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SURVEy playero_baby =]

Community Member
heart 1. Your First Name
2. are u named after anyone?
3. whats ur screenname
4. would u name a child of urs after urself?
5. nickname
6. odd nicknames uve been called
7. any mispronounciations/typos ppl do with ur name constantly
8. if u were born the opposite sex, what would ur name be?
9. if u could switch names with a friend, who would it be
10. gender
11. sexual orientation
12. birthdate
13. number of candles on ur last birthday cake
14. birthplace
15. zodiac sign
16. current location
17. currently living
18. ethnicity/race
19. eye color
20. happy with it?
21. hair color
22. happy with it?
23. height
24. weight
25. left/right/ambidextrious
26. living arrangements
27. family
28. job
29. what do u even do
30. piercings
31. tattoos
32. ur school
33. ur state
34. bf/gf
35. think ur attractive
36. are u confident
37. age u act
38. age u wish u were
39. obsessions
40. can u speak another language
41. are u spoiled
42. are u a good role model
43. most overused phrase on messaging service
44. most overused phrase in real life convo
45. one word to describe urself


46. thing u said
47. thing u ate
48. thing u drank
49. song u listened to
50. place u went
51. movie u saw at the theatre
52. movie u rented
53. tv show u watched
54. time u laughed
55. why


56. food
57. candy
58. number
59. color
60. flower
61. cereal
62. actor
63. actress
64. animal
65. drink
66. alcoholic drink
67. bagel
68. letter
69. band
70. sport to watch
71. professional team
72. brand of makeup
73. teacher
74. fast food
75. car
76. inside joke
77. city
78. quote
79. thing about ur body
80. least fav thing about ur body
81. word starting with "w"
82. saying


83. do u still remember ur first love
84. still love him/her
85. do u consider love a mistake
86. what do u find romantic
87. turn-on
88. turn-off
89. do u go more by looks or personality
90. what is best about the opposite sex
91. what is the worst about them
92. are u in love
93. is ur significant other hot
94. are u the romantic type
95. has anyone ever loved u
96. does someone love u right now
97. what would u do on ur ideal date
98. what should a person NEVER EVER EVER do on a first date
99. do u know when ur in love/lust
100. most impressive pickup line
101. do u like to be in physical contact alot (handholding, touching)
102. ur first love: height, hair color, eye color
103. his/her personality
104. his/her fav color
105. describe how ur relationship was


106. chips or crackers
107. coke or pepsi
108. mcdonalds/burger king
109. strawberry/watermelon
110. hot tea/ice tea
111. chocolate/vanilla
112. hot chocolate/coffee
113. kiss/hug
114. volleyball/tennis
115. ice cream/frozen yogurt
116. dog/cat
117. rap/punk
118. summer/winter
119. funny/scary movies
120. deaf/blind
121. love/money
122. apples/oranges
123. ocean/lake
124. pizza/chinese
125. mansion/penthouse
126. baseball/football
127. waffles/pancakes
128. soda/pop
129. republican/democrat
130. AIM/yahoo
131. skim/whole/1%/2% milk
132. you: shy/outgoing
133. southpark/malcolm in the middle
134. cheerleading/murdering
135. tequila/vodka
136. lost prophets/sugarcult
137. fruit/veggies
138. spring/fall
139. elementary/middle school
140. guy friends/girl friends
141. straight/curly hair
142. shark/gummy bear
143. paris/nicky hilton
144. broken heart/serious injury
145. serious relationship/short fling
146. freak dance/slow dance
147. cell phone/home phone
148. chinese/japanese food


149. style
150. future job
151. car
152. bedtime
153. most missed memory
145. best physical feature
155. first thought waking up
156. goal for this year
157. hows it going so far?
158. best friend
159. jewelry
160. weakness
161. fears
162. heritage
163. longest relationship
164. and shortest
165. pets
166. siblings
167. their names and ages
168. parents together?
169. names and ages
170. hero
171. current average in school
172. most frequently heard compliment
173. greatest strength/weakness
174. cocktail of choice
175. thing ur most proud of
176. hobbies
177. talents
178. label

