better than my CD player.

“So should we get more acquainted?” I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to the flawless voice from beside me. Green orbs eyed me curiously, the shine in them made my heart somehow twist, something a body does when it wants to greedily grab something they want; I was always a sucker for shiny things.

“Sure!” I said happily after a pause. I ignored my urge to just squeeze his eyes out and keep them for my own and looked back at the two boys who were stubbornly fighting.

We took turns asking questions, but that was only a bunch of QnA about each other, like ‘what’s your favorite color’ and what not. The only time we really got into something was when I asked, “So, what was your family like?”

He paused for a second, seeming to recall something dangerous, I was at the brink of taking it back, but he decided to answer me anyway.

“I never really got to know them.” He smiled his smile and looked up at the sky, but the feeling I got from this was weird, it was as if for once, he was lying. “Axel on the other hand ran away from home.” He laughed, “The guy was poorer than a snail and right now, in this living style was actually something granted to him.”

“Oh…” I said, nodding, “…I really liked my parents, though…” I held back my tears as I remembered everything we used to do together, all together, “but now I know I might not ever see them again.”

I was surprised what came next, he hugged me. This definitely wasn’t a gesture males would practice, it was more of a female thing for a ‘I hope you feel better.’ But for some reason, once it did happen, it felt so real coming from another guy. “T-thanks” I stuttered.

He seemed to have… giggled at me before turning back to the bickering boys, who were just about dead from yelling so much. I was glad it had quieted down though. With a sigh, I reached back and turned on my CD player.

I layed down on their porch and took a bit of a rest. As I expected, the songs in my CDs didn’t compare to the beauty I heard from Axel and Roxas, but it was still a little calming. And because there was really nothing else to do, I took a sudden nap, feeling that I should care less about the world around me.

It wasn’t until everyone yelled my name did I wake up.

Another line was forming for lunch.

“Come on, Sora, we’ll miss lunch!”

“No it’s okay I think I’ll pass.” I said calmly, no matter what, I wouldn’t get to eat that without gagging and throwing it back out.

Riku held up his hand as if to say that he would skip lunch too.

Roxas glared at me and ranted about how I’ll become anorexic if I don’t eat, and Axel talked to Riku about how good the food was. We both ignored them before they rushed off to get food.

“Those two are weird.” I sighed, putting my CD player away. I need to work on storing its battery, I only have a limited amount, after all.

“Ha ha I know…” He smiled down at me as I sat up, stretching.

“Hey, Riku, is there something that you think is bad about coming here?” I asked.

“Yeah, I kind of miss school and all my friends and such.”

“Oh, all my friends told me bye and my girlfriend dumped me as I left, in a calm way… some friends.” I glared at the sand below my feet.

“Huh.” Riku said, once again nonchalantly.

“Are all girls like that? You’ve had a girlfriend right? I mean, my brother said they were always swarming around you…”

“I turn them all down. Tell me, who was your girlfriend?”


“Right, she asked me out, and you were kind of her choice if I turned her down.”

“…!” My mind flashed back to Kairi, it’s true, most of the time she acted like a lie. I looked down in shame.

“Sorry.” He said, once again breaking through my thoughts.

“No, it’s fine.” I played with my fingers thinking back. I don’t know why I chose to trust her so much, I remember Roxas telling me that she was no good, but I never really listened to him. After a while of my self-shame, I decided it was too quiet, I continued the subject, “So, why did you turn all the girls down, you’re already with someone or something?” He sighed.

“You promise you won’t hate me if I tell you why?” He looked at me with sincere green eyes, only making me ogle at their perfection before smiling honestly.

“Of course not, we’re friends now right? Unlike my friends I’m no backstabber.”

He laughed a bit before calming down and pausing for a while. He opened his mouth a few times as if to say something, but closed it right back down. He probably was looking for the right words, and somehow, I find that kind of… adorable?

I know, it was weird.

“I’m…” He finally started.

“HELLO EVERYONE!” Both of us jumped as Axel and Roxas came crashing back towards us. Well there went our moment.

Riku sighed and shrugged as he walked back into his cabin. He looked rather upset, he must have really wanted to tell me what he was going to tell me. I was going to follow him, but that would be rude to intrude another’s… residence, since we really can’t call this a house. I promised myself that when I see him tomorrow I’d ask, but first, I need to help these two get along.

“So how’s the powder ‘pizza’ Roxas?”

“mmmphmpm.” He gulped and tried again, “It tastes like sh*t but I like it.”

“Hahahaha.” Axel nodded in agreement as he stuffed his mouth with more food.

And once again, the food eating contest started.

It was interesting though, because Roxas won this round, unlike the last where Axel took control.

I can’t help but smile. Even though they fought every moment of the day, it seems as if their relationship was rather close. I wonder how they act in class, because sadly, school doesn’t let us twins be in the same classroom.

After Lunch, Roxas and Axel were so tired they decided to take a nap. It was funny watching them sleep on the ground. Sometimes Roxas would accidentally kick Axel, and sometimes Axel would cuddle around Roxas, it was actually rather amusing to watch. It wasn’t until the two were fast asleep and had stopped moving had Riku find his time to wander back out.

“Hey, let’s go for a walk.” I said immediately, dragging him away from the sleeping pair.

He was rather surprised, but didn’t fight back as I dragged him away. When were finally a reasonable distance, I started up our conversation again.

“I’m sorry, I lost you after Axel rudely invaded.” Kicking a rock, I took a few long steps forward. Riku followed easily, seeing as he had longer legs.

“Sora, I’m…

“…homosexual.” He didn’t say it in an embarrassed tone, and he didn’t say it so confidently either. It was just in his usual voice. I don’t know what I really did then. I didn’t laugh or get mad of him, of course, in terms of my promise.

Instead, something else had happened, and it was a complete accident- because at that moment, I planted my lips on his.

And we shared our first kisses.



I was being uberly depressed so I told my mom I’d stay up all night doing ‘something’ and well, this is what I pretty much did. LOL I HAS CSAPS TOMMOROW. AND IT’S LIKE 12 O’CLOCK, AND LIKE, OMG I HAVE TO GO.

Well anyway, it’s rather interesting what I pulled up here, I do think. >_> God I’m crazy. I feel a lot better though, after writing this fluff all out, IDK why xD

I love reviewers, you kno o=



Japanese in the camps had harbl food.

They lived in these one room houses called barracks. xD

They slept in these small cots that were horribly uncomfortable.

The only bathroom is like miles away, and it had to be shared with like 1000 people.

Yeah, just some stuff.

And the song sang, it is indeed Simple and Clean by Utada, if you haven’t already figured out .0.

It’ll play an important role in the story, you’ll see (=

Yes, omg yaoi time. It’s going to start getting weirdly yaoier from here on, and we’re going to finally meet other characters such as Xemnas and Demyx and sexy zexion, w00t!

Until I think of a next chapter, bye my loves! ^^

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