179. drank
180. smoked
181. pot
182. been drunk
183. been completely wasted
184. been in a fight
185. howd it go
186. been beaten up
187. beaten someone up
188. shoplifted
189. been outta the state
190. been b***hed out
191. been played
192. been suspended
193. skinny dipped
194. been dumped lately
195. been to the mall lately
196. had a crush and they never knew
197. climbed outta ur bedroom window
198. thrown-up in a public place
199. broken a bone
200. got stitches
201. been in love
202. had a broken heart
203. been on a boat
204. been on a jetski
205. sworn at ur parents
206. been to disneyland/disneyworld
207. been to california
208. driven a car
209. ride in a limo
210. drink champagne
211. been on stage
212. slept outdoors
213. pulled an all-nighter
214. whats ur record
215. talked on the phone all night
216. slept all day
217. thought u were going crazy
218. been betrayed
219. had a dream that came true
220. broken the law
221. met someone famous
222. killed an animal by accident
223. stolen anything
224. considered a religious vacation
225. gone in a hot-air balloon
226. pretended to be someone else to be cool
227. laughed so hard u cried
228. talked to someone u dont know
229. gone out of ur way to befriend someone
230. made out in a theatre
231. been outta the country
232. failed a grade
233. been to cedar point or six flags
234. done something crazy in public
235. eaten cheesecake

236. eye color
237. hair color
238. short or long hair
239. height
240. style
241. looks or personality
242. hot or cute
243. average or hot
244. drugs or alcohol
245. muscular or really skinny
246. blonde or brunette
247. interests
248. first thing u notice
249. first body part u notice


250. known the longest
251. tell ur problems to
252. tell ur secrets to and know they wont tell
253. do u have any gay/lesbian friends
254. newest
255. shyest
256. u miss being close to the most
257. u fight with the most
258. whos house u were at last
259. loudest
260. one uve lost
261. lazyest
262. do u think ur popular
263. what do u like best about ur friends
264. what kinds of cars do ur friends drive
265. whats the nicest thing a friends done for u
266. what do they think of u
267. ur best friends


268. shoe brand
269. clothing brand
270. scent
271. normal attire
272. do u wear hats
273. do u wear make-up
274. favorite place to shop
275. favorite article of clothing
276. are u trendy
277. would u rather wear a uniform to school

278. cook
279. open ur eyes underwater
280. eat whatever u want
281. like to party
282. have cheese obsessions
283. like thunderstorms
284. get along with ur parents
285. think ur attractive
286. believe in urself
287. wanna go to college
288. like trampolines
289. rent or own
290. smoke
291. drink
292. smoke pot
293. shower daily
294. sing
295. like getting ur pic taken
296. have a tan
297. complain alot
298. think country-western people=redneck
299. get annoyed easily
300. have an ipod
301. like mohawks
302. want to get married
303. want children
304. got any names picked out
305. think ur fat
306. hate anyone
307. have a pool
308. babysit
309. look more like ur mom or dad
310. cry a lot
311. cry to get out of trouble
312. workout
313. have 6-pack abs
314. consider urself nice
315. fall in love easily
316. chew ice
317. floss
318. play an instrument
319. have braces
320. watch more than 40 hours of tv a week
321. blowdry/straighten ur hair
322. have any special talents or skills
323. bite ur nails
324. like to go fighing
325. live in an apartment or house
326. believe in love at first sight
327. pray
328. go to church
329. live in the moment
330. consider urself tolerant of others
331. hate birds
332. find urself attractive
333. think taco bell is awesome
334. have any secrets
335. hate urself
336. like ur handwriting
337. like animals
338. like drinking from straws
339. have any bad habits
340. believe in organized religion
341. think lifes been good so far
342. believe in witches
343. think its possible to be faithful forever
344. wish on stars
345. know how to whistle
346. gleek
347. know how to impersonate
348. have a secret ppl would be surprised to know
349. prefer the good or bad boy/girl
350. wear shoes to bed
351. skip class/school
352. go to school dances
353. have a short attention span
354. have ADD
355. wear eyeliner
356. blast ur music so hard that all u can hear is the music
357. sleep with music on
358. think tyra banks is hot
359. like college or professional sports better
360. have any regrets


361. haunted u
362. u wanted to kill
363. u laughed at
364. u went shopping with
365. broke ur heart
366. disappointed u
367. made u cry
368. brightened ur day
369. u thought about
370. u saw a movie with
372. u talked to on the phone
373. u talked to on IM
374. u saw
375. u lost
376. u thought was insane
377. u told off
378. u trusted
379. u turned down
380. said HI to u
381. tell u i love u
382. kissed u
383. hugged u
384. tell u BYE
385. wrote u a note
386. take ur photo
387. call ur cell phone
388. bought u something
389. sang to u
390. wrote a poem for u
391. text messaged u
392. touched u
393. sent u an email
394. u talked to
395. and u said what?


396. do u leave comments on peoples pages
397. did you change your profile design
198. are you a poll whore
399. do you poll daily
400. do you post topics daily
401. do you fish
402. do you catch bugs
403. do you play cards
404. do you have a store
405. do you have a house
406. do you like to BUMP
407. what is your favorite item
408. are you questing anything
409. how far are you from your quest

410. # of regrets
411. whats ur ultimate job
412. country u want to visit
413. how do u want to die
414. how do u sleep
415. how many detentions have u had
416. are u a health freak
417. last book u read
418. afraid of clowns
419. how are u gonna celebrate turning 21
420. brand of ur computer
421. how many pairs of shoes do u own
422. last thought before falling asleep
423. how often do u go to the movies
424. last movie u saw at the theatre
425. # of times uve had the hiccups
426. what annoys u the most
427. how many cousins do u have
428. if u were a bird, what would u be
429. how many kids do u want
430. if u could change ur name what would it be
431. would u marry outside ur religion
432. how many ppl were at ur last party
433. if there was a movie made about ur life, what would it be called
434. whats ur biggest fear
435. if u were someone else, would u be friends with u
436. are u a daredevil
437. are u passive or aggressive
438. how do u vent
439. whats the most important lesson uve learned from life
440. what fictional character are u most like
441. would u ever call off ur wedding
442. would u deliver a baby
443. if u could go on vacation right now, where would u go
444. why
445. where is ur favorite place on earth
446. why do cats meow
447. what wakes u up in the morning
448. what would be the perfect job for u
449. what makes u cry
450. something u dont understand
451. something u cant do
452. how many stories does ur house have
453. how long does it take u to get ready for school
454. how long does it take u to take a shower
455. how long does it take u to get ready to go out
456. song that brings back bad memories
457. song that brings back great memories
458. how many cars does ur family have
459. whos ur weirdest neighbour/why
460. what color are the walls in ur bedroom
461. what color is the carpet in ur bedroom
462. what are ur thoughts on the president
463. is the hokey pokey really what its all about
464. whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside ur trunk
465. is highschool full of drama
466. are u a part of it
467. did u like michael jackson before he became a freak
468. what was the highest u scored when u went bowling
469. ur ringtone on ur cell is
470. what celebrity do u look up to most
471. if u had one wish what would it be
472. if u could marry anyone u wanted to who would it be
473. what is ur favorite thing to do
474. who are u with right now
475. are u selfish and greedy
476. how do u feel about being single
477. if u could live anywhere where would u live
478. would u move to another country
479. last thing u thought before u fell asleep last night
480. first thing u thought when u woke up this morning
481. last time u had a party
482. had a sleepover
483. were sick
484. threw up
485. made fun of someone


486. #1
487. #2
488. #3
489. #4
490. #5
491. #6
492. #7
493. #8
494. #9
495. #10


496. #1
497. #2
498. #3
499. #4
500. #5
501. #6
502. #7
503. #8
504. #9

505. #1
506. #2
507. #3
508. #4
509. #5
510. #6
511. #7
512. #8

513. #1
514. #2
515. #3
516. #4
517. #5
518. #6
519. #7


520. #1
521. #2
522. #3
523. #4
524. #5
525. #6


526. #1
527. #2
528. #3
529. #4
530. #5


531. are u going out
532. what are u wearing right now
533. what body part are u touching right now
534. what are u worried about right now
535. what book are u reading
536. whats on ur mousepad
537. use 5 words to describe how ur feeling
538. are u bored
539. are u tired
540. are u talking to anyone online
541. are u talking to anyone on the phone
542. are u lonely or content
543. are u listening to music
544. what are u listening to
545. what does ur hair look like
546. describe ur general appearance


577. u like school
578. u support george w. bush
578. u have seen a broadway play
579. u wear make-up
580. u love halloween
581. u can do a backflip
582. u can do an arial
583. u can do a butterfly
584. ur a bookworm
585. ur a teachers pet
586. ur a know-it-all
587. ur modest
588. ur loud
589. u can ice skate
590. u can rollarblade
591. u like girls
592. u like boys
593. u have a best friend
594. u like chocolate
595. u like horror movies
596. u pick ur nose
597. u eat ur boogers
598. u love jewelry
599. u have kisses a stranger heart

